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該当件数 : 33


[2] 会社・協会又は非営利組織の出願には,その会社又は組識の名称及び登録事務所を表示しなければならない。例文帳に追加

[2] The application filed by a company, an association or a nonprofitable organization must indicate the name and registered office of the company or organization. - 特許庁


In most cases, ashibatobi, as a member of the company organization, has a contract for scaffold rental, erection and disassembly on construction sites.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Other than the above, there are calligrapher associations organized by regions and prefectures, and various societies (also called Shachu) presided by Shoka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a device for the display of transmission destination address to allow a user to easily discriminate a company or an organization that is an e-mail transmission destination. - 特許庁



Employees, particularly skilled workers, have become actively involved in business process improvement and cost reduction efforts, thereby creating a strong company with an organization that thinks for itself. - 経済産業省



In this regard, the major progress made so far includes reform of systems and development of guidelines to facilitate corporate restructuring through the lifting of the ban on the establishment of holding companies (1997); introduction of equity swap/equity transfer system (1999); introduction of a system to fractionalize a company and improvement of corporate restructuring-related tax systems (2001); and enactment of laws such as the revised Industrial Revitalization Law (2003)6 and Corporate Law (2006). - 経済産業省


However, as the structures of securities companies continue to become larger and more complex (grouped), there is a risk that a situation may arise such as where a securities company that conducts its operations as an entire group suddenly goes bankrupt due to financial or operational problems caused by companies within the group, making its market intermediary function dysfunctional  - 金融庁


In order for insurance companies, etc. to ensure the appropriateness of their operations and improve security and convenience for policyholders voluntarily, it is important that they make voluntary business improvement efforts at the organization level, in a unified manner based on proper governance.  - 金融庁


Regarding business structure, the proportions of sole proprietorships, joint-stock companies, limited companies, and so on vary according to industry, with entries of sole proprietorships being particularly prevalent in industries such as retailing, eating/ drinking places and accommodations, medical services, welfare services, education, learning support, and compound services (Fig. 1-2-10).  - 経済産業省



From the first half of the 1910s, Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu-kai (Society for the Study of Social Science), or Shaken, has been organized in universities, high schools, vocational schools and so forth under the old system of education, and Gakusei Rengokai (Federation of Students), or Gakuren, in which Shaken from 49 schools participated, was inaugurated in September 1924.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


会社企業以外の経営組織(組合・その他の法人・個人)では、2000 年から2009 年までに、企業数が年率で▲8.4%となっており、資本金が300万円以下の企業数の減少率を上回っている。例文帳に追加

Among other forms of organization (associations, other corporations, and sole proprietorships), on the other hand, the number of enterprises declined by an annual rate of 8.4% between 2000 and 2009, exceeding the rate of decline in the number of enterprises with capital of ¥3 million or less.  - 経済産業省


A variety of initiatives including the unbanning of pure holding companies, simplification of procedures for corporate mergers, and establishment of stock exchanges and stock transfers may be interpreted as part of efforts to improve the environment for enhancing organizational capital by allowing companies to choose from a variety of organizational forms. - 経済産業省


After having fled from Tosa clan he acted as a royalist, exerting himself into establishing Kameyama-shachu, later Kaientai (a society of master less samurai), a mixture of a trading company and a political organization, mediating collaboration between Satsuma and Choshu, and realizing Taisei-hokan (the Restoration of the Imperial rule).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They therefore play an important role and assume significant responsibilities for the safeguarding of assets.  - 金融庁


However, as the structures of securities companies continue to become larger and more complex (grouped), instances are now arising where it is difficult for the authority to ascertain the situations of business and risk management of the entire group.  - 金融庁

① 取締役会は、法令等遵守・内部管理及び内部監査等の重要性を認識し、会社の業務内容等に応じた適切な組織体制を構築しているか。例文帳に追加

During the inspection, the SESC shall verify primarily the following items from the perspective of whether business management systems have been built and, whether the senior management is performing such role.  - 金融庁


I understand that the Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. of the United States, which is the parent of Hartford Life Insurance, has announced it applied to the Office of Thrift Supervision regarding an organizational change and applied to participate in the U.S. Treasury Department's capital injection program.  - 金融庁


Allowing the main bodies of banks and other financial institutions to perform finance lease transactions and the intermediation of similar transactions may contribute to enhanced convenience of capital raising for borrowers such as SMEs, and diversify the organizational forms of banks and other financial institution groups.From this perspective, the FSA will work to allow the main bodies of banks and other financial institutions to perform finance lease transactions and the intermediation of similar transactions, and to urgently submit a related bill to the Diet.  - 金融庁

これまでの進捗として、持株会社の解禁(1997年)、株式交換・移転制度の導入(1999 年)、会社分割制度の導入とそれに伴う企業組織再編税制の整備(2001 年)、改正産業再生法の施行(2003 年)、経済産業省及び法務省による「企業価値・株主共同の利益の確保又は向上のための買収防衛策に関する指針」の策定(2005 年)、会社法の施行(2006 年)、証券取引法の改正(2006 年)等、企業組織再編の円滑化に向けた制度改正や指針づくりが行われている。例文帳に追加

As progress at present in system reforms towards smoother company reorganizations, the following were implemented: removal of prohibition on holding companies (1997), introduction of a system for exchange and transfer of shares (1999), introduction of the Corporate Division System and accompanying development of company reorganization tax system (2001), enactment of the Revised Revitalization Law (2003), formulation of the “Guidline on Takeover Defense Measures to Secure or Increase Company Share Price and Stockholder Joint Interestby the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Justice (2005), enactment of the Corporations Act (2006), Revision of the Securities and Exchange Law (2006), etc. - 経済産業省


The NACCS Center that operates NACCS is planned to be dissolved and its organizational form will be changed to an incorporated company, which is expected to improve efficiency of the operations through corporate management and to increase convenience by creating new operations such as international system collaboration. For this reason, Nippon Automated Cargo and Port Consolidated System, Inc. is planned to be founded on October 1, 2008. - 経済産業省


The fourth head, Gentaro YOSHIMURA, had a career as the representative of the Shuzogyo Fukkatsu Kisei-domei (an association formed to carry out reactivation of the sake brewing industry,) which is a nationwide organization to submit requests for permission to restore the license to brew seishu by the sake breweries across the country who had been compelled to close or suspend their business by Senji Kigyo Seibi Rei (the acts for industrial readjustment in wartime) and he made a direct plea to the General Headquarters of the Allied Forces (GHQ) in 1947.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This survey shows the state of business organizations; the state of business deployment; the state of earnings, assets/debts and capital; the state of business deployment by subsidiaries; the state of research and development costs; the state of ownership/use of intellectual property rights; the state of outsourcing; future business management; human resources cultivation measures; etc. - 経済産業省


In the area of corporate law, holding company regulations were amended in 1997 through amendment of the Anti-Monopoly Law, while amendment of the Commercial Code in 1999opened the way for the introduction of stock-swap and stock transfer systems. In 2001, a company spin-off system came into being, as well as a treasury stock system. At last year’s extraordinary Diet session, Commercial Code amendments were passed which included enhancement of the stock option system, use of IT in the operation of stockholdersmeetings,and review of the derivative lawsuit system, while bills have been submitted to this year’s regular Diet session for sweeping Commercial Code amendments regarding corporate organization, accounting and disclosure, and stock holding systems. - 経済産業省


The survey assumes that intellectual assets are comprised of (i) computerized information (computer software, computerized databases), (ii) scientific and creative property (science and technology-related R&D, mining resources development, copyright and licensing costs, other costs related to manufacturing, development, design, and research); and (iii) economic competencies (brands, human capital unique to the company, organizational structures), and adds them all up using proxy indicators. - 経済産業省


Taking this into account, the FSA will treat the following four fields as the key areas for program year 2007:(1) encouraging insurance companies to make a unified effort at the organization level to make further business improvements;(2) taking a supervisory stance in accordance with the business scale and style of insurance companies; (3) promoting the sophistication of risk management; and (4) ensuring sufficient communication with stakeholders in the insurance market.The FSA will strive to efficiently execute supervisory administration in a strict and effective manner, while seeking to improve the quality of supervision.In the area of supervision, the FSA will continue to enhance collaboration with inspection departments/bureaus.  - 金融庁


(Note) Under the standardized approach and some other parts of Basel II, external ratings can be used for the calculation of credit risk weighted assets. In Japan, the Financial Services Agency recognized individual credit rating agencies as eligible external credit assessment institutions (ECAIs) for the purpose of Basel II, in accordance with qualification criteria to assess such aspects as objectivity, independence, transparency, organization structure, and reliability of credit rating agencies and/or ratings.  - 金融庁


Do the Conflict of Interest Management Rules exhaustively cover the necessary arrangements for securing appropriate Conflict of Interest Management in a manner suited to the scales and natures of the business of the financial institution or a group company, including items stipulated in implementation policies of Conflict of Interest Management based on Laws? Do the Conflict of Interest Management Rules appropriately stipulate such arrangements, for example, by clearly defining the organizational framework and methods for conducting Conflict of Interest Management, as well as the allocation of authority and roles?  - 金融庁


It is clarified that a smaller and less-complex organization, etc. can have various formats and methods of records, and examples are given of usable internally prepared documents (internal notices from the company's management, documents communicating to successors, documents prepared when receiving orders, etc.). It is clarified that the auditors can also use such records.  - 金融庁

次に、中小製造業の企業数の推移を経営組織別・資本金階層別に見てみると、資本金のある会社企業では、資本金規模が小さな企業ほど、企業数の減少が顕著となっている一方で、資本金が5,000 万円超の企業数は、2000年から2009年まで、ほぼ横ばいで推移していることが見て取れる(第3-1-2図)。例文帳に追加

Looking next at developments in numbers of SMMs broken down by type of organization and level of capital, it is apparent that while there has been a marked decline in the number of enterprises with little capital among corporate enterprises, the number with capital in excess of ¥50 million remained virtually constant between 2000 1and 2009 (Fig. 3-1-2).  - 経済産業省

証券会社等と当該証券会社等の親子法人等は、電子情報処理組織の保守・管理又は内部管理に関する業務(以下(3)において「内部管理業務等」という。)を行う部門(以下(3)において「内部管理部門等」という。)から非公開情報が漏えいしない措置を的確に講じている場合には、金商業等府令第 153条第1項第7号ト又はリに基づき、内部管理業務等を行うために必要な非公開情報(非共有情報を含む。)の授受(内部管理に関する業務については、証券会社等から特定関係者以外の親子法人等に提供する場合を除く。)を行うことができるが、例文帳に追加

In cases where a securities company, etc. and its parent/subsidiary corporations, etc. have properly taken measures to prevent the leakage of non-disclosure information from the divisions engaged in conducting operations concerning the maintenance and management of electronic data processing systems or internal control (such operations shall hereinafter be referred to asinternal control operations, etc.in (3) and such divisions shall hereinafter be referred to asinternal control divisions, etc.in (3)), they may exchange non-disclosure information (including non-shared information) necessary for conducting internal control operations, etc. under Article 153(1)(vii)(g) or (i) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance (with regard to operations concerning internal control, excluding cases where the securities company, etc. provides non-disclosure information to its parent/subsidiary corporations, etc. other than parties in specified relationships).  - 金融庁


Though many Mujin dealers operated as a company organization and they often had fragile or fraudulent management or concluded contracts unfavorable to users, there was no law to regulate them in those days, therefore, enactment of a regulation law was demanded mainly by industrial groups, Mujin meeting places, and others, and thereby the old Mutual Loan Business Act was enacted in 1915 to make it a licensing system (note: the current 'Mutual Loan Business Act' was newly enacted in 1931).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the present regulations concerning business successions, a great number of specialized issues are not dealt with in certain fields, such as legislation concerning inheritance and corporations, and it has become necessary to respond to new issues such as taxation. Given this fact, the Business Succession Council, a comprehensive and professional organization for analysis composed of all relevant organizations concerning business successions, will perform concentrated analysis. (new) (included in SMRJ operating expense subsidy) - 経済産業省


④ 顧客の生活、経済活動及び金融商品市場の機能維持の観点から重要な業務(投資信託(MMF、MRFを含む。)の解約注文に伴う解約口数の集計、連絡業務(販売会社からの解約連絡受付、集計、受託銀行への連絡等)、基準価額の算出、発表業務、既存ポジションの把握、必要最小限の運用指図業務及び直販顧客に係る解約業務(直販顧客からの解約受付等窓口業務)並びにこれらの業務を遂行するための法令対応(有価証券届出書等の作成・提出等も含む。)、組織管理、システム管理及び危機管理業務等(顧客説明業務を含む。))を、暫定的な手段(手作業、バックアップセンターにおける処理等)により再開(リカバリー)するまでの目標時間が具体的に計画されているか。例文帳に追加

(iv) Whether a specific target period has been set for the recovery of operations vital for the maintenance of the lives of customers, economic activities and the functions of the financial instruments markets (as a consequence of an order cancellation request regarding an investment trust (including MMFs and MRFs): aggregation of the number of cancelled units, communications business (such as the receipt of notification from a sales company regarding cancellation, aggregation, and notification to the entrusted bank), calculation of the base value, announcements, identification of the existing position, minimum investment instructions, and cancellation operations related to direct customers (point-of-contact services such as receiving cancellations from direct customers); and, for executing these business operations: legal responses (including the preparation and submission of a securities registration statement), organizational management, systems management, and crisis management (including the business of providing explanations to customers) through provisional measures such as manual operations and processing by back-up centers).  - 金融庁


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