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Due to the writings dealing with travel "Journey to East" during Edo period by Nankei TACHIBANA, on July 13 every year in Mt. Sakka Ryusenji-temle in Nakaniigawa-gun in Ecchu Province (currently Toyama Prefecture), both from the top of Mt. Ryusen and from the sea, each one of ryuto is said to fly to put a fire on the treetops, which is called santoryuto. 例文帳に追加

橘南谿による江戸時代の紀行文『東遊記』によれば、越中国(現・富山県)では中新川郡の眼目山立山寺という寺で毎年7月13日、立山の頂上と海中から1つずつ龍燈が飛来して梢に火を灯すといい、これを山灯竜灯と称するという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At Battle of Kurikara-toge at Mt. Tonami in Ecchu Province (from Oyabe City, Toyama Prefecture to Tsubata-machi, Kahoku-gun, Ishikawa Prefecture) Yoshinaka's army defeated a vast force of the Heishi clan, estimated to be a hundred thousand soldiers, led by TAIRA no Koremori; encouraged by this victory Yoshinaka's army rallied warriors en route and advanced toward Kyoto in full force. 例文帳に追加

5月、越中国砺波山の倶利伽羅峠の戦い(富山県小矢部市-石川県河北郡津幡町)で10万とも言われる平維盛率いる平氏の大軍を破り、勝ちに乗った義仲軍は沿道の武士たちを糾合し、怒濤の勢いで京都を目指して進軍する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1582, when the Oda forces's complete seizure of the Ecchu made the Uesugi family in a difficult situation, Nobunaga ODA committed suicide at Honnoji Temple (the Honnoji Incident) on June 2, as a result, the Oda expeditionary forces had to renounce aggression, allowing the Uesugi family to survive narrowly. 例文帳に追加

天正10年(1582年)、侵攻する織田軍は越中を完全に制圧し、上杉家はまさに窮地に立たされるが、6月2日、織田信長が本能寺にて自害したため(本能寺の変)織田軍の北征は頓挫し、上杉家は九死に一生を得た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Kansei Choshu Shokafu" (a collection of family trees and brief personal histories of the shogunate officials such as daimyo and hatamoto [bannermen], which was compiled by the shogunate during the Kansei era) indicates that young Nobuyoshi and his older brother Nobutoshi served Nobunaga ODA, for whom they managed to offer meritorious services in the battle against Nagamasa ASAI, but it is more likely that they served Nobunaga after Kenshin UESUGI's death and when the Oda's army thereby invaded Ecchu Province. 例文帳に追加

『寛政重修諸家譜』には、兄信利と共に早くから織田信長に仕えて浅井長政との戦いに軍功ありと記すが、実際に信長に属したのは上杉謙信死後の織田軍の越中侵攻時のことであろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In July, 1582, when Nobunaga was killed by his vassal Mitsuhide AKECHI in the Honnoji Incident, Toshiie was fighting under the command of Katsuie SHIBATA to capture Ecchu Uozu-jo Castle which the troops of Kagekatsu UESUGI held, so he could not take part in the attack against Mitsuhide by Hideyoshi. 例文帳に追加

天正10年(1582年)6月の本能寺の変で信長が家臣の明智光秀により討たれた時、利家は柴田勝家に従い、上杉景勝軍の籠る越中魚津城を攻略中であり、秀吉の光秀攻撃に加わることができなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the Kiyosu conference after the conquest of Mitsuhide AKECHI, when a fight for power of the Oda family occurred between Katsuie SHIBATA and Hideyoshi HASHIBA, Narimasa took side of Shibata, but he could not participate in the battle of Shizugatake since he could not leave Ecchu due to preparations for the attack of the Uesugi army. 例文帳に追加

明智光秀征伐後の清洲会議において、柴田勝家と羽柴秀吉との織田家の実権争いが勃発すると、成政は柴田方につくが、賤ヶ岳の戦いには上杉軍への備えのため越中を動けず、本人は合戦に参加出来なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kenshin ordered a temporarily withdrawal due to random shooting by an uprising of Ikko sect followers while attacking Asahiyama-jo Castle at the border between Ecchu Province and Kaga Province in September 1573, he demanded Yoji, the son of Kagesuke YOSHIE, to remain in custody within the camp as he fought bravely in a flurry of bullets and did not withdraw as ordered. 例文帳に追加

天正元年(1573年)8月に越中国と加賀国の国境にある朝日山城を攻めた際に、一向一揆による鉄砲の乱射を受けて謙信は一時撤退を命じたが、吉江景資の子・与次だけは弾が飛び交う中で奮戦して撤退しようとしなかったため、謙信は与次を陣内に拘禁した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A session granting awards was held on February 15, just after the battle ended; at this session, Yorimori was made governor of Owari Province, Shigemori of Iyo Province, Munemori of Totomi Province, Norimori of Ecchu Province, and Tsunemori of Iga Province, meaning that following the battle, the Taira's control over chigyo-koku (provincial fiefdom) increased from five provinces to seven. 例文帳に追加

合戦の終息した12月29日恩賞の除目があり、頼盛が尾張守、重盛が伊予守、宗盛が遠江守、教盛が越中守、経盛が伊賀守にそれぞれ任じられ、平氏一門の知行国は乱の前の5ヶ国から7ヶ国に増加した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the collapse of the Shiba clan, Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA immediately deprived it of shugoshiki (post of provincial constable) of the provinces of Wakasa, Echizen, Ecchu and Settsu, made these provinces bakufu's territory, dispatched bugyonin (group of magistrates), returned Jisha Honjo Ryo (lands formerly owned by temples/shrines) and suspended hanzei (shugo's right to collect half of the taxes). 例文帳に追加

斯波氏没落後、足利義詮はすぐにその領国である若狭国・越前・越中国・摂津などの守護職を没収し、幕府の御料所となし、奉行人を派遣して、寺社本所領の返付や半済の停止を執行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1367, Yoshinaga NIKI submitted himself to bakufu, Yoshimasa SHIBA was permitted to return to Kyoto (reappointed to shugo of Ecchu Province), Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA (a cousin of Kiyouji) who was then in Sanuki Province came to Kyoto and finally Ashikaga bakufu system under which influential shugo submitted themselves to shogun Yoshiakira was established. 例文帳に追加

貞治6年には仁木義長も幕府に帰参し、斯波義将も許されて上洛(越中守護に復帰)、さらに讃岐国に下っていた細川頼之(清氏の従兄弟)も上洛し、将軍義詮の下に有力守護らが従う足利幕府体制が確立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the cases where the area of a prefecture accords with that of a province, the name of the old province is used as another name of the prefecture; such prefectures include Yamanashi Prefecture (Kai Province), Toyama Prefecture (Ecchu Province), Shiga Prefecture (Omi Province), Nara Prefecture (Yamato Province), Tokushima Prefecture (Awa Province), Ehime Prefecture (Iyo Province), Kochi Prefecture (Tosa Province), Kumamoto Prefecture (Higo Province), Miyazaki Prefecture (Hyuga Province). 例文帳に追加

また、山梨県(甲斐国)や富山県(越中国)、滋賀県(近江国)、奈良県(大和国)、徳島県(阿波国)、愛媛県(伊予国)、高知県(土佐国)、熊本県(肥後国)、宮崎県(日向国)のように県と国の範囲が一致するところでは、旧国名が県の別称として用いられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The antagonism between the two families broke out into the open in 1506 after Yoshikage NAGAO died in battle in Ecchu and was succeeded by Tamekage NAGAO; the Hachijo Uesugi family suffered a major blow in Echigo's Eisho War, during which Ryumatsu HACHIJO, the governor of Owari, and his son, as well as Narisada UESUGI, were driven to take their own lives. 例文帳に追加

永正3年(1506年)に長尾能景が越中で戦死し跡を長尾為景が継ぐと両者の対立は表面化し、越後永正の乱では八条尾張守・龍松父子や上杉成定が自害に追い込まれるなどして大きな打撃を受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was a family which became one of the Sankanrei (three families in the post of Kanrei, or shogunal deputy) of Bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) in the Muromachi period, and also became Shugo daimyo (Japanese feudal lords who used to be the provincial military governors) and Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lords in the Sengoku period, or period of warring states) who ruled Echizen Province, Wakasa Province, Ecchu Province, Noto Province, Totomi Province, Shinano Province, Owari Province, Kaga Province, Awa Province, Sado Province and so on. 例文帳に追加

本姓は室町時代に幕府の三管領の一つとなった一族であり、越前国・若狭国・越中国・能登国・遠江国・信濃国・尾張国・加賀国・安房国・佐渡国などを領した守護大名・戦国大名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Ecchu fundoshi are only sold at some of the department stores or the kimono shops, in recent years the advent of the Internet has brought about appearance of the companies that are devoted to manufacturing and selling fundoshi using Internet mail order and made it easy to buy them, and so the generation who had known only briefs and trunks seem to be turning into a new buyer group as a result of beginning to regard "fundoshi" as a new undergarment. 例文帳に追加

一部の百貨店や呉服店で販売されているに過ぎないが、近年ではインターネットの出現でインターネット通販を用いた褌製造販売専門業者などが生まれ、容易に購入できるようになり、ブリーフやトランクスしか知らない世代が「褌」を新鮮な下着として認識し始めたことで、新たな購買層となっているようだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

What is more, Ecchu fundoshi seem to be used habitually not only by the people who suffer from lumbago such as a rupture because they can be put on and taken off without lifting one leg nor bending down, or because undergarments can be exchanged without taking off shoes nor trousers, but also, for the practical purpose, by the people who work outdoors in the summer because they are absorbent, by the people who are restricted about the place or the time to change their clothes, and also by the people who, while working, are obliged to be seated for a long time. 例文帳に追加

また、片足を上げたり、屈んだりせずに着脱ができることや、靴やズボンを脱がずに下着を交換できることから、ヘルニアなどの腰痛に苦しむ人々に加えて、実用面でも、吸湿性が良いことから夏場に野外で作業をする人達や、着替えに場所や時間の制約がある人達の他に長時間着席を余儀なくされる業務を行う人達にも愛用されているようだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The old theories about the setup of 'Ise Yamada bugyo' by the Edo bakufu, such as it having been established at the request of the members of Yoda sanpo, or that a Goshuinjo (letter of command with a stamp to show its authenticity) from Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI to Jobu Ecchunokami (Governor of upper-Ecchu Province), was the precedent for Yamada bugyo in the Edo bakufu, are still compatible with the idea of Tadasuke OOKA as Yamada bugyo. 例文帳に追加

徳川幕府の「伊勢山田奉行」の設置について「山田三方会合衆の要請に依った」とか昭和四年刊行の宇治山田市史の「豊臣秀吉の上部越中守への御朱印状を以て江戸幕府・山田奉行の前例とする」説は、現在に於いても大岡忠相の山田奉行手柄話と共にまことしやかに語られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1340, when Iinoya-jo Castle fell under the attack of KO no Moroyasu and Yoshinaga NIKI,he stayed in Teradomari, Echigo Province (currently Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture), or Hojozu, Ecchu Province (currently Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture); after that, he went to Okawara (currently Oshika-mura, Nagano Prefecture) at the invitation of Takamune KOSAKA (a member of the Mochizuki clan, who were a branch of the Shigeno clan) of Ina County, Shinano Province (currently Nagano Prefecture) in 1344. 例文帳に追加

1340年(暦応3年、興国元年)に足利方の高師泰・新木義長らに攻められて井伊谷城が落城した後、越後国(新潟県)の寺泊(現、新潟県長岡市)や、越中国(富山県の放生津(現、富山県射水市)などに滞在した後、1344年(興国5年/康永3年)に信濃国(長野県)伊那郡の豪族香坂高宗(滋野氏支流望月氏の一族)に招かれ、大河原(現、長野県大鹿村)に入った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a high probability that the scheme would have been successful if Kenshin had gone up to Kyoto (he could have ignored an uprising of Ikko sect followers in Kaga Province because there was a sea route between Wakasa Province and Ecchu Province and the Uesugi clan had Suigun (warriors battle in the sea), moreover, he could probably have obtained cooperation from the Asakura clan in Echizen Province and the Isshiki clan in Wakasa Province who were the shogun's retainers), the Miyoshi clan and the Matsunaga who were cautious about Kenshin sent enormous amounts of tributes to him. 例文帳に追加

上洛が出来さえすれば成功の可能性は高く(若狭・越中間は航路があり上杉氏には水軍もあったため加賀一向一揆は無視できた。また、幕臣である越前の朝倉氏・若狭の一色氏の協力は得られた可能性が高い)、謙信を警戒した三好・松永から大量の貢物を送られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The seasons are: (1) as Ecchu fundoshi has the ultimate shape in its kind, the design has not changed for a long time, manufacturers can only make a difference in material, color or pattern; (2) as the most typical color for the fundoshi is white, there is extremely limited demand for other colors or patterns, and thus making a difference cannot be paid off; (3) since this is not so difficult to make, as they were made at home in the previous period, the price and profit rate should be low accordingly; and (4) it's hard to expect a large sale that can pay off the capital investment, as it's hard to expect a growing demand in comparison to other undergarments. 例文帳に追加

越中褌が究極の形状であることから、昔からデザインの変化がないことで、材質や色か柄でしか商品として差別化ができないこと、白色が定番の越中褌では色物や柄物では極端に需要が少なく採算に合わないこと、個人でも縫製できるものであるため、単価も安く利益率が低いこと、他の下着と比べて需要の伸びが大きく見込めず、設備投資に見合う大量販売が見込めないことなどである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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