
「入力部品」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(21ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 入力部品に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 1088



The retrieval and generation tool extracts data from the source materials like the input of a manual based upon a text, a component catalog, a digital image, and a model and generates an electronic instruction starting with an interactive visual display by an assembly animation of the text manual. - 特許庁


With this constitution, the improvement of mounting density and the improvement of cooling efficiency are realized. - 特許庁


To provide an operating body for compound operation which can carry out rotating operation and inclination operation and can be fixed firmly to a compound operation type electric component without looseness and can perform certainly an input in only one direction in inclination operation. - 特許庁


For example, a fiber Bragg grating is formed on an optical fiber 4a arrayed in the 1st optical fiber array tool 3a and the fiber Bragg grating is provided as a wavelength selective reflecting filter 8 on the light incoming side of the optical waveguide component 5. - 特許庁



A program for executing a functional inspection algorithm for calculating a feature amount for an input waveform signal, for determining the normality or abnormality based on the obtained feature amount, and for outputting a result determined therein is constituted of individual program components P generated a function by a function. - 特許庁



To transmit a message as dual tone multi-frequency(DTMF) signals without increasing the number of components by utilizing a normal character input method, in a telephone set provided with a function for transmitting the message by the DTMF signals in an α5 system. - 特許庁


The components 4 and the wiring pattern are enclosed in a sandwich structure from the front surfaces and the rear surfaces by a GND solid pattern with the use of a film shape member with a conductive layer formed on the whole surface, thereby covering the flexible board 6a by excluding a connector part 7 for inputting a signal. - 特許庁


The dispersion compensation device is provided with a VIPA plate 214 as an optical component, a lens 215, and a mirror 216, wherein a high reflectance side monitor means 22 for monitoring the light that is inputted to the VIPA plate 214 and is emitted from a first reflection surface 214a is disposed. - 特許庁


To provide an iron hook equipped with a steam suction mechanism, which is capable of preventing a room from being stuffed with moisture by eliminating the moisture from sucked steam, thus reducing the failure of the electric part of the suction mechanism and adjusting a sucking force. - 特許庁



A substrate is mounted with electronic parts for processing according to an operation command inputted by a control unit. - 特許庁



When the operation instruction document is supplied to the respective operation stages and specific operations are performed for components, etc., the codes regarding the operations of the operation instruction document and the codes regarding the lot numbers are read by a code read means 17 and inputted to the management control part 10. - 特許庁


To ensure stable operation of a toroidal continuously variable transmission by preventing the wear and damage of a disc spring for imparting preload between a power roller and each disc and an input shaft or other portions for receiving the disc spring to improve the durability of thses components. - 特許庁


To provide a single-input multiple-output switching mechanism with less limitation on layout of a gear of an output device, preventing the gear of the output device from rotating, suppressing cost increase due to increase in the number of components, and suppressing increase in time for switching the output device. - 特許庁


It is easily understandable to which part is to be corrected when any correction (addition, deletion, change) is applied to an access limit method by dividing components for each function such as a document information management section, a user entry information storage section, and a document access information storage section. - 特許庁


Thereafter, the perfect surface mount is made and stable sealing performance is provided by positioning an input port on the gas outflow port 13 and an output port on the gas inflow port 12 and fixing them by mounting bolts through holes 16, 16 by straddling over the two module blocks 11, 11 in installing the functional part. - 特許庁


To provide a suspension type fluid-sealed vibration isolating mount capable of improving vibration isolating efficiency with respect to input vibration along the direction orthogonal to the axis without accompanying deterioration of vibration isolating efficiency along the axial direction or deterioration of productivity caused by increase of number of parts. - 特許庁


By means of the specific part coordinate data forming part 100 previously inputting base board/part information of the specific part 21 provided with especially high mounting density because of modification on the base board, the coordinate data are automatically formed to be fed to a controlling/computing part 7. - 特許庁


Further, as a charge pump type inverter circuit mounted on the circuit board 3 has a control function for the harmonic component of input current, it is unnecessary to install a harmonic restraint means separately, and size of the discharge lamp lighting device can be miniaturized by reducing the number of parts. - 特許庁


This synthetic resin made shock absorbing member absorbs a shock by ribs arranged between a cabin forming member and an interior parts of the automobile and extending in an impact load inputting direction, and the ribs are formed in a lattice-work having an intersection part 3 where the longitudinal ribs 1 and the lateral ribs 2 intersect with each other at right angles. - 特許庁


To obtain a pulse power supply which can be made compact while suppressing inductance in the connecting structure of I/O terminals provided in a tank and a saturable reactor or pulse transformer contained in the tank. - 特許庁


To provide a transmission line the transmission loss due to the conductor resistance, of which is reduced and which can sufficiently be used, even for applications, such as an input stage of a receiver and a resonator needing a sharp resonance wherein even a very small loss cannot be permissible, and to provide an electronic component that uses the same and a manufacturing method of the transmission line. - 特許庁


Input/output optical fibers 1, 10, 13, ferrules 2, 9, 12 for holding these fibers, and lenses 3, 8, 11 having an outer diameter equal to those of the ferrules are arranged on a V-grooved base plate 4 on which an optical functional element 6 is disposed; as a result, simply structured and 1 cost-reduced optical communication parts can be provided. - 特許庁


To realize a control method having reduced power consumption with less number of parts by controlling the drive period of a MOSFET to the constant period for change of an input voltage and causing the synchronous rectification to effectively follow the change of load. - 特許庁


In an optical fiber amplification device, optical couplers 131 and 140 and WDMs(wavelength division multiplexer) 134 and 137 are made into optical wave-guiding paths, and these optical couplers 131 and 140 and WDMs 134 and 137 are integrated in one optical wave-guiding path device. - 特許庁


The image forming apparatus has a plurality of software components which each perform one of input, processing, and output of image data, and connects the software components to provide services associated with the image data, and is equipped with a marking composing means of generating a marking representing information to be embedded in the image data as one of the software components and puts the marking together with the image data. - 特許庁


The abnormality detection device for executing arithmetic processing for inputting or outputting signals among a plurality of electronic parts and also executing abnormality detecting processing for determining abnormality for the electronic parts comprises an abnormality detection means dividing the electronic parts to a plurality of groups based on abnormality detection patterns, and executing a unique abnormality detection algorithm for every divided group to detect abnormality. - 特許庁


A plan designing means 31 which designs a plan figure by arranging components on an internal plan of a building unit by using component data stored in a component information storage means is provided with a segment specifying means 42 which selects a desired segment out of segments representing the border of an area formed in the building through input operation for designating one arbitrary point on the segment. - 特許庁


In the device, a function is provided comprising a third hardware component connected to the bus, accessible from the CPU and having a register, for outputting to display a code or information specific to a hardware component stored in the register of the third hardware component. - 特許庁


By inputting the means 13, the tightening torque of the tool 12 can be changed according to the kinds of the frames 3. - 特許庁


The gain correction means repeatedly makes correction in a standby process of this image-reading apparatus to store the latest correction value, stops the correction when an image-reading instruction is input to the image-reading apparatus, and corrects the degree of conversion to an electric signal of the optical component using the latest correction value at the time. - 特許庁


A cabling path of the wire harness to be connected to the electronic control units to be loaded on a vehicle is set by a computer, the weight and the costs of components to be attached to the wire harness are input in the computer, and the cabling path where the weight and the costs are reduced is determined as the cabling path of the wire harness. - 特許庁


In the manufacture of the automobile having the drive transmission system including the drive machine, the torque transmission device and the transmission, mounting, especially mounting the starter generator is simplified by extending a rotor flange (28) from the rotor (22), the rotor flange (28) being connected to an input unit (16) of the torque transmission device (8) in a manner of fixation with respect to rotation. - 特許庁


When a light from the camera side is irradiated and the position of the object to be suctioned is detected, the image input level of the reflected light from the suction nozzle becomes low (low luminance); and since accurate position of the object to be suctioned can be detected, damages due to contact of the vacuum suction nozzle 1 with the already mounted electronic components, as much as possible, are reduced. - 特許庁


To provide an input device capable of putting a plurality of push switches with a capacitance sensor compatible with a variety of sizes in a height at low cost and can avoid variations of push-actuating force, in line with a plurality of push switches with the capacitance sensor having different operating levels in the height; and at the same time capable of equally setting the push-actuating force with easy component-sharing. - 特許庁


Codes for specifying a block configuring printing plates, merchandise to be placed in the block, and respective components such as the pictures or prices are stored in a placing information storage means 20 as data having a hierarchical structure about each flier edition of the Kanto/Northeast/Kansai/Kyushu from a placing information input means 10 by using a merchandise database DB. - 特許庁


Thus, components can be miniaturized and the video/audio signals of the external terminals can be individually switched as needed. - 特許庁


To provide a torsion beam type suspension capable of securing the sufficient stiffness of a torsion beam against a lateral force (input) acting on a vehicle wheel and securing clearances sufficiently between the torsion beam and vehicle components such as a propeller shaft, a fuel hose, muffler, etc. - 特許庁


The power converter (automatic voltage converter) 1 is fitted with a transformer unit apparatus 4, where a main transformer, an input breaker, and an external wire terminal are mounted; a voltage conversion unit 3 where residual components and the like, necessary for automatic voltage conversion are mounted; and a support stand 98 which has a holding portion 981 and supports the units 3, 4. - 特許庁


Since a series circuit comprising the single-phase bridge rectifying circuit 131 and the capacitor 132A is equivalent to a surge absorbing circuit, a surge voltage can be absorbed by the series circuit comprising the single-phase bridge rectifying circuit 131 and the capacitor 132A, and can not be supplied to the other components if the surge voltage is inputted from the outside to the converter 110. - 特許庁


This wiring design support system receives wire logical connection information for wiring components, and signal information handled as a signal in one bundle, the signal group is handled as a unit for wiring to search a wiring route, the signal group is divided sequentially, and divided respective signal groups are arranged as adjacently as possible to search the optimum route. - 特許庁


A reference information acquisition device 1 comprises a landmark detection part 2 detecting a landmark showing a component part of the person from a certain input frame image; and a reference information acquisition part 3 setting a reference area based on the landmark detected by the landmark detection part 2 and acquiring reference information included in the set reference area. - 特許庁


A partition plate part 4b which affects the analysis of the structure analyzing device 10 most is modeled with a plane disk shape and modeling input to the structure analyzing device is performed as to only the modeled plane disk shape to select an optimum simple shape, which is used to design the object component. - 特許庁


A mounting determination circuit 20 of the component supply device 10 allocated with the selected bank address by the bank address setting means outputs a power source ON signal PON when it is determined that the power source charge signal is input, and a power source of a power source circuit 25 is charged to start power supply to a control circuit 21, a motor drive circuit 22, and a motor 24. - 特許庁


This converter is provided with a feed horn 15 to which satellite broadcast radio waves are inputted, a printed circuit board 17 on which electronic components converting the radio broadcast radio waves into an electric signal are mounted, a shield case 16 covering the printed circuit board and an F type connector 18, and a pipe 61 and a corrugate 62 respectively made of different members are connected to the horn 15. - 特許庁


This specific part posture estimating device is provided with a matching image creating part 3 binalizing respective pixels of the input image formed by extracting a specific part by a set threshold based on image values within a prescribed coordinate range, specifying the part with the dimension in the set range and obtaining a binary image, and a pattern matching part 4 collating the binary image obtained by specification with a prescribed template and detecting the posture. - 特許庁


When a facility route to be connected to certain equipment from a straight pipe route is instructed by using an input device in a drawing data processor 10, drawing data are updated so that the position in a height direction can be set to the height of the straight pipe route to be connected, which is plotted at present in component information of the connection point of the equipment. - 特許庁


In the case of constructing an application by a GUI for performing processing execution or screen transition on the basis of an instruction inputted through a display screen, a picture preparation device prepares each picture by arranging screen parts and a processing execution device 2 prepares respective processing procedures and respective data transmission procedures between pictures for screen transition and names respective procedures. - 特許庁


A front end part of a cab underframe 8 fixed to an underface of a floor panel 7 is extended along the front upper direction, a cab mount bracket 1 is also extended along the front upper direction, they are integrally coupled with a front mounting rail 6, and the three components therein are firmly fastened thereby to disperse a longitudinal-directional input. - 特許庁


A pot-shaped annular wheel 8 provided with a first inside drive surface 7 and an elastically deformable rim 16 in a housing is supported by its flange part 17 and a planetary carrier 6 integral with the first shaft 9 is rotatably stored in the annular wheel 8. - 特許庁



In this fraction defective estimating method and a system, the assembly fraction defective estimate of high accuracy is computed by an assembly fraction defective estimating program with the input data of assembling action, the property condition of an assembled object part and the condition of an assembling workshop having large influence on liability to a failure in assembly work. - 特許庁


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