例文 (22件) |
該当件数 : 22件
第六十五条 共同訴訟人は、等しい割合で訴訟費用を負担する。ただし、裁判所は、事情により、共同訴訟人に連帯して訴訟費用を負担させ、又は他の方法により負担させることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 65 (1) Co-parties shall bear court costs equally; provided, however, that the court, depending on circumstances, may have co-parties bear court costs jointly and severally or in any other manner. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To provide a vehicle sharing system capable of reducing the load of processing laid to a user in lending of a vehicle. - 特許庁
To provide an information processing terminal preventing contradiction of content in a cooperative region in a cooperative edition system wherein working is cooperatively carried out by a plurality of users, and requiring a low terminal load in communication. - 特許庁
To provide a technology with which latest data can be shared without increasing work loads of each designer in a design support system in which a plurality of designers work together. - 特許庁
If, despite being notified, a joint holder does not pay the costs for which he is liable, the joint holder who has paid those costs may claim assignment to him of the share belonging to the joint holder having not met his obligations. - 特許庁
To provide a software development support system which enables an expert and an inexperienced person to perform joint work together by light load and which prevents an oversight of a fault. - 特許庁
To reduce loads of expenses required for the installation of consultation terminals and to expand service to customers by sharing consultation terminals by a plurality of financial institutions. - 特許庁
To reduce the labors of both a preparer and a checker when one document is cooperatively prepared by a plurality of persons, and to flexibly share and prepare the document. - 特許庁
In this simulation, building main body and installed facilities are specified, the owner basically bears the cost amount equivalent to the building main body and the real estate agency bears the cost amount equivalent to the facilities with a comparatively short depreciation period during the joint investment period. - 特許庁
To provide an image transmission apparatus which stores image information for each sender and manages the information without enforcing a particular load on the senders even when a plurality of people share the one transmission apparatus to use it. - 特許庁
Each of the vehicles controlled by the operating organizations which operate systems that share the plurality of vehicles is controlled by one control center, with the operating organization as one unit of control, so as to reduce the cost of control required for one vehicle and therefore a financial burden on each user. - 特許庁
To provide a sorting method in a cooperative distribution center capable of reducing a burden of a sorting worker and efficiently and speedily sorting goods for shipping destinations even if the number of goods delivered to the cooperative distribution center, the kind of goods and the number of shipping destinations increase up to a large number. - 特許庁
To provide a translator selection method, a translator selection program, and a translation request server for obtaining a translation result with quality satisfying the total amount paid by each client when a plurality of clients make a request for translation together. - 特許庁
To solve the problem that there exists such various obstacles that when a plurality of senders cooperatively send a gift via an electric communication line, the labor of planning is heavy for a planner, and that since it is necessary for participants to determine their intention of participation in a state that the number of participants is uncertain, there exists uncertain elements. - 特許庁
Matters relating to the transfer, assignment and encumbrance of rights deriving from a trademark and from trademark protection, the joint right to trademark protection and joint trademark protection, as well as in relationships concerning property rights and personal status relating to trademarks that are not covered by this Act shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Code. - 特許庁
To provide a house design support system capable of smoothing communication between an architect and a client and reducing delay in construction time and a financial load by preparing a design drawing of a house by the cooperation between the architect and the client, and including building elements selected by the client into the design drawing. - 特許庁
One of 2 or more joint proprietors of a patent or application for a patent may without the concurrence of the others refer a dispute to the court under this section, but shall not do so unless the others are made parties to the proceedings; but any of the others made a defendant shall not be liable for any costs or expenses unless he enters an appearance and takes part in the proceedings. - 特許庁
第八百四十九条 株主又は株式会社は、共同訴訟人として、又は当事者の一方を補助するため、責任追及等の訴えに係る訴訟に参加することができる。ただし、不当に訴訟手続を遅延させることとなるとき、又は裁判所に対し過大な事務負担を及ぼすこととなるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加
Article 849 (1) A shareholder or a Stock Company may intervene in a suit relating to an Action for Pursuing Liability, etc. either as a coparty or for assisting either of the parties; provided, however, that this shall not apply when it will unduly delay the court proceedings or impose an excessive administrative burden on the court. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第四条 現に当該港湾において港湾の施設を管理する地方公共団体、従来当該港湾において港湾の施設の設置若しくは維持管理の費用を負担した地方公共団体又は予定港湾区域を地先水面とする地域を区域とする地方公共団体(以下「関係地方公共団体」という。)は、単独で又は共同して、定款を定め、港務局を設立することができる。例文帳に追加
Article 4 (1) The local government which actually manages port and harbor facilities in a port or the local government which has borne the cost of construction, or maintenance and management of facilities in the said port or the local public government whose water area is scheduled to be designated as a Port Area (hereinafter referred to as the "relevant local government") may establish a port authority independently or jointly with other local governments after preparing the Articles of Incorporation. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
6 各債権者(信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者に限る。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)の共同の利益のためにされた信託財産に属する財産の保存、清算又は配当に関する費用等について第一項の規定により受託者が有する権利は、第四項の強制執行又は担保権の実行の手続において、他の債権者(当該費用等がすべての債権者に有益でなかった場合にあっては、当該費用等によって利益を受けていないものを除く。)の権利に優先する。この場合においては、その順位は、民法第三百七条第一項に規定する先取特権と同順位とする。例文帳に追加
(6) The right that a trustee has pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) with regard to expenses, etc. for the preservation, liquidation, or distribution of property that belongs to the trust property, which has been conducted in the common interest of creditors (limited to creditors who hold claims pertaining to the obligation covered by the trust property; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph) shall, in the proceedings for execution or for the exercise of a security interest set forth in paragraph (4), prevail over the rights of other creditors (in cases where such expenses, etc. were not beneficial to all creditors, those who did not benefit from such expenses, etc. shall be excluded). In this case, said right has the same rank in the order of priority as a statutory lien prescribed in Article 307, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第百四十八条 市町村は、介護保険の財政の安定化を図るため、その介護保険に関する特別会計において負担する費用のうち介護給付及び予防給付に要する費用(第四十三条第三項、第四十四条第六項、第四十五条第六項、第五十五条第三項、第五十六条第六項又は第五十七条第六項の規定に基づき条例を定めている市町村に係る当該介護給付及び予防給付に要する費用については、当該条例による措置が講じられないものとして政令で定めるところにより算定した当該介護給付及び予防給付に要する費用とする。次項において同じ。)、地域支援事業に要する費用、財政安定化基金拠出金の納付に要する費用並びに基金事業借入金の償還に要する費用の財源について、政令で定めるところにより、他の市町村と共同して、調整保険料率に基づき、市町村相互間において調整する事業(以下この条及び次条において「市町村相互財政安定化事業」という。)を行うことができる。例文帳に追加
Article 148 (1) A Municipality, in order to promote fiscal stabilization of Long-Term Care Insurance, with regard to financial resources for the disbursements necessary to provide for Long-Term Care Benefits and Prevention Benefits (with regard to the disbursements necessary for said Long-Term Care Benefits and Prevention Benefits pertaining to a Municipality that provides an ordinance based on Article 43, paragraph (3), Article 44, paragraph (6), Article 45, paragraph (6), Article 55, paragraph (3), Article 56, paragraph (6), Article 57, paragraph (6), shall be the disbursements necessary for said Long-Term Care Benefits and Prevention Benefits calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, as a Municipality may not undertake measures promulgated by said ordinance; the same shall apply in the following paragraph), the disbursements necessary for Community Support Projects, the disbursements necessary for payment of Fiscal Stability Funds contribution, and the expense necessary for repayment of Borrowings for Fund Project among those disbursements to be imposed by a special account concerning said Long-Term Care Insurance, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, in cooperation with other Municipalities based on an adjustment rate of insurance premiums, may conduct a project to provide adjustments mutually among Municipalities (hereinafter referred to as "Municipal Mutual Fiscal Stabilization Project" in this Article and the following Article). - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
例文 (22件) |
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