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sweepageとは 意味・読み方・使い方

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To provide a wavelength measuring device capable of measuring the wavelength under sweepage highly accurately and simultaneously even when the wavelength of light under test is swept continuously.例文帳に追加
被測定光の波長が連続的に掃引される場合であっても、その掃引中の波長を高確度且つリアルタイムに計測できる波長測定装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
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Wiktionary英語版での「sweepage」の意味 |
sweepage (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 sweepages)
- (Britain, dialect) The crop of hay obtained from a meadow.
- The process by which gases passing beneath the electrodes of an electrostatic precipitator pick up dust from the hoppers, removing it from the precipitator exit.
- 1978, Sabert Oglesby, Grady B. Nichols, Electrostatic Precipitation (volume 21, page 260)
- 1994, Howard D. Hesketh, Air and Waste Management: A Laboratory and Field Handbook, →ISBN:
- Another qualitative test which should be performed during the geometric model study is the injection of neutral buoyancy smoke into the roof and hopper regions of the collection chamber, particularly near the outlet, to check that significant amounts of gas are not exiting the precipitator without passing through the collecting plates (' ' sneakage' ' ) and that there are not strong flows in the hopper regions (hopper sweepage) which could cause excessive reentrainment.
- 2010, Mario L. Occelli, Advances in Fluid Catalytic Cracking, →ISBN, page 366:
- Nonuniform gas flow or maldistribution will result in poor collection, excessive reentrainment, or hopper sweepage.
- Detritus that is swept up with a broom or similar implement.
- 1891, United States Bureau of Foreign Commerce, Special Consular Reports, page 225:
- 2013, Graham Tomlin, Philippians, Colossians, →ISBN, page 138:
- Those who carried it were twelve or thirteen fishermen, with a little number of others of the same cloth, without credit, without arms, without courage, without experience, the offscouring and sweepage of the world, weakness and imbecility itself, who instead of smiting and slaying were whipped and stoned at every turn; instead of attacking, did not so much as make resistance to them that ill handled them, living in extreme humility and innocence.
- The circuit of an oscilloscope used to track the time dimension.
- 1938, Japanese Journal of Engineering. Abstracts - Volumes 16-20, page 63:
- The transient visualizer used in the past were mostly of types in which the voltage for the time sweepage is generated by a relaxation oscillation circuit made up of a hot-cathode discharge tube, say, a thyratron, and a condenser, and the control voltage for the generation of the transient to be observed is also generated by the same circuit.
- The act of sweeping or flowing.
- 2008, Pramod Bansi Mathur, A Hand Book of Clinical Endodontics, →ISBN, page 21:
- Acute infection of the periapical tissue due to sweepage of infection/ inflammation/ exudates from apical foramen.
- The movement of matter by a current.
- 2000, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, page 463:
- In reservoirs characterized by the presence of well-connected high-permeability streaks, early breakthrough and subsequent water buildup occur due to sweepage along high-permeability channels.
- 2001, Bryan G. Crowther, Handbook of Rubber Bonding, →ISBN, page 75:
- Common causes of CM failure include poor metal preparation, i.e., the presence of contamination on the metal before applicaton of adhesive, insufficient dry film thickness of primer, failure to properly agitate the adhasive to achieve a uniform dispersion prior to application, environmental attack (salt, water) on the primer/metal interface, dry spray of primar on to the metal (which does not allow the primer to adequately wet out the metal surface), or sweepage (when the flow of rubber strips some または all of the adhesive または primer film from the metal surface) of the primer and adhesive off the metal during injection or transfer moulding.
- 2004, Yuanhui Zhang, Indoor Air Quality Engineering, →ISBN, page 388:
- Air sweepage, stream or electric heating, and oil seals are used for this purpose, according to the application.
- The matter that has been moved by a current.
- The state when a sweepboat is moving faster than the current of the water.
- 2001, Brad Dimock, Sunk Without a Sound: The Tragic Colorado River Honeymoon of Glen and Bessie Hyde, →ISBN:
- He explained that a sweepboat, given the opportunity, will quickly accelerate beyond the speed of the current. This speed is called sweepage, and only when you have sweepage can you effectively sweep.
意味 | 例文 (1件) |
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