
「希薄な」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(5ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 580



To provide a fuel injection control device for an engine, reducing an amount of NOx in an exhaust gas from a lean-burn diesel engine. - 特許庁


The invention can be applied to the field of the catalytic conversion of an exhaust gas generated from an internal combustion engine, particularly a lean-burn engine, and a diesel engine. - 特許庁


To provide a dilute copper alloy material which has high productivity, and whose electric conductivity, softening temperature and surface quality are excellent, and to provide a method of manufacturing the same. - 特許庁


To provide a thrust bearing mechanism provided with quality applicable under a lean lubrication condition and a high load condition, and capable of being manufactured at low cost. - 特許庁



Intake air is increased according to an air-fuel ratio feedback correction factor FAF in a region to specify the lean fuel concentration of the air-fuel mixture. - 特許庁



Other than "excellent manufactured products," information on Japan is scarce and Japan's image is not well-defined, so exporting entertainment content is an urgent task.  - 経済産業省


To provide a lean premixing type combustion apparatus and a control method for the apparatus, which has excellent follow-up performance to load fluctuation while maintaining stable lean premixing combustion by keeping the air-fuel ratio of premixing burners constant even in the transient state where load suddenly fluctuates. - 特許庁


The soft-dilute-copper-alloy wire contains Ti of 4-55 ppm by mass and the balance of Cu, and is characterized in that the average crystal grain size is 20 μm or less in the surface layer up to a depth of at least 50 μm from the surface. - 特許庁


To provide a control device capable of preventing sudden increase of a NO_X generation amount without executing lean combustion at desired lean air-fuel ratio after shift-up of an automatic transmission in a supercharging region in an internal combustion engine which is equipped with a turbocharger and which executes lean combustion at desired air-fuel ratio. - 特許庁



At the end of a combustion stroke, combustion gas in the combustion chamber 3 is pushed out to an exhaust port 8 by a lean mixture form the scavenge air passage 12 to produce an appropriate mixture out of the over-rich mixture from the mixture passages 52, 52a and the lean mixture from the scavenge air passage 12. - 特許庁



To provide a low NOx burner for gas turbine which can raise the combustion stability of a dilute premixed flame and perform its flame keeping and raise the combustion efficiency, in a low NOx gas turbine burner using a dilute premixing system. - 特許庁


This method comprises a process of producing the highly concentrated ethanol from the diluted ethanol-containing fermented solution by bringing the solution into contact with the pervaporation separation membrane, while controlling pH of the solution adsorbed in activated carbon in advance to the range of 5 to neutrality. - 特許庁


Then, traction oil is supplied from an axial guide passage c into contact parts (traction parts), in which the lubricating condition is apt to thin, between a high speed shaft 17 and respective rollers 37a..., while traction oil is supplied from an axial guide passaged into the contact parts (the traction parts) between a low speed ring 32 and respective rollers 37a. - 特許庁


By this constitution, the operation region of lean combustion is enlarged by properly using the indirect supply method advantageous to stratified combustion in a low rotation region, the direct supply method advantageous in a region with a small fuel injection quantity in a medium rotation region, and the collision injection method advantageous in a medium load region with a large fuel injection quantity in a lean combustion time. - 特許庁


Thereby, the engine making little difference in road load fuel injection quantity between idling and low-speed running within a D range in lean combustion, even if increased in fuel injection quantity on demand, does not produce excessive output torque, stabilizes low-speed running and keeps the drivable property excellent. - 特許庁

本発明は、コンフォーム押出機により押出成形された希薄銅合金からなる押出成形品において、2mass ppmを越える酸素と、Ti、Mg、Zr、B、Nb、Ca、V、Ni、Mn及びCrからなる群から選択された添加元素とを含み、残部が不可避不純物及び銅である前記希薄銅合金からなることを特徴とする。例文帳に追加

The extrusion article is made of a dilute copper alloy extruded by a conform extruder, wherein the dilute copper alloy comprises more than 2 mass ppm oxygen and an additive element chosen from the group consisting of Ti, Mg, Zr, B, Nb, Ca, V, Ni, Mn and Cr and the balance being unavoidable impurities and copper. - 特許庁


The combustor (100) includes: a number of fuel nozzles (120), a lean pre-nozzle fuel injection system (270) positioned upstream of the fuel nozzles (120), and a premixing annular space (250) positioned between the fuel nozzles (120) and the lean pre-nozzle fuel injection system (270) to premix the fuel flow (30) and the air flow (20). - 特許庁


This lean pre-evaporation premix combustor has a fuel injection valve 12 for injecting high carbon ratio liquid fuel into an air flow, a preevaporation premix pipe 14 for mixing the liquid fuel with air in the uniform lean combustion concentration by evaporating the liquid fuel, and a combustor liner 16 arranged on the downstream side of the pre-evaporation premix pipe, and burning a mixed lean air-fuel mixture. - 特許庁


By this, swirling flame F is formed by not jetting the lean mixture directly into the combustion space but by precedently forming a swirl in the annular gap and jetting it into the combustion space from the flame hole, and a base part of the swirling flame is prevented from scorching an inclined blade even when air quantity of the lean mixture becomes insufficient. - 特許庁


This lean pre-evaporation premixing burner comprises a fuel injection valve 12 for injecting the liquid fuel of high carbon ratio into the air current, a pre-evaporation premixing pipe 14 for evaporating the liquid fuel and mixing the same with the air in uniform lean combustion concentrations, and a burner liner 16 mounted on the downstream side of the pre-evaporation premixing pipe and burning the mixed lean fuel-air mixture. - 特許庁


To restrain rich flame-out caused as rich spike treatment is executed in accordance with an excessively rich air-fuel ratio in a lean combustion internal combustion engine to set a fuel injection quantity and suction air quantity at the time of executing the rich spike treatment and at the time of lean combustion in accordance with an accelerator opening degree. - 特許庁


In this method and device for purifying exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine, a cylinder which is actuated in a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio or fuel rich condition, and a cylinder in which the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio or fuel rich condition and lean burn are alternately conducted are provided, thereby NOx in lean burn exhaust gas is eliminated by ammonia denitration and NOx arresting. - 特許庁


The method comprises a step for receiving a signal showing the combustion dynamics in at least one combustor cans, a step for comparing the received signal with a prescribed lean blow-off threshold, and a step for controlling the gas turbine engine system so that a reduction in the probability of lean blow-off events can be facilitated by using that comparison. - 特許庁


In a sputtering apparatus, the target 3 is arranged in a vacuum chamber 1, gas is fed into the vacuum chamber 1 to form a lean gas atmosphere, the lean gas is ionized, ionized charged particles are collided with the target 3, and thus, the particles generated from the target 3 are deposited on the substrate 5 opposing the target 3 to deposit a thin film. - 特許庁


To provide an exhaust cleaning catalyst which can efficiently remove NOx from exhaust produced during lean combustion, to provide a catalyst body and a catalyst-coated structure each using the catalyst and being excellent in durability, and to provide an exhaust cleaning method which removes NOx from exhaust during lean combustion highly efficiently and highly reliably by using the catalyst. - 特許庁


The first rich mixture fed from the first burner port 106 is cracked by stable flame of the second burner port 109, generated activation chemical species are fed to a base part of lean flame by diffusion and a high temperature and high reaction area livelily carrying out combustion reaction is formed, and by this, stabilized ultralow NOx and miniaturization are realized even when a high speed lean mixture is fed. - 特許庁


The method for producing a carbon fiber precursor includes the following steps: a spinning dope is extruded via many nozzles formed in a spinneret into a coagulating liquid to coagulate a polymer dissolved in the spinning dope in a filamentous form. - 特許庁


To provide a direct cylinder injection internal combustion engine allowing the formation of a relatively larger stratified mixture block with no lean mixture region left in a central portion. - 特許庁

ガソリンのような燃料を筒内へ直接に噴射する筒内直噴エンジンにおいては、希薄な混合気を燃焼させるためにNOx の後処理が困難となり、NOx 低減のために大量のEGRを行う必要がある。例文帳に追加

In a cylinder direct injection engine directly injecting fuel such as gasoline into the inside of a cylinder, the post-treatment of NOx becomes difficult because of burning a lean mixture, and conducting a large amount of EGR is needed for reducing the NOx. - 特許庁


To provide an economic industrial recovery method for pyrrole with lesser energy without requiring scale up of facilities in recovering pyrrole from dilute pyrrole-containing waste water. - 特許庁


To provide a rolling mechanical element capable of easily and effectively preventing surface damage of contact surfaces without using special material and applying processing such as special heat treatment even when the rolling mechanical element has poor lubrication. - 特許庁


The pressure wave generates plural alternating localized compressions and rare fractions in the optical fiber, so that a grating (that is, periodic change in the refractive index of the optical fiber) is generated in the optical fiber. - 特許庁


In a similar manner, it is sometimes said that an ambiguous characteristic unique to Japanese houses, in which intention to clearly partition spaces is weak, can also be found in Engawa, which is not totally outside the building but not totally inside the building either.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a treating method of a large amount of exhaust gas exceeding 10,000 m^3/h of high humidity of 50% or more of R.H., and containing lean water-soluble VOC of several hundred to several thousand ppm in the exhaust gas. - 特許庁


To more reliably improve fuel consumption by setting a compression ratio to be higher even when a mixture has a greater air-fuel ratio as a whole in a cylinder bore such as during low load of an internal combustion engine, and the mixture is lean on average. - 特許庁


To provide a lifetime-prolonged rolling bearing in which a direct condition for prolonging a rolling lifetime under a lean lubrication condition is made clear and that condition is satisfied, and to provide a manufacturing method thereof. - 特許庁


To provide a rolling bearing running-in device and a manufacturing method, allowing clarifying direct conditions for increasing the rolling lifetime under a lean lubrication condition and manufacturing a rolling bearing satisfying the condition. - 特許庁


The combustible gas treatment system is provided, which performs dilute gas combustion where combustible gas in low concentration burns, performs the independent operation of itself by generating power by the heat of combustion, and further can be remote-controlled. - 特許庁


To provide an exhaust emission control device for an internal combustion engine and its controlling method which can prolong a life of a catalyst provided in an exhaust pipe of the internal combustion engine such as a lean fuel type gas engine. - 特許庁


To provide a control system for an internal combustion engine that can satisfy a request for quick change in engine torque while minimizing a degradation in operating performance and exhaust gas in a cylinder injection type internal combustion engine of lean-burn design. - 特許庁


To provide a method of detecting an adenine nucleotide by bioluminescence, in which a new ATP regeneration system is incorporated entirely without using ATP derived from stain in the regeneration system so as to be able to detect extremely dilute ATP. - 特許庁


Even when the blow-by gas and the lubricating oil stagnate in the covered space 4a, the leaner blow-by gas only contacts the lubricating oil without accelerating the deterioration of the lubricating oil. - 特許庁


To provide a measure for protecting secure and safe life of local residents in a social environment wherein the spirit of mutual help of the local residents is diluted due to the progress of aging society and a trend of nuclear families or the like. - 特許庁


As the inner circumferential face of the pedestal through hole is so smooth that a height difference between the adjacent projection and recess becomes 5 μm or less, gas molecules and the like are hardly adsorbed, and lean gas discharge is hardly caused in the anodizing connection. - 特許庁


To eliminate a trouble that a monophonic component to be located in the center of left and right speakers in two channel reproduction becomes weak when a large spacing is set between the left and right speakers and the location of a sound image, e.g. vocal, becomes indefinite. - 特許庁


Thus, even if a metallic gear is meshed with the gear part 32, generation of a meshing sound can be restrained, weight of the movable ring is reduced, and abrasion of the gear part can be restrained even in a lean lubricating environment. - 特許庁


Even in an environment involving poor lubricating oil, therefore, an oil film is formed without interruption between the mating member and the rolling/sliding component 10, so that metal components can be precluded from mutual contacting. - 特許庁


To provide a gas warm air heater capable of executing a stable ignition operation even when a tenuous gas left in a gas hose is supplied to a burner by continuously operating an ignition means for a predetermined period after ignition is detected. - 特許庁


From the 1980s, jotoshiki itself has become rarer for various reasons, such as the increase of prefabricated houses and the decrease of people's mixing with neighbors, but mochimaki is still held as a happy event in shrines' festivals, local communities' festivals, and some universities' festivals.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is also possible to suppose that the issues of bribery and corruption kept appearing from the Edo bakufu through and after the Meiji government because people had been accustomed to the concept of the reisen and not felt so guilty for a long time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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