該当件数 : 50件
The Pilgrim Fathers settled Plymouth. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
the settlement of the Pilgrim Fathers in Plymouth - 研究社 新英和中辞典
I am studying electrical engineering at the University of Plymouth. - Tatoeba例文
私達にはプリマがついてるわ 私の146作の最後の...例文帳に追加
Fortunately we have with us prima ballerina and the lead in my last 146 productions... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
キューバ人初の プリマになるはずに例文帳に追加
She was about to become the first ever prima ballerina of cuban descent. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Prima donna Imperial Opera of Warsaw--yes! - Arthur Conan Doyle『ボヘミアの醜聞』
Prima donna Imperial Opera of Warsaw--yes! - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』
To provide a pre-mastering device which can perform pre-mastering of a mini-disk with a low cost. - 特許庁
Further, the synchronous mark 3 is made shorter than the pre-mark 4. - 特許庁
彼女がプリマだということが罪なら 有罪の証拠になるね例文帳に追加
Damning evidence, indeed, if the charge was that she was a diva. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
俺はプリマスで探偵事務所を やってる、証明書もあるぞ!例文帳に追加
I run a detective agency in plymouth! I got me credentials! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
But surely this event could not have found its way into the Plymouth morning papers." - Arthur Conan Doyle『悪魔の足』
small plump hybrid developed by crossbreeding Plymouth Rock and Cornish fowl - 日本語WordNet
colony formed by the Pilgrims when they arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620 - 日本語WordNet
a boulder in Plymouth supposed to be where the Pilgrims disembarked from the Mayflower - 日本語WordNet
In 1911, she became a member of the Teikoku-gekijo Theater (the Imperial Garden Theater), and from the next year she went on being active as the prima donna. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
彼女の遺体はバラバラになって プリマスから スプリングフィールドまで 散らばっているよ例文帳に追加
There are pieces of her scattered from plymouth to springfield. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
プリマを奪われると思ったから 彼女を誘惑して 脇に追いやろうとしたんでしょ例文帳に追加
You thought she might get the lead, so you seduced her and then convinced her to step aside. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
輝かしい経歴の 最後を飾るんだ 天才 オデッサ・コズロヴァ 真のプリマの例文帳に追加
It marks the end of a stunning career of one of ballet's greatest talents, odessa kozlova, a true prima. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
"I thought no more of the matter until the vicar's telegram reached me at Plymouth. - Arthur Conan Doyle『悪魔の足』
one of the colonists from England who sailed to America on the Mayflower and founded the colony of Plymouth in New England in 1620 - 日本語WordNet
English colonial administrator who traveled to America on the Mayflower and served as the first governor of the Plymouth Colony (1595-1655) - 日本語WordNet
Otherwise, the grooves 1 as the synchronous mark 3 and pre-mark 4 are displaced toward the respectively different lands 2. - 特許庁
A continuous single signals of the 3T which becomes an additional information recording area is recorded in advance on an optical disc as pre-master signals (S100). - 特許庁
In this case, the displacement quantity of the synchronous mark 3 and pre-mark 4 is ≤1/4 times as large as track pitch intervals. - 特許庁
that I had got as far as Plymouth upon my way to Africa, but the news reached me this morning, and I came straight back again to help in the inquiry." - Arthur Conan Doyle『悪魔の足』
Of your return from Plymouth, allowing much of your property to go on to Africa, I will say nothing save - Arthur Conan Doyle『悪魔の足』
that ego is at best an eccentricity tolerable only in prima donnas and often an actual sign of mental pathology. - Eric S. Raymond『ノウアスフィアの開墾』
In the high-frequency amplifier, having band-selectable input/ output matching devices, the frequency dependence of an amplifier element 11 is reduced by an input pre-matching circuit 13 connected to the input side of the element 11 and an output pre-matching circuit 21 connected to the output side of the element 11, thereby constituting matching circuits regardless of the frequency dependence. - 特許庁
The squadron that anchored off the coast of Uraga consisted of the flagship Susquehanna and the USS Mississippi [1841] (both side-wheel steamers), as well as the USS Saratoga [1842] and the USS Plymouth [1844] (both sailing ships). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When recording additional information, the access position of the recording laser beam is controlled targeting on the pre-master signal recorded area on an optical disc PD (S102). - 特許庁
Although the master data is used to manufacture a recording medium master disk by premastering and mastering, unique replacement data is prepared for each group, the data to be replaced is replaced with the replacement data to perform mastering (master disk exposure). - 特許庁
To enable a second terminal to perform at least either one of downloading and installation of an application selected in an application market that a first terminal should access. - 特許庁
It appears that he did indeed spend last night there, and that he has actually allowed some of his baggage to go on to Africa, while he returned to be present at this investigation. - Arthur Conan Doyle『悪魔の足』
Besides, in her own book "'Enka' no Susume" (Recommendation of 'Japanese ballad'), a vocal musician Yumi AIKAWA says 'any of the pronunciation of the lyrics, the vocalization, the musical interval, the rhythm, and so on is never praiseworthy' as an evaluation after she listened to the records of MIURA's performance, and presents a question as to 'the legend that Tamaki MIURA was a prima donna of the world' which many Japanese have cherished. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Therefore, a general computer can be used as a pre-mastering device 21, an exclusive device is not required, the ATRAC compression can be performed without being limited in input speed and output speed by the exclusive device. - 特許庁
Positions on grooves 1, where a synchronous mark 3 formed on the optical disk for detecting a synchronous signal which controls the rotating speed of the disk and a pre-mark 4 for detecting the preformat information including address information for position retrieval are displayed, are displaced from the position of the center line to the side of one land 2. - 特許庁
In updating of color correction parameters used for color correction conversion, it is possible to express a primary color as the primary color as it is, and to obtain consciousness desirability by giving restriction conditions to maintain the primary color as it is in the color correction parameters, and return to the primary color (step 1309). - 特許庁
He told too of how the top gallery of the old Royal used to be packed night after night, of how one night an Italian tenor had sung five encores to Let me like a Soldier fall, introducing a high C every time, and of how the gallery boys would sometimes in their enthusiasm unyoke the horses from the carriage of some great prima donna and pull her themselves through the streets to her hotel. - James Joyce『死者たち』
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原題:”The Dead” 邦題:『死者たち』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. Copyright(C)2005 coderati 本翻訳はこの版権表示を残す限り、訳者および著者にたいして許可をとったり使用料を支払ったりすることなく商業利用を含むあらゆる形で自由に利用・複製が認められます。 |
原題:”A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA” 邦題:『ボヘミアの醜聞』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. 書籍名:ボヘミアの醜聞 著者名:サー・アーサー・コナン・ドイル 原書:A Scandal in Bohemia 底本:インターネット上で公開されているテキスト 訳者名:大久保ゆう (c)2001 Ver.2.21 (2003/9/10) このファイルはフリーウェアです。著作者に無断で複製、再配布できます。作者に対する「メール、苦情、質問、指摘、叱咤激励、その他諸々」はここ(zlc-chap-i@geocities.co.jp)まで。もしくは、「掲示板」まで。ホームページ「The Baker Street Bakery」にこのファイルの最新版があります。 |
原題:”The Adventure of the Devil's Foot” 邦題:『悪魔の足』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. * 原文:「His Last Bow」所収「The Adventure of the Devil's Foot」 * 翻訳:枯葉<domasa@db3.so-net.ne.jp> プロジェクト杉田玄白正式参加テキスト。 最新版は http://www01.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/db3/domasa/にあります。 Copyright (C) Arthur Conan Doyle 1910, expired. Copyright (C) Kareha 2000-2001, waived. |
原題:”The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” 邦題:『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. Copyright(C)2006 coderati 本翻訳はこの版権表示を残す限り、訳者および著者にたいして許可をとったり使用料を支払ったりすることなく商業利用を含むあらゆる形で自由に利用・複製が認められます。 |
原題:”Homesteading the Noosphere” 邦題:『ノウアスフィアの開墾』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. Eric S. Raymond 著 山形浩生 YAMAGATA Hiroo 訳 リンク、コピーは黙ってどうぞ。くわしくはこちらを見よ。 プロジェクト杉田玄白 正式参加作品。 詳細は http://www.genpaku.org/ を参照のこと。 |
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