
「特別な機会」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 66



She wore it for special occasions. - Weblio Email例文集


You can see a shintai only on special occasions.  - Weblio英語基本例文集

このような機会は 非常に特別で光栄なことです例文帳に追加

Well this is a really extraordinary honor for me. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


a formal event performed on a special occasion  - 日本語WordNet



dish that can be eaten during family celebrations and special occasions - Weblio Email例文集



an occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices  - 日本語WordNet


the group that gathers together for a particular occasion  - 日本語WordNet


To provide all players with an opportunity to enjoy a special performance. - 特許庁


a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event  - 日本語WordNet



The game machine is provided with a first special winning combination and a second special winning combination as special winning combinations to be a trigger for shifting a game state to a special game state wherein opportunities to impart a game value in a prescribed period are increased. - 特許庁



In the post-World War II period, although female members of the royal family wear the costume when they visit the Ise-jingu Shrine as a special event, there are very few opportunities to see it in general.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a mahjong ball game machine capable of obtaining many opportunities to perform a special game by a player, thereby increasing a savor as a mahjong ball game. - 特許庁


To improve the taste of a game apt to be monotonous by increasing chances of giving a player an expectation to a win to a special role. - 特許庁


Where special leave to adduce further evidence is granted, the other party shall be entitled to reply to the further evidence. - 特許庁


To provide a precursor material of intraluminal stents to give a designer a design chance of special specifications, and a manufacturing method therefor. - 特許庁


To provide a device for providing the excitement of which variable prize port is opened when winning a special game, without being limited only to the occasion of determination of shift to the special game. - 特許庁


The game machine has at least a special winning symbol combination to be a trigger of shifting a game state to a special game state wherein opportunities to impart game values are increased in a prescribed period. - 特許庁


The game machine has at least a special winning role to be a trigger of shifting a game state to a special game state wherein opportunities to impart game values are increased in a prescribed period. - 特許庁


However, when the game ball enters the second start-operation winning hole 51 to get a win, the game state is brought into either a first special winning control state or a second special winning control state and, after the game state is brought into the first special winning control state, a chance of opening the regular variable winning device 53 increases. - 特許庁


However, when the game ball enters and wins in the second start winning opening 51, a game state becomes either the first special winning control state or the second special winning control state, and chances of opening the normal variable winning device 53 are increased after being the first special winning control state. - 特許庁


The game machine has at least a special winning symbol combination to be a trigger of shifting a game state to a special game state wherein opportunities to impart game values are increased in a prescribed period, and a specified winning symbol combination corresponding to a privilege accompanied by the imparting of the game values in the game separately from the special winning symbol combination. - 特許庁


To solve such a dilemma that excessive chances for forcibly stopping the variable display of the special figures causes the inevitable drop in the playing potentialities if given to the players to satisfy the desires for gaining more. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that amusement is reduced when too many opportunities for forcibly stopping the variable display of special patterns are imparted though a player wants to have more of such opportunities imparted. - 特許庁


To solve such a dilemma that excessive chances for forcibly stopping the variable display of the special figures causes the inevitable drop in the playing potentialities if given to the players to satisfy their desires for gaining more. - 特許庁


This game machine has a special game state control means controlling a progress of a game in a special game state where a game value awarding opportunity is increased more than that of a regular game state only for a specific period, and a special game state finishing means finishing the special game state, when the total number of the game value awarded within the specific period reaches a prescribed number. - 特許庁


To provide a user with opportunities for reviewing the contents of the past and recollecting memories, by passively displaying the contents in the past accumulated in a cellular phone at predetermined timing without the need for special operations on the part of the user. - 特許庁


To provide a game device using a lottery machine that makes players other than a relevant player also simultaneously join a special lottery of a mass game as another bonus game in a type different from the special lottery to give a chance for obtaining a bonus. - 特許庁


In order to secure fair business opportunities for SMEs, the Law on Special Measures for Adjustment for Retail Businesses and the Law on Securing Business Opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises by Adjusting the Business Activities of Large Enterprises will be strictly enforced. (continuation) - 経済産業省


Consequently, game parlors which provide many opportunities to execute the demonstration performance set the specific period at an opening time when game machines are powered on and at a time when customers change during business hours, and can provide all players with opportunities to enjoy a special performance. - 特許庁


To raise a player's expectation to the continuation of a special game when a plurality of types of game specifications are executed in parallel by increasing chances of shifting to a special game state in either of the game specifications in a short period of time without varying a shift probability to the special game state more than necessary under the respective game specifications. - 特許庁

私達の4人の子供と彼女の家に 身を寄せて生き延びてる 流れないトイレで 運命を除いて 君のような特別な人に 接する機会を私にもたらした例文帳に追加

I stay with her on account of our four kids and I can survive, except when fate, through a toilet that won't flush, brings me in contact with a special specimen like you. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


That is, the player can utilize the opportunity to refresh himself by looking at the special display performance for the appreciation and can enjoy the game with a fresh feeling. - 特許庁


That is, the player can utilize an opportunity to change his/her state of mind by seeing the special display performance for ornamental purpose and can enjoy the game with a new state of mind. - 特許庁


While usually a big winning is attained when the stop display of the special symbol is in a winning form and the opportunity of a big winning game is given to a player, in this case, a game is advanced so as not to make the player notice the big winning. - 特許庁


To provide a game machine that can give a player a chance of keeping on playing by supplying high playability even after a special game that can gain many game media finishes. - 特許庁


This constitution can increase the opportunity for the player of confirming the win symbol, execute the special game by a different condition for every win symbol so as to provide the player with more taste. - 特許庁


That is, the player is given an opportunity to change his or her mood by watching the special display performance for enjoyment and enjoys playing, feeling refreshed. - 特許庁


Accordingly, execution frequency of the normal symbol game can be enhanced in the normal state, and an opportunity that a second start hole comes into an open state is increased to enhance execution frequency of a special symbol game. - 特許庁


In the time shortening reduction opportunity, when a jackpot pattern with time shortening is determined by the drawing of the jackpot, the time shortening game state generated after the end of the jackpot game is ended when the variable display of the special patterns is performed 25 times. - 特許庁


To provide a technique capable of inhibiting player's expectation from lowering by giving the player a chance of joining an internal lottery with a second special pattern in a specific situation after a jackpot game is completed. - 特許庁


The game machine has a forced game winning combination leading to the shift to a forced game winning state in which any of a plurality of winning combinations corresponding to special favors allowed to award game values at least in the game involved is forcibly selected and a special winning combination leading to the shift of the game to a special game state in which chances for awarding game values are increased during a prescribed period. - 特許庁

2 審判長は、第百三十一条の二第二項の規定により請求書の補正を許可するときは、その補正に係る手続補正書の副本を被請求人に送達し、相当の期間を指定して、答弁書を提出する機会を与えなければならない。ただし、被請求人に答弁書を提出する機会を与える必要がないと認められる特別の事情があるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(2) When the chief trial examiner approves the correction of the written request under Article 131-2(2), the chief trial examiner shall serve a copy of the statement of the amendment of proceedings with regard to such amendment to the demandee, and shall give the demandee an opportunity to submit a written answer, designating an adequate time limit; provided, however, that this shall not apply where special circumstances exist under which it is recognized that giving an opportunity to the demandee to submit a written answer is not required.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 審判長は、前条第二項の規定により請求書の補正を許可するときは、その補正に係る手続補正書の副本を被請求人に送達し、相当の期間を指定して、答弁書を提出する機会を与えなければならない。ただし、被請求人に答弁書を提出する機会を与える必要がないと認められる特別の事情があるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(2) When the chief trial examiner approves an amendment of the written request under Article 38-2(2), the chief trial examiner shall serve a copy of the written amendment of procedures with regard to such amendment to the respondent, and shall give the respondent an opportunity to submit a written answer, designating an adequate time limit; provided, however, that this shall not apply where special circumstances exist under which it is recognized that giving an opportunity to the respondent to submit a written answer is not required.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Moreover, the Courses of Study for schools for special needs education, which were revised in March 2009, (1) have established a new subject specialized on "welfare" for schools for students with intellectual disabilities and (2) prescribes that schools for special needs education should actively provide opportunities of work experience in cooperation with local communities and industries and labor-related organizations so as to enhance the vocational education with a view to enabling such students to achieve independence and social participation. - 経済産業省


Given that the ratio of basic votes to the total voting power has decreased substantially since the establishment of the IMF, we agree with a significant increase of basic votes, depending on the size of the second-stage quota increase.Ultimately, we might even consider restoring the significance of basic votes in aggregate votes.  - 財務省


The creation of the region at job opportunity is attempted by founding the hometown employment reproduction special grant to support the match that creates job opportunity that employs a regional jobseeker etc. based on the inventiveness according to the fact in the region and does, and using the fund etc. made in administrative divisions based on this in the region where the employment unemployment situation is severe. - 厚生労働省


To enable the diversified setting of chances for notifying players of the probability state as intended for a remedy of the players in a game machine which enables the alteration of the lottery probability for determining whether the shift should be made to a special game advantageous for the players from the high-probability state to the low-probability state. - 特許庁


To enable a diversified setting of chances for notifying of the probability state leading to the remedy of players in a game machine which enables the alteration of the lottery probability for determining whether the shift should be made to a special game advantageous for players to the low-probability state from the high-probability state. - 特許庁


To enable a diversified setting of chances for notifying of the probability state leading to the remedy of players in a game machine which enables the alteration of the lottery probability for determining whether the shift should be made to a special game advantageous for the players or not to the low probability from the high probability. - 特許庁



To variably set a notification opportunity of a probability state leading to a rescue of a player in a game machine capable of changing a lottery probability, on whether or not shifting to a special game advantageous for a player, from a high probability state to a low probability state. - 特許庁


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