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It also shows that Kenrojishin prepares dojo (place of Buddhist practice or meditation) in the pure place, takes bath, wears the clean clothing, crouches on soza (a seat made of grass), holds the service for shoko (incense offering), sange and meals in front of busshari sonzo (the statue put Buddha's ashes) or in the place with shari seitei, and in 八日, in beating a bitter enemy and controlling various objections. 例文帳に追加

また怨敵を降伏させ、諸々の異論を制御せんとする時、浄室において道場を安置し、身を沐浴し、鮮潔の衣をまとい、草座の上にうずくまり、仏舎利尊像がある前、または舎利制底ある所にて、焼香・散華・飯食供養し、白月八日布灑星合する時に請召するとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Nigatsudo engi" (Karmic origins of the Nigatsudo), Jicchu kasho, the disciple of Ryoben Sojo who was the kaisan (a founder of temple as the first chief priest) of Todai-ji Temple in 751, went into Tenkai (Tosotsuten (The fourth of six heavens in the world of desire)), where tennin (heavenly beings) live, in the heart of Mt. Kasagi and saw the tennin did the keka for Eleven-faced Kannon in Jonen Kannonin (the hall with kannon statue that is thought to be placed in Tosotsuten (Heaven)) and wished for the keka to be done also in this (the lower) world. 例文帳に追加

「二月堂縁起」によると、天平勝宝3年(751年)東大寺の開山、良弁僧正(ろうべそうじょう)の弟子の実忠和尚(じっちゅうかしょう)が笠置山の山奥で、天人の住む天界(兜率天 とそつてん)に至り、そこにある常念観音院で天人たちが十一面観音の悔過を行ずるのを見て、これを下界でも行ないたいと願った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When looking at the Kuze Kannon-zo (statue of Kuze Kannon) at honzon of Yumedono (Hall of Dreams) of Horyu-ji Temple, which is considered a work of seven centuries earlier, overall frontality and symmetry are prominent, with the long flowing hair on the shoulders having the diagrammatic style called 'warabite-jo' (literally, having the form of upturned bracken ferns), and the tenne hanging from both arms down the sides of the body spreads flatly in left and right directions, showing fin-like protrusions. 例文帳に追加

7世紀も早い頃の制作とされる法隆寺夢殿本尊の救世観音像を見ると、全体に正面性・左右対称性が顕著で、肩に垂れる垂髪は「蕨手状」と称される図式的なものであり、両腕から体側に垂れる天衣は鰭(ひれ)状の突起を表しながら左右方向へ平面的に広がっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this period, Raigo-zu (painting of Descent of Amitabha Tathagata) and sosyoku-kyo (copying of a sutra with decorative ryoshi-paper) were created following the previous period, but we see the advent of new genres such as Rokudo-e (paintings of the six realms) in the context of philosophy of the six realms, Juo-zo (the statue of Juo) depicting the dead realm's king who judges the dead, and suijakuga which are paintings based on the theories of Buddhist/Shinto unity, and the contents of Buddhist paintings became diverse. 例文帳に追加

この時代には前代に引き続き来迎図や装飾経なども制作されているが、六道輪廻思想を背景とした六道絵、亡者を裁く冥界の王たちを描いた十王像、日本の神を仏教の仏が姿を変えたものとする本地垂迹説に基づく垂迹画など、新しいジャンルが現れた時代でもあり、仏教絵画の内容は多彩になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The deities enshrined at Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku-jinja Shrine include Ryoma SAKAMOTO who was assassinated in Kyoto, with a bronze statue of him standing at the shrine and the Ryoma-sai Festival held on the anniversary of both his birth and death on November 15 of each year to honor his memory and comfort his soul (his birth and death originally took place on November 15 of the old calendar but the festival is held on November 15 of the Gregorian calendar). 例文帳に追加

祭神の中には京都で暗殺された坂本龍馬も含まれており、境内に銅像が作られているほか、誕生日であり命日でもある11月15日には、龍馬の遺徳を偲び霊を慰める龍馬祭が行われる(誕生日・命日は本来は旧暦11月15日だが、祭は新暦11月15日に行われる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Ansho-ji Garan Engi Shizai-cho" (records of materials used in the construction of Ansho-ji Temple) (currently in the possession of To-ji Temple) written by Keiun in the year 867, the Kami-dera included a main hall consisting of a Reibutsu-do (prayer hall) and a Godai-do (hall dedicated to the five guardian kings), eastern and western monks' living quarters, a kuri (food preparation building) and a bathing hall while the Shimo-dera was a site of approximately 20,000 square meters including a pagoda, a Buddha statue hall, monks' living quarters and a gate tower. 例文帳に追加

恵運が貞観_(日本)9年(867年)に作成した「安祥寺伽藍縁起資財帳」(現在東寺蔵)によると、上寺には礼仏堂と五大堂とから成る堂院・東西僧房・庫裏・浴堂などの施設が、下寺には約2万平方メートルの寺域内に塔・仏堂・僧坊・門楼などがあったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Daihizan Bujo-ji Engi" (Legend of Bujo-ji Temple on Mt. Daihi) written by FUJIWARA no Michinori (also known as Shinzei), the temple was founded in 1154 at the end of the Heian period by Kanku Sainen (also known as Mitaki Shonin) under the order of Emperor Toba, with the Retired Emperor Toba's private Eleven-faced Thousand-armed Kannon statue installed as the principal image, and the Niomon gate and main hall constructed by FUJIWARA no Michinori and TAIRA no Kiyomori. 例文帳に追加

藤原通憲(信西)が記した『大悲山峰定寺縁起』によれば、この寺は平安時代末の久寿元年(1154年)、鳥羽天皇の勅願により観空西念(三滝上人)が創建したもので、鳥羽上皇の念持仏の十一面千手観音像を本尊として安置し、本堂や仁王門の造営には藤原通憲と平清盛が当たったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As is known from the song 'Kono yo wo ba Wagayo tozo omo Mochizuki no Kaketaru koto no nashi to omoeba' (The full moon is so perfectly round, it is as though this world is my world) ("Shoyuki" (the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)), FUJIWARA no Michinaga lived a life of luxury but as he neared the end of his life, concerns about what would happen after his death led him to enter the Buddhist priesthood in 1019 and in the following year begin work on the Muryojuin (Nine Amida Statue hall) that would be the basis of Hojo-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

「この世をばわが世とぞ思ふ望月の欠けたることのなしと思へば」(『小右記』)の歌でも知られるように、道長はこの世の栄華を極めたが、死に臨んでは自らの死後を案じ、1019年に出家、翌年には法成寺の礎となる無量寿院の造営に着手した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These statues of the Shitenno were for a long time believed to have been created by the family of Kokei, Unkei's father, like the wooden statue of Fukukenjaku Kannon, the principal image of Nanen-do Hall, but advances in research in the late twentieth century revealed that the Shitenno statues currently enshrined in Chukon-do (the temporary Kon-do) were created by Kokei and originally placed in Nanen-do Hall, and the Shitenno statues currently enshrined in Nanen-do Hall were brought there from another hall. 例文帳に追加

この四天王像は南円堂本尊の不空羂索観音像と同様、運慶の父・康慶一門の作であると長らく信じられていたが、20世紀後半の研究の進展により、現在中金堂(仮金堂)に安置されている四天王像が、もと南円堂にあった康慶作の像であり、現・南円堂の四天王像は他の堂から移されたものであることが明らかになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is 3m wide by 2.5m deep by 2.3m high; a Jizo Bosatsu statue is in the center, and around it are statues of the ten underworld kings positioned along the walls to the left and right, and in front of these statues depict Miroku Bosatsu, Shaka Nyorai, Fudo Myoo and Kannon Bosatsu, and further outside the arrangement statues of a gorinto (five-level pagoda), Jikokuten (Dhrtarastra), Tamonten (Vaisravana) and Kongo Rishiki (Nio) are displayed. 例文帳に追加

間口3メートル、奥行2.5メートル、高さ2.3メートルの規模で、地蔵菩薩立像を中心に、その手前左右の壁面に冥界の十王像、その手前左右には弥勒菩薩、釈迦如来、不動明王、観音菩薩を表わし、さらに外側には五輪塔や持国天、多聞天、金剛力士(仁王)などの像を表わす。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Far from the downtown of Kyoto City, Kyoto University is in the calm surroundings that still retain some traces of the historic city, so students and teaching staff can concentrate on the studies in such calmness, and the university's motto "academic freedom", implying everything related to students' affairs should be left to their autonomy, can be seen in, for example, the annual November Festival, the graffiti on the statue of Prof. Orita, and the students' disguise in the graduation ceremony. 例文帳に追加

京都市内の繁華街からはなれた古都の風情を残す落ち着いた環境の中にあり、何よりも静かな環境の中で学問に集中することができ、何事も学生の自主性に任せるという「自由の学風」を標榜しており、毎年行われる11月祭や折田先生像をめぐる落書き、卒業式での仮装などにもその一端を垣間見ることができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, according to "Enko-in Jiden" (history of Enko-in Temple), which is historical material kept by Enko-in Temple at that time, just before Shingen's death at Komaba in Shinano Province, he called Nobuharu BABA to his bedside and left his will to send to Sessan-osho (a priest), for dedication to Enko-in Temple, his Jinchu Mamorihonzon (guardian deity at the front), Tohachi-bishamon (a statue of Bishamoten) and Shogun-jizo (Jizo that brings victory), carved at Shingen's order by Kunaikyo hoin Yasukiyo ([宮内法印 定訳不明])(famous busshi (sculptor of Buddhist Statues) in the Azuchi-Momoyama period and worshipped very much). 例文帳に追加

さらに、円光院に伝わる当時の史料・『円光院寺伝』によると、信玄が信濃国駒場で臨終間近の時、病の床に馬場信春を呼び寄せ、(安土桃山時代の高名な仏師)宮内卿法印康清に彫らせた、自分が日頃から信仰していた陣中守り本尊、刀八毘沙門・勝軍地蔵を託し、説三和尚に送り、円光院に納めてくれるように遺言したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, judging from the policies for Ikko Ikki and the Enryaku-ji Temple, the usage of stone statue of Jizo and gravestones for the stone wall of the Azuchi-jo Castle, and descriptions by Luis FROIS, he seemed to be a materialist, criticize the autocratic manners of priests at the time, praise the Christian missionaries and doubted the existence of Shinto and Buddhist deities and the immortality of the soul. 例文帳に追加

が、一向一揆や延暦寺に対する政策や、安土城の石垣に地蔵仏や墓石を用いたこと、ルイス・フロイスの記載などから唯物論的思考法を身に付け、当時の僧侶についてはその横暴を非難し、キリスト教の宣教師を誉め、神仏の存在や霊魂の不滅を信じることはなかったとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although his shoryo (territory) at this time is unknown, a historian Yoshihiko AMINO assumes that FUJIWARA no Kanemitsu as follows was Kanemitsu IGA; the former Governor of Ise Province who took over the position of Jitoshiki (manager and lord of manor) of the Jisei-kyo Village and Hyugaura in Wakasa Province in December 1265 as the heir of Mitsumune IGA, great grandfather of Kanemitsu, and a donor and former Ise no kami (Governor of Ise Province) who appears on Monju Bosatsuzo Bokushomei (statue of Manjusri [bodhisattva], ink inscriptions) of the Hannya-ji Temple in Yamato Province dated in April 1324. 例文帳に追加

この頃の所領は不明であるが、歴史学者の網野善彦は、文永2年(1265年)11月に兼光の曾祖父伊賀光宗の跡(後継者)として、若狭国耳西郷・日向浦の地頭職を継承したことが確認されている伊勢前司、及び、元亨4年(1324年)3月の日付がある大和国般若寺の文殊菩薩像墨書銘に見える施主前伊勢守藤原兼光を、伊賀兼光と推定している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sometimes fuda (plates) with the pictures of EN no Gyoja are distributed at the temples of the Shgendo lineage; EN no Gyoja drawn in these fuda are old, sitting on a stone-like socle (used as the base for a Buddhist statue), with his second thighs exposed and zukin (hood) on his head, wearing geta (clog) with single support, a makimono (scroll) in his right hand and Shakujo in his left hand together with the pictures of Zenki (Oni demon in front) and Goki (Oni demon in back). 例文帳に追加

修験道系の寺院で役行者の姿(肖像)を描いた御札を頒布していることがあるが、その姿は老人で、岩座に座り、脛(すね)を露出させて、頭に頭巾を被り、一本歯の高下駄を履いて、右手に巻物、左手に錫杖(しゃくじょう)を持ち、前鬼・後鬼と一緒に描かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The premises of the building at that time correspond to the area (262 Minamihama-cho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City) to the east of the current building, which includes a monument and a stone statue, serving as a garden for the current Teradaya; the ground was donated to Fushimi Ward, Kii District at that time in 1914 by the landowner (who is not related to the owner of the current Teraedaya), and after municipal mergers, it is presently owned by Kyoto City. 例文帳に追加

当時の建物の敷地は現在の建物の東隣にある、石碑や像などが建っていて寺田屋の庭のようになっている場所(京都市伏見区南浜町262番地)であるが、この土地は大正3年(1914年)に所有者(寺田屋主人とは血縁関係にない)から当時の京都府紀伊郡伏見区に寄付され、市町村合併を経て現在は京都市の市有地である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It also owed to activities of foreign monks such as Ganjin (Jianzhen) wajo from Tang who arrived in January 754 in Heijokyo on his sixth attempted voyage to Japan and introduced the precepts of Buddhism, bringing a large number of Buddhist scriptures, Bodai Senna from India who acted as Kaigan doshi (an officiating priest to consecrate a newly made Buddhist statue or image by inserting the eyes) for the daibutsu, Buttetsu, a monk from the kingdom of Champa (Lin Yi, a former name for Vietnam) who came to Japan at the same time as Tang monk Bodai Senna (Dosen) and a large number of monks from Silla. 例文帳に追加

754年(天平勝宝6年)1月に6度目の航海のすえに平城京に到着して、戒律や多数の経典を伝えた唐出身の鑑真和尚、大仏開眼供養の導師となったインド出身の菩提僊那、菩提僊那と同時に来日したチャンパ王国(林邑)出身の僧仏哲、唐僧道セン、また、多くの新羅僧ら外国出身の僧侶の活動に負うところも大きかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Note however that the Haniwa (terra-cotta figurine) standing statue of an armed male currently owned by Tokyo National Museum was excavated from a site in the city of Ota in Gunma Prefecture, while the items excavated from the Higo Eta Funayama Tumulus, also owned by Tokyo National Museum, were excavated from a site in Tamana-gun in Kumamoto Prefecture, and finally the gilt bronze harness excavated from the Hyuga Province Saitobaru Tumulus, now owned by the Gotoh Art Museum, was excavated from Saito City in Miyazaki Prefecture. 例文帳に追加

なお、現在東京国立博物館が所蔵する埴輪武装男子立像は群馬県太田市、同じく東京国立博物館が所蔵する肥後江田船山古墳出土品は熊本県玉名郡、五島美術館が所蔵する日向国西都原古墳出土金銅馬具類は宮崎県西都市でそれぞれ出土したものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, Todai-ji Temple was regarded as a place for learning about the six sects in Nanto, and then as the center of the Kegon sect or study on the Kegon sect, on which emphasis was put in the Heian period and thereafter, when the temple was called a place for 'interdisciplinary study on the eight sects' including the Tendai and the Shingon sects, by attracting attention from people in power of the times and the common people with its principal image representing the philosophy, the statue of Birushana Buddha. 例文帳に追加

また、いわゆる南都六宗の教学、さらに平安時代以降は、天台宗、真言宗などが同居して「八宗兼学」と呼ばれながら、なかでも重視した華厳経華厳経学の中心地とも見られ、その教えを体現する本尊の東大寺盧舎那仏像盧舎那仏像でもって、時の権力者や、庶民からの信仰をあつめてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was not only part of the administrative arrangement, but also intended to use zakko's skills to erect the statue of Birushana Buddha in Todai-ji Temple as well as to fake "chishiki (donation to build Buddhist temples and statues) (voluntary participation)" for building the Great Buddha, and some even go so far as to say that if the Great Buddha was completed by the delusive emancipation of zakko, the old regime was scheduled to be restore. 例文帳に追加

これは行政整理の一環であるとともに東大寺盧舎那仏像建立にあたって雑戸の技術力を利用すると同時に大仏建立の「知識(自発的参加)」の体裁を装うためのもの、極論としては欺瞞的な解放で大仏が完成すれば旧態に復する予定であったとする見解も有する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The character and the nature which the creature statue innately has is manned, enabled to perform a manned flight or a manned space flight, or enabled to be mechanized or artificially realized in the same manner that a weapon or a modern convenience is manned or enabled to perform a manned flight or a manned space flight.例文帳に追加

兵器や文明の利器などを有人にしたり有人飛行や有人宇宙飛行できるようにしたりするのと同じ様に、クリーチャー像が本来から有しているキャラクター(character)やネイチャー(nature)を有人にしたり有人飛行や有人宇宙飛行できるようにしたり機械化したり人工的に実現したりできるようにする。 - 特許庁


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