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該当件数 : 190



By the above ultrasonic vibration, the polishing pad 4 makes motion to the wafer edge part, thereby accelerating polishing, besides the polishing slurry 6 is smoothly supplied by the pumping action caused by the ultrasonic vibration. - 特許庁


Since the polishing tool having a polishing acting face to which the abrasive grains are fixed provides spontaneous edge sharpening without loading, the polishing for providing a high-quality machining surface with high efficiency is implemented. - 特許庁


The wafer W is retained by the wafer holder 12 for rotating and driving, and is flatly polished and machined by the CMP operation of slurry at a portion to the polishing pad 21 that is crimped to the surface to be polished of the wafer for relative movement. - 特許庁


The slurry 106 fed on the polishing cloth 113 is activated by the catalytic function of the polishing cloth, and the activation of the slurry increases chemical action for markedly improving the polishing speed. - 特許庁



While the polishing member 61 for a flat surface is slowly reciprocated, the work W continues rotating so that polishing is making progress by action of supplied slurry and abrasive cloth. - 特許庁



When tension in the direction of the arrow A acts on the polishing cloth 20, the polishing cloth 20 is stretched, the rear edge part 107 is lifted, a front edge part 106 is pressed to a resistance plate 120 inversely and the polishing cloth 20 is clamped. - 特許庁


To obtain an aqueous dispersion for polishing chemical machinery comprising an organic compound having at least one kind of actions of (1) suppressing the deterioration of polishing pads, (2) suppressing pitting of surfaces to be polished from occurring and (3) flattening a difference in levels of the surfaces to be polished. - 特許庁


An electrostatic force 10f directed to the direction of the polishing part 9 from the semiconductor substrate 1 acts on polishing particles 10, and, since the polishing particles 10 are moved in a direction parting from the film to be processed, the friction of the film to be processed by the polishing particles 10 can be reduced. - 特許庁


Therefore, the polishing work to the wafer W is carried out stably, with the force acting on the wafer W being detected. - 特許庁



Surface tensile force of the water intruded in the fine multiholes works between the installing pad 1 and the polishing cloth. - 特許庁



The outer surfaces are eluted by the eluate and the outer surfaces are polished by utilizing the chemical action of the elute. - 特許庁


When sucking and holding with a suction surface plate, the suction force acting on the polished object 30 is equalized. - 特許庁


To provide a CPU device of novel structure capable of reducing the polishing liquid or increasing the polishing rate by preventing the heat, generated by friction during the polishing in the CPU device, from being transferred from a polishing pad to a rotary platen, thereby promoting chemical action of the polishing liquid and a substrate surface incident to temperature rise. - 特許庁


As for the electrophotographic device adopting a (a)-Si photoreceptor, the device can grind the photoreceptor by the interaction of a grinding means and the grinding toner by forming the residing part 13 for effectively feeding the toner on the grinding means side by disposing a member for controlling the toner between a grinding roller and a toner recovering screw. - 特許庁


To carry out mirror finishing without a polishing flaw even on a large-area silicon wafer or the like; to improve the flatness of a working surface 16 by applying uniform pressure on the whole large-area working surface 16 for polishing. - 特許庁


The wafer is polished by a mechanical removing operation by surface protrusions on polishing pads 410 and polishing grains contained in a slurry 538, and by a chemical removing operation by a chemical substance contained in the slurry 538. - 特許庁


To provide a method for polishing a hard metallic material, which performs both a smooth polishing action for reducing the surface roughness of a work made of the hard metallic material and a grinding action for adjusting the outline dimensions of the work, can increase a polished amount (=charged amount) of works for each batch charged into a polishing tank, and can increase productivity by eliminating a sorting step for work and media. - 特許庁


To provide a cleaning device which almost uniformly supplies an appropriate amount of a toner over the whole area of a polishing roller to enhance the polishing effect of the polishing roller on the surface of a photoreceptor, and consequently can prevent the occurrence of problems such as transfer failure and image deletion. - 特許庁


To provide a cleaning device which almost uniformly supplies an appropriate amount of a toner over the whole area of a polishing roller to enhance the polishing effect of the polishing roller on the surface of a photoreceptor, and consequently can prevent the occurrence of problems such as transfer failure, image deletion, increase in the torque of the photoreceptor and turning of a cleaning blade. - 特許庁


To provide a substrate grasping device which can carry out a stable polishing by suppressing a rotation moment operated by a friction force between a substrate and a polishing table, while maintaining the rigidity of a grasping plate, and has reduced the weight of the grasping plate as low as possible. - 特許庁


When a tensile force works on the polishing cloth 20 in the direction of the arrow A, the polishing cloth 20 is spread tensely to be raised at the rear rim part 107 thereof while the front rim part 106 is pressed against a resistance plate 120 conversely to increase the gripping force of the polishing cloth 20. - 特許庁


In this process of polishing, a polishing tool 5 is abutted on the side face of the belt 4, while the belt 4 is put traveling in the belt longitudinal direction, and the lubricating action of moisture 6 is applied to the surface where the polishing tool 5 abuts on the belt 4. - 特許庁


To provide a side face shape machining method for a stone or the like capable of providing a ground surface excellent in smoothness and brightness, having durability and a long service life, easy to fit in a mating shape, economical, and capable of reducing the number of grinding processes without causing trouble in a grinding action even if a part thereof gets damage or the like. - 特許庁


In this manner the specimen 3 is immersed in the magnetic polishing solution 1 over the overall area except for a mounted surface, and the magnetic field is exerted on the overall surface, followed by pressing the abrasive grains by magnetic clusters generated in the polishing solution, to thereby carry out polishing by relative movement of the abrasive grains. - 特許庁


Consequently, the face to be machined having various curvatures such as the non-spherical face lens can be smoothed by bringing the polishing member 2 into close adhesion to the face to be machined for polishing while controlling a force acting on the polishing member 2 in accordance with machining elapse time and making the polishing face 2a agree with an ideal machining face shape. - 特許庁


The chemical mechanical polishing device pushes the wafer W with a conductive film formed on the surface thereof against a polishing pad 20, while supplying slurry, and impresses a voltage between the wafer and the polishing pad to flatten the surface, while applying electrolytic operation. - 特許庁


A chuck support mechanism for supporting a chuck against a head body in the polishing head of the polishing apparatus supports lateral force operating on a chuck at the upstream side in the traveling direction of polishing cloth from the rotation center of the head body and within the diameter of the disc-like workpiece. - 特許庁


The polishing device 10 is equipped with: a workpiece 11 rotating and a rotary polisher 18 to scan over the generating line on the workpiece surface while a pressure is applied thereto in its normal direction; and the workpiece 11 is polished with the polisher 18. - 特許庁


It is devised to manifest polishing work promoting action and sodimentation restraining action well in balance by containing these organic acid well- combined. - 特許庁


The front and rear surfaces of a silicon wafer W are polished simultaneously, by pressing the polishing surfaces of a pair of ring-type polishing surface plates 11, 12 to both front and rear surfaces of the silicon wafer W, making both surface plates 11, 12 rotate in the same direction while a polishing agent is being supplied, and the making the silicon wafer W revolve by itself. - 特許庁


In the conditioner for the semiconductor abrasive cloth, the coated diamonds act as cutting edges projected from a substrate and performing grinding on the semiconductor abrasive cloth disposed oppositely to the substrate. - 特許庁


To provide a compound for polishing a barrel and a barrel polishing method capable of stably exercising the action of a surface active agent without depending on an amount of ion included in the water. - 特許庁


The electric discharge machine (10) having the electrode tool with an abrasive removes part of the work (20) by a grinding action of the electrode tool to the work (20). - 特許庁


To realize a polishing pad having a non-foam structure containing a solid catalyst for promoting the oxidizing action of slurry, and having a large polishing rate wherein a fault such as dishing is suppressed. - 特許庁


Accordingly, the polishing turning tool 3 performs two motions, rotation and revolution, so that movement to the surface of the sample 1 is equalized to reduce variation in polishing action. - 特許庁


But the increasing action of the gripping force does not occur even when the polishing cloth 20 is pulled from the direction of the arrow B in the winding thereof thereby enabling the winding of the polishing cloth 20 without the operation of an operation lever 113. - 特許庁


After that, an adjusting plate 4 comprising the same material as an object part of a workpiece to be polished is rotated and pressed to the polishing cloth 14, and the action surface 48 is smoothed for about 60 sec. - 特許庁


To provide composite particles capable of polishing the surface of a work piece in a short time through making abrasive particles act resiliently on the surface of the work piece, and to provide a method for producing the composite particles. - 特許庁


A sufficient amount of the working liquid is impregnated to the inside of the polishing tool in a short period of time by working external force by depression or compression or external force combining depression and compression on the porous polishing tool. - 特許庁


To set moment acting on a holding member by frictional force between a wafer and an abrasive pad to a desirable value when the surface of the wafer is polished with the abrasive pad. - 特許庁


At the time of polishing, a thrust load and a radial load applied to the rotation shaft 16 of the polishing head 10 are received by cross roller bearings 24 assembled in a shaft bearing X for the rotation shaft 16. - 特許庁


To provide the polish dish, which features an appropriate self-generation work by mixing rice bran and fixed polishing granules, which are distributed in the polishing dish to prevent separated granules from becoming useless. - 特許庁


The adhesive layer 33 does not expose over the bottom of the through hole 34 of the polishing layer 31, so that the polishing layer 31 is difficult to peel off from the supporting plate 32 because slurry works on the adhesive layer 33. - 特許庁


Subsequently, the upper surface of the polishing object is cleaned in order to remove a protection film formed on the upper surface of the conductive layer 14 with operation of a film forming agent included in the composition for the first polishing. - 特許庁


The magnetic cluster generated in the polishing liquid by the magnetic field of the permanent magnet 11 presses the abrasive in the liquid on the surface of the specimen 1, and the abrasive goes around accompanied by the flow of the polishing liquid. - 特許庁


To provide a hand-held polishing device having excellent operability capable of freely changing a grip part position in relation to a polished part without hindering rotation balance adjusted by a balancer. - 特許庁


To provide a composition including a polishing agent having the action of the removal of both dental plaque and precipitation on the surface of a tooth, sparingly abrading the surface of a tooth and excellent in polishing effect. - 特許庁


The action part has sharp-pointed abrasive particles to cut off hair as well as cushioning particles to ease the skin irritation caused by those abrasive particles. - 特許庁


In a process where a bonding operation is repeated, after a bonding action face 10b of the bonding tool 10 is polished by the polishing portion 6, the bonding action face 10b is ultrasonically washed by applying an ultrasonic vibration to the bonding tool 10 in a state of immersing the bonding action face 10b after the polishing in the washing liquid in the vessel. - 特許庁



The slight gap gives strong electrolytic intensity to a protruded portion of an object film to selectively remove the protruded portion at a high polishing rate. - 特許庁


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