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administration buildingの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 51


Administration Building 例文帳に追加

管理棟 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding the administration building, the present building was newly built in 1930. 例文帳に追加

なお、演習林事務所については1930年に現在の事務所が新築された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

a Roman building used for public administration 例文帳に追加

ローマで行政用に用いられた建物 - 日本語WordNet

In his administration of the domain, he devoted himself to such things as building the castle town. 例文帳に追加

隆季は藩政においては、城下町の建設などに尽力している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At Chojidani (at an altitude of 640 m) in the eastern part, located approx. 300 m higher in the altitude than the premises of the administration building, the yearly air temperature average is approx. two degrees lower than the average for the administration building, and the yearly average of rain fall is around 400 mm to 600 mm more than the average for the administration building. 例文帳に追加

標高が事務所構内より約300m上昇する東部の長治谷(標高640m)では、事務所構内に比べて年平均気温が約2℃低く、降水量も400-600mm程度多くなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He served as Kaga no jo (the third officer of regional administration in Kaga) and Shurishikishojo (officer of department for building and maintenance of facilities), then in 961, he was conferred Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade.) 例文帳に追加

加賀掾・修理少進を歴任したのち、961年(応和元年)に従五位下に叙された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Neither the kuri (administration and food preparation building) to the west of the hojo nor the study to its north date from the time of the temple's founding. 例文帳に追加

方丈の西に庫裏、北に書院があるが、いずれも創建当時のものではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The altitude is lower in the west, for example, 356 m at research forest administration building, with the lowest altitude being 355 m. 例文帳に追加

標高は西に向かって低くなり、研究林事務所では356m、最低地点では355mである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ninagawa's administration hung a banner reading 'Let's Make the Constitution Live in Our Lives' from Kyoto Prefectural Office building. 例文帳に追加

府政に於いては、「憲法を暮らしの中に生かそう」の垂れ幕を京都府庁に掲げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1687, he moved the hancho (domain administration building) from Ninomaru to Sannomaru and used Ninomaru as a separate hancho (a retreat for his old age). 例文帳に追加

貞享4年(1687年)、藩庁を二ノ丸より三ノ丸に移し、二ノ丸を藩庁別棟(隠居所)とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A computer 4 provided in an administration room of the building is connected to the LAN cable 2 via a hub 3-0.例文帳に追加

ビルの管理室に設けられたコンピュータ4をハブ3−0を介してLANケーブル2に接続する。 - 特許庁

The university's main building was completed in December 1936, but was demolished in 1979 to make way for the current Administration Building built in May 1980. 例文帳に追加

1936年12月に竣工した本館は、1979年に解体され、跡地には1980年5月に現在の本館・総合講義棟が建設された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are other facilities such as an administration building, a pre-fabricated building which is being used for living space, laundry, a shower room and a former dining room etc. 例文帳に追加

この他の施設は、管理棟、居住スペースとして使われているプレハブ、洗濯場、シャワー室、旧食堂などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The server computer 6 receives the question, building identification and an image from the client computer 7, searches a storage means 10 by the building identification to extract building administration information of the customer 2, and transmits the question, the building administration information and the image to the terminal computer 1-1.例文帳に追加

サーバコンピュータ6は、クライアントコンピュータ7から質問と建物識別と画像とを受信し、この建物識別で記憶手段10を検索して、顧客2の建物管理情報を抽出し、質問と建物管理情報と画像を端末コンピュータ1−1に送信する。 - 特許庁

The construction of the Main Building was completed in 1968, seven years after the initial opening, thereby creating a facility that consisted of an administration building with six floors above ground and one floor underground, as well as a library building with 17 floors above ground. 例文帳に追加

本館は、開館から7年後の1968年(昭和43年)に竣工し、地上6階・地下1階の事務棟と17層の書庫棟からなる施設が完成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To eliminate the need for data conversion, for each construction, due to a difference in elevator specifications and building specifications between elevator administration devices and elevator monitor-control devices monitor-controlling the elevator administration devices.例文帳に追加

エレベーターの管理装置及びこれを監視制御するエレベーター監視制御装置間のエレベーター仕様とビル仕様の違いによるデータ変換を工事ごとに対応する必要をなくする。 - 特許庁

The appropriation is pin-money; it wouldn't be enough even to build a gym, much less build the administration building.例文帳に追加

割当て金は僅かなものだ。体育館を建てるにも足らないだろう。ましてや、本部を建てるのに、足りるわけがない。 - Tatoeba例文

The appropriation is pin-money; it wouldn't be enough even to build a gym, much less build the administration building. 例文帳に追加

割当て金は僅かなものだ。体育館を建てるにも足らないだろう。ましてや、本部を建てるのに、足りるわけがない。 - Tanaka Corpus

This building still stands on the western edge of Anrakujuin Temple and is under the administration of the Imperial Household Agency as the Anrakujuin Temple tomb of the Emperor Toba. 例文帳に追加

この建物は安楽寿院西側に現存し、鳥羽天皇安楽寿院陵として宮内庁の管理下にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In A.D.1997, Faculties of Letters, Economics, and Business Administration started to hold classes mainly in the evening and the building of High-Tech Research Center was completed (in Seta). 例文帳に追加

1997年(平成9年)文学部、経済学部、経営学部に夜間主コース開設、ハイテクリサーチセンター落成(瀬田) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The yearly air temperature average in the administration building is 11.7, which is 3 to 4 degrees lower than the central area of Kyoto City, and the yearly average of rain fall amount there is 2,353 mm, approx. 1.6 times that of the central area of Kyoto City. 例文帳に追加

事務所構内の年平均気温は11.7℃、降水量は2,353mmで、京都市内に比べると平均気温で3-4℃低く、降水量は約1.6倍である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The place is also known for heavy snowfall, with approximately 1 meter of snow accumulating in the administration building area and more than 2 meters around Chojidani. 例文帳に追加

また、豪雪地帯としても知られており、事務所構内の積雪深は1m前後、長治谷では2mを超える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The excavation work to lay out the tramline form the administration building to Oyomogi was completed in 1927, and to Nanase in the following year 1928. 例文帳に追加

工事は1927年に事務所から大蓬までの軌道敷開削工事が完成、翌1928年には七瀬まで完成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the work to lay out tramlines was also conducted, and the rails between the administration building and Akazaki were laid out in 1934 and extended up to Oyomogi in 1936. 例文帳に追加

しかし、軌道の敷設工事も行われ、1934年には事務所~赤崎間にレールを敷設、1936年には大蓬まで延伸された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the construction of the administration building for the field practice forest was completed in 1923, the following facilities were built one after another: facilities such as work sites in the forest and fields for seedlings were established, a road for vehicles from Deai (a point branching from the present Kyoto Prefectural Road No.38 Kyoto Hirogawara Miyama Route) to the administration building in the field practice forest was laid out in 1925, the engineering work for laying out rails for a forest tramline from the administration building to Nanase, along the uppermost flow of the Yura-gawa River, was started in 1927, and rails were laid out between the administration building and Akazaki in 1934. 例文帳に追加

1923年に演習林事務所が建築されたのを皮切りに、林内での作業所や苗畑といった施設の設置が行われたほか、1925年には出合(現在の京都府道38号京都広河原美山線との分岐点)から演習林事務所に至る車道が開設され、1927年には由良川源流に沿って事務所から七瀬に至る森林軌道の軌道敷開削工事が開始、1934年には事務所~赤崎間にレールが敷かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Chosen Sotoku-fu building was built in the front of the palace, which became the core of the administration in Korea since then. 例文帳に追加

宮殿の前面には朝鮮総督府庁舎が建てられ、以後ここが朝鮮における行政の中核地となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Fujiwara Palace was Chodo-in (the main administration building) remnants which boasts the largest scale in Japan, about 600 meters from north to south and 240 meters from east to west. 例文帳に追加

藤原宮は、南北約600m、東西約240mにおよぶ日本で最大の規模を持つ朝堂院遺構である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In some castles, the honmaru was used as a living or administration quarters for the castle owner, by building gorgeous buildings such as a honmaru-goten. 例文帳に追加

本丸御殿といった豪華な建物が建てられ、城主の日常生活や政務を行う場として使われる場合があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshichika, the first lord of the domain, strengthened the foundations of the administration through construction of Sonobe-jo Castle, implementing a land survey, building the castle town, and implementing flood control measures. 例文帳に追加

初代藩主・吉親は園部城築城や検地、城下町の建設や治水事業に励んで藩政の基礎を固めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


昇降機設備の管理装置、それを用いたビル設備の改修方法および管理方法、並びに昇降機システム - 特許庁

An administration building 17 has a stop switch 33 to stop operation of the circulation pump 21 and to actuate the motor valve 29.例文帳に追加

そして、管理棟17に、循環ポンプ21の作動を停止させるとともに、電動弁29を作動させるための停止スイッチ33を設けた。 - 特許庁

To provide an administrator of elevator equipment, a modification method for building equipment using the administrator, and an elevator by taking into account a reduction in cost for the administration of a building.例文帳に追加

本発明は、ビル管理に関わるコストの低減に配慮した、昇降機設備の管理装置およびそれを用いたビル設備の改修方法並びに昇降機を提供する。 - 特許庁

A building administration function is incorporated in the controller of the elevator or the remote monitoring diagnosing device of the auxiliary equipment of the elevator and a communication interface is provided therein so that the monitoring control of the elevator and various building equipment can be performed unitarily from man-machine devices inside and outside the building by using a network technology.例文帳に追加

昇降機の制御装置又は、昇降機付帯設備の遠隔監視診断装置等に、ビル管理機能を取り込み、通信インタフェースを備えることによって、ネットワーク技術より一元的なエレベータ、及びビル諸設備の監視制御をビル内外のマンマシン装置から可能とした。 - 特許庁

However, it was decided that tramlines would be laid out in areas where no other means would be available, tramlines were planned to be laid out that started from the field practice forest administration building and reach to Nakayama along the river flow in the headwaters area of the Yura-gawa River. 例文帳に追加

しかし、やむをえない場所については軌道で整備されることとなり、演習林事務所から由良川源流に沿って中山に至る区間に軌道を敷設することが計画された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition ton the use of mountain forests, there was also a road that went to Haino via Sasari-toge Mountain Pass, that descended once along the headwaters area of the Yura-gawa River, passed Hitsukuradani from around the area where the present administration building is now located, reached Gonzozaka, and then went to Wakasa. 例文帳に追加

こうした山林利用の他にも、佐々里峠から灰野に出て、一度由良川源流を下り、現在の事務所付近から櫃倉谷を通って権蔵坂で若狭に抜ける街道もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was involved in things other than military matters, as when, in 1586, he administered the building of a grand statue of Buddha at Hokoji Temple and, in 1591 became the administrator of land surveys of Omi Province; together with Nagamori MASHITA, he undertook land surveys and left behind a legacy in the form of the administration of public works. 例文帳に追加

また軍事だけでなく、天正14年(1586年)に方広寺大仏の作事奉行を、天正19年(1591年)には近江国検地奉行となって増田長盛らと共に検地を行うなど行政面でも事績を残している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Do temple building became Otani-byodo Mausoleum, a site respected and worshiped by followers of the Jodo Shinshu sect as the Mausoleum of Shinran, which led to its administration as a position of caretaker by Kakue, the eldest son of Kakushin-ni. 例文帳に追加

大谷の堂は親鸞の廟として浄土真宗の門徒の尊崇を集める大谷廟堂となり、覚信尼の長男である覚恵が留守職としてその管理を行うこととなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sadaie was promoted to Oshu Kanrei (shogunate deputy of the northern regions [the former position of the Oshu Tandai who supervised for the civil government and military affairs in Mutsu Province]) from hisashi ban (a person who keeps the night watch staying under the eaves of building) of Imperial Prince Nariyoshi, and settled in Taga-jo Castle in Mutsu Province then became the key person for the Oshu rule of the Ashikaga Administration. 例文帳に追加

貞家が成良親王の廂番から奥州管領(奥州探題の前身)にまで出世し、陸奥国多賀城に拠って足利政権の奥州統治の要となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subject to these efforts, we believe that a period of transition has come for financial administration; we are now moving from a phase of emergency responses to the NPLs problems to a forward-looking phase of building the ideal financial system. 例文帳に追加

それらを前提とした上で、今般、金融行政は不良債権問題の緊急対応から脱却し、将来の望ましい金融システムを目指す未来志向の局面(フェーズ)へと移行していく節目を迎えたと考えている。 - 金融庁

Budget and expenditure management in the public sector as well as tax and custom administration, in particular, are the vital building blocks for government capacity. So, strengthening the capacity of government institutions and human resources in these areas is an urgent task. 例文帳に追加

特に公的部門の予算・支出管理や徴税制度の改善は、まさに政府能力の根幹であり、こういった分野を担当する官庁・人材の強化は喫緊の課題です。 - 財務省

To provide a rooftop greening system in a building capable of reducing the load of planting administration cost on inhabitants when rooftop greening is performed in a multiple dwelling house such as an apartment.例文帳に追加

マンション等の集合住宅において屋上緑化を行う場合には、植栽管理費用も、各住民に対する共益負担として加わってしまうことになる。 - 特許庁

To provide a fender-monitoring apparatus capable of monitoring displacement of a fender when landing or docking to a pier of mooring facilities, while the displacement state of the fender, the docking angle, the docking velocity of a ship, etc. can be monitored at a remote location such as an administration building.例文帳に追加

係船施設への接岸または係留中、防舷材の変位などを監視できるとともに、防舷材の変位状態や船舶の接岸角度、接岸速度などを管理棟などの離れた場所で監視することができる防舷材の監視装置を提供すること。 - 特許庁

An air conditioner control part 10 receives issuance of an operation instruction from an upper input/output device 7 and a building centralized administration device 9, and generates and outputs an instruction for operating the operating condition of the air conditioners 5 such as operation/stop to an air conditioner operation information table 17.例文帳に追加

空調機制御部10は、上位の入出力装置7およびビル集中管理装置9から操作指示の発令を受けて、空調機5の運転/停止等の運転状態を操作するための指示を生成して空調機操作情報テーブル17へ出力する。 - 特許庁

In line with these global trends, the Japanese government has recently incorporated, within the “Concept of an East Asian Community” (which the current administration is advocating), the fact that it will utilize Japan’s expertise and experiences for building social safety nets to address the challenges that Asia faces, including reducing disparity and alleviating poverty.例文帳に追加

これら国際動向を踏まえ、我が国としても、格差是正、貧困削減などのアジアが抱える課題に対して 社会的セーフティネットの構築など,我が国の地域、経験を活用することを、現政権が提唱する「東アジア共同体構想」に盛り込んだところです。 - 厚生労働省

Some of the more famous Night Markets are: 'the Shilin Night Market' (Largest scale in northern Taiwan) in the Shilin area of Taipei City, 'the Ningsia Night Market' of Datong District, 'the Huasi Street Night Market' of Wanhua District, 'the Raohe Street Night Market' of Songshan District, 'the Shida Night Market' near the National Taiwan Normal University, 'the Gong Guan Night Market' near the administration building of the National Taiwan Normal University, 'the Le hua Night Market' of Yonghe City in Taipei County, 'Fong Jia Night Market' (the Largest scale in Middle Taiwan) of Taichung City, and 'the Liu He Night Market' of Kaohsiung City. 例文帳に追加

有名な夜市として、台北市士林地区の「士林夜市」(北台湾最大規模)、大同区の「寧夏夜市」、萬華区の「華西街夜市」、松山区の「饒河街夜市」、台湾師範大学近くの「師大夜市」、台湾大学本部近くの「公館夜市」、台北県永和市の「楽華夜市」、台中市の「逢甲夜市」(中台湾最大規模)、高雄市の「六合夜市」などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Various concrete plans are executed to aim at building up health and worthwhile life of people and conversion of a golf course to new operation by introducing planning execution is planned to aim at administration reconstruction and development of golf course operation business.例文帳に追加

人々の健康づくり、生甲斐づくりを実現する場所として、ゴルフ場施設を最適且つ効果的な施設と設定し、様々な具体的企画を実施する事により、人々の健康づくりと生甲斐づくりをめざすと共に、企画実施を導入した新しいゴルフ場運営への転用を図る事で、ゴルフ場運営事業の経営再建と発展をめざす。 - 特許庁

Article 97 (1) In cases where a commencement order for compulsory administration has been issued for a building in which the obligor resides, if the obligor is unable to find another place to reside, the execution court may, upon petition, permit use of such building to the extent necessary for residence of the obligor and any relatives living together who share the same livelihood with the obligor (including a person who is in a de facto husband and wife relationship or foster parent and child relationship with the obligor with no notification of marriage or adoption having been given; hereinafter referred to as the "obligor, etc.") for a period it has specified. 例文帳に追加

第九十七条 債務者の居住する建物について強制管理の開始決定がされた場合において、債務者が他に居住すべき場所を得ることができないときは、執行裁判所は、申立てにより、債務者及びその者と生計を一にする同居の親族(婚姻又は縁組の届出をしていないが債務者と事実上夫婦又は養親子と同様の関係にある者を含む。以下「債務者等」という。)の居住に必要な限度において、期間を定めて、その建物の使用を許可することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Additionally, although the details of samurai residences are still not clear to this day, a typical residence consisted of the following up until the Muromachi period: In one building or a building with annexes, various rooms, such as a tosaburai (tosamurai), where samurai gathered, a shinden and taimen-jo (meeting place), where the samurai spent their days, Dei (Idei) as a guest room, Kumonjo (Office of Administration) and a living room, were placed with strong walls and moats surrounding the buildings, and the garden are was also smaller in comparison with Shinden-zukuri style, matching the smaller-sized buildings, and a front garden with a Chumon gate and entranceway was placed instead of the large garden typical of Shinden-zukuri style, and inside courtyard was divided into smaller sections mainly for viewing. 例文帳に追加

そのほか、武家住宅の実態は今日でも十分解明されているとはいい難いが、およそは一棟あるいは棟続きの家屋の中に武士の詰所である遠侍や表座敷としての寝殿、対面所、客間として出居、公文所、居間などの諸室を配して周囲には堅固な塀や堀をめぐらすほか、小規模な家屋に対座して庭空間も寝殿造に比して小面積で、中門や車寄せの前庭が寝殿造の広庭にとってかわり、内庭が分化して鑑賞本位になっているとみられ、この基本構成は室町まで踏襲されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Edo period, each village of Kita, Minami, Naka, Shimo, Ewa, Tota, and Kawauchidani, all of which became to constitute Chii-mura Village in Meiji and later eras, came to be included in the territory of Sasayama Domain, and the three villages of Sasari, Shiraishi, in addition to Ashiu Village that are located in the vicinity of the present administration building came to be included in the territory of Sonobe Domain, but the area corresponding to the present research forest was controlled by Kyoto daikansho (regional office of administrative official) as a tenryo (bakufu-owned land) and was initially handled collectively as a mountain common to the nine Chii villages, much as the mountain forest in other Chii areas was. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代には現在の当研究林のエリアは、明治以降旧知井村を構成する北、南、中、下、江和、田歌、河内谷の各村が篠山藩領に、現在の事務所周辺にあたる芦生村をはじめ佐々里、白石、知見の四ヶ村が園部藩領となったのとは異なり天領として京都代官所が支配し、当初は知井の他地域の山林同様知井九ヶ村惣山として一括して扱われていた. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It has been a while since the last press conference. With the advent of a new administration, we are installing what is called a “Minister’s opinion box” for posting opinions addressed to the Minister. Bearing in mind that the government is for the people, it is extremely important to meet the people’s expectations for financial regulation and supervision with precision. In this context, we will first install an opinion box exclusively for staff members on the second floor of the Financial Service Agency (FSA) building. Staff members are encouraged to post their opinions on any kind of policy, even non-financial ones. We are also seeking opinions broadly from individuals outside the FSA regarding financial regulation and supervision in general, via telephone, fax, email and postal mail. 例文帳に追加

今日は、久しぶりの会見でございますが、今度、大臣目安箱というのをつくらせていただきます。政権交代をして、やっぱり国民のための政府でございますから、そういったことも視野に入れまして金融行政に対する国民の期待にも的確に応えていくということは非常に大事ですし、そういった意味でまず庁内の2階に専用ボックスを置きまして職員向けを想定していますが、職員の方が金融以外どんな政策でも結構ですから、どんどんどんどんこの目安箱に入れていただきたい。それから庁外の人からは、一般金融行政でございますが、電話、ファクス、電子メール、郵送で幅広く意見を寄せていただければと思っています。 - 金融庁


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