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Following the armyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 121


Takauji, who distanced himself from the restoration, subsequently established the Northern Court (Japan), and numerous battles for control of Kyoto broke out during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) (following the division into the Northern Court and Southern Court, the Southern Court (Japan) occupied Kyoto on four occasions but was repelled by the Ashikaga army within a short space of time). 例文帳に追加

その後新政から離反した尊氏が北朝(日本)を立て、南北朝時代(日本)となると、京都争奪戦が何度も行われる(南北朝分裂以後、南朝(日本)による京都占領は4度行われたが、いずれも短期間で足利軍に撃退されている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The parade of the Emperor heading to Kyoto consisted of two army captains at the head, following a palanquin which the divine mirror of Kashikodokoro (Imperial Sanctuary) enshrined, a coach-and-six which Emperor Showa rode, a coach-and-four which Empress Kojun rode, a coach of the Naidaijin (minister of the center) (Nobuaki MAKINO), a representative of royal family, and the Prime Minister (Giichi TANAKA). 例文帳に追加

京都へ向かう天皇の行列は2名の陸軍大尉を先頭に賢所の神鏡を奉安した御羽車、昭和天皇の乗る6頭立て馬車・香淳皇后の乗る4頭立て馬車・皇族代表・内大臣(牧野伸顕)・内閣総理大臣(田中義一)の馬車と続いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are various theories about the true reasons for his refusal, but according to one theory, he might have realized that the government would be difficult to handle following the defeat of the Army's ultranationalist Kodaha (Imperial Way) faction in the Aizawa Incident and the February 26 Incident that followed it. 例文帳に追加

辞退の真因に関しては各説あるが、近衛が親近感をもっていた大日本帝国陸軍皇道派の勢力が相沢事件とそれに続く二・二六事件により失墜していたことから、政権運営の困難を感じていたのではないかとの説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the peace accord was reached, the majority of the Imperial army camped at Mt. Hiei was divided into 2 groups with one returning to Kyoto with Emperor Godaigo and the other going down to Echizen Province with Yoshisada NITTA, following the Crown Prince Tsuneyoshi but Moromoto, not joining the either group, fled to Kawachi Province with some of his allies including Sadahira NAKANOIN. 例文帳に追加

和睦成立後、比叡山にいた官軍の大部分は、後醍醐天皇と共に京都へ帰る者と、皇太子恒良親王を奉じて新田義貞と共に越前へ下る者とに分かれたが、師基はどちらにも加わらず、中院定平らと共に河内国へ落ちのびた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was also the stage for some big upheavals in Japanese history, for example, when Takauji ASHIKAGA raised his army in Shinomura (now Shino-cho in Kameoka city) at the end of the Kamakura period, and in the Azuchi-momoyama period, when Mitsuhide AKECHI, the lord of Kameyama Castle, probably following such an example, started the Incident at Honno-ji. 例文帳に追加

そして篠村(亀岡市篠町)では、鎌倉時代末期には足利尊氏が挙兵し、安土桃山時代にも亀山城(丹波国)主の明智光秀が本能寺の変へと向う際にそれに倣ったとされるなど、時代変革の舞台ともなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The following would be a factor of this: From the start, the actions of Saigo's forces were not taken to achieve predetermined objectives, but to attack weak points of the government army on the occasions, and although the forces departed for Kagoshima, it was after they arrived at Mera that they finally decided to rush into Kagoshima. 例文帳に追加

これは、西郷軍の行動が始めから一定の目的に従っていたわけではなく、その時々の官軍の弱点を突くものであり、鹿児島へ向けて出発したものの、最終的に鹿児島突入を決定したのは、米良に到着した後のことであったということも一因であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The records on Bang-gyeong KIM in "Koraishi" include descriptions that seem to be part of the military meeting held on that night after returning to their position, saying that the following conversation was held between the head of the Goryeo army Bang-gyeong KIM and commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force Dou XIN. 例文帳に追加

『高麗史』金方慶伝によると、この夜に自陣に帰還した後の軍議と思われる部分が載っており、高麗軍の主将である金方慶と派遣軍総司令官である忽敦との間で、以下のようなやり取りがあったことが述べられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tenguto no Ran (Rebellion of Tenguto) was raising of an army at Mt. Tsukuba on May 2, 1864 by the radical party of Sonno Joi (19th century slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners) including Koshiro FUJITA, a feudal retainer of Mito Domain and others, as well as the following related conflicts occurred all over the country (the main leader surrendered on January 14, 1865). 例文帳に追加

天狗党の乱(てんぐとうのらん)とは、元治元年3月27日(旧暦)(1864年5月2日)に起きた、水戸藩藩士藤田小四郎ら尊皇攘夷過激派による筑波山での挙兵と、その後これに関連して各地で発生した争乱のことである(元治元年12月17日(旧暦)(1865年1月14日)に主導者投降)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Masamoto was assassinated in 1507 an internal dispute regarding the HOSOKAWA (KEICHO) family's heir (Eisho Trouble) erupted; in April of the following year, 1508, upon hearing that the OUCHI army supporting the former Shogun Yoshitada (formerly named Yoshiki) was advancing to Kyoto Yoshizumi escaped to Kuchikidani seeking support from Takayori ROKKAKU of Oumi, and he escaped further to Okayama in Gamou-gun. 例文帳に追加

永正4年(1507年)に政元が暗殺され細川氏(京兆家)の家督をめぐる内訌が生じ(永正の錯乱)、翌永正5年(1508年)4月、前将軍義尹(義材より改名)を擁立する大内軍が上洛してくるとの報により、近江の六角高頼を頼って朽木谷、さらに蒲生郡岡山に逃れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1352 soon after the Kanno Disturbance, he raised an army with Yoshimune NITTA and Yoshioki NITTA, the bereaved children of Yoshisada NITTA in Kozuke Province, but he was beaten and captured by Takauji ASHIKAGA and his son Motouji ASHIKAGA and then executed in Kamakura tatsu no guchi on May 20 of the following year. 例文帳に追加

観応の擾乱の直後の1352年(正平7年/文和元年)に、新田義貞の遺児新田義宗・新田義興と共に上野国で挙兵するが、武蔵国で足利尊氏とその子足利基氏に敗れて捕らえられ、翌年5月20日に鎌倉龍ノ口で処刑された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On June 17, Shinpachi MURATA stayed at Kobayashi and put about 1,000 soldiers from Shinbutai Army, Hachiku-tai troop, march convoy, and Sadohara march convey, to Harada, Kamie, Imanishi, and Ikeshima; for the following month, Murata confronted Betsudo-Daini-ryodan (the second stand-alone brigade) led by Akiyoshi YAMADA across the Sendai-gawa River and kept fighting skirmishes. 例文帳に追加

6月17日、村田新八は小林に拠り、振武隊、破竹隊、行進隊、佐土原隊の約1000名を原田・上江・今西・池島などに配備し、これより一ヶ月近く山田顕義率いる別働第二旅団と川内川を挟んで対峙し、小戦を繰り返した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After finding out that Prince Oama raised an army, his son, Prince Takechi made an escape from Otsukyo, and when he went through the Kafuka area on July 28, 672 and joined up with Prince Oama's group in Tsumue yamaguchi, AKASOME no Tokotari, OKURA no Hirosumi, SAKANOUE no Kunimaro, FURUICHI no Kuromaro, TAKEDA no Daitoku and IKAGO no Ahe were following the prince. 例文帳に追加

大海人皇子の挙兵を知ってその子高市皇子が大津京を脱出し、6月25日に鹿深を越えて積殖山口で大海人皇子の一行に合流したとき、皇子には民大火以外に赤染徳足、大蔵広隅、坂上国麻呂、古市黒麻呂、竹田大徳、胆香瓦安倍が従っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Despite the Army demanded to reject the conclusion of the treaty of London Naval Conference on Disarmament, at the Imperial Diet opened in the latter half of April, because the proportion of the auxiliary ships unreached to 70 percent comparing to that of the United States, the government concluded the treaty, so that Tsuyoshi INUKAI, the President of the Opposition Rikken seiyukai, and Ichiro HATOYAMA attacked the government at the House of Representatives appealing 'The conclusion of the treaty ignoring the opposite opinion given by the Army means the interference and violate of supreme command,' and following that the Chairman of the Privy Council Yuzaburo KURATOMI showed his attitude to sympathize with that. 例文帳に追加

4月下旬に始まった帝国議会において、ロンドン海軍軍縮会議締結に対し、軍令部が要求していた、補助艦の対米比7割に満たないとして条約締結拒否を言ったにもかかわらず、この条約を結んだことを理由に、野党の立憲政友会総裁の犬養毅と鳩山一郎が衆議院で、「軍令部の反対意見を無視した条約調印は統帥権の干犯である」と政府を攻撃、続いて枢密院議長倉富勇三郎もこれに同調する動きを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Despite of the fact, the government concluded the treaty, so that Tsuyoshi INUKAI, the President of the Opposition Rikken seiyukai, and Ichiro HATOYAMA attacked the government at the House of Representatives appealing 'The conclusion of the treaty ignoring the opposite opinion given by the Army means the interference and violate of supreme command', and following that the Chairman of the Privy Council Yuzaburo KURATOMI showed his attitude to sympathize with that. 例文帳に追加

それにもかかわらず、この条約を結んだことを理由に、野党の立憲政友会総裁の犬養毅と鳩山一郎が衆議院で、「軍令部の反対意見を無視した条約調印は統帥権の干犯である」と政府を攻撃、続いて枢密院議長倉富勇三郎もこれに同調する動きを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Amago clan led this large force to besiege and attack Yoshida-Koriyama Castle several times but failed to make it fall, and in the following year, the reinforcements of the Ouchi clan led by Harukata SUE and 10,000 other soldiers arrived at the battle field to raid the headquarters of the Amago army, after praying at Itsukushima-jinja Shrine for victory, which produced casualties on the Amago side (the Battle of Yoshida Koriyama Castle). 例文帳に追加

この大軍を率い吉田郡山城を包囲、これを落城させるべく攻撃を仕掛けるも悉く失敗し、そして翌年には厳島神社にて戦勝祈願を終えた陶晴賢率いる大内援兵10000騎が到着し、その後尼子氏は本陣奇襲を受け人的損害を被った(吉田郡山城の戦い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this battle, Yaichiro NAGAYAMA, a brave general of the Satsuma army, encouraged his warriors through the following appeal but could not change the battle situation to their advantage: 'Why are you so cowardly?; If we allowed the enemy to seize this place, how the soldiers stationed outside Kumamoto Castle would become?; Only what is important is to defend this place to the last; It is for that achievement that you are to be praised as a good warrior, if alive, or a loyal retainer, if dead; Fight desperately until all of our weapons are used up' (according to "Satsunan Ketsurui-shi" (the history of Satsunan full of blood and tears)). 例文帳に追加

この時、薩軍の猛将永山弥一郎は「諸君何ぞ斯(かく)の如く怯なる、若し敵をして此地を奪はしめんか、熊本城外の我守兵を如何にせん、大事之に因て去らんのみ、生きて善士と称し、死して忠臣と称せらるゝは唯此時にあり、各死力を尽し刀折れ矢竭(つ)き而して後已(やまん)」(『薩南血涙史』)と激励したが、戦況を逆転することはできなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in 1268, after Tokiyori died, a sovereign letter from the Mongolian Emperor ordering submission to the Mongolian Empire was delivered to Japan, which led to the attack by the Mongolian army in 1274, following which the regent Tokimune HOJO, who was Tokiyori's son, murdered his older paternal half-brother, Tokisuke HOJO, while there were also signs of conflict between the Retired Emperor Gofukakusa and Emperor Kameyama in the imperial court, and all these events suggested signs of a civil war. 例文帳に追加

ところが時頼没後の文永5年(1268年)にはモンゴル帝国から臣従を要求する国書が届けられて元寇の到来に至り、続いて国内では時頼の遺児である執権北条時宗が異母兄北条時輔を殺害し、朝廷では後深草上皇と亀山天皇の対立の様相を見せ始めるなど、内乱の兆しを思わせる事件が発生した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the following year the Southern Dynasty's Chikafusa KITABATAKE and Masanori KUSUNOKI invaded Kyoto; and although three former Emperors, Kougon, Komyo, and Suko, were captured because Yoshiakira fled the capital and took refuge in Oumi province, he restored the name of the era to Kanno while recruiting an army to regain Kyoto, and enthroned Emperor Gokougon without the Three Sacred Treasures. 例文帳に追加

翌年に南朝の北畠親房や楠木正儀らが京都へ侵攻すると、義詮は京を逃れて近江国へ避難した結果、光厳天皇、光明天皇、崇光天皇の三太上天皇を奪われたが、観応の年号を復活させるとともに兵を募って京都を奪還し、三種の神器の無い状態で新たに後光厳天皇を即位させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Beijing has a mutton hot pot dish known as 'shuan yang rou,' and this is said to have developed into modern shabu-shabu after being introduced to Japan following the World War II by Tottori City native Shoya YOSHIDA, leader of the mingei (folk art) movement, who was stationed in Beijing as an army medic during the war and introduced it at his Nijudanya restaurant in Kyoto, changing the main ingredient from mutton to beef, and receiving the input of individuals such as; Sosetsu YANAGI and Kanjiro KAWAI. 例文帳に追加

北京の火鍋料理に「羊肉(シュワンヤンロウ,ピンイン:shuànyángròu)」という羊肉でしゃぶしゃぶする料理があり、鳥取市出身で民芸運動の指導者であった吉田璋也が、戦後京都十二段家で戦時中に軍医として赴任していた北京の料理を我が国に伝え、羊肉を牛肉に替え、柳宗悦や河井寛次郎等の助言を得て今日の形となったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hideo SUZUKI has pointed out the following; after the defeat at the Battle of Hakusukinoe, the vision to see Silla as a 'barbarian country' by the Japanese nation under the ritsuryo codes in the eighth century exaggerated the fact that 'Japanese followers of Alla' were controlled by King Baekje and that the dispatched army of the Yamato Dynasty was a kind of 'mercenary' of Baekje, and as a result, the historical idea centering on the existence of a 'Japanese government at Minama' and the subordinance of Baekje and 'Minama' which were '' of the Yamato Dynasty was established when "Ninhonshoki" was compiled. 例文帳に追加

鈴木英夫は『日本書紀』編纂時に白村江の敗戦を契機とする八世紀代律令国家の新羅「蕃国」視によって、「在安羅諸倭臣」は百済王の統制に服し、倭王権の派遣軍は百済の「傭兵」的性格を帯びていたという事実が誇張・拡大されて「任那日本府」の存在や倭王権の「官家」たる百済・「任那」の従属を核とする内容の史的構想が成立したと指摘する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Finally, there were the 'Ban on Yoshiie bringing his army into Kyoto' and the 'Ban on Yoshiie accepting land donations,' knowledge of which comes from entries in "Gonijo Moromichi Ki," the diaries of Naidaijin (the Minister of the Center, ranked below Udaijin) FUJIWARA no Moromichi, and the edited collection of diaries, "Hyakuren-sho," written in the late Kamakura era, concerning events in June 1091, when Kyoto was in uproar over the mobilization of Yoshiie and Yoshitsune's troops following the territorial dispute between their retainers, FUJIWARA no Sanekiyo and FUJIWARA no Norikiyo. 例文帳に追加

次ぎに、「義家に対して随兵の入京禁止令」「義家への土地の寄進禁止」であるが、これは、1091(寛治5)6月 義家の郎党藤原実清と義綱の郎党藤原則清、河内国の所領の領有権を争いから、源義家・源義綱が兵を構える事態となり、京が騒然としたことに関する当時内大臣・藤原師通の日記『後二条師通記』と、鎌倉時代後期に、それまでの諸日記を編纂した『百錬抄』(ひゃくれんしょう)に見える記事である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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