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該当件数 : 78


どうぜ? これ 絶対いけるやろ! うっ うん例文帳に追加

How come? this is absolutely ok! well yeah. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Moderate exercise is fundamental to good health.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


Exercise is vital for a dog. - Tatoeba例文


Exercise is vital for a dog.  - Tanaka Corpus



Week 13: Learn about absolute, and relative, motion. - Tatoeba例文



Week 13: Learn about absolute, and relative, motion.  - Tanaka Corpus


This is centrifugal force; Newton viewed it as absolute motion. - Tatoeba例文


This is centrifugal force, which Newton viewed as absolute motion. - Tatoeba例文


This is centrifugal force, and Newton viewed it as as absolute motion.  - Tanaka Corpus



To reduce cost of an absolute position detecting device for detecting an absolute position of a movable element, with respect to a stator in a linear motor. - 特許庁



To describe an operation program even if absolute attitude codes and motion codes are mixed. - 特許庁


The absolute position is detected by counting pulses generated with the movement of a focusing lens. - 特許庁


The motion codes are derived from the continuity of absolute attitude codes having directivity. - 特許庁


Also, the rotary angle of the electric motor 46 is detected based on the absolute count value, and a relative count value of the position counter stored immediately before the previous engine stop is used for the calculation of the absolute count value at a the engine start. - 特許庁


A radius of the first wind mill is smaller than that of the second wind mill, and an absolute value of angular velocity of the first rotary movement is larger than that of the second rotary movement. - 特許庁


As a result, when the absolute value of the actual lateral acceleration Gy is above a value Gyth, final assist force F is reduced in accordance with an increase in the absolute value to avoid abrupt steering operation by a driver. - 特許庁


This motion controller 10 of the vehicle calculates reference lateral acceleration Gybase based on theoretical expression at step 805 using a motion model of the vehicle and calculates target lateral acceleration Gyt so that it becomes small when an absolute value of target lateral acceleration Gyt increases for an absolute value of the reference lateral acceleration Gybase and the absolute value of the reference lateral acceleration Gybase increases based on a table at step 810. - 特許庁


To provide an ink-jet printer which enables detection by the same control at the first half path and the second half path of a carriage movement, enables correction without increasing a software control load, and can maintain and secure absolute position information by making an absolute position mark counter correctly count up and down. - 特許庁


In recent years, with a method called VLBI that uses quasar observations, and by GPS we have begun to understand the absolute movement of tectonic plates. - Tatoeba例文


In recent years, with a method called VLBI that uses quasar observations, and by GPS we have begun to understand the absolute movement of (tectonic) plates.  - Tanaka Corpus


To perform a retract operation in binary operation and also to retract the relief axis of a tool, etc., to a set position on an absolute coordinate system. - 特許庁




To provide a method for detecting unmovedly the present absolute position without returning mechanically a sensor element to the origin and counting from the edge. - 特許庁


The method for operation of the fast running knitting machine 1 by at least one driving gear 4, in which the absolute position of an actuating part of the driving gear 4 is detected by an absolute position detector 15 and transmitted to a controller 14, the position of the driving gear 4 is incrementally detected when the actuating part of the driving gear exceeds a predetermined running rate. - 特許庁


This myogenic potential measuring apparatus detects a myogenic potential generated at a human body 10 by at least a pair of electrodes, amplifies, rectifies the potential at a moving time by an amplifier 3 to obtain an absolute value, then integrates the absolute value at each prescribed time interval T1 by an integrator 4, and sets the integrated value to a muscular discharge amount at the moving time. - 特許庁


By the time management of both an absolute time management part 3a in a traffic signal 3 and an absolute time managing part 22 in a drive support apparatus 1, according to time information acquired from GPS 2, the time information of the traffic signal 3 and that of the drive support apparatus 1 are synchronized with each other. - 特許庁


A histogram count value showing the number of pixels for each luminance value is calculated for frames before and after moving, and a count differential integration value integrating a differential absolute value of the same luminance value for the histogram count values is determined. - 特許庁


To accurately identify a mechanism parameter by acquiring data for performing positioning to a known position and prescribing an absolute position of an end effector, and directly using a relational expression describing kinematics without using minute kinematics. - 特許庁


To provide a stage device equipped with a movable stage and counter masses arranged at the both sides for reducing the rotation of the movable stage by adjusting the absolute values and phases of resistance forces generated when the movable stage and those respective counter masses are relatively moved into almost the same. - 特許庁


This controller for controlling attenuation force of the damper in accordance with the target attenuation force obtained based on a body movement condition is provided with a correction part 63 for reducing and correcting the target attenuation force on a side where the absolute value becomes large when the damper causes vibration and the target attenuation force differs depending on the extension side and the contraction side based on a damper vibration condition so that the absolute value becomes small. - 特許庁

運転者がアクセルペダルを戻し、ブレーキペダルを踏込んでおらず、目標減速度の絶対値|Gx^* |が所定値Gx_0 ^* 以上のときに、予備制動制御フラグF_PBをセットして予備制動を行う。例文帳に追加

When the driver returns an accelerator pedal, a brake pedal is not stepped, and an absolute value |Gx*| of a target deceleration is more than a predetermined value Gx0*, a preliminary braking control flag FPB is set to carry out a preliminary braking. - 特許庁


When an absolute value for a change in the rotating speed of the sun gear 3S is a predetermined threshold value or greater, it is determined that slip occurs on at least one of the first driving wheel 7R and the second driving wheel 7L. - 特許庁


Based on the count of horizontal sync signal from a 4 bit counter 122, the selector 123 adds the absolute differentiation values of 16 lines through the adders 124-0 to 124-15. - 特許庁


To provide and acquire map information, corresponding to absolute position information of a moving spot for a roaming operation via a communication channel network, and to improve the convenience of the roaming operation, particularly in a foreign countries. - 特許庁


The connector is provided with a discrimination means that compares a count of the counter with a threshold and discriminates occurrence of a fault in the transmission line when the count is the threshold or over because the count (absolute value) increase when the same communication section receives frames continuously. - 特許庁


The operation means 4 calculates the integrated myoelectric value ratio by dividing the integrated value of the absolute quantity of the muscular discharge generated when the subject performs a prescribed kinetic motion by the integrated value when the subject performs a reference quantity of the prescribed kinetic motion as the quantity of load on the muscles. - 特許庁


In two image data of two photographs taken in time series, an absolute value of the brightness difference between pixels at the same position is obtained, the number of pixels exceeding a threshold value representing the limit of brightness change is counted, and whether or not the photograph object stands still is decided by comparing the result thereof with a movement decision threshold value. - 特許庁

異常判定回路Fが、モータ電流検出回路Eで検出された電流値Iの絶対値がI0 以下になると絶対値がI0 を越えている時に比べて正逆回転駆動指令電流Isとは逆向きの電流値Iが発生した回数カウント数を少なくカウントする方向に変化させることで異常判定基準の感度を下げる方向に変化させる。例文帳に追加

An abnormality judging circuit F changes the sensitivity of the abnormality judging reference in a decreasing direction by changing the time count number of the generation of the current I in the reverse direction to the forward/reverse rotation instructing current Is if the absolute value of the current I detected by a motor current detection circuit E in comparison with a case where the absolute value exceeds I0. - 特許庁


In the samurai society of the medieval period, the existence and position of a lord was not necessarily guaranteed or absolute to his retainers; instead, lords and their group of retainers had a shared fate, and their relationship was one of mutual cooperation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The system calculates absolute coordinates of a pen by detecting a relative tilt angle in relation to the geomagnetic field and each three-dimensional axial acceleration due to movement of the pen from a magnetic field detection part and an acceleration detection part. - 特許庁


Particularly, when the absolute deviation and/or vibration of the pylon exceeds a predeterminable first threshold value, the operation management of the wind power generation device or its components is processed to be changed. - 特許庁


An operation control part 33 controls movement by a traveling device 3 by use of map information in the absolute coordinate system stored in a map storage part 34 and the self-position found by the position measurement processing part 24. - 特許庁


To provide a four-dimensional gyroscope which indicates the relation between transitional inertia and rotational inertia connected to the violation of the conservation law of linear momentum of a mass center during an absolute elastic collision with a wall. - 特許庁


A coordinate position of a user's vehicle is calculated from the measurement result of the amount of the movement of the user's vehicle in an absolute coordinate system with an arbitrary point designated as an origin. - 特許庁


A color Doppler beam is introduced into a tissue at two equal but mutually inverse directionally angles by controlling the direction to find a (double) color Doppler sample volume coincident at respective intersections between two color Doppler beams turned in the mutually inverse direction. - 特許庁


To eliminate the influence due to the motion of a vehicle, and to accurately measure the absolute road face shape in a road face, generally considered to have small irregularities, ups-and-downs, waviness or the like. - 特許庁


Thus, the absolute value of a suction pipe negative pressure is made larger than the case that operation points on a fuel consumption optimal operation line are adopted, so that the flow rate of purge gas to be discharged from a canister to a suction pipe can be increased. - 特許庁


To provide an input device (pointing device) that can continuously be moved with ease and also indicate both an absolute position and movement (relative position), has a wide width of a variation in speed, and is easy and capable of easily inputting reciprocal movement. - 特許庁


The following additional factors influencing the absolute bone fracture risk can be included: whether the patient smokes; the exercise amount of the patient; the walking amount of the patient; the bone fracture history of the patient; the bone fracture history of the patient's family; and the length of the vertical axis line (length of hip joint axis) of the hip joint of the patient. - 特許庁



To provide an input device (pointing device) with which continuous transfer is easily performed, an instruction of an absolute position and an instruction of transfer (relative distance) are made compatible, in which width of speed change is large and easy and input of reciprocal motions is facilitated. - 特許庁


研究社 新英和中辞典
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