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The warの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 10062


In the past, the Ministry of Finance and the Japanese External Trade Organization, which is an extra-governmental organization of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) or the former Ministry of International Trade and Industry, would strive to promote exports but, as Japan's trade surplus grew, it embarked on promoting imports in turn. Anyway, it is an organization that boasts knowledge of trade issues that it has garnered over time. Then there is the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, which is one example of the wholesale integration of policy-based financial institutions during the Koizumi administration that was carried out under the banner of "From public to private." I hear, however, that there is talk of separating JBIConly JBIC, which has actually played an extremely significant role in the expansion of the Japanese economy overseas after World War IIback to its original form, because it is arguably found to be somewhat different from the rest. 例文帳に追加

また、金融庁といたしましては、これまで財務省、経済産業省や日本貿易振興機構、これは昔で言う通産省の外郭団体でございまして、輸出振興ということを一生懸命やりましたが、途中から日本の貿易黒字が大きくなりまして、今度輸入振興ということをやり出しました。いずれにしても非常に貿易に関しては長年のノウハウを持っている団体でございます。それから国際協力銀行、これは小泉さんのときに「官から民へ」ということで官の政策金融機関をみんな合わせろという話でしたが、どうもJBICだけは少し色彩が違うということで、JBICだけ独自にまた昔のように離そうかという話もあると聞いていますけれども、これも日本の経済の海外進出に対して戦後、実は非常に大きな役割を果たしてきたのです。 - 金融庁

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the paragraph (1), with regard to either letters a detainee sends to or receives from a national or local government agency and whose contents include the matters under the authority of the agency and letters a detainee sends to or receives from an attorney who discharges the duty prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 3 of the Attorney Act (Act No. 205 of 1949) with regard to the detainee, the prisoners of war camp commander shall not suppress their sending or receiving, or remove or erase the concerned part of them for the reasons that all or a part of letter pertaining to matters concerned fall under item (v) of paragraph (1). 例文帳に追加

3 第一項の規定にかかわらず、被収容者が国又は地方公共団体の機関に対して発する信書であってその機関の権限に属する事項を含むもの及び被収容者が弁護士との間で発受する信書であってその被収容者に係る弁護士法(昭和二十四年法律第二百五号)第三条第一項に規定する弁護士の職務に属する事項を含むものについては、これらの事項に係る部分の全部又は一部が第一項第五号に該当することを理由としては、その発信若しくは受信を差し止め、又はその該当箇所を削除し、若しくは抹消することができない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

I am a doctor by profession, so since 29 years ago, I have been working all along on matters related to social insurance, medical care, welfare, pensions, and nursing care. I used to serve as chairman of an association of lawmakers aiming to dismantle the SIA at the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Looking back at the old days, around 1947-1948, Mr. Tatsuo Ozawa, who would later become an influential LDP lawmaker in matters related to social and labor issues, was serving as a director at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Mr. Kunikichi Saito was serving as a director at the Ministry of Labour. Around that time, in the years immediately after the end of the war, under the occupation of GHQ, there was much controversy over the system of assigning civil servants local government jobs, in short, over the treatment of SIA civil servants. 例文帳に追加

ただし、私は本職は医者でございますから、29年前から、社会保険を初め医療・福祉・年金・介護というのは、私のライフワークでもございましたから、調べていただければ分かりますけれども、昔、私は自由民主党の社会保険庁解体議員連盟の会長をした人間でございまして、少し古い話を申し上げますと、これは昭和22~23年ごろ、小沢辰男さんという非常に自民党の社労の有力な方ですが、彼が厚生省の課長をしておりまして、もう1人、斎藤邦吉さんという方が労働省の課長をしておられた(、その)2人が課長をしたときに、いわゆる公務員の地方事務官(制度)の問題で、簡単に言いますと、社会保険庁の公務員というのはどうしようかと、戦後すぐ、GHQの下で非常にもめたのです。 - 金融庁

(1) Western clothes became more popular than ever in Japan; (2) there brought about a tendency to deny the previous culture because of the loss of the war, and, to make the matter worse, the fundoshi was something the military forced them to wear; (3) because of the advancement of industrialization, people moved from agricultural communities to urban areas to change the traditional family form to a nuclear family, and thus it made it hard to continue the culture in which wearing fundoshi was often symbolically celebrated as a rite of passage to be a grown-up man; (4) as women were encouraged to participate in society, household chores were simplified and thus the time for sewing fundoshi at home became limited; (5) manufacturers of fundoshi were practically decreased and it made it hard for people to get fundoshi at stores; and (6) new types of undergarments, such as a brief type and a trunks type of underpants, appeared at low prices, those functional, and were seen fashionable, undergarments became popular mainly among young people. 例文帳に追加

日本人の洋装化が一段と進んだこと、敗戦で軍隊で強制されていたことの嫌悪感から旧文化が否定される風潮になったこと、日本の工業化の進展で農村部から都市部に人口の移動が起こり、核家族化が進行して「褌祝」の私的祭事に象徴される褌継承の文化が断絶したこと、女性の社会進出で家事が簡略化されて自家で縫製する機会がなくなったこと、製造販売する業者も少なく店頭に並ばず、入手性に難があったこと、ブリーフ、トランクス等の新しい下着が廉価で出現して、機能性だけでなくファッション性のある下着が若者を中心に普及したことなどである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The other issue relates to Basel III, which has often been brought up in press conferences here. Two years ago, the Lehman Brothers shockwave triggered the Global Financial Crisis. It even affected the real economy, and countries across the world increased public spending-this is the situation we are in today. We are currently in a state of global financial turbulence. After the Great Depression in 1929, nations transformed their economies into economic blocks, which have often been claimed in later years to be one of the remote causes of the Second World War. 例文帳に追加

それからもう一点は、もうよくこの会見でも議題になりましたバーゼル III をめぐる問題でございますが、2年前、ご存じのようにリーマン・ブラザーズ・ショックがございまして、世界がご存じのように金融危機になったわけでございまして、それが大変、実体経済にも影響を及ぼすということでございまして、世界的に非常に各国各国、財政出動をする、あるいはそういったことが今の状態でございまして、金融がまさに激動した世界の状況に今あるわけでございますが、私は1929年の世界大恐慌の後は、各国の経済がブロック化しまして、これが後からよく言われるように第二次世界大戦の遠因の一つになったと、こういうことを言われるわけでございます。 - 金融庁


People who received benefit from this system were as follows; Yoshifuru AKIYAMA, a military serviceman in the Meiji and the Taisho periods, Chung-hee PARK, a military serviceman and President of the Republic of Korea in the Showa period, (both of them entered Army War College (Japan) after a teaching career), Keita GOTO, a businessman (the first leader of the Tokyu Group; he graduated from Ueda Senior High School in Nagano Prefecture, worked as an elementary school assistant teacher, entered Tokyo Higher Normal School, working as an English teacher, and went on to The University of Tokyo), etc. (Kan KIKUCHI, a writer, was forced to enter Tokyo Higher Normal School for an economic reason, but expelled because of his bad behavior and reentered Daiichi Senior High School with financial support from a rich person). 例文帳に追加

この制度に助けられた人物に、明治・大正期の陸軍軍人秋山好古や昭和期の軍人・大韓民国大統領朴正煕(どちらも教師を経て陸軍士官学校(日本)入学)、実業家五島慶太(東急グループ初代総帥、長野県上田高等学校卒業後、小学校の代用教員を経て東京高等師範学校→英語教師→東京大学)らがいる(なお作家菊池寛は家庭の経済的事情で東京高等師範学校に進むことを余儀なくされたものの、素行が原因で退学処分を受け、素封家からの援助を取り付けて第一高等学校(旧制)に入学し直した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When annexation of Korea was completed, Masatake TERAUCHI who was the first Governor-General of Korea, composed a waka, "If Kobayakawa, Kato, and Konishi were alive, how would they look the moon of tonight" (If Kobayakawa, Kato, and Konishi, who were commanders took part in the war by Hideyoshi to conquer Korea were still alive, how would they look at the moon of tonight after obtaining Korea for Japan) and Midori KOMATSU who was the secretary of foreign affairs, composed in reply to it "I would like to awake Taiko (Hideyoshi) from the underground and make him look at Hinomaru (national flag of Japan) above the mountains of Korea" (I would like to revive Taiko and show him Hinomaru flaunting above mountains of Korea) and they were delighted at success to annex of Korea which Hideyoshi could not achieve. 例文帳に追加

朝鮮併合がなった際、初代総督寺内正毅は『小早川、加藤、小西が世にあれば、今宵の月をいかにみるらむ(秀吉公の朝鮮征伐に参加された小早川・加藤・小西の諸将が今生きていれば、朝鮮を日本のものとしたこの夜の月をどのような気持ちでみられるだろうか)』と歌を詠み、外務部長だった小松緑はこれに返歌して、『太閤を地下より起こし見せばやな高麗(こま)やま高くのぼる日の丸(太閤殿下を蘇らせ見せ申し上げたいものだ、朝鮮の山々に高く翻る日の丸を)』と歌い、共に太閤の成し得なかった朝鮮の編入が成功したことを喜んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As you know, it is unusual for Japan to exercise initiative and announce support for the IMF. Although Japan has various domestic problems, it is the world's third-largest country in terms of GDP. In addition, as I have sometimes mentioned, Japan is the only Asian country that has maintained a liberal economy and a free market since the latter half of the 19th century. Even though Japan lost 65% of its wealth because of World War II, it went on to recover from the loss. In that sense, it is very important for Japan to exercise initiative, on which the United States eventually showed an understanding from what I have heard informally. 例文帳に追加

よくご存じのように、日本がイニシアチブをとってきちんとIMFに表明するということは、あまりないことでございますけれども、日本国は、色々国内的にもございますが、GDP世界第3番目の国でございますし、それからやはり、私は時々申し上げますが、アジアでただ一つ、明治からの一番長い(歴史を持つ)自由主義経済、自由主義市場(であり)、いったんは第二次世界大戦で65%の国富を失いましたけれども、それから復活した国ですから、そういった意味でも、私は、アメリカも最後は理解していただけたという話も内々聞いておりますけれども、やはりきちんと日本がイニシアチブをとってやっていくということも非常に大事だと思っております。 - 金融庁

We also had the "Development and Strengthening of A System of Support for Mid-sized to Large Companies' and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Entry into the Asian Region, etc. under A Partnership between Japanese Financial Institutions, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), the Japanese External Trade Organization (JETRO) and Others," which was not written up much (in newspapers and other media). This represents an approach of utilizing JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization), which is overseen by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and this is a quite revolutionary initiative unprecedented in the history of economic and fiscal policies and financial policies in the 65 years in post-war Japan. 例文帳に追加

それから、これはあまり(新聞に)書いていただけなかったのですけれども、中堅・中小企業のアジア地域への進出等の整備・強化を盛り込んだ金融資本市場及び金融活性化のためのアクションプラン、これはJBIC(国際協力銀行)だとか、経産省が所管しているJETRO(日本貿易振興機構)、昔は輸出促進で一時輸入を増やすことに変えた有名なJETROとJBIC活用した方法でして、これは皆さん方にも地域の商工会、商工会議所にぜひこういった特集でも組んでいただきたいと思います。これは日本の戦後65年の経済財政、金融政策の中でこんなことをしたことはなく、多分かなり革命的なことです。 - 金融庁


If, in the cases referred to in section 31, the applicant has availed himself of mailing, and the mail is not received in due time, but the act is completed within 2 months after the date on which the applicant noticed or should have noticed that the time limit was exceeded and not later than 1 year after expiry of the time limit, the Patent Authority shall re-establish the rights, provided that: within the 10 days preceding the expiry of the time limit the postal service was interrupted on account of war, revolution, civil disorder, strike, natural calamity or other like reason in the locality where the sender has his place of business or is staying, and the mailing to the Patent Authority is effected within 5 days after the resumption of the postal service, or the mailing was effected by registered letter to the Patent Authority not later than 5 days prior to the expiry of the time limit though only if the mailing was effected by airmail, where possible, or if the sender had every reason to believe that surface mail would not arrive later than 2 days after the date of mailing. 例文帳に追加

第31条にいう場合において,出願人が郵便を利用し,その郵便が期限内に受領されなかったが,出願人が期限を超過したことを知ったか又は知るべきであった日の後2月以内,かつ,期限到来後1年以内に,その手続を完了させたときは,特許当局は,その権利を回復させるものとする。ただし,次の事項を条件とする。郵便業務について,所定期限の到来前10日以内に,発信人がその事業所を有しているか又は滞在している地域において,戦争,革命,内乱,ストライキ,自然災害又はその他類似の原因によって中断されており,かつ,特許当局への郵送が郵便業務再開後5日以内に行われていること,又は郵送が,所定期限の到来日の5日以上前に,特許当局宛に書留郵便で行われていたこと。ただし,郵送が,可能な場合は航空郵便でなされていたか,又は発信人が,普通郵便が郵送日から2日を超える後に到着することはないと信じるべきあらゆる理由を有していた場合に限る。 - 特許庁


As I frequently mention, after the Great Depression, which started in the United States in 1929, the world was divided into economic blocs, and that is regarded by historians of later generations as an indirect cause of World War II. It is a mark of human progress that after the Lehman Shock, countries around the world have actively cooperated, as shown by the discussions held at the G-7 and G-20 meetings, despite their divergent national interests. Regarding the international financial regulatory reform, which I mentioned now, central bank governors and the heads of financial supervisory organizations held numerous meetings and reached international agreements. The matters that have been agreed to will be finalized at the Cannes summit. In that sense, I feel that in the 21st century, mankind has made significant progress compared with 1929. 例文帳に追加

私はよく申しますけれども、1929年の後の世界と今度のリーマン・ショックの後の世界は、1929年のアメリカに始まった大恐慌の後は、世界の経済が非常にブロック化して、それが第二次世界大戦の遠因の一つだと、後世の歴史家から言われるわけでございますが、今回のリーマン・ショックの後は、やはり世界がG7、G20というように非常に協調して、色々な国益はあるわけですけれども、少なくともG20ということできちんと話合いをしているということは、私は人類の進歩だと思いますので、そういった意味で非常に私は、今言いましたこの国際金融規制改革も、何回も何回も中央銀行総裁、あるいは金融監督者の最高責任者の会議を事前に開かせて頂いて、国際的に合意をした内容でございますから、そういったことをカンヌ・サミットできちんと最後に取りまとめる、決定するということでございますから、私はそういう意味では1929年と、21世紀でございますが、かなり人類は進展をしたと、半歩でも進展したというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


There are plans to dispatch survey teams to study the situation in other countries if necessary. Accounting standards constitute a basic element of the economy, so this debate should not be limited to technical matters. Accounting standards constitute a basic element of the economy, so this debate should not be limited to technical matters. In that sense, this concerns economic activities of diverse companies, including unlisted companies and small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). In that sense, this concerns economic activities of diverse companies, including unlisted companies and small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). As for Japans tax and accounting systems, a man named Shoup came to Japan after World War II (to make recommendations concerning the Japanese tax system) on behalf of the GHQ (General Headquarters) of the occupying forces, as you may know. In Japan, accounting and tax systems are closely related to each other, while in the United States, they are very separate. In Japan, accounting and tax laws are very closely related to each other. In Europe, too, tax and accounting systems are closely related to each other. But they are very separate in the United States. 例文帳に追加

諸外国の実態についても、必要に応じて調査ミッションの派遣なども考えられているところであり、会計基準というのは経済の基本でございまして、単なる技術的な論議に限定することなく、やはり私は、国際会計基準というのは経済、あるいはただ一経理の技術的な問題ではなく、極めて大きな経済の基本であると私は思っておりまして、そういった意味でより広く、非上場企業、中小企業も含めた多様な企業の経済活動や、それから当然、企業でございますから税制、会社法、日本の税制と会計につきましては、もうご存じだと思いますが、シャウプさんというのが戦後、GHQで来まして、日本の場合は非常に会計と税制とが近いというわけでございまして、アメリカは税会一致と日本のものを申しますが、アメリカの場合は会計法と税制は非常に離れておりますけれども、そういった意味で日本の場合は、この会計法と税法とは基本的に非常に近い関係にあるわけでございますし、ヨーロッパもどちらかというと、税制と会計は近い関係にあるわけでございますが、アメリカは非常に離れております。 - 金融庁


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