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one spoonの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 39


spoon up one's soup 例文帳に追加

スープをさじですくう. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

stir one's coffee (with a spoon) 例文帳に追加

(スプーンで)コーヒーをかき混ぜる. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth例文帳に追加

銀のさじを口にくわえて生まれる - 英語ことわざ教訓辞典


ワンタッチ計量ボトルキャップ、大さじ小さじ要らず - 特許庁


Could I get one more spoon? 例文帳に追加

私にもう一本スプーンをくれませんか。 - Weblio Email例文集


To grip a pair of chopsticks in parallel in one hand to lift food by using them just like a spoon. 例文帳に追加

箸を二本揃えて、スプーンのように食べ物を掬い上げる所作。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The present invention provides one touch detachment of the spoon net and a fixing method of the spoon net by application of a ratchet mechanism and a plate spring having an arc curve.例文帳に追加

ラチェツト機構の応用と円弧カーブを持つ板バネに拠る玉網のワンタッチ着脱と固定法である。 - 特許庁

To provide an integrated measuring spoon which can be used to measure a quantity of a measuring spoon for five kinds of cooking with one instrument, and which makes a seasoning metering of the measuring spoon easily and early.例文帳に追加

1つの器具で5種類の料理用計量スプーンの分量を量ることができ、計量スプーンの調味料計量を簡単で早いものにする一体型計量スプーンを提供する。 - 特許庁

To prepare weakly-flavored powdered green tea for one person, into a generous volume of hot water add as much as one and half spoons of green tea powder (using a chashaku, a small spoon for powdered green tea.) 例文帳に追加

薄茶は茶杓1杯半を1人分として、多目の湯で入れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Scoop up with chashaku (a small spoon used for powdered green tea) about 2 grams of powdered green tea (about one and half of the chashaku) and put it into the bowl. 例文帳に追加

茶杓(ちゃしゃく)で抹茶を2g(茶杓に大盛り1杯+半分)ほどすくい、茶碗に入れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The custom of using a spoon for eating boiled rice went out of style, and when eating boiled rice in a rice bowl, the rice bowl was held in one hand. 例文帳に追加

ご飯を食べるのに匙を使う習慣はすたれ、ご飯碗を手で持って食べるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The spoon 24 is a pulp-molded three-dimensional one, and integratedly formed with the sealing paper 23.例文帳に追加

スプーン24はパルプモールド製の立体スプーンであり、封緘紙23と一体成形される。 - 特許庁

To provide a measuring spoon used as a tablespoon and a teaspoon for using only one end and one face of a spoon to measure a plurality of volumes and for facilitating the washing after the use.例文帳に追加

複数の容量の計量を一本のスプーンの一端かつ一面のみに集約し、さらに使用後に洗い易い大小兼用計量スプーンを提供する。 - 特許庁

This spoon has a stand 1 at one end of a handle of the spoon and a bent part 2 for retaining a cup horizontally at the handle close to the cup at the other end.例文帳に追加

スプーンの柄の一端に台(1)を設け、反対端のカップに近い柄に、カップが水平に保てるよう曲がった部分(2)を設けたことを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

Raw material of the porcelain spoon or spoon-like utensil is formed like a porcelain, and two or more are superposed, or another plate-like one is inserted between the raw materials.例文帳に追加

れんげまたはスプーン状のものの素材となるものをれんげのようなの形にして二つ以上重ね、又はその素材の中間にもう一枚板状のものを入れる。 - 特許庁

The leading end of the handle 2, into which the cap material 6 is press-fitted, is fitted into an insertion part 5a of a spoon body 5, and the handle 2 and the spoon body 5 are fastened and fixed together in such a manner that one rivet 7 passes through the cap material 6.例文帳に追加

そして、キャップ材6を圧入した把柄2の先端部を匙体5の差込部5aに嵌め入れ、一本のリベット7にてキャップ材6を貫通させるようにして把柄2と匙体5とを締結固定する。 - 特許庁

This spoon net comprises a base rod 1, one or plural small-sized rods 2 housed in the base rod 1 so as to be in swinging guide type and a spoon net body attached to the smallest small-size rod 2.例文帳に追加

元竿1と、この元竿1に振出式に収納される一本又は複数本の小径竿2と、最も小径の竿2に取り付けられた玉網本体とを設ける。 - 特許庁

When takuan becomes soft enough, pour the water off, then add dashi, soy sauce, and one table spoon of sesame oil, and let it simmer for a while. 例文帳に追加

沢庵が柔らかくなったら水を捨て、出汁・醤油・油(胡麻油)大さじ1程度を加えて煮る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To enable one spoon to responding to any reservoir regardless of the remaining quantity of a content.例文帳に追加

どのような入れ物にも対応できまた内容物の残量にも関係なく1つのスプーンで対応できるようにする。 - 特許庁

While a body A is held by one hand, the soybean paste scooped up from a soybean paste vessel by a netted spoon 3 is put in a cooking pot, and a stirring part 2 is operated.例文帳に追加

本体A、を片手で持ち網状スプーン3、で味噌入れ容器よりすくい入れた味噌を調理鍋の中で、攪拌部2、を作動する。 - 特許庁

To provide a measuring spoon capable of measuring plural kinds of volumes, and selecting the measuring volume simply by one hand.例文帳に追加

複数種類の容量を計量することができ、しかも、計量容量を片手で簡単に選択することができる計量スプーンの提供。 - 特許庁

To provide a method that the content in an instant coffee bottle or the like having such a deep depth as one in which a spoon and the like can not reach down to the bottom can be scraped out of the bottle easily to the last without using a long spoon even if the content is reduced.例文帳に追加

インスタントコーヒーびん等で、スプーン等が底に届かなくなってしまうような底の深い容器において、内容物が少なくなっても柄の長いスプーン等を使わず、柄の短いスプーン等で簡単に内容物を最後まですくい出すことができる方法。 - 特許庁

The invention comprises the grip 2, holding the spoon S, one end of which, at least, is the utility end 11, which is kept apart from the surface of the board 3 when the grip 2 with the spoon S is placed on such a board as a furniture like a desk.例文帳に追加

把持具2が、少なくとも一端部側を使用端11とするスプーンSを把持する際に利用するものであり、机等の家具の天板面3に載置する際に、スプーンSの使用端11と天板面3とを離間した状態で保持するように構成してある。 - 特許庁

To provide a utensil for drinking soup only of Chinese noodle, Japanese noodle or buckwheat noodle with one porcelain spoon or spoon-like utensil, and eating ingredients only in a bowl, thereby solving the trouble in picking up ingredients to eat.例文帳に追加

一つのれんげ又はスプーン状のものによってラーメン、うどん、そばなどのスープ又は汁だけを飲むことができ、どんぶりやお碗などの中の具材だけを食べることもできるので、箸で具材をつまんで食べるわずわらしさを解決する道具。 - 特許庁

Rikujinshinka (an ancient form of divination from China based on astronomy and Kanshijutsu (Oriental zodiac)) is one type of Shikisenjutsu (an ancient form of divination from China that uses a board called Shikiban and a spoon-like tool called a Choku), and, along with Taiitsushinsu (one of the divinations that was invented in China and mainly cast about important matters such as politics and economics) and Kimontonko (an ancient form of divination from China which is still in use in China, Taiwan, Singapore, and the Chinese diasporas in Southeast Asia), they are collectively called 'Sanshiki.' 例文帳に追加

六壬神課は式占術の一つであり、太乙神数、奇門遁甲と合わせて「三式」と呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One of the other features of Hayami-ryu school is the igyoshiki exercises (a series of officially established ten methods to exercise the tea ceremony) developed from the shichijishiki exercises (a series of officially established seven methods) which was officially established in the middle of Edo period by Sansenke (three Senke schools,) and another feature is the school's unique procedure called the dasshaku tenho which is a special procedure of the tea ceremony using no chashaku or excluding the bamboo tea spoon for making Japanese tea.例文帳に追加

その他、三千家で江戸中期に制定された七事式は三式を追加して肄業式(いぎょうしき)となっており、さらに特殊な点前として茶杓を使わない脱杓点法がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the table, have a leaf of magnolia ('hoba') in one hand, take still-steaming vinegar rice ('sushi' or 'sumeshi') from a bowl with a shamoji (a wooden spoon), put it on the leaf and put leaves of sansho (Japanese pepper) over the rice, and form it like normal sushi by hands and eat it. 例文帳に追加

食べるときは、各自が朴葉を持ち、しゃもじで鉢からまだ熱い寿司を取り出し朴葉に盛り、サンショウの葉を入れて、握りながら食べる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A magnetic body used as a grip having another neodymium magnet on one end is separately provided such that the body sticks to the neodymium magnet of the spoon while allowing the lid of the container to be sandwiched in-between.例文帳に追加

そのネオジム磁石に容器の蓋を挟んで吸着するように、他のネオジム磁石を片方の端部に設けたつまみ兼用磁着体を別に設ける。 - 特許庁

To provide a holder into which a spoon and a straw or the like can be inserted easily, and in which even when numerous spoons or the like are housed, only one of them can be taken out easily and additionally a great display effect is developed.例文帳に追加

スプーンやストロー等を容易に挿入することができ、また、スプーン等を多数収納しているときでも、その内の一つだけを容易に取り出すことができ、加えて、多大なディスプレイ効果も発揮する。 - 特許庁

To provide a new spoon package which can easily be torn even by one hand, has no fear of permeation of water or the like into the package, and can be packaged hygienically.例文帳に追加

片手でも容易に引き裂き作業ができ、しかも包装体内に水等浸入することがなく衛生的に包装できる新規なスプーン包装体を提供するものである。 - 特許庁

The stool sampling instrument includes a long stick part having a length of 13cm or above, the stool sampling cotton sphere provided to one end of the stick part and the stool sampling spoon provided to the other end of the stick part.例文帳に追加

13cm以上の長さを有する長尺状のスティック部と、該スティック部の一端に設けられる採便用の綿球と、該スティック部の他端に設けられる採便用のスプーンと、を備えたことを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

You remember that in that rising current having its origin at the candle, we found that one part was condensable against a cold spoon, or against a clean plate, or any other cold thing, and another part was incondensable. 例文帳に追加

ロウソクから出てくる上昇気流では、一部は冷たいおさじやきれいな皿みたいな冷たい面をかざすと、凝集しましたね。そして凝集しない部分もありました。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

To enable a person to spoon butter or jam with a knife by only one hand without pressing a portion vessel by one hand, the portion vessel served in a restaurant, a dining room of a hotel, a cafeteria or the like and filled with butter or jam for one person.例文帳に追加

レストラン、ホテルのダイニングルームやカフェテリア等において提供される1人前用のバターまたはジャムを充填したポーション容器を、片手で押さえることなく、片手のみの操作でバターまたはジャムをナイフにすくい取ることができる。 - 特許庁

The locking mechanism comprises a locking member 16 formed of a driving lever arm 16a fixed to a drive shaft S and a stepped shaft 16b planted on the side surface thereof, and a spoon-like plate spring 17 supported in one end by one side surface of the connecting ring and having a spherical surface 17a having a center hole H at the other end.例文帳に追加

係止機構は、駆動軸Sに固定された駆動梃アーム16a及びこの側面に植設された段付き軸16bから成る係止部材16と、連接リンクの一側面に一端部が支持されて他端部に央部穴Hが穿たれた球殻面17aを持つスプーン状板ばね17を有する。 - 特許庁

The tool for simplified thickness measurement has, as one set of equipment, a flat plate 1 on which concentric circles 5, 5 and 5 are drawn, a gripping plate 2 that can store the flat plate 1 and where at least one sideboard is a transparent plate, and a measuring spoon 6 capable of sampling a predetermined amount.例文帳に追加

同心円5、5、5を描いてある平板1と該平板1を収納可能な少なくとも一側板を透明板としてある挟み板2と、所定量を採取し得る計量スプーン6とを一揃いの器具としてなることを特徴とする簡易トロミ測定用器具とする。 - 特許庁

To solve the problem that it is troublesome and inefficient that for metering such an article frequently used everyday as an example of powdery sugar, salt or floor for cooking, the metering has to be performed by opening a lid one by one and transferring it to a metering spoon or a metering cup being a separated tool.例文帳に追加

粉末状である調理用の砂糖や塩・小麦粉などの例のように、毎日頻繁に使うものだけに、計量はいちいち蓋を開けて、別のものである計量スプーンや計量カップに移し替えて計量するという煩わしさや非効率な面の改善。 - 特許庁

Provided is the second carbonated beverage characterized by mixing soybean milk in an amount of 45 ml per 300 ml of the total amount, a gum syrup in an amount of 10-15 ml, lemon juice in an amount of one tea spoon, and ice and carbonated water in the remainder amount.例文帳に追加

また、第2の炭酸飲料は、総量300mlに対して豆乳を45ml、ガムシロップを10乃至15ml、レモンの果汁をティースプーン1杯の割合で混入し、残余の分量を氷と炭酸水によって満たす割合で形成されていることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

To provide a measuring tool which eliminates working in which an object to be measured such as powder and a granular substance is measured by scooping it up and leveling the edge of a measuring spoon, leaves a predetermined amount of the powder scooped up only by lightly shaking it with one hand, and allows visual measurement to be performed easily.例文帳に追加

掬い上げた粉体や粒状体等の計量対象物を、計量スプーンの縁部を摺りきって計量するという作業を省略して、片手で掬い上げた粉体等を軽く振るだけで一定量が残り、目視で簡単に計量が可能な計量具の提供。 - 特許庁


The connector 1 for the artificial hand includes a frame 20 attached to a palm 10, a prismatic tube member 30 fixed to the frame 20, a prism member 40 housed in the prismatic tube member 30, and a spoon 50 as the tool attached at one end of the prism member 40.例文帳に追加

義手用連結具1は、掌10に取り付けられるフレーム20と、このフレーム20に固定される角筒部材30と、この角筒部材30に収容される角柱部材40と、この角柱部材40の一端に取付けられる道具としてのスプーン50とを備える。 - 特許庁


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