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該当件数 : 16



this annual conference is a showcase for ambitious small caps  - 日本語WordNet


To provide a business model by which an operation rate of rentals of video and sound software such as videotapes and DVDs and convenience for a user can be improved and an precise stocking amount of video and sound software such as new videotapes and DVDs can be estimated. - 特許庁


As for tachi-yaku (male role), he performed grandly with a dignified appearance; besides Goemon mentioned above, his well-known tachi-yaku were MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune in "Kanjincho" which he had performed in his younger days in the presence of Emperor Meiji, and Kudo in "Kotobuki Soga no Taimen," Uke in "Shibaraku," Shihei in 'Kuruma-biki' of "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami," and Nuregami in 'Sumo-ba' of "Futatsu-chocho Kuruwa Nikki."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although there is no accepted international definition of what constitutes a rare metal, the word is generally used to denote minerals that are rare on earth or that are technically or economically difficult to extract. - 経済産業省



The policy was culminated in the Bunei era and Koan era which corresponded to the period of the cloistered emperor's governments by Emperor Gosaga and Emperor Kameyama in the imperial court administration, and the period of the government led by Tokimune HOJO and the government led by Sadatoki HOJO (Yasumori ADACHI as an advisor), when various kinds of Shinryo Kogyo were conducted to shrines and similar policies were also conducted to the temples under the so-called 'Koan Tokusei.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


第1スイッチ・モジュールは、ハブでDSLAM(ディジタル加入者線アクセスモデム、digital subscriber line access modem)を結合するためのものでもある。例文帳に追加

The first switch module is also for coupling to a DSLAM (digital subscriber line access modem) 130 at the hub. - 特許庁


Some of the people who survived the post war period have prejudice or hatred against whale meat as "whale meat is just substitute and cheap food" but the meat is also a foodstuff evoking nostalgia for that era.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to make more energetic activities of angel networks in Japan, it would be effective to form partnerships between such networks based in parts of Japan and help them share information about start-ups and best practices for angel network management. It would also be helpful to encourage them to interact with angel networks in the United States and other advanced angel networking countries and conduct surveys to learn their advanced skills to manage networks and angel investment techniques, such as convertible loan stock. Another effective way is to work to have angel investment activates understood by SME owners and other people who may potentially have interest in angel investment. Examination should be conducted on what the government should do to support such efforts. In the United States and Europe, some angel networks own venture capital funds, referred to as sidecar or affiliate funds, as a tool for making angel investments, and such funds are now becoming more common. In Japan, Nippon Angels Forum, an angel network, has a sidecar fund. On the other hand, some of the venture capital funds there which raise money mainly from retail investors provide services similar to those of angel networks. Such convergences of angel networks and venture capital may help angel investors learn the expertise venture capital funds have on venture investment, and in turn allow venture capitals to use the business experience people in angel networks have and knowledge and know-how experts there possess when they perform diligence or provide business advisory services.  - 経済産業省


Those recommendations and other findings seem to indicate that securitization as a financial technology is in itself not necessarily inappropriate, and that the problem was the attempt to achieve short-term gains through excessive leveraging based on the so-calledoriginate to distributemodel, which took advantage of securitization.  - 金融庁



Moreover, the wireless back end circuit includes an analog interface coupled with the signal processing unit and converts analog information from the signal processing unit into information for a digital processing unit. - 特許庁



To provide a method for producing a quick hardening cement composition stably securing a desired pot life without being limited by the leaving time as kneaded of base mortar and base concrete. - 特許庁


To provide a health management system for relieving burden on a user and allowing the user to easily manage a health condition by measuring/storing the health condition in a daily life with a vital sensor and for receiving an appropriate diagnosis service from a remote medical institution. - 特許庁


After establishing an international reputation with "In the Realm of the Senses," he mainly produced works with foreign funds or when he planned to have the films released abroad, such as "Empire of Passion" (1978), "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence" (1983) and "Max Mon Amour" (1986).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Possible candidates for the negotiations include countries where laws are revised frequently, whose investment environments draw concerns such as insufficient transparency, and which satisfy the following conditions: (1) countries which currently or potentially have a certain level of investment stocks from Japan; (2) countries such as those in the Middle East, which produce resources such as oil, natural gas, and rare metals; and (3) countries that serve as regional hubs in South America and Africa. - 経済産業省


According to the graphs, when supplying funds to post-inauguration to early growth phase SMEs, financial institutions and venture capital firms both place emphasis onfuture business potential” and “the management capabilities of the company representative.” However, with regard to “the technologies possessed and the business model,” many venture capital firms answered that they placed emphasis on it, and this is in marked contrast to the relatively small proportion of financial institutions who gave this answer (Fig. 2-5-15 [1]). - 経済産業省



Although this article included some personal opinions of my own, there is a consensus within the FSA, for example on the idea that it is necessary to remain cautious about the argument that the required capital adequacy level should be raised universally without accurately identifying the differences in business models and risk profiles between individual financial institutions or paying adequate attention to an appropriate assessment of asset value, namely without putting sufficient emphasis on the accuracy of the risk asset amount, which constitutes the denominator of the calculation formula of the capital adequacy ratio.  - 金融庁


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