該当件数 : 35件
彼の著書 「再創造」 はお勧めです例文帳に追加
So in his book, regenesis, which I recommend - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
To create a method for simply marking packages to be reprocessed graphically wherein the method further can be mechanically performed and can transmit easy-to-understand information without a reader. - 特許庁
It was once supposed that this succession had been the result of vast successive catastrophes, destructions, and re-creations 'en masse'; - Thomas H. Huxley『ダーウィン仮説』
In other words, Liang Qichao not only rediscovered and reevaluated Yomeigaku but also introduced the movement to create a national spirit supported by Yomeigaku into China from Japan during the Meiji period. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A green and inclusive growth will create a broad spectrum of opportunities in new industries and in areas such as environmental services, renewable energy and new ways to provide basic services to the poor. - 財務省
If the later disclosure also falls into any of the three prescribed events, the application does not lose novelty because of this later disclosure, but the grace period shall be calculated from the date of the first disclosure. - 特許庁
A cross-spectrum analysis is performed between an original image before compression and an reproduced image after compression and reproduction, and a prescribed low-pass filter is configured as a target frequency characteristic in the low-frequency range, within which the main components of the image exist. - 特許庁
These are designed to support each region in its efforts to revitalize its economy and create jobs, while competing with other regions through use of wisdom and ingenuity. The revitalization of regional economies using such frameworks is currently an important policy issue. - 経済産業省
14. We instruct the EWG to continue its assessment of renewable energy options for reducing carbon emissions, spurring investment and creating new jobs, in cooperation with EGNRET and the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Working Group. - 経済産業省
This Growth Strategy sets out three action plans for executing and achieving the “roadmap to growth”: Plan for the Revitalization of Japanese Industry; Strategic Market Creation Plan; and Strategy of Global Outreach. - 経済産業省
15. We reaffirmed our commitment to strengthen the protection and enforcement of IPR and reiterated the importance of comprehensive and balanced intellectual property systems that provide for and protect the incentives that encourage creation and innovation and provide the tools for successful management and exploitation of IPR. - 経済産業省
If, within six months from the date on which any of the events described in Article 24 occurred and before the applicant files the application, the invention-creation was disclosed once again, provided that the disclosure does not belong to any of the prescribed events, the later disclosure will take away the novelty of the application. If the later disclosure also falls into any of the three prescribed events, the application does not lose novelty because of this later disclosure, but the grace period shall be calculated from the date of the first disclosure. - 特許庁
We cannot know exactly when the formalization was completed, but can guess that it was Hitomaro who revised 'sora mitsu' into 'sora ni mitsu' ("Manyoshu" Vol. 1, 29th poem), so it is true that this kajin (waka poet) made a significant contribution to the creation and reinterpretation of makurakotoba. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
If, within six months from the date on which any of the events described in Article 24 occurred and before the applicant files the application, the invention-creation was disclosed once again, provided that the disclosure does not belong to any of the prescribed events, the later disclosure will take away the novelty of the application. - 特許庁
To provide an information transmission system that can implement information transmission continually associated with a locality, for example, what is called a "communicative campus" in which new intellectual creations in a campus are transmitted in relation to the locality, and can redeliver the locality-related information from a server. - 特許庁
To enhance interest by creating an innovative 3-D image from labels, depicting two kinds of images, fitted on a transparent container, thus promoting differentiation from similar kinds of objects currently in distribution, enhancing the level of attention thereto among more people, and promoting reuse after using the bottle. - 特許庁
To improve the degree of satisfaction of a portable telephone terminal user by creating a new viewing style of video contents using a portable telephone terminal by cooperating a receiving and playback function of video contents wirelessly transmitted from video content distribution equipment and a data communication function that the portable telephone terminal has. - 特許庁
"Creation of a walk able town" was cited as the basic plan. In addition to redevelopment of the area in front of the station that established young fashion stores, a City library, a gender equality center, and a fresh market were designed to attract urban residents. - 経済産業省
In addition, the United States has the power to create technical innovation and because there is a high chance that it will achieve a higher rate of growth in the midterm compared to other developed countries, the United States will not lose its attractiveness as a location of investment and it is thought that the flow of funds into the United States will once again grow strong. - 経済産業省
As discussed above, in order to achieve a revitalization of regional economies, it is necessary to rebuild networks connecting various regional entities so as to meet the new requirements ushered in by the change in socioeconomic structure such as globalization, the spread of IT, and an aging and declining population, and thereby create new added value. - 経済産業省
For this reason, in 1998, “Grand Design for the 21st Century,” which is the Fifth Comprehensive National Development Plan, was formulated to promote the independence of local regions and creation of a beautiful country. This plan specifies five basic tasks including “promoting the independence of regions and creating regions which residents can take pride in.” Regarding domestic infrastructure investment, the plan points out the importance of making investments that fully reflect the characteristic of the relevant local region while planning for the next generation. As to industrial policies, it mentions about promoting the independence of local regions by means of revitalizing the competitiveness of regional industries. - 経済産業省
To create a good reproduced sound field to which sound field effects by low audio frequency components are added, without preparing a dedicated low audio frequency reproducible speaker system as the one for the sound field creation, relating to a sound field effect adding device for creating sound effects by adding echo sound or the like to musical sound signals of an electronic organ or the like. - 特許庁
24. 我々は,知的財産権の保護及び執行を強化するという我々のコミットメントを再確認し,創造性及び技術革新を奨励し,知的財産の良好な管理及び利用の手段を与えるインセンティブの提供及び保護のための,包括的で均衡ある知的財産制度の重要性を再表明した。例文帳に追加
24. We reaffirmed our commitment to strengthen the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) and reiterated the importance of comprehensive and balanced intellectual property systems that provide for and protect the incentives that encourage creativity and innovation and provide the tools for successful management and utilization of intellectual property. - 経済産業省
Moreover, we will review the tax system for small and medium-sized enterprises and the corporate tax system, including expansion of the ''angel taxation'' system, in order to support creative corporate activities and restructuring of businesses. Furthermore, we will revise the Japan-U.S. tax treaty fully and amend related domestic laws in order to promote cross-border investment. - 財務省
To provide an apparatus for integrally controlling a video signal and a voice signal capable of creating a space with a feeling of real life wherein a receiver side can eliminate deviation between a talker at a transmission side and voice or sound uttered by the talker, so that the apparatus can reproduce a state of the transmission side talker uttering the voice or sound as it is. - 特許庁
The creation of such business model also requires a certain scale of business and funds. Based on the necessity for establishing a system that would facilitate the accumulation of staff and a long-term loan fund, so as to overcome obstacles to creating a brand new business model, a bill to amend the Law on Special Measures for Industrial Revitalization and Innovation was enacted in April 2009, based on which Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan was determined to be established. - 経済産業省
Moves are underway to seek new collaborations, such as agricultural-commercial industrial collaboration, and collaborations between shopping districts and community businesses. Adapting to changes in the economic community, rebuilding networks, and ensuring that regional SMEs create new added value will be the key to revitalizing regional economies and will contribute to improving workers' productivity. - 経済産業省
第四条 知的財産の創造、保護及び活用に関する施策の推進は、創造性のある研究及び開発の成果の円滑な企業化を図り、知的財産を基軸とする新たな事業分野の開拓並びに経営の革新及び創業を促進することにより、我が国産業の技術力の強化及び活力の再生、地域における経済の活性化、並びに就業機会の増大をもたらし、もって我が国産業の国際競争力の強化及び内外の経済的環境の変化に的確に対応した我が国産業の持続的な発展に寄与するものとなることを旨として、行われなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 4 Measures for the creation, protection and exploitation of intellectual property shall be promoted with the objective of achieving an intensification of the technical capabilities of Japanese industry and the revitalization of the industry, the activation of the local economy, and an increase in job opportunities, thereby contributing to the intensification of the international competitiveness of Japanese industry and a sustainable development of Japanese industry that precisely responds to the changes in the economic environment at home and abroad, through encouraging smooth transfer of the results of creative Research and Development into commercial use and promoting the development of new business fields, management innovation and business startups, all of which are based on intellectual property. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Some of the topics addressed in the interim summary are still left without any collective view formed. As stated at the beginning of the interim summary, it has been agreed that the initiative will be carried out under a common vision that a comprehensive exchange should be realized. A discussion is scheduled to be resumed after the New Year holidays once opinions and other inputs are collected from market players. The FSA is committed to making efforts that lead to the creation of a comprehensive exchange that would actually be used by market players. - 金融庁
If the employer, within four months from the date of notification by the author on the created object of industrial property, does not file an application with Kyrgyzpatent, does not reassign the right to the other person to obtain patent and does not inform the author that the object of industrial property is kept secret, than the right to obtain patent is transferred to the author. In that case, the employer shall have the right to use the object of industrial property in his production paying compensation to the patent owner that is determined on contractual basis. - 特許庁
However, by developing evaluation scales in areas equivalent to the second strata of Figure 2.4.1, it is possible for modalities for competition to evolve. This evolution is achieved, for example, by promoting enhancements for value creation not limited to corporate price competition and by opening a path to regional revitalization that is based on regional cyclical analysis, and in so doing enables the quality of human resources to be improved in a way that more accurately reflects future market trends for the individual. - 経済産業省
In order to revitalize the economy and generate employment in the local regions, the Headquarters for the Regional Revitalization attaches importance on the various resources and strengths of the regions including their industry, technology, human resources, tourism resources, natural environment, culture and history to revitalize the regional communities through cultural and social interactions while making use of its knowledge and ingenuity, and on securing sufficient employment through the sound development of private business. Therefore, based on the “Basic Guidelines for the Promotion of Regional Revitalization,” 673 ideas were submitted from 392 entities in January 2004. From them, selection was made on February 27, 2004 for “the Program for the Promotion of Regional Revitalization,” with 23 adopted as measures limited to certain regions and 118 adopted as national measures. - 経済産業省
For the purpose of this Act industrial design means the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colors, shape, texture and/or materials of the product itself and/or its ornamentation, product means any industrial or handicraft item, including parts intended to be assembled into a complex product, packaging, get-up, graphic symbol and typographic typefaces, except computer programs, complex product means a product which is composed of multiple components which can be replaced permitting disassembly and reassembly of the product, designer is a person having created the industrial design by his own creative activity, co-designer is a person, which has participated on the creative activity, during which the industrial design has been created. - 特許庁
三 第四条の規定並びに第七条中中小企業の創造的事業活動の促進に関する臨時措置法第九条の改正規定並びに附則第四条から第六条までの規定、附則第十五条中激甚災害に対処するための特別の財政援助等に関する法律(昭和三十七年法律第百五十号)第十三条の改正規定、附則第十六条の規定、附則第十八条中中小小売商業振興法(昭和四十八年法律第百一号)第五条の二の改正規定、附則第二十条中中小企業における労働力の確保及び良好な雇用の機会の創出のための雇用管理の改善の促進に関する法律(平成三年法律第五十七号)第十一条の改正規定、附則第二十三条中中小企業流通業務効率化促進法(平成四年法律第六十五号)第八条の改正規定、附則第二十五条中エネルギー等の使用の合理化及び再生資源の利用に関する事業活動の促進に関する臨時措置法(平成五年法律第十八号)第二十二条の改正規定、附則第二十六条、第二十七条及び第二十九条の規定、附則第三十条中中心市街地における市街地の整備改善及び商業等の活性化の一体的推進に関する法律(平成十年法律第九十二号)第二十五条の改正規定、附則第三十一条中新事業創出促進法(平成十年法律第百五十二号)第二十一条の改正規定、附則第三十二条中中小企業経営革新支援法(平成十一年法律第十八号)第七条、第十二条及び附則第三条の改正規定、附則第三十四条中産業活力再生特別措置法(平成十一年法律第百三十一号)第二十五条及び第二十七条の改正規定、附則第三十五条中中央省庁等改革関係法施行法第九百二条の改正規定並びに附則第三十六条の規定 平成十二年四月一日例文帳に追加
(iii) Revised provisions of Article 9 of the Act on Temporary Measures for the Promotion of Creative Business Activities of Small and Medium sized Enterprises in the Provisions of Article 4 and Article 7; revised provisions of Article 13 of the Act on Special Financial Support to Deal with Designated Disasters of Extreme Severity (Act No. 150 of 1962) in Supplementary Provisions Article 4 through Article 6 and Supplementary Provisions Article 15; revised provisions of Article 5-2 of the Small and Medium sized Retail Business Promotion Act (Act No. 101 of 1973) in Supplementary Provisions Article 16 Supplementary Provisions Article 18; revised provisions Article 11 of the Act on the Promotion of Improvement of Employment Management in Small and Medium sized Enterprises for Securing Manpower and Creating Quality Jobs (Act No. 57 of 1991) in Supplementary Provisions Article 20; revised provisions of Article 8 of the Act on the Promotion of Efficient Distribution Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises (Act No. 65 of 1992) in Supplementary Provisions Article 23; revised provisions of Article 22 of the Act on Temporary Measures to Promote Business Activities for the Rational use of Energy and the Utilization of Recycled Resources (Act No. 18 of 1993) Concerning Streamlining the Usage of Energy and the Promotion of Business Activities and the Utilization of Renewal Resources in Supplementary Provisions Article 25; revised provisions of Article 25 of the Act on the Improvement and Vitalization of City Centers (Act No. 92 of 1998) in the provisions of Supplementary Provisions Article 26, Article 27 and Article 29 and Supplementary Provisions Article 30; revised provisions of Article 21 of Act on Facilitating the Creation of New Business of Supplementary Provisions Act 31 (Act No. 152 of 1998) in Supplementary Provisions Article 31; revised provisions of Article 7, Article 12 and Supplementary Provisions Article 3 of Act on Supporting Business Innovation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Supplementary Provisions Article 31 (Act No. 18 of 1999) in Supplementary Provisions Article 32; revised provisions of Article 25 and Article 27 of the Act on Special Measures for Industrial Revitalization (Act No. 131 of 1999) in Supplementary Provisions Article 34; revised provisions of Article 902 and provisions of Supplementary Provisions Article 36 of the Act for Enforcement of the Act on Central Government, etc. Innovation in Supplementary Provisions Article 35; and the provisions of Supplementary Provisions Article 36: April 1, 2000 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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