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該当件数 : 41



A map plot device 10 acquires household information including a predetermined household ID as household information of target households, and outputs a map with the target households plotted thereon. - 特許庁


an audience rating survey that regards a household as one unit  - EDR日英対訳辞書


4) The "Family Income and Expenditure Survey" is based on two or more person households (excluding agricultural, forestry and fisheries households.). - 厚生労働省


In the posting inspection system for survey slips, a household identification barcode is attached to a survey slip, the survey slip is distributed to each household, answers of the each household are written in the survey slip, and after that, the survey slip is posted and collected. - 特許庁



the action of surveying the family budget  - EDR日英対訳辞書



To easily inspect a collecting state of survey slips distributed to many households. - 特許庁


The investigated household device 1 communicates with the tabulation center 3 via a network 2. - 特許庁


To acquire a highly precise program rating investigating result without trouble when monitoring devices are arranged in respective households and a television program rating is investigated. - 特許庁


According to the Family Income and Expenditure Survey, when we look at the amount that household heads hold both in savings and in the assets in foreign currency by age of household heads, the elderly are at the center of households possessing assets in foreign currencies. - 経済産業省



According to the “Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions 2008”, the average income per fatherless family is 2,432 thousand yen, it is lower than 2,071 thousand yen of the average income per person of household (Figure 2-4-3). - 厚生労働省



A cellphone 20 generates a random number for each of the target households, and notifies an investigator about the order of the target member in family members. - 特許庁


According to the Family Income and Expenditure Survey reported by the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Aomori City, Morioka City, and Toyama City are the largest consumers of kelp (which is calculated by taking an average of three years since 2003 per household).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the statistical investigation carried out in 1926 by Chosen Sotoku-fu (Korean government-general), hakucho who existed in Korean Peninsula at that time were 8,211 families and 36,809 people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The report says the producer hired a private research agency to find households used to establish viewer ratings for TV programs.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The census was carried out in order to determine the exact size of the country's population and to learn the current status of its households.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


According to MIC's National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, the asset holdings amount of senior citizen households was 58.16 million yen, an amount approximately 1.5 times greater than the total average of 39.00 million yen. - 経済産業省


According to the "Consumer Confidence Survey" published by the Cabinet Office, the monthly consumer sentiment index for private households (original figure) has continued to increase since January 2009, for a period of four months. - 経済産業省


The investigated household device 1 comprises; a television-or-the-like viewing device 11 for viewing a television receiver, radio receiver, PC, portable information device; an investigation terminal 12; a communication device 13; and an antenna 14 for receiving a master data creation station. - 特許庁


To reduce examination cost and labor and time in an on-line TV program rating system, and reduce the load of a monitor household and realize data collection at arbitrary times. - 特許庁


In an investigation system, a tabulation center 3 obtains a contact situation such as a viewing rate, listening rate, contact rate of a content of television, radio, web, etc. viewed, listened, brought into contact by an investigated household device 1. - 特許庁


An identification/total device 30 collating and discriminating viewing/hearing program sound data transmitted from the monitoring device 10 at every investigation household 1 with peculiar sound data by individual program, which is transmitted from the program sound learning device 20, specifying the viewing/hearing program at every investigation household 1 and calculating and totaling it as the program rating is arranged. - 特許庁


The cellphone 20 acquires attribute information of the member corresponding to the order decided by the generated random number of the members as attribute information of the target person for each of the target households, and transmits it to a tabulation device 30. - 特許庁

第五条 総務大臣は、本邦に居住している者として政令で定める者について、人及び世帯に関する全数調査を行い、これに基づく統計(以下この条において「国勢統計」という。)を作成しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 5 (1) With regard to persons specified by a Cabinet Order as those residing in Japan, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications shall conduct a complete census concerning individuals and households and produce statistics based on such a census (hereinafter referred to as "population census statistics" in this Article).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It used to be the most consumed fruit in Japan, however, according to family budget research made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the purchase volume of mikans per household was left behind by bananas and dropped down to No.2 from the top position.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to a survey on the ownership ratio of private cars per household carried out in fiscal year 1996 by the then Ministry of Transport, the ratio in all of Kyoto Prefecture was 75.3%, but, Fukuchiyama City was 94.2% at the time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to a 2001 survey on the environment of children, more than 30 percent of households answered that during the week the whole family "seldom took breakfast together."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


To properly perform the mapping of population or household distribution and customer distribution or the like in market investigation in marketing or the like and the selection of an adaptive area according to characteristics of each area or the type of marketing. - 特許庁


To provide an audiovisual history collection method which takes advantage of a characteristic of a digital broadcast, which does not require an exclusive use terminal for audiovisual history collection, and which can easily make relatively numerous audiovisual households and audience investigation objects. - 特許庁


To suppress costs for installation and operation of a master data creation device and to cope with a failure, a disaster, etc. by providing an investigated household with a master creation function for each station. - 特許庁


A formed research program is transmitted to a satellite 1 (broadcast satellite, communication satellite, etc.), from a broadcasting station 7, and broadcast via the satellite 1 to a television 403 with a tuner 415 set in each viewer family. - 特許庁

公共料金:公共サービス、電気・都市ガス・水道第11表 家計主要項目(全国勤労者世帯)と実質消費の増減要因資料出所 総務省統計局「家計調査」、「消費者物価指数」から厚生労働省労働政策担当参事官室にて推計例文帳に追加

Public utility charges: Public services, electricity, gas, water supply - 厚生労働省


In the report "HEISEI 17 NEN SHOTOKU SAIBUNPAI CHOUSA HOUKOKUSHO" by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, a factor analysis of the increase in the Gini coefficient shows that the increase (by household on the initial income basis18) between 2002 and 2005 stems mainly from the prevailing changes in social structure, such as 1) the increase in the number of elderly households along with demographic aging and 2) the shrinking household size with the share of single households on the rise. Further, 3) the widening disparity (in the true sense of the word), which is not subject to the changes in social structure, is actually responsible for less than 10% of the total increase in the Gini coefficient (see Figure 2-2-20). Globalization and technological progress are cited as the two main factors behind the actual widening disparity. - 経済産業省

今回の調査では、調査対象を一般消費者(世帯収入中級以上)、学生、バイヤーの3 カテゴリーに設定し、屋内展示会場ではインドの典型的な間取りを模した居住空間に日本の製品群を展示し、屋外では日本車展示ブースなどを設営、ツアー形式で製品の特徴、想定価格等を説明の上、アンケート形式でヒアリングを行った。例文帳に追加

At the same time, a survey was conducted. Subjects were divided into 3 groups, namely, general consumer (higher than the middle class based on the household income), student and buyer. In the indoor venue, Japanese products were exhibited in a modeled house that imitated the floor plan of a typical Indian house. In outdoor, exhibition booths were installed for Japanese cars, where features of the cars, nominal price, etc were explained in a tour style, and hearing was conducted using a questionnaire form. - 経済産業省


Meanwhile, Soka Gakkai, or a new religious body of Nichiren Shoshu sect (but it is excommunicated by the sect at present), which is the power base of one of the governing parties, the New Komeito Party, officially announced that 8.27 million heads of families belong to the body, but a poll and other survey show there are estimated to be 4 million believers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In terms of the amount of time spent on parenting, MIC’s Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities(2001) shows that, on average, men spend approximately 25 minutes and women approximately 3 hours on parenting per week in households including a married couple and child under the age of 6 years. - 経済産業省


The MIC Statistics Bureau's "Family Income and Expenditure Survey" indicates that during the periodof sluggish economy in the 1990s, reflected in household spending, spending on transport andcommunications increased with the development of an information-oriented society. - 厚生労働省


The labor force participation rate of women in Japan, unlike in Western European countries where the rate has risen substantially in the past 40 years, was higher than in other countries at the time of the 1920 Population Census , which put the figure at 53%, due to the high proportion of self-employment including in farming households. The rate fell until the mid-1970s owing primarily to the decline in the ratio of self-employed households after the Second World War, and then went through a period of increase due to the spread of part-time employment of full-time housewives in salaried workers' households (Fig. 3-1-2). - 経済産業省


To provide a method and system for investigating a viewing situation so as to accurately and promptly grasp, while reducing a burden on a viewer, who in a household actually viewed an information medium such as television broadcast, personal computer site, mobile site, newspaper, magazine, poster or the like and how much interest he/she has viewed the medium with. - 特許庁


An original delivery plan preparing server 18 receives an original prepared by an advertisement agency 14 or rep (internet advertisement agency) 16 and including information including a period, a budget, and a target user, and obtains data including the access log of the Internet of a sample user in a sample household from an Internet viewing behavior investigating organization 20. - 特許庁

第10図により、消費者心理(消費者マインド)を示す消費者態度指数(一般世帯・季節調整値)をみると、東日本大震災の発生により2011 年3 月に前月差で月次調査となった2004年4 月以降に最大の幅で低下した後、緩やかに回復しながらも震災前の水準に戻ることのないまま40前後で推移していた。例文帳に追加

According to Figure 10, the consumer confidence index (general households; seasonally adjusted) whichrepresents consumer mind showed the lowest decline on a month-to-month basis (since April 2004 when the surveywas started to be conducted on a monthly basis) in March 2011, and then gradually recovered to the level around40; however, the index did not return to the level before the earthquake. - 厚生労働省


人口減少・高齢化の進んだ集落等を対象とした「日常生活に関するアンケート調査」の集計結果(平成 20年 12月国土交通省国土計画局総合計画課)65歳以上の高齢者人口が50%以上の集落を含む一定の地区を、全国から20地区選定し、平成20年度8月から9月にかけて各地区の世帯主等を対象にした「日常生活に関するアンケート調査」をまとめたもの例文帳に追加

An aggregated result of the "Questionnaire survey concerning daily lives" on the villages and the like with advancing depopulation and aging (National Planning Division, National and Regional Planning Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, December 2008) Summarized the "Questionnaire survey regarding daily lives," which selected 20 regions from all over the country as certain sorts of regions including the villages with senior citizens of the age of 65 years and above covering 50 percent or more and surveyed the householders and the like from August to September in Fiscal Year 2008  - 経済産業省


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