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該当件数 : 73



to despatch an express messenger  - 斎藤和英大辞典


to let a stick stand by sticking it in the ground  - EDR日英対訳辞書

人に腹を立てる[率直にする, 優しくする, 辛抱する].例文帳に追加

be angry [frank, gentle, patient] with a person  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


It's easier to make plans than to carry them out. - Tatoeba例文



to stand a pointed object up on end by piercing the sharp end into a surface  - EDR日英対訳辞書



It's easier to make plans than to carry them out.  - Tanaka Corpus


To make chopsticks stand on rice by pinking.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is easy to form a plan, but it is difficult to carry it out. - Tatoeba例文


It is easy to form a plan, but it is difficult to carry it out.  - Tanaka Corpus



To provide an eaves device which is equipped with daylighting properties, and which can be easily assembled by using a simple structure. - 特許庁



To provide a relatively tough and durable box being assembled by bending one cardboard cut into a predetermined shape and friendly to environment. - 特許庁


Its overall height is about 215 cm because three pillars about 203 cm in height are set on a foundation called 'tsuchii' laid on each of the four corners.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Relief from a decision on injunction or seizure or the lifting of such measures during the course of the proceedings may be sought by separate appeal.  - 特許庁


To easily assemble a bayonet type pipe joint having an expansion function to a connection pipe and to apply sufficiently large release preventing force to it. - 特許庁


Therefore, conventional labor of individually inserting the tubes 10A-10C in a rack similar to a test tube stand by the manual work of a worker is dispensed with. - 特許庁


The shelf plate 2 with a core plate 1 held therein and a front edge frame-folded is inserted in a forward notch 4 from the front side of a frame wall 3, and assembled. - 特許庁


A coil 3 is fitted over the extending part of one yoke and the other yoke is inserted and then the extending part is abutted against the counterpart yoke thus assembling the yoke. - 特許庁


Among groups of a given hierarchy, components are allocated so that the machine operation time of a cutting and crimping machine 23 alternates long and short. - 特許庁


Only the portions having the perforations 2 are cut off and a produced band 5 is looped and the notches 3 and 4 are inserted to each other and thereafter the card or the postcard is erected. - 特許庁


On pain of nullity of the seizure, the creditor effecting the seizure shall be required, within the prescribed period of time, to petition the court for validation of the seizure and for the purpose of offering the patent for sale.  - 特許庁


After a writ of attachment has been enforced, the party whose property has been attached, or the person appearing on his behalf, may move for the discharge of the attachment wholly or in part on the security given. - 特許庁


Insertion pieces 120, 122, 140 and 142 are inserted into insertion grooves 159 and 169 by folding the creases, thereby assembling the container with a dent formed at the center. - 特許庁


Enyu also wanted to establish his own imperial line and after the death of the first Empress Koshi, skipping Senshi who was the mother of the prince Yasuhito, he made the childless Junshi Empress and acted as if he was leading the aristocrats around.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, when all of the sensor signals are good and when all of the sensor signals are bad and the correlation value of noise is higher than a predetermined value, a blood pressure quality flag is put up. - 特許庁


It is possible to insert a display plate provided with the desired display into the slit to hold the plate standing, and to insert a support of a flag provided with the support into the hole to stand it. - 特許庁

XML エディタでコード補完を使用し、プロパティーと値の追加に役立てることができます。 コード補完がこのスクリーンショットのように動作しない場合、次の「注」を参照してください。例文帳に追加

You can use the code completion in the XML editor to help you add properties and values.If the code completion is not working for you as in this screenshot, see the note below.  - NetBeans


In the "Masasuke Shozoku Sho" (Masasuke's rule book on costumes), an article explaining about furnishings at the hisashi (a long, thin hallway which surrounded the main wing of an aristocrat's home, in traditional Heian architecture) describes about a two-story shelf, 'on the shelf, there is a platform on which yusurutsuki is placed. There is a brocade and the lid of the yusuritsuki on the shelf, and all of them are made by gold."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the Taira clan was pushed out of Kyoto by the force of MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka (1183), Emperor Antoku escaped to the west with the Taira clan and a new Emperor was needed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to make a living as a novelist, she also studied under Tosui NAKARAI, who reported on novels for the Asahi Shimbun, frequented a library, and published her first novel 'Yamizakura' (literally, Cherry Blossom in the Dark) in the first issue of the magazine 'Musashino,' presided over by Tosui.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This kaneitsukan was a copper coin whose weighted value was 2.5 monme, that was 2 pieces and a half of kaneitsukan, and it was inconvenient for calculation of money, which means that it had a bad reputation where money changer complained.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In default of the posting of security, the plaintiff may apply for the suspension of the use of the trademark or trade name and the attachment of the infringing objects, giving sufficient security if called upon to do so.  - 特許庁


To provide a noise suppression device 7 which can withstand use in the environment of harsh temperature conditions, and in which a plurality of capacitors C2 can be assembled efficiently and inexpensively. - 特許庁

再送時において、初送時のAMD PDUが分割されて送信される場合、分割されたデータ(Segment-PDU)から正しく初送時のAMD PDUを組み立てる移動通信装置を提供する。例文帳に追加

To provide a mobile communication device which can correctly assemble an AMD PDU at initial transmission from data divided (segment-PDU) at retransmission when the AMD PDU is divided and transmitted at initial transmission. - 特許庁


To provide a candlestick auxiliary tool for preventing falling during lighting on a candle as well as preventing insufficient insertion or a crack on the candle when setting the candle on a conventional candlestick. - 特許庁


As a result, it is not necessary to insert a tube into the coolant tank part for assembly, and therefore, the strict control of the dimension of components is not necessary and the component production is easy. - 特許庁


In other words, the manual feeder 20 can be assembled as one independent unit by the first cut washer 41 and the second cut washer 42. - 特許庁


In addition, the corner frame 11 is assembled by bending orthogonally the square cylinders being a set of two pieces through a bending line between the elevating face plates 2 and 2' and by inserting the partitioning plate 4 into a gap between the square cylinders being a set of two pieces. - 特許庁


Then, the lead wire twined around the terminal fitting 19 is soldered, and the connector of the cable for series connection and external connection is plugged in the tab terminal 19c of the terminal fitting 19 to assemble a double coil unit. - 特許庁


To provide a wall surface structure for a building allowed to be assembled simply and at a low cost, and having strong property and air permeability and intrinsic humidity absorbing and discharging property of the wood, which is healthy and familiar with the human being and has a resort nature. - 特許庁


As a result, while the speech decoding device restores the residue signal with high accuracy, information amount to be transmitted is reduced, and the quality of the reproduced speech is improved. - 特許庁


To reduce a production cost by designing the structure of fin for a combine so that the fins can be assembled easily only by inserting them into supporting boards and welding or the like is unnecessary. - 特許庁


In comparison with a method according to which the auxiliary post 6 is inserted into a gap between the wall-end joist 3 and the uneven floor surface 7, the present method facilitates setting of the auxiliary posts with good efficiency. - 特許庁


The adjuster pipe 36 is cut along the line L, and an adhesive is applied to both ends of the adjuster pipe 36 to insert the adjuster pipe 36 into the drain socket and an elbow body, thus assembling a drainage instrument. - 特許庁


To provide a stand free in a diameter of an inserting pole, by allowing folding-up, in the stand for standing the pole used for a flag, a display board and a luminaire. - 特許庁


The deforming of a roller is prevented by inserting it into a device 2 or 3 for use in storing a roller to keep it standing, and paint dissolved and removed from the roller is prevented from sticking to it again by providing a roller stopper 4, or 5. - 特許庁


The candle stand 10 has a dish-shaped saucer 12 for making a candle stand, and a needle 14 located at the center of the saucer 12 to be inserted into the lower end hole of the candle, wherein they are integrally molded with Silzin bronze. - 特許庁


To provide an innovative cooking stove which enables execution of cooking such as meat grilling on a gridiron and also makes it possible to stand a spit with fish, meat or the like thereon. - 特許庁


The adjuster pipe 36 is cut along the cutting projected line L, both ends of the adjuster pipe 36 are coated with adhesives and inserted to the drain socket 32 and an elbow 34, and a drain fitting 30 is assembled. - 特許庁


To ensure satisfactory seal performance when an intake manifold 1 and a connector 2 are assembled in an insertion manner and inhibit thermal deterioration of an elastic seal member 3. - 特許庁



The barrier-free health and welfare instrument is constituted by inserting both ends of a bellows type tube 1 in a holder 3 to assemble the bellows type tube 1 into a three-dimensional figure after inserting a guide plate 2 and ball bodies 5 in the hollow, flexible, and transparent bellows type tube 1. - 特許庁


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