該当件数 : 132件
お前の最終面接は そのカメラを通過した時点で終わった例文帳に追加
Your final interview ended as you passed through that camera. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The steps of the progress and the selection are repeated up to a final point of time (807), a final survival trellis path is selected at the final point of time and a decoded data sequence is expressed. - 特許庁
From what I heard, no decision has been made thus far as to the final acquirer financial institution selection. - 金融庁
When no lower level vector is finally left, the noticed category at that time is specified as a classification destination. - 特許庁
C) 分類判定に利用可能な情報源(最終的には物質数等の時点修正が必要)例文帳に追加
C) Information sources for the classification of environmental hazards - 経済産業省
現時点では 兆候もありません 彼の自警団としての 最終期限が近づいています例文帳に追加
At the moment, there's been no sign of the vigilante as his one hour deadline nears. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
「各団体の対応は 現時点では不明」 「最終的にvを容認するのか あるいは拒絶するのか」例文帳に追加
It remains uncertain as to whether they will ultimately urge acceptance or dissent. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
「各団体の対応は 現時点では不明」 「最終的にVを容認するのか あるいは拒絶するのか」例文帳に追加
It remains uncertain as to whether they will ultimately urge acceptance or dissent. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
In a regressive evaluation step S110, a point of time (t) to be evaluated is dated back from a last point in time "T" and regressive approximation processing and evaluation calculation processing (S112, S113) are repeated every point of time. - 特許庁
A data storage unit 20 stores the final odds of a betting target, which are present as the actual result of betting whose deadline has already passed, or final odds range data, which indicates the range of the final odds, in association with the combination of odds data before a deadline and remaining-time data. - 特許庁
以下、各国・地域から中国に集まる2009 年の最終財の輸出額をまとめ、1999 年時点と比較すると、この10 年で各国・地域からの最終財輸出が大きく伸びていることがわかる(第2-1-2-10 図、第2-1-2-11 図)。例文帳に追加
Summarizing the final goods amount exported from countries/ regions to China in 2009 and comparing them with those of 1999, it has been found that the final goods exported from the countries/ regions have largely increased over the past 10 years (Figures 2-1-2-10 and 2-1-2-11). - 経済産業省
Greedy search is a technique for performing optimum selection at each time point by expecting to finally become an optimum solution. - 特許庁
To specify the final odds of a betting target from the odds of the betting target at one point in time before the deadline of betting, without taking time for processing. - 特許庁
When both data values become 1 finally, the reel piece position is established and a reel stop position is more delicately controlled. - 特許庁
Finally, a pattern stop command transmitted from the main control means at the point T2 of time is received and the stoppage is performed at a specified pattern decided by the fluctuation pattern. - 特許庁
Finally, the pattern controller receives a pattern stop command transmitted from the main controller at a point of time T2 and stops at a designated pattern determined by the variation pattern. - 特許庁
まず1990 年、1995 年、2000 年、2005 年の四時点の「外需」(輸出額)の「内需」(国内の最終財消費額)比と「波及効果の収支」の関係を示す。例文帳に追加
First of all, we show the relation between ratios of "Foreign Demand" (amount of exports) and "Domestic Demand" (amount of domestic consumption of final goods) and "Balance of Ripple Effect "during 4 points in time in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005. - 経済産業省
During a time when the operating button B is pushed long, the point data on the point which is not the final point of arrival at the present moment are displayed in fast-forwarding, while on the occasion of displaying the point data on the final point of arrival at the present moment, forwarding is stopped and these point data are displayed. - 特許庁
Then, between the point of time that the contact position is recognized and the point of time that a pitched ball character 74 reaches a scheduled passing position, the moved contact position is recognized as a final contact position. - 特許庁
The time of publication for a thesis is being when the thesis is distributed to an unspecific person in public or enters into university libraries after the final thesis examination, except when the contents of the thesis are announced in an open space before the final thesis examination. - 特許庁
Besides, at a point of time when the new photoreceptor 3 is loaded to the image forming apparatus body, the final image density on the transfer paper 9 after the transfer process is automatically controlled, and also, the final image density on the transfer paper after the transfer process is optionally controlled. - 特許庁
In communication control of an IC card having a data transmitting function and a data receiving function, the communication control method discriminates whether or not the data transmitted by a communication section is a final character among data to be transmitted, and automatically switches to a receiving mode when transmission of the final character is completed. - 特許庁
Next, when the rolling material passes through the final stand and the output from an X-ray thickness gage on the outlet side of the final stand is obtained, in a step S2, the actual rolling load of each stand is taken in and the thickness on the outlet side of each stand is determined by calculation. - 特許庁
A legally binding decision by a court or a final decision by the Norwegian Industrial Property Office to delete a registration takes effect from the time at which legal action were brought or a request for deletion was filed with the Norwegian Industrial Property Office. - 特許庁
When performing continuous rolling by changing the thickness in running, the target value in thickness control at an intermediated stand 13 is changed to the present value at that time at the point t3 of time when thickness deviation on the outlet side of the final stand falls in a specified range. - 特許庁
To display a set image comprising a plurality of component images on a display screen while varying its shape and/or size to easily display the set image having an intended shape at a time point during the shape variation or at a final time point. - 特許庁
A Viterbi decoder control circuit recognizes the timing for changing a transmission mode A to a mode B, keeps a changing control signal set on, until the last symbol in the transmission mode A is outputted at a time (1) after an inputting time (J) thereof to a pass memory, and outputs it to an ACS circuit. - 特許庁
Eventually, the bakufu rikugun became the largest western-style military organization in Japan, centering on 8 regiments of infantry and 3 battalion of learning infantry (some sais that it should be 9 regiments as the sixteenth regiment was established in the territory of Harima of Hitotsubashi Tokugawa family). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, as we are still putting the finishing touches on our proposal, I would like to refrain from commenting in any further detail. - 金融庁
Regarding that point, too, we are putting on the finishing touches at the moment, so I would like to refrain from commenting in any further detail for now. - 金融庁
As for the timing of the final decision of whether to give the go-ahead to the implementation of the shift as scheduled, we have no intention for the moment to alter the schedule. - 金融庁
The FSA is holding final consultations with relevant ministries and agencies based on his judgment, so I would like to refrain from making any further comments at this time. - 金融庁
The search report shall be made available to the public along with the patent application or, if it has not yet been drawn-up, following its notification to the applicant. - 特許庁
In regards to the pending applications for registration filed under the then current Law no. 5,772/71, the request for conversion may be filed until the final decision thereon. - 特許庁
Cranking for 10 seconds per one time is intermittently performed three times at intervals of several seconds, and the atmosphere correction operation is performed when cranking operation at the final time is finished. - 特許庁
When the effective resistance reaches zero, the oscillation is stopped and when the Q reaches a prescribed value, the clock is stopped and a latch circuit LAT latches the final count (Q). - 特許庁
A main noun is determined before dependency analysis, when an independent word of the last clause is a noun or a noun compound word, and when there is a declinable word matching the condition in a declinable word/auxiliary verb complement table is complemented,. - 特許庁
Then, the roulette performance is carried out at the interrupting of the RT performance, the continuation of the RT is reported finally, and the RT performance is restarted at the point of time at which a BET operation is performed. - 特許庁
If they are equal to each other (S26; Y), a gain at that time is determined as the final gain of the operational amplifier 2 (S27) thus ending the processing for adjusting the white level. - 特許庁
Node electric potential for connecting the photodiode and the switching element at the final time of the period of turning on the switching element, is always maintained in a specific value. - 特許庁
An extraction section 25 extracts a file from the information stored in a file storage section 4, with a file having the last access date and time prior to a predetermined date and time. - 特許庁
To provide an image forming apparatus, along with a program, capable of reliably switching a path to an inverting unit, having an imaging completion point of a non-final band before the tip of a recording paper passes a branching point of the path. - 特許庁
Because an output of PNum×(J-1) part is already finished at the point of this time, N being a remainder obtained by dividing UNum by PNum at the last time can be defined as the number of copies. - 特許庁
Evaluation of voice recognition candidates is changed by temporal compensation at the input time, and this change is reflected on the final evaluation result to improve the recognition rate. - 特許庁
Then, when it is determined that the deviation between the actual fuel pressure and the target fuel pressure is within the predetermined value, a fuel pressure decrease control in which the target fuel pressure is gradually decreased to a final target fuel pressure lower than normal is performed. - 特許庁
A final determine price and the number of paying persons are displayed and determined and when the prescribed number of applicants is reached, a 'pleasure price' is made open in a highest discount price field 5. - 特許庁
To allow a player to easily recognize a point in time when finally defined display is performed while allowing him/her to enjoy a game by re- varying patterns repeatedly. - 特許庁
An external memory 211 manages the period from the time of the final operation to the transition of the screen into the non display state for every at least one of a process and a screen. - 特許庁
To provide an electric bulb type LED light source capable of optionally setting a directional property at a point of using time in a finally fixed state when the electric bulb type LED light source is connected with a screw type bulb base. - 特許庁
By this constitution, when the electric bulb type LED is connected to an apparatus having the screw type base, the directional property at the point of using time in the finally fixed state can be optionally set. - 特許庁
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