
「高速道路」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(18ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 高速道路の意味・解説 > 高速道路に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 867



To provide a treatment box having a crusher for empty cans or the like in which empty cans, PET bottles, paper cups, etc., which are thrown as they are in a refuse accommodation box installed in a service area of an expressway, a vending machine corner, etc., are crushed into small pieces like chips as necessary and recovered from the refuse treatment box by providing the crushing function. - 特許庁


In the own vehicle continuously traveling on the highway (S140:Y, S170:Y), when the speed value of the own vehicle changes from the value higher than a monitoring speed value to the lower (S190:Y), it is informed to the following vehicle that the own vehicle is decelerated in emergency by lighting up a hazard lamp because of possible accident or traffic congestion (S200). - 特許庁


To provide a planting panel capable of being used for greening the no-soil surface of a structure such as the roof of a house, a fence, a rooftop or wall surface each of building, a soundproof wall for a highway road, the side face of a telegraph pole, concrete slopes, and easily applicable to not only the flat surface but also inclined surface or vertical surface. - 特許庁


To present optional significant information about expected arrival roads or recommended routes at an exact timing preceding the time taken for a prescribed distance or more at a low speed or a prescribed time or longer at a high speed and control for changing the motion of a vehicle at the same timing to avoid causing troubles about the motion change at all vehicle speeds. - 特許庁



The express way rest facility using state analysis system includes communication equipment for performing communication with an in-vehicle ETC unit, an information storage device for storing information received by the communication equipment from the in-vehicle ETC unit, an arithmetic unit for executing the rest facility use information tally processing based on the information stored in the information storage device. - 特許庁



When a section not guided by a vocal sound for a predetermined distance (a predetermined period) or more up to the next route guide timing like an expressway or a straight road is determined (Step 103), sound data of a vocal sound in a specific genre irrelative to the route guide is read (Step 104), and the sound thereof is vocalized from a vocal sound uttering device (Step 105). - 特許庁


A navigation device sets and guides a route up to a destination, and vertically juxtaposes and displays a name of the facility closest to a present place so as to become the lowest stage in arrangement according to an actual presence position of the facility such as these service area and junction when displaying information on the facility such as the service area and the junction of the vehicle-traveling superhighway on a display. - 特許庁


To provide a construction method of a sound insulation structure for taking countermeasures against noise while conserving dwelling environment, and the sound insulation structure on a concrete structure, of which the insulation structure is suitably used around a highway, a railway or the like where verticalization develops, and is obviously suitable to be constructed newly while an existing sound insulation wall can also be utilized. - 特許庁


To provide a lubricating oil composition for an automobile shock absorber capable of moderately increasing the frictional force at a sliding portion of an automobile shock absorber such as the part between a piston rod and an oil seal and between a piston band and a cylinder and improving the steering stability of an automobile on high-speed running, the danger avoiding performance, the turning performance on a winding road, etc. - 特許庁



Under the development plan of the region, which was the most prioritized issue of Thailand, Japan provided technical cooperation in drafting the development master plan, constructed an industrial park and port in Map Ta Phut and Laem Chabang and carried out a series of infrastructure projects including 16 development plans for industrial water business, railway network, highway network, etc. by providing yen loans. - 経済産業省


例えば、域内の橋・高速道路の建設、港の開港等のメコン- インド経済回廊(MIEC)整備ならびに、日本との空路・海路ルートの強化、非関税障壁の削減など日本とMIEC 関連国とのソフト面での連携強化は、アジア各国に高い経済成長をもたらすと同時に日本にとっても4.14% のGDP 成長をもたらすとされている(第5-2-1-8、9、10図)。例文帳に追加

For example, construction of bridges and highways in Asia, infrastructure development of the Mekong-India Economic Corridor (MIEC) including opening of a new port, and strengthening of partnerships between Japan and MIEC-related countries insoftaspects such as reinforcement of air and sea routes and reduction of non-tariff barriers will not only bring high economic growth to Asian nations but is also expected to boost Japanese GDP by 4.14%, according to the ERIA study (see Figures 5-2-1-8, 9, 10). - 経済産業省


For example, while some projects may be unprofitable, they may serve public interests and have a public nature. For example, let me cite the case of Kyushu, where I come from. To be sure, from the perspective of cost-benefit analysis, the feasibility of an expressway in Kyushu is low compared with that of expressways in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. However, this does not mean that no policy measure should be taken for the sake of Kyushu. For example, the provision of a long-term loan with a fixed low interest rate to a major project will be very beneficial for Kyushu.  - 金融庁

その内容を見ると、インフラにかける費用が対GDP 比で見るとタイよりも少ないこと、高速道路の拡張がタイに比べ短いこと、鉄道輸送量がタイに比べ少ないことなどが挙げられており、具体的な解決策としてはスービック、マニラ、バタンガスを結ぶインフラ整備に集中すべきとの提言がなされ、その他、産業廃棄物処理場の早期建設、電力不足や高い電気料金といった電力問題、首都圏のごみ・大気汚染・交通渋滞といった課題の早期解決を政府に求めている。例文帳に追加

The report said that infrastructure developments were needed more in the Philippines. Specifically, the Philippinesexpenditure for infrastructure as a percentage of GDP is smaller than that of Thailand, expressways extend over shorter distances, and railway transport capacity is smaller. The report recommended that specific measures to solve these problems should focus on infrastructure development to link Subic, Manila and Batangas. The report also requested the government to promptly address such issues as construction of industrial waste treatment facilities, power shortages and high electricity charges, and municipal waste, air pollution, and traffic congestion in the Manila metropolitan area. - 経済産業省


To finance these costs related to the Great East Japan Earthquake, we plan to reduce other expenditures by just over 3,700 billion yen, consisting of a 208.3 billion yen reduction in child allowance, a reduction of 100.0 billion yen in the cost of promoting smoother road traffic accompanying a temporary freeze on the pilot program to eliminate expressway tolls, a reduction of 2,489.7 billion yen in government financial contributions to basic pensions transferred to the Pension Special Account and others, a reduction of 50.0 billion yen in amounts carried forward to the Measures for Energy Special Account accompanying the use of capital for development of adjacent areas, a reduction of 50.1 billion yen in Official Development Assistance, etc., a reduction of 2.2 billion yen in Dietmembers’ salaries, and a reduction of 810.0 billion yen in the Contingency Reserve for Economic Crisis Response and Regional Revitalization.  - 財務省

2 都道府県は、救急業務を行なつていない市町村の区域に係る高速自動車国道又は一般国道のうち交通事故により必要とされる救急業務が特に必要な区間として政令で定める区間(前項の要請により救急業務が行なわれている道路の区間を除く。)について、当該救急業務を行なつていない市町村の意見をきいて、当該救急業務を行なうものとする。この場合において、当該救急業務に従事する職員は、地方公務員法(昭和二十五年法律第二百六十一号)の適用については、消防職員とする。例文帳に追加

(2) With regard to a certain section of a national expressway or national road within the area of a municipality which does not provide ambulance services, if said section is specified as a section where it is particularly necessary to provide ambulance services required for traffic accidents (excluding the section of a road where ambulance services are provided as requested under the provision of the preceding paragraph), a prefecture shall provide such ambulance services, after hearing opinions from the municipality which does not provide the ambulance services. In this case, with regard to the application of the Local Public Service Act (Act No. 261 of 1950), an official engaged in the provision of ambulance services shall be treated as fire defense personnel.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Iwaya-bashi Bridge, Deai-bashi Bridge, Sanko-bashi Bridge, Taka-bashi Bridge, Shoda-bashi Bridge, Shikuro-bashi Bridge, Nishikamo-bashi Bridge, Misono-bashi Bridge, Kamigamo-bashi Bridge, Kitayama Ohashi Bridge (Kitayama-dori Street), Kitaoji-bashi Bridge (Kitaoji-dori Street), Izumoji-bashi Bridge, Aoi-bashi Bridge (Shimogamo-Hondori Street), Kamo Ohashi Bridge (Imadegawa-dori Street), Kojin-bashi Bridge, Marutamachi-bashi Bridge (Marutamachi-dori Street), Nijo Ohashi Bridge (Nijo-dori Street), Oike Ohashi Bridge (Oike-dori Street), Sanjo Ohashi Bridge (Sanjo-dori Street), Shijo Ohashi Bridge (Shijo-dori Street), Donguri-bashi Bridge, Matsubara-bashi Bridge (Matsubara-dori Street), Gojo Ohashi Bridge, Shomen-bashi Bridge, Shichijo Ohashi Bridge (Shichijo-dori Street), Shiokoji-bashi Bridge (Shiokoji-dori Street), Rail bridge on the Tokaido Main Line of West Japan Railway, Rail bridge on the Tokaido Shinkansen of Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central), Rail bridge on the JR Nara Line, Higashiyama-bashi Bridge (Kujo-dori Street), Toka-bashi Bridge (Jujo-dori Street), Kanjin-bashi Bridge (Takeda-kaido Road), Kuina-bashi Bridge, Rail bridge on the Kintetsu Kyoto Line of the Kintetsu Railways, Takeda-bashi Bridge, Kyoto Minami Ohashi Bridge (Abura-koji-dori Street), Omiya Ohashi Bridge (Omiya-dori Street), Toba Ohashi Bridge (National Highway 1), Kamogawa-bashi Bridge (Meishin Expressway), Koeda-bashi Bridge, and Kyokawa-bashi Bridge  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


本対策においては、第一に、生活者の暮らしの安心を確保するため、総額二兆円を限度とした生活支援定額給付金の実施等の施策を講ずることとしております。 また、金融・経済の安定強化を図るため、先ほど申し上げた株式市場安定化策等に加え、中小・小規模企業等資金繰り対策として、セーフティネット貸付・保証枠を三〇兆円規模に拡大する等の施策を講ずることとしております。さらには、地域の活性化のため、高速道路料金の大幅引下げ等の施策を講ずることとしております。政府といたしましては、本対策を実効あるものとするよう努めてまいりたいと考えております。例文帳に追加

In order to protect the Japanese economy and the lives of our citizens, the new policy package will place emphasis on three areas, namely, "people's living," "financial measures and reinvigoration of small business enterprises" and "local economies." Dependence on deficit-covering government bonds will be avoided to the extent possible in funding the package. Basic views on fiscal policy and financial administration in the period ahead  - 金融庁


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