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Therefore, his detailed career such as date of birth and death is unknown.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

申し訳ありませんが あなたの車を没収しないといけない例文帳に追加

Sorry to inform you, sir, but I have to confiscate your vehicle. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


an open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers  - 日本語WordNet








a widely distributed Arctic cress reputed to have value in treatment or prevention of scurvy  - 日本語WordNet


The unique operational feedback training in Japan is the training of how to respond to major earthquakes. - 経済産業省


The diameter of the inside edge of the annular plate is almost equal to the inner diameter of a bell-mouth provided on the air suction side of a casing. - 特許庁


On the vehicle compartment exterior side of the substrate 3, a foam molded article 9 is integrally molded in such a way that the shape of the vehicle compartment exterior side of the foam molded article 9 is made to be approximately equal to the shape of the vehicle compartment interior side of the roof panel R. - 特許庁



To solve a problem of inferior fastening wherein a nut and a bolt are corotated in a drive socket part of a wrench in a step of starting the fastening. - 特許庁



To provide a turbo fan for an air conditioner of novel structure capable of molding the turbo fan integrally, manufacturing easily a molding die for the turbo fan, and enhancing durability of the die. - 特許庁


During World War II, houses along the section between Higashioji Street and Senbon-dori Street were forced to move in order to build a fire-blocking belt, like in Oike-dori Street and Horikawa-dori Street; however, after the war, the street was widened to about 50 meters using the site.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thereafter, ON and OFF of an opening of a diaphragm 4 is switched over to each other in accordance with a combination of a determination result of the first rule and a determination result of the second rule. - 特許庁


To provide a case locking device of which a lock bolt does not be releaseed by a slider repeating slight movements against impacts, etc. applied. - 特許庁


To provide a locking device for a case without releasing a lock of a lock bolt by its repetition, when a slider moves a little, even if impact is applied. - 特許庁

1945年3月10日の夜に 我が国の爆撃機は、世界がこれまで 経験したことのないような大規模のl 空爆を行い日本の首都を 焦土と化した例文帳に追加

On the night of the 10th of march, 1945, our bombers turned the japanese capital into the largest crematorium the world has ever known. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


When the mobile telephone terminal 1 is inserted into a mount portion 3 of the cradle 2 and the user presses a desired button of the cradle 2, the mobile telephone terminal 1 discriminates which button is pressed. - 特許庁


This allows works to install the balls 7 without moving the input side disc 2a. - 特許庁


An round-dispensing tray 5 is pressed to form an outer peripheral side edge 5c of an round part to be higher than an inner peripheral side edge 5a of the round recessed part, a flange part 5d is integratedly pressed outside the outer peripheral side edge of the round recessed part, and the flange part of a powdered medicine dispensing tray is rotatably supported. - 特許庁

[解決手段] トウ側(1)とヒール側(2)との間の従来のアイアンヘッドの打面下部(5)を削除し 底部のくぼみ(3)を具現した事を特徴とするアイアンヘッド。例文帳に追加

The subject iron head includes a recess 3 at the bottom on the lower side 5 of an impact surface between the toe side 1 and the heel side 2. - 特許庁


In a front view state in which the extrusion die 1 is viewed along an extrusion direction from the upstream side, by virtual division lines La passing on respective bridges 53, the shaping hole 3 is divided into a plurality of division portions 3b each corresponding to each metal hole 55, and having areas nearly equal to one another. - 特許庁


To prevent an air bag body stored in a folded condition from being collapsed inward of a cabin, and to prevent the rotation of a fitting part of the air bag body in a tightening direction which is generated in an assembly with the body. - 特許庁


To provide an operating panel device with a push-button installed on a panel body in which the panel and the push-button can be formed by the same mold and a combination error of the panel body and the push-button is eliminated. - 特許庁


To provide a lightweight rolling bearing device which can prevent a part of peripheral surface side with respect to a part of a raceway surface from creeping, and a raceway surface accuracy from deteriorating in an outside raceway member. - 特許庁


In a scanning-type immersion lithography apparatus, an immersion liquid is supplied by one side of space between the projection system and the substrate, and is discharged at the other side so that the liquid flow is almost perpendicular to the scanning direction. - 特許庁


In a scanning immersion lithographic apparatus, immersion liquid is supplied on one side of the space between the projection system and the substrate and drained on the other side so that the flow of liquid is substantially perpendicular to the scan direction. - 特許庁


The piping joint 3 disposed on the connecting part 13 includes an inner diameter approximately equal to or slightly larger than an inner diameter of the pipe body 1 at the upstream side with respect to the connecting part 13. - 特許庁


This superconducting magnet device is characterized in forming a cylindrical or a rectangular recess in a cryostat central part of the superconducting magnet for the open type MRI equipment, namely, forming the cryostat into a doughnut shape and installing a refrigerator in the recess. - 特許庁


An inner type headphone device has a cylindrical casing 1 inserted into human ear and a small speaker 2 in a shape that is substantially along an internal diameter of the casing 1 is provided toward an open end on the side of the inserting direction of the cylindrical casing 1. - 特許庁


Despite the IMF's efforts in the area of crisis prevention, financial crises have occurred in a number of countries in recent years, highlighting the need to further strengthen the measures for crisis prevention and resolution.  - 財務省


The divided member has a lid part in the state divided in half, closing the upper part of the opening and integrally formed therewith, and the lid part has a hole part through which a stem part of the seedling is guided and which is formed into a notch shape present at the nearly center part of the lid part. - 特許庁


If a washer 122 is interposed between the belleville spring 120 and the column side fastening portion 64, the biting of the belleville spring 120 is prevented, and relative movement in an extending direction of the slot 82 of two fastening portion 64, 80 is made to be smooth. - 特許庁


However, falling exports and a reduced trade surplus are not unique to Japan, but are also evident in the major East Asian economies, which have also suffered from the world economic slowdown. - 経済産業省


To provide a printed matter prevented from being copied, by printing fine elements thereon in which a latent image is hardly discriminated from the background on the authentic printed matter and the latent image is clearly displayed against the background on a copied paper made by copying the printed matter. - 特許庁


In "Kegon-kyo Sutra" and "Sutra of the Fundamental Vows of the Jeweled Bodhisattva," the status or grades of training were divided into 52 ranks, ranging from Myokaku, Tokaku, Jicchi (Ten Stages), Jueko (Ten Transferences), Jugyo (Ten Behavioral Activities), Juju (Ten Dwelling), Jushin (Ten Faith), and from this 52 ranks have often been adopted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a waterproof case whose assembling work can be facilitated while improving a waterproof property at a joint part where cases are assembled each other. - 特許庁


To prevent the generation of deficiency such that rule cracking is developed when a strong rule is applied to a corrugated cardboard sheet at once by the creaser of a corrugated cardboard sheet box making machine and, if a rule not developing rule cracking is appalied, bending deficiency is generated in the bending processing of a downstream process. - 特許庁


To provide a wiper arm capable of easily performing reliable fastening of a driving shaft, and properly preventing idling of the driving shaft, in a wiper arm to which a driving shaft is fastened. - 特許庁


A connecting portion K of the neck protector 2 and the lower neck protector 3 is covered by the bulletproof plate 7, so that the bullet M does not penetrate the connecting portion K, and the neck of the human body can be properly protected from a bullet. - 特許庁


To fix an air-conditioning duct to an existing structure in a space on the back side of an instrument panel without using a fastener such as a bolt. - 特許庁


There was a date at one end of the line and at the other a sum of money, as in common account-books, but instead of explanatory writing, only a varying number of crosses between the two.  - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』

貿易収支(除くサービス、季節調整前)の2010 年1-2 月累計値を国・地域別に前年と比較すると、対NIEs(香港、韓国、シンガポール、台湾)の黒字幅が拡大しているほか、対中国の赤字幅がほぼ横ばいになるなど、対アジアの貿易収支が改善傾向にある(第1-2-1-17 図)。例文帳に追加

A year-on-year comparison of the accumulated trade balance (excluding the service industry and before seasonal adjustment) by country and region for the period from January to February 2010 shows overall improvement of the trade balance with Asian countries, with an increasingly favorable balance with NIEs (Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan) and a stable trade deficit with China (see Figure 1-2-1-17). - 経済産業省


However, when Kennyo died the following year, it was his third son, Junnyo (an accommodationist) not his eldest son, Kyonyo, a hard-liner who held different opinions from Kennyo regarding Nobunaga at the time of leaving Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple, who became the twelfth head priest. (The second son was Kenson of Kosho-ji Temple.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a skin sheet for blow molding capable of clearly preforming in a desired shape by vacuum forming and not forming a recess-like cratering on a periphery of a pinhole of a design surface side. - 特許庁


Good progress has been achieved in meeting the Toronto fiscal commitments, although the weaker-than-expected economic outcomes has affected the fiscal adjustment paths of some countries.  - 財務省


Clutch engaging parts 2b for engaging a clip 10 to the side panel 2 side in the vicinity of a fork guide panel part 2a are integrally formed with both left and right sides of the fork guide panel part 2a. - 特許庁


Although the number of persons entering Japan for cultural purposes has remained flat for a number of years when viewed as a whole, taking the figures for East Asia alone we see an upward trend in visitors to Japan for cultural purposes from every country and region (Figure 2.5.7). - 経済産業省


The inclined bottom surface of the bottom surface-inclined cylindrical cap with a conical hole closely contacts with a fastened member with an axial line slightly inclined, and the looseness of the bolt can be prevented by a physical effect by the slight inclination of an axial line of a hexagon socket bolt to be fitted thereto and a wedge effect by both tapered parts. - 特許庁


The smoked charcoal board of this invention is obtained by: kneading a natural fiber material 1 obtained by unweaving the tree bark of paper mulberry, mulberry, Japanese cedar or the like into a fibrous state and the chaff charcoal 2 dispersed into fiber clearance spaces of the natural fiber material 1; molding this kneaded object by a mold form; carrying out dehydration and drying; and forming a tabular board. - 特許庁



Consequently, the air in the closed spaces which rises in temperature in a molding process reduces internal pressure by lowering of temperature and prevents the inside pipe from deforming outside. - 特許庁


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