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該当件数 : 1235



A bilayer protective coating 12 is formed on the surface of turbine components by depositing a first inner platinum aluminide layer 14 on the surface of the turbine components, and a second outer oxidation resistant layer 16 comprising an MCrAlX alloy over the first inner layer, wherein M is a metal selected from Fe, Ni and Co, and X is yttrium or another rare earth element. - 特許庁


An example would be the current collector in which a surface of such fiber cloth containing 60 wt% or more of silica, or 75 wt% or more of the total of silica and alumina, is either covered with an alloy of silver and palladium or with an alloy of silver and platinum, or the surface of such fiber cloth is doubly covered with palladium or platinum after being covered with silver. - 特許庁


New crystal forms of N-(trans-4-isopropylcyclohexylcarbonyl)-D-phenylalanine, also known as nateglinide, may be produced by dissolving nateglinide in any of its forms, including solvates, in an organic solvent to form a solution followed by forming a crystal of nateglinide from the solution and precipitation of nateglinide from the solution, and isolating and drying the precipitated crystal form of nateglinide. - 特許庁


The method for forming a siloxane polymer coating film includes: a first step of applying a coating liquid composition for the formation of a siloxane polymer coating film containing a silanol group on a substrate and dehydrating and polymerizing the silanol groups with each other to form a siloxane polymer coating film; and then a second step of immersing the siloxane polymer coating film in an acid solution to promote dehydration polymerization of silanol groups remaining in the siloxane polymer coating film. - 特許庁


面心正方(face−centered tetragonal)構造からなる白金−金属合金を含み、前記白金−金属合金は、CuKαラインを利用したXRDパターンで、2θ値が65乃至75度でブロード(broad)なピーク(peak)または頂部が2つに分かれたピークを示し、前記白金−金属合金は、担体に担持されて、前記白金−金属合金の粒子の平均粒径が1.5乃至5nmである、燃料電池用触媒及びこれを含む燃料電池システムが提供される。例文帳に追加

The platinum-metal alloy of the fuel cell system, carried by a carrier, has a mean particle size of 1.5 to 5 nm. - 特許庁



The resin (ii) capable of reacting includes a silicone resin which has at least a silanol group and/or a hydrolyzable group, which is liquid at the normal temperature, and which has a gelling temperature of60°C and ≤250°C. - 特許庁


The word 'Fukai-no-Joten/ Fukaijoten' is not the name of the code itself, but the word extracted by present scholars from a part of a long adjective phrase qualifying a certain code whose name is not mentioned, as follows: '[the code] that His majesty Oyamatoneko no Sumera Mikoto (referring to an emperor), who resides in the highly respectable and noble Omi-no-Otsu-no-Miya Palace, established as the irreversible and eternal code, which should not be modified as long as the universe exists and as eternal as the sun and the moon shed light.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a simple assembly type derrick in which no wide working site is required in disassembly or assembly of a steel tower, the disassembly and assembly works can be executed by locking the steel tower to main pillars in a space surrounded by the main pillars, constitution members for the work can be assembled, the constitution is simple at economical cost, and the working efficiency is excellent. - 特許庁


As an etching stopper layer 25 being provided between interconnect line forming layers 24 (interlayer insulating film layers) or a hard mask layer 23 for protecting the surface of the interconnect line forming layers 24, a silica based coating being formed using coating liquid containing a hydrolysis product of mixture of trialkoxy silane and tetraalkoxy silane is employed. - 特許庁



To provide a radar system for detecting a vehicle in blind corner, the radar system having high average transmission wave power and capable of improving S/N ratio of a weak signal of diffraction wave, capable of detecting an object such as vehicle entering from a dead angle into an intersection having no signal, and accordingly reducing accidents such as head-on crash. - 特許庁



To provide a method and an apparatus for an improved handoff procedure for a wireless network, which relate to use of ISANSWER messaging in the IS-41 protocol using a conventionally unknown method for improving, for example, a procedure capable of establishing handoff between an accommodating (anchor or intermediate) mobile switching center (MSC) and a target (or border) mobile switching center. - 特許庁


The primer is obtained by the blending to a primer comprising a specified amount of a film- or matrix-forming material, of a specified amount of a hydrophilic swelling substance containing a specified amount of finely pulverized particles which have a diameter of 7 to 40 nm and a specific surface area of 50 to 380 m2/g and also contain a silanol group and/or a partially modified silanol group. - 特許庁


With this kind of increased power behind them the Shugo absorbed the kokuga (provincial government offices) organization that was until then controlled by the Kokushi, and at the same time, with their increased economic power, made the provincial Jito, local lords (called Kokujin at the time) and other people of influence Hikan (vassals).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, Saionji was not directly involved in the Sei-Koku alliance (Seiyu-kai Party-National Party alliance) or the campaign speeches aimed at the citizens, and senior members of Seiyu-kai Party, such as Takashi HARA and Masahisa MATSUDA, Yukio OZAKI, a member of Seiyu-kai Party, and Tsuyoshi INUKAI of National Party played central roles in these events.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tsunemune gives off the impression of a person who switched between influential persons such as the Emperor Nijo, the Taira clan and the Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa, which was made possible by his capability, commented as 'He handled political affairs in the Imperial court well and had a thorough knowledge of ancient practices' ("Gukansho").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1457, when Norihiro OUCHI, a Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period) in Suo Province, attacked the Aki-Takeda clan in terms of his relationship with the family of Itsukushima-jinja Shrine priest, Yukitsune supported the Aki-Takeda clan by the order of Katsumoto HOSOKAWA, Kanrei, shogunal deputy, together with the Mori clan and other Aki kokujins to beat back the Ouchi troops (the Yamamoto Battle).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He is also known for his enthusiastic engagement in new Noh dramas and has ever premiered 'Yume no Ukihashi' (The Floating Bridge of Dreams) originally written by Jakucho SETOUCHI, 'Kurenai Tennyo' (Crimson Goddess) by Suzue MIUCHI, 'Kukai' (founder of Shingon sect) by Masaki DOMOTO, 'Garasha' (Garasha HOSOKAWA) and 'Osakajo' (Osaka-jo Castle) by Tojiro YAMAMOTO, 'Nukata no Okimi' (an empress of the seventh century) by Akiko BABA, and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


That same year, the following statement by a radical political activist appeared in the "Tokyo Nichinichi Shinbun" (the 'Tokyo Daily Newspaper'): "if you see the emerging pattern, that the target of the parties' pro-democracy political activists must not be limited to Inoue, and the current situation demands that all the mayor conservatives in the Diet deserve violent treatment, you should perceive that riot and strife of any imaginable scale could occur at any moment, and so on."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The i-layer 14 consists of a hydrogen containing amorphous iron silicide film which is formed on the n-layer 13 by supplying iron vapor V into a plasma Ps of a material gas G, a mixture of silane gas and hydrogen gas. - 特許庁


The isolated virus protein derived from Nostoc ellipsosporum, especially the antiviral protein known as cyanovirin-N, and viral infection inhibitor comprising a conjugate of pseudomonas exotoxin with a viral envelope protein are provided. - 特許庁


Here the noble metal and rare earth metal are respectively desired to be at least one of platinum(Pt) or palladium(Pd) and at least one metal chosen form cerium(Ce), lanthanum(La), neodymium(Nd), yttrium(Y), praseodymium(Pr) or samarium(Sm). - 特許庁


To provide an optical glass having particularly excellent laser resistance as an optical glass for transmitting ultraviolet rays by using an inexpensive and general purpose chlorine-based silane compound to suppress absorption/emission caused by the irradiation with ≤300 nm excimer laser. - 特許庁


The paper mulch sheet having excellent waterproof and weatherproof properties is obtained by coating a coating liquid containing an alkoxysilane as a main component on the surface of a paper material to form a coating having a siloxane bond. - 特許庁


In the method for producing metal nanoparticles, the metal ions of metal species including at least one selected from silver, palladium, platinum, rhodium and ruthenium are reduced in a state where at least one organic molecule selected from a compound group containing a carbon-nitrogen double bond (C=N) is made coexistent. - 特許庁


This catalyst is provided with a carrier with a broken face formed by mechanically or chemically breaking a honeycomb silica porous body having 1-10 nm pore diameter synthesized by using an alkoxysilane and a catalytic metal deposited on the carrier surface. - 特許庁


To provide a radical polymerization initiator having high sensitivity to energy rays, especially rays in 250-450 wave length region without using together a sensitizer and effectively used in various applications using polymerization reaction, crosslink reaction and the like in which radicals are catalysts. - 特許庁


The epoxy resin composition essentially consists of (A) an epoxy resin, (B) a phenol resin and (C) an inorganic filler, and characteristically contains (D) 0.001-2.0 wt.% of imidazole silane in which Si and N do not directly bond. - 特許庁


A first lower surface electrode 22 of a first pump cell 18 of an NOx sensor 10 contains magnesium oxide and platinum (metal usable for detection of oxygen concentration) and is formed so that the ratio of magnesium oxide to the sum of magnesium oxide and platinum is 0.5 wt% or more. - 特許庁


To obtain a recording medium where a program is recorded which examines the inheritable variety of a group of living things having diploid genomes to check the degree of inbreeding and prevents a danger of weakening due to inbreeding to evaluate inherited qualities of an object living thing from a DNA fingerprint. - 特許庁


A case 1 is constituted of a metal supporting body 2 comprising platinum-coated titanium and fixed with a probe DNA thereon, couter electrodes 2a, 2b for impressing a voltage with respect to the supporting body 2, a cap 3, and an injection port 23. - 特許庁


The polarizing plate comprises a polarizer, an adhesive layer, an easy adhesive layer and a protective film made of a film containing cyclic olefine resin as a main component, wherein the easy adhesive layer contains a silane having reactive radical groups and has a thickness thereof of 1 to 50 nm. - 特許庁


This compound can be synthesized by reacting a diallyl isocyanurate compound with a silane compound having an SiH group and a hydrosilylation catalyst in a suitable amount of a reaction solvent at a suitable reaction temperature for a suitable reaction time. - 特許庁


The method for producing a phosphoroamidite compound (1) includes a process for using a silica gel column containing a silica gel (NH silica gel) whose silica surface silanols are wholly or partially modified with an aminoalkyl silyl as a carrier to purify the phosphoroamidite compound represented by general formula (1). - 特許庁


A nickel-based coating is formed on an iron-based base material on the side faces of the tooth parts 11, and further a first coating film is formed using a water-based rust-proof coating material containing zinc, nitrate and an organic compound containing a mercapto group other than a silane coupling agent containing a mercapto group. - 特許庁


The hollow organic-inorganic hybrid fine particle of a single pore structure has an organic skeleton and an inorganic skeleton, where the hollow organic-inorganic hybrid fine particle has an average particle size of 10-100 nm, a refractive index of at most 1.40 and is surface-treated with a silane coupling agent. - 特許庁


The RS flip flop circuit 32c receives output signals from the overheat temperature detection circuit 32a at a set terminal S and output signals from the restarting circuit 32b at a reset terminal R, and outputs the results of these computations to the NOR circuit 33 through an noninverting output terminal Q. - 特許庁


An inorganic particle containing monomer is prepared by mixing inorganic particles having an average particle size of 1-1,000 nm which has been prepared by the reaction of an organosilica sol and (meth)acryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane and has a photo-polymerizable group, with 2-methoxybutylacrylate. - 特許庁


To provide a method for manufacturing a film-shaped product, in which the film-shaped product having a nano-sized network structure on the surface thereof can be manufactured easily by an electrospray deposition process, wherein a fibrous assembly such as a nonwoven fabric manufactured by the same process, is used for investigating influences of the network structure to be exerted on the propagation or differentiation of a cell. - 特許庁


As the channel forming member of the liquid ejecting head, a hardened object of a resin composition including a cationically polymerizable resin, a photo-cationic polymerization initiator, a hydrolysate of a hydrolytic organic silane compound, and inorganic fine particles of a mean diameter of 50 nm or smaller is used. - 特許庁


The laminated sheet prepared by forming the coating layer on at least one face of a base fabric prepared by weaving and knitting the drawn yarns formed by using the specified composition in which the polyester is a main ingredient by means of an extrusion lamination method using the specified composition in which the polyester is a main ingredient is provided. - 特許庁


This heat-shielding coating composition is characterized by comprising a hollow spherical or scaly low heat conductor, a structural auxiliary and a silane coupling agent, and the coated structure is characterized in that the heat-shielding coating composition is coated on at least one portion of the surface of the structure and then dried to form a coating film. - 特許庁


By executing this thermal processing, a conversion reaction is promoted by oxygen radicals (O^*), hydrogen radicals (H^*) and hydroxyl group radicals (OH^*) etc. in or around the flames, a non-conversion portion (remaining Si-N etc.) is reduced and the film quality of the polysilazane conversion SiO_2 can be improved. - 特許庁


The laminated sheet prepared by forming the coating layer on at least one face of a base fabric prepared by weaving and knitting the drawn yarns formed by using the specified composition in which polyethylene terephthalate is a main ingredient by means of extrusion lamination using the specified composition in which the polyethylene terephthalte is a main ingredient is provided. - 特許庁

本画像処理では、量子力学で、2次元調和振動子の固有ベクトルとして知られる、正規直交関数系 Ψ_N(X,Y)=ψ_i(X)・ψ_j(Y) を用いることによって、点(X,Y)における光のX方向の反射(放射)強度はC_2によって、Y方向の反射強度はC_3によって算出する。例文帳に追加

known as a eigen-vector of a two-dimensional harmonic vibrator in quantum mechanics is used to calculate the reflection (emission) intensity of the light at the point (X, Y) in the X direction from C2 and the reflection intensity in the Y direction from C3. - 特許庁


The embrocation for forming an antifouling layer which is used under a vapor is obtained by making silane containing a perfluoropolyether group represented by general formula [1] dissolve in an organic solvent having a surface tension of at most 20.0 mN/m and a boiling point of 95-200°C. - 特許庁


Thus, since pull-out force can be dispersed even to the second layer 13b on the side inner than the first layer 13a without concentrating pull-out force to the first layer 13a of the sill 13, an effect that the joint strength of the sill 13 formed by bonding and laminating a plurality of the plates and a column 14 can be improved is displayed. - 特許庁


In this spiral conveyor comprising the spiral without having a center shaft to be rotated in a trough to carry subject matter to be carried, the spiral is formed by fusing a metal pipe in a constant width, and spirally cutting it into a coil having an angular cross sectional surface. - 特許庁


This bulky paper is made by using pulp slurry which is obtained by mixing Shirasu (light gray volcanic ash) balloons having an average particle size of100 μm into pulp in an amount of 1-35 mass% based on an amount of the pulp and subjecting the slurry to paper making, wherein surfaces of the paper are coated with a water-soluble resin. - 特許庁


In a dwelling house 1 with indoor space formed as open ceiling space extended to a ridge part by connecting the eaves side ends of rafters 31, 31 to a second-floor pole plate 4, a plurality of longitudinal parts of a ridge girder 2 are supported by a plurality of second-floor columns 7, 7. - 特許庁



The laminated sheet prepared by forming a coating layer on at least one face of a base fabric prepared by weaving and knitting polyester drawn yarns by means of an extrusion lamination using a polyester or a specified composition in which the polyester is a main ingredient is provided. - 特許庁


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