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英訳・英語 positive factor
該当件数 : 16件
Among the factors of the labour share, the per capita nominal labour cost made negative contribution but the product price factor remained a positive contributor - 厚生労働省
また、輸出の価格要因については、年によっては最もプラスに寄与することもあり、昨年は円高局面下にあっても唯一プラスに寄与する(約+0.1 兆円)など注目に値するが、輸入の価格要因のマイナス分を補うまでには至っていない。例文帳に追加
Meanwhile, the unit factor of exports made the largest positive contribution in several years and it is noteworthy that the factor made positive contribution (about 0.1 trillion yen) in 2011 in spite of the higher yen. Yet, it has not reached the extent of making up for negative contribution made by the unit factor of imports. - 経済産業省
The trend of the long-term weak dollar has caused a decrease in Japan’s net external assets. As indicated in Figure 3.4.23, while an accumulation of the current surplus, which is the flow factor, is positive every year, net external assets decreased in some years due to the foreign exchange rates and other fluctuating factors. - 経済産業省
First, we classify the location factors that SMEs consider when entering the market as "marketing factors" (intended buyers and market) and "production factors" (expense items such as the securing of raw materials and human resources and the individual attributes of proprietors). When asked whether they regarded each as a positive factor or a negative factor, most enterprises indicated neither insisting on only marketing factors nor only production factors, showing balanced consideration of both when entering the market. - 経済産業省
The figure shows that, in November 2008, the import value factor turned upward, as influenced by a drop in resource and food prices, but that the export value factor's exceeding of the import value factor made a largely negative contribution and therefore served as the major factor for worsened trade balance. - 経済産業省
一方で、輸入の価格・数量要因のマイナスを補うように、輸出の特に数量要因が最もプラスに寄与する状況が(アジア通貨危機時(1998 年)、ITバブル崩壊時(2001 年)、世界経済危機時(2009 年)を除いて)続いてきている。例文帳に追加
On the other hand, exports, particularly the quantum factor of exports, continued to make the largest positive contribution as if to offset negative contribution by the unit and quantum factors of imports, except the periods of the Asian Financial Crisis (1998), the bursting of the so-called IT bubble (2001) and the global economic crisis (2009). - 経済産業省
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Weblio例文辞書での「プラス要因」に類似した例文 |
a cause
the final cause
the chief cause―the principal cause
What's thought to be the cause
the primary cause of something
a reason for something
該当件数 : 16件
Therefore, the depreciation of the yen should work positively for each factor of exports. Yet, as pointed out by Arai (2012), it should be noted that an excessive level of the depreciation of the yen raises a concern that it might lead a negative impact by the unit factor of imports to become larger. - 経済産業省
In fact, the breakdown of Japan’s economic growth rate, incorporating the quality of labor as part of productivity, indicates that the improvement of the quality of labor has been making a positive contribution while the labor input has continued to decrease from the 1990s. - 経済産業省
The device can improve the inside space of a helmet by sticking a material having the ability to do away with factors including odor emission caused by moisture or sundry germs on the inner surface of the helmet, and fluctuation force is added to provide comfortableness. - 特許庁
Although net exports appeared to support the argument for growth, its positive contribution was simply the result of the greater decreases to imports (-1.2%) when compared to exports (-0.4%), and it has become clear that there isn't any single factor that will drive the economy in the euro area. - 経済産業省
The supply bias can be switched between the first and second ones in accordance with at least one factor previously selected out of a plurality of factors affecting the toner charging performance. - 特許庁
It is the case that practical research has been implemented in the EU with regard to the relationship between cultural factors and economic activities, the results of which demonstrated that cultural exchange has a positive effect on economic exchange through mutual feelings of trust (Table 2.5.22), and analysis was implemented into the current situation in East Asia. - 経済産業省
While I do not think that there is a direct causal relationship, Japanese banks own a relatively large amount of shares, so it is conceivable that the stock price recovery will have a positive impact on their financial soundness and encourage them to take risks.発音を聞く - 金融庁
2008 年第2 四半期から固定資本形成が主要な下押し要因となって徐々に成長を鈍化させており、リーマンショック後の2008年第4 四半期には前期比マイナス1.7%まで落ち込んだが、2009 年第2 四半期以降、輸送機械を中心とする輸出の持ち直しによって実質GDP成長率は回復へし、緩やかにプラス成長を続けている(第1-2-2-20 図)。例文帳に追加
From the second quarter of 2008, economic growth gradually lost pace, primarily on account of the formation of fixed capital, with growth in the fourth quarter of 2008, after the outbreak of the Lehman shock, down 1.7% from the previous term. However, the real GDP growth rate revived in the second quarter of 2009, primarily due to the recovery of transport machinery exports, and has maintained moderate growth (see Figure 1-2-2-20). - 経済産業省
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