
「commander in chief」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(8ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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commander in chiefの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 373


In the Siege of Odawara to suppress the Go-Hojo ('Go' means 'Late') clan (in 1590), Toshiie invaded Kozuke Province as a Commander in Chief of the north provinces forces with Kagekatsu UESUGI and Masayuki SANADA, and captured Kozuke Matsuida-jo Castle which was the northernmost key position for the Hojo clan, and then defeated the other castles one after another as well. 例文帳に追加

(1590年)の後北条氏制圧のための小田原の役では北国勢の総指揮として上杉景勝、真田昌幸と共に上野に入り、北条氏の北端要所の上野松井田城を攻略、他の諸城も次々と攻略した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In December 7, 1905, Iwao triumphantly returned to his residence at Aoyama (Harajuku) in Tokyo at last, and Kashiwa, his son, asked him 'what was the most difficult thing during the war as the commander in chief?'; he replied that 'I had to pretend not knowing but I knew, to make young soldiers not worry.' 例文帳に追加

明治38年(1905年)12月7日にようやく東京青山(原宿)の私邸に凱旋帰国した大山に対し、息子の柏が「戦争中、総司令官として一番苦しかったことは何か」と問うたのに対し、「若い者を心配させまいとして、知っていることも知らん顔をしなければならなかった」ことを挙げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In January, 737, Azumahito, who was in the position of Mutsu no Azechi (Inspector of Mutsu) and Chinju Shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense) and had been managing Ezochi (inhabited area of Ainu) for a long time, asked permission to straighten the route from Mutsu Province to Dewanoki (the Dewa Castle) by subduing Okachi Village. 例文帳に追加

天平9年(737年)正月、陸奥按察使兼鎮守将軍の任にあり長らく蝦夷地の経営にあたっていた東人は、陸奥国から出羽柵への経路にある男勝村を征して直路を通じさせる許可を朝廷に申請した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They participated in the management of Tohoku region and the Seii project by Shuntettu being Commander-in-Chief of the Defense as well as Seii Fukushi and Mukyo being the governor of Dewa Province in the late Nara Period, and they held their positions as middle ranked nobles until the mid Heian Period. 例文帳に追加

奈良時代末期には俊哲が陸奥鎮守将軍征夷副使などに任じ、武鏡は出羽国守となるなど、敬福以来東北地方の経営と征夷事業に関わり、平安時代中期まで中級貴族として存続した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, as real power of the government affairs moved from the Imperial Court to bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), the denso's duty changed to relaying petitions from temples and shrines to the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun during the Muromachi period) and Seitaishogun (commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force against the barbarians, great, unifying leader) although appointment and dismissal were still done by In and the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

南北朝時代(日本)に入ると、政務の実権が朝廷から幕府に移るようになると、依然として任免は院や天皇が行っていたものの、その職務は寺社からの奏請を受けて室町幕府及び征夷大将軍への取り次ぎを行う役に転じるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The records on Bang-gyeong KIM in "Koraishi" include descriptions that seem to be part of the military meeting held on that night after returning to their position, saying that the following conversation was held between the head of the Goryeo army Bang-gyeong KIM and commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force Dou XIN. 例文帳に追加

『高麗史』金方慶伝によると、この夜に自陣に帰還した後の軍議と思われる部分が載っており、高麗軍の主将である金方慶と派遣軍総司令官である忽敦との間で、以下のようなやり取りがあったことが述べられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Greatly angered by this disruption to the ceremony, Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA, who was Seitaishogun (commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force against the barbarians, great, unifying leader) and had reverence for the emperor, immediately ordered Takumi no Kami to commit Seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) and furthermore ordered the extinction of Asano family line, which was an unprecedented punishment for a daimyo (Japanese feudal lord). 例文帳に追加

尊皇心の厚い征夷大将軍として知られる徳川綱吉は朝廷との儀式を台無しにされたことに激怒し、内匠頭を大名としては異例の即日切腹に処し、さらに赤穂浅野家をお家断絶とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the military capability of such commanders as Katsuie SHIBATA, Hideyoshi HASHIBA and Mitsuhide AKECHI was much larger than that of an ordinary daimyo, and therefore, if a commander in chief plotted a rebellion, it was easy to carry out. 例文帳に追加

ただし、柴田勝家や羽柴秀吉、明智光秀など、その方面軍司令官たちが擁する兵力は、上杉や毛利など、一大名の兵力をはるかに凌ぐ大兵力であり、つまり総司令官が謀反を起こして織田政権から独立しようと企てれば、簡単にできたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An order to conquer the rebellious Choshu forces was issued, and Yoshikatsu TOKUGAWA (the lord of Owari) was appointed as commander-in-chief, and Takamori SAIGO (a feudal retainer of Satsuma), as military staff, but Saigo tried to avoid the military conflict, understanding the disadvantages of the conflict after discussions with Kaishu KATSU, who served for the bakufu. 例文帳に追加

逆賊となった長州藩に長州征討が発令され、総大将に徳川慶勝(尾張藩主)、参謀に西郷隆盛(薩摩藩士)が任命されるが、幕臣・勝海舟との会談で長州藩への実力行使の不利を悟った西郷は、開戦回避を模索。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Besides, military men who agreed to the Seikanron, they didn't blame SAIGO who returned home without training the replacement of the downfall councilor, Konoe-totoku (Commander-in-Chief of the Inner Palace Guard) that was violation of law, instead, on the contrary, they encouraged only SAIGO to make a comeback to the government, and the large numbers of bureaucracies and military men who were close to ITAGAKI and GOTO were resentful at it and resigned. 例文帳に追加

また征韓論に賛成する軍人、下野した参議近衛都督の引継ぎを行わないまま帰国した法令違反で西郷を咎めるどころか、逆に西郷に対してのみ政府への復帰を働きかけている事に憤慨して、板垣・後藤に近い官僚・軍人が大量に辞職した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The rescript consists of the preamble, the main part and the last part: the preamble indicates Emperor holding supreme command, saying 'Being Emperor, I myself am commander in chief,' the main part tells military men five types of virtue of loyalty, courtesy, military prowess, faithfulness, and frugality, and the last part orders soldiers and sailors to follow and practice them sincerely. 例文帳に追加

内容は、前文で「朕は汝ら軍人の大元帥なるぞ」と天皇が統帥権を保持することを示し、続けて、軍人に忠節・礼儀・武勇・信義・質素の5つの徳目を説いた主文、これらを誠心をもって遵守実行するよう命じた後文から成る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Takamori SAIGO, the general staff to the commander of the Choshu Conquest, proposed the bakufu army's withdrawal to Choshu in exchange of three conditions, namely, seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) of three chief retainers (Chikasuke KUNISHI, Kanenobu MASUDA, Mototake FUKUHARA) to show their responsibility for the Incident of Kinmon no Hen, demotion transfer of five nobles including Sanetomi SANJO to other clans, and abandonment of Yamaguchi-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

征長総督参謀の西郷隆盛は、禁門の変の責任者である三家老(国司親相・益田兼施・福原元僴)の切腹、三条実美ら五卿の他藩への移転、山口城の破却を撤兵の条件として伝えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Only Hisaichi TERAUCHI (a son of Masatake TERAUCHI), who served as Minister of Army, was the native of Choshu who served as any of the three secretaries of the Army, and the only Satsuma native that served as any of the three secretaries of the Navy was Eisuke YAMAMOTO (a nephew of Gonbei YAMAMOTO), who was the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined fleet. 例文帳に追加

昭和期に陸軍三長官を務めた長州出身者は陸相を務めた寺内寿一(寺内正毅の子)一人であり、海軍三長官を務めた薩摩出身者は連合艦隊司令官を務めた山本英輔(山本権兵衛の甥)一人である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In November 1183, in order to attack the headquarters of the Taira clan in Yashima, Sanuki Province, Yoshinaka dispatched MINAMOTO no Yoshikiyo (Yada hogandai) to make preparations in the Mizushima region, Bicchu Province, for organizing a navy to cross the sea, but the troop, having TAIRA no Tomomori as its commander in chief and Norimori, Michimori, and Noritsune, father and sons, as lieutenant generals attacked; Yoshinaka's troop were annihilated and Yoshikiyo ASHIKAGA committed suicide. 例文帳に追加

同年閏10月、讃岐国屋島の平氏の本営を攻略すべく義仲は源義清(矢田判官代)を派遣し、備中国水島で渡海のための水軍編成の準備をさせるが、そこへ平知盛を総大将とし、教盛・通盛・教経父子を副将軍とする軍勢が襲撃、義仲軍は壊滅し、足利義清は自害してしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to an archive "Nobumasa FUJIWARA/Sukehiro HYOGO Documentation" that remains in Odatsurugi-jinja Shrine, Nobumasa FUJIWARA and Masahiro FUJIWARA (father and son) who seemed to be descendents of FUJIWARA no Toshihito, a father-in-law of Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) (or FUJIWARA no Arihito who was a father-in-law of Toshihito and a local ruling family of Tsuruga [Inbe clan?]) who made an offering to Tsurugi-jinja Shrine on August 3, 1393, and wrote a document were associated with an ancestor of the Echizen Oda clan. 例文帳に追加

また、織田剣神社にある『藤原信昌・兵庫助弘置文』の古文書によると、明徳4年(1393年)の6月17日に剣神社宝前に奉納し、置文を記した鎮守府将軍藤原利仁(あるいは利仁の岳父で、敦賀の豪族藤原有仁(忌部氏?))の系統と思われる藤原信昌、藤原将広父子が越前織田家の先祖に関連がある人物と伝わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Yoritomo died, Nagakiyo was implicated in the Rebellion of Yoshikazu HIKI and accordingly he was punished because his son had been an attendant of the second Shogun MINAMOTO no Yoriie, and owing to this incident, the Ogasawara clan fell at one time, but he became the 'deputy of the seven provinces' as one of the Daishogun (commander in chief) of Tosando and made a great contribution to the Jokyu War, and thanks to this achievement he became the Awa no kuni shugo (provincial constable of Awa Province) in 1221. 例文帳に追加

頼朝の没後、子の弥太郎長経が二代将軍源頼家の近習であった事から、比企能員の変に連座して処罰されたため一時小笠原氏は没落するが、承久の乱で東山道の大将軍の一人として「七ケ国管領」となり功績を挙げ、承久3年(1221年)に阿波国守護となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tenchu-gumi Incident ("Tenchu-gumi no hen" in Japanese) was an incident that occurred at the end of the Edo period; it was carried out by a group of people called Tenchu-gumi (Heavenly Avenging Force) consisting of a bunch of ronin (masterless samurai) who were Sonno Joi ha (supporters of the doctrine of restoring the emperor and expelling the barbarians) including Torataro YOSHIMURA; this group rose to action in Yamato Province having a court noble Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA as the commander-in-chief on September 29, 1863 and was subsequently put down and destroyed by the army of the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by the shogun). 例文帳に追加

天誅組の変(てんちゅうぐみのへん)は、幕末の文久3年(1863年)8月17日(旧暦)に吉村寅太郎をはじめとする尊皇攘夷派浪人の一団(天誅組)が公卿中山忠光を主将として大和国で決起し、後に江戸幕府軍の討伐を受けて壊滅した事件である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was also at Tekigaiso, at the end of September, 1941, that Commander in Chief of the Combined Fleet, Isoroku YAMAMOTO, who was asked by Konoe about the Navy's prospects in the fight against the U.S., worried Konoe with the famous words, 'If you say I must, I will show you how much damage we can inflict for the first half a year or a year. However, if it goes on for 2 to 3 years, I have absolutely no confidence.' 例文帳に追加

昭和16年9月末に近衛から対米戦に対する海軍の見通しを訊かれた連合艦隊司令長官の山本五十六が、「是非やれと言われれば初めの半年や一年は随分と暴れてご覧に入れます。しかし、二年、三年となれば、全く確信は持てません」という有名な回答で近衛を悩ませたのも、この荻外荘においてであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He replied, 'She is a daughter between the wet nurse of Kiso-dono and Chuza gon no kami and called Tomoe. She is good at using a strong bow and taming a wild horse. Although she is a daughter of the wet nurse, she became a concubine, and she entertains him like entertaining a boy at home and, in the army, she is a commander in chief and she has never been defeated. She is a sister of IMAI and HIGUCHI and she is a terrible person.' 例文帳に追加

「木曽殿の御乳母に、中三権頭が娘巴といふ女なり。強弓の手練れ、荒馬乗りの上手。乳母子ながら妾(おもひもの)にして、内には童を仕ふ様にもてなし、軍には一方の大将軍して、更に不覚の名を取らず。今井・樋口と兄弟にて、怖ろしき者にて候」と答えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the Imperial Japanese Navy succeeded in sinking the battleship Петропавловск (Battleship/The first) of the Lushun Fleet on April 13th, with a mine laid earlier by the IJN, killing Vice-Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov, the Commander-in-Chief of the Lushun Fleet; the IJN battleships 'Yashima' and 'Hatsuse' were conversely sunk by Russian mines on May 15th. 例文帳に追加

4月13日、連合艦隊の敷設した機雷が旅順艦隊の戦艦ペトロパヴロフスク(戦艦・初代)を撃沈、旅順艦隊司令長官シュテファン・オシュポヴィッチ・マカロフ中将を戦死させるという戦果を上げたが、5月15日には逆に日本海軍の戦艦「八島(戦艦)」と「初瀬(戦艦)」がロシアの機雷によって撃沈される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In December 14, 1853, the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) ordered Okayama Domain to guard Boso ('Hojo' [Hojo, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture] and 'Takegaoka' [Kagamigaura and Yawata, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture], which continued until July 1858) due to the arrival of the Black Ships, and thereby Gonrokuro moved from Okayama to the spot as the chief of staff, but he caused a mess such as making Boso Otsu-e (Otsu paintings, named after the town of Otsu in Shiga Prefecture) Song (a song of famous places and products) and holding a wild drinking party with soldiers every day, and even Tadazumi Igi, the commander in chief, indulged in a tea ceremony, and therefore, Tadatake KAGAWA, Igi's subordinate, submitted a petition of reformation in samurai (warrior) style (enforcement of official discipline) to Yoshimasa IKEDA. 例文帳に追加

嘉永6年(1853年)11月14日、江戸幕府より黒船来航のため岡山藩に房総警備(「北条(千葉県館山市北条)」と「竹ヶ岡(鏡ヶ浦・千葉県館山市八幡)」・安政5年(1858年)6月まで続いた)の命令が下ったので参謀長格で岡山から現地に赴いたが、房総の大津絵節(名所名物の唄)を作り兵士と共に毎日酒宴を開き騒いだり、総司令官の伊木忠澄も茶の湯遊びに耽っていたため、部下の香川忠武が池田慶政に士風刷新(綱紀粛正)の建白書を提出する騒ぎにまでしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 26 (1) The person who administers the affairs of the detention concerning a coast guard detention facility (hereinafter referred to as "coast guard detention services manager") shall be the person who is designated by the Commander of a Regional Coast Guard Headquarters in the cases of the coast guard detention facility in the Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, or shall be the chief of the office in the case of the coast guard detention facility in the offices of Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, or shall be the Captain of the vessel in the case of the coast guard detention facility onboard the vessels of the Japan Coast Guard. 例文帳に追加

第二十六条 海上保安留置施設に係る留置業務を管理する者(以下「海上保安留置業務管理者」という。)は、管区海上保安本部に置かれる海上保安留置施設にあっては管区海上保安本部長が指名する海上保安官とし、管区海上保安本部の事務所に置かれる海上保安留置施設にあっては当該事務所の長とし、海上保安庁の船舶に置かれる海上保安留置施設にあっては当該船舶の船長とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 6 of the treaty stipulated that large-scale reforms should not be carried out during the absence of government leaders, saying 'A big reform for inland business is to be made after taishi (commander-in-chief) returns to Japan, so it is not necessary to pursue a new reform immediately,' while Article 7 stipulated that affairs of Haihan-chiken should be wound up quickly, saying 'Since accomplishing Haihan-chiken is essential to carry out inland business, it should be done reasonably and effectively.' 例文帳に追加

その第6条には「内地の事務は大使帰国の上で大いに改正するの目的なれば、其内可成丈新規の改正を要す可らず」として留守中に大規模な改革を行わないことを約する一方で、次の第7条には「廃藩置県の処置は内地事務の統一に帰せしむべき基なれば、条理を逐て順次其効を挙げ、改正の地歩をなさしむべし」として廃藩置県の後始末については速やかに行うように指示されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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