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該当件数 : 1243



2-1-2 Oharanohigashi-Sakaidani-cho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


An opposition under Article 20, paragraph 2, or Article 56c, paragraph 2, of the Trademarks Act shall be filed in writing in two copies with the National Board of Patents and Registration.  - 特許庁


Where there is a claim of color, the application shall be accompanied further by two color copies of the mark representation.  - 特許庁


An application to register a patent term extension must be filed within three months of the date of the disposition designated by the Cabinet Order under Article 67 (2).  - 特許庁



A press-fitting length A of the heater 4 to the housing 2 is constant, and the protruding length C of the tip part of the heater 4 from the housing 2 is various, and thereby a length B of the contracting part is adjusted. - 特許庁



The operation mode includes a phase control mode where light control of the lighting fixtures 2 is performed by phase control, and a duty control mode where a light control signal having a duty ratio corresponding to the light control level is output to the lighting fixtures 2. - 特許庁


The light control system 1 is provided with light dimmers 31, 32, ..., 3n outputting light control signals to lighting loads 2, and a light-control operating unit 4 allocating operating channels for these light dimmers and controlling the lighting load 2 for each operating channel. - 特許庁


In the in-car radio optical LAN system for an electric vehicle, pillar-shaped frames 2 and 2' having nearly rectangular cross sections are set up to constitute a car body, and an optical fiber 30 for an optical LAN is wired within the pillar-shaped frames 2 and 2'. - 特許庁


In 986, Nyogo (a consort of an emperor) FUJIWARA no Shishi (daughter of FUJIWARA no Tamemitsu), who had all of Kazan's attention at that time, died of disease.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



(2) The statements of facts shall clarify the claim and indicate allegations necessary to show that the main text is justifiable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


しかしながら、貿易の絶対額をみると、被災5 県からの2010 年の貿易額は輸出が約1 兆3,800 億円、輸入が約2 兆4,300 億円であり、我が国全体に占める割合は輸出で約2%、輸入で約4%にとどまる。例文帳に追加

However, from the point of absolute amount of the trade, the trade value of 2010 from 5 disaster-affected prefectures were in export approximately 1,380 billion yen, and in import approximately 2,430 billion yen. The percentage in entire Japan value, remain at the level of approximately 2% in export and approximately 4% in import. - 経済産業省


A television is constituted by providing a luminance detecting means 3 on the surface 1a on which the display screen 2 of a main body 1 is provided and a luminance adjusting means 4 to adjust the luminance of the display screen 2 based on a detected signal of the luminance detecting means 3. - 特許庁

(2) 当該出願の出願日から2月以内に,産業財産登録庁は,特許法第119条(2)の規定に従って,その出願が潜在的に国防の利益になる発明の主題と考えられる場合は,その特許の秘密処理の期間を5月に延長しなければならない。例文帳に追加

2. Within the term of two months from the filing date of the application, the Industrial Property Registry shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 119 paragraph 2, prolong secret processing of the patent to five months when it deems the subject matter of the invention potentially of interest to national defence. - 特許庁


There is provided a hat having a dropout preventing device, which is provided by setting a cylindrical cloth 1 around the hat, passing a flexible string 2 through the cloth 1 and providing a fastener 3 capable of adjusting the length of the exposed parts of the string 2, at both the ends of the string 2 which ends are exposed on the hat surface part. - 特許庁


In February 1877, Tomochika who was the twelfth head of Sumitomo family and the twelfth Kichizaemon SUMITOMO designated Saihei HIROSE to the administrative director due to Tomochika's disease.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A detector system (70) measures polarizations of the components when outputted from the optical fiber and determines how to adjust the polarization state modulator (14) in order to give the first and second components the desired output polarization states. - 特許庁


(2) When a statement set forth in the preceding paragraph has been made, an administrative agency shall take necessary measures in accordance with the provisions of this Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The non-falling stick is divided into an upper part (1) of the stick and a lower part (2) of the stick, and the surface of the upper part (1) of the stick is formed of a non-slip material. - 特許庁


Two upper and lower sticky seals 1 and a marker string 2 are incorporated into one piece and this piece is fastened to a book. - 特許庁


A plurality of fine perforations 2 not disturbing a printing result are formed preliminarily and overlappingly in compliance with the sizes of backbones, labels and the like. - 特許庁

(2) 立体商標の詳細が提出された表示図から明確でない場合,出願人は,出願標識の詳細な特徴を明確に示した表示図,言葉による説明書及び見本を出願に添付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) If the details of the three-dimensional identification are not clear from the printed delineation, the applicant shall enclose another delineation enabling clearly distinguish details of the applied sign, its verbal description or its sample to the trademark application. - 特許庁


This skin pasting base fabric comprises a nonwoven fabric mainly composed of highly crimped fibers, wherein converted flexural rigidity Bc calculated from the following formula of the nonwoven fabric is ≤5.0×10^-4 gf-cm^2/cm/(g/m^2). - 特許庁


This glass substrate for display is a glass substrate used for display having an area of not smaller than 0.1 m^2 and a thickness of not greater than 2.5 mm, and it has not more than 2 piece/m^2 surface protuberances and it is not polished. - 特許庁


The power source lead line 2a of the cooling-fan equipment 2 is drawn from the second surface side of the cooling-fan equipment 2 through the groove 2b of the side surface to the first surface side, and its needless length can be contained in the recess 2c of the second surface. - 特許庁


A controller 5 finds the three-dimensional coordinates of the wave transmitting element 2 according to the ultrasound waves received by the wave receiving elements 1a-1c after finding the correct sonic speed. - 特許庁


This cable connecting member consists of a casing 2, a sealing member 3, sheath tightening members 4, 5, 6, and an optical core wire slack storage tray 7. - 特許庁


A storage part 2, wherein a light modulation data table showing the relation of a light modulation rate and a light modulation signal changing a duty ratio of a PWM signal is stored according to an illumination load in advance, outputs the data of the light modulation data table to a control part 4. - 特許庁


The fiber structure having a surface layer substantially consisting of fiber has ≤2 cc/cm^2/sec air permeability. - 特許庁


The revolving lamp 2 is provided inside the rearview mirror 1 in the vehicle, and a lens cover 6 using a light transmitting raw material is provided in a front part of the rearview mirror 1 to apply light of the revolving lamp 2 to the outside. - 特許庁


An optical diode 21 is equipped with; a cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) layer 2 which has counterclockwise helical structure having a selective reflection wavelength band width; and a phase piece 24 which changes the phaser difference of two inherent polarized rays of light of left circularly polarized rays of light having wavelengths within the selective reflection wavelength band width of the CLC layer 2. - 特許庁


The illuminating device comprises an illumination load 2, a brightness sensor 1, and a control part 3 controlling the illumination load 2 with a constant illumination control based on information from the brightness sensor 1. - 特許庁


A filter 6 through which the light beam passing through the higher harmonic output band 4 is made incident is used as a band filter which preliminarily passes only the wavelength band of a second higher harmonic wave (approximately 1/2 times a basic wavelength), thus the wavelength of the light condensed on the recording layer of an optical disk 2 becomes a short wavelength and the recording capacity of the optical disk 2 becomes large. - 特許庁


The melanin precursor-containing solution includes (1) a peak area of 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid of10% of that of 5,6-dihydroxyindole in an HPLC analysis and (2) a weight of components except 5,6-dihydroxyindole in a nonvolatile component weight of <70 wt.%. - 特許庁


The top plate for cooker 1 is formed between the transparent crystallized glass substrate 2 and the reflective film 4, and further includes a color tone correction film 3 with an optical transmissivity gradually reducing with the elongation of wavelength in the visible wavelength range. - 特許庁

さらにそれに先だって2009年4月2日に表明された最大2兆円規模のODAや、2009 年3 月14 日に表明された国際協力銀行による5,000 億円程度の「環境投資支援イニシアティブ」も活用して、アジアのインフラ整備に貢献することを表明している。例文帳に追加

Also, approaches for environmental problems must not be forgotten when considering the sustainable growth of Asia. - 経済産業省


The body wearing implement 1 has an elastically extendable flat belt-shaped body 2, a finger passing part 5 arranged at a front edge of the belt-shaped body 2, and a face fastener 6 provided in a rear end side of the belt-shaped body 2. - 特許庁

(1) (2)の規定に従うことを条件として,本法に基づいて必要とされる調査の目的で局長から次のことを命じられるときは,出願人は,それを行う。例文帳に追加

(1) Subject to subsection (2) of this section, for the purposes of the investigation required under this Act an applicant, if so required by the Commissioner shall,-- - 特許庁


Also, since a necessary escape characters can successively be obtained by providing the server 2 side with an escape character data file 22, it is possible to eliminate the troublesome work such as registering the escape characters for every client in advance. - 特許庁


In this sheet gasket made of an expanded graphite, a large number of irregular parts n are irregularly formed on the surface h of an expanded graphite 2 and finished in a matted state by a press molding in which a cylindrical press roller 10 with a large number of projecting parts 6a is pressed against the surface h of the expanded graphite 2 while rolling the cylindrical press roller. - 特許庁


The appeal shall be lodged with the Patent Office in writing within two months from the date when the decision was served.  - 特許庁


The tin alloy layer containing one or two kinds selected from Fe and Ni is provided on the surface of a steel sheet and a formed film containing 0.5-100 mg/m^2 P and 0.1-250 mg/m^2 S is provided on the top layer thereof, and a heat-fused polyethylene film is provided on the surface of the formed film. - 特許庁


The client terminal 3 requests the long-term-signature server 2 to collect validation information, obtains the validation information, uses the collected information to create information for verifying that a signed PDF document and the validation information have not been tampered with, and sends the created information to the long-term-signature server 2 to request creation of a DTS. - 特許庁


Based on this main color component density difference, the printing control device 3 determines an opening regulation value of an opening-closing key of an ink fountain 50 of a printing press 2 on the basis of a matrix stored beforehand and outputs it to the printing press 2. - 特許庁


All Community mark applications sent by the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Marks and Designs) shall be examined by the Patent Office under Art. 19(2)(iii) and shall be forwarded back, subject to the provisions of Art. 39 of Regulation (EC) No. 40/94 on the Community trade mark.  - 特許庁


(2) Municipalities, when in the process of stipulating the basic policy, shall perform any required measures, such as convening public hearings, in order to reflect the opinions of residents.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Thereby stimulation and unpleasant feeling can be effectively given by directly acting on 2-3 kinds of cone cells that the injurious bird and animal to be controlled have, as well as the effect for repelling the injurious bird and animal can be enhanced, as the light with two or more colors to which the injurious bird and animal are not accustomed to is used. - 特許庁


The toothpick case characteristically has a storage section (2) storing a plurality of toothpicks on the surface of a card type body (1). - 特許庁


A second harmonic wave of a Nd:YAG laser as a laser beam is applied to the placed glass substrate 2 from the front-side surface obliquely with respect to the surface of the glass substrate 2 by an optical system. - 特許庁


The optical waveguide module 1 is constituted of storing at least a plane optical waveguide component 2, a temperature sensor 5 for detecting the temperature of the component 2 and a temperature control element 5 having 1st and 2nd faces 6a, 6b and capable of controlling the temperature of the component 2 in a package 10. - 特許庁



This top plate 2 for cooking appliance has a base body made of crystallized glass and a cooking surface on which the object to be heated is put and is further constituted in such a manner that a silica ground layer is formed on the cooking surface and, subsequently, a water repellent layer is formed thereon. - 特許庁


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