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collect taxesの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 81


Entering the middle era of the Heian period, high-class nobles, dominant temples and shrines (or powerful groups in other words) took hold of the right to collect taxes in a province, acquiring the right to freely appoint kokushi there. 例文帳に追加

平安中期頃になると、高級貴族や有力寺社(権門勢家)が、ある国の租税収取権を掌握し、国司を自由に任命する権利を得るようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Zuryo was entitled to control over his own province at their own discretion, allowing them to collect taxes strictly from Gunji (local magistrates), Tato, Fumyo (tiller of the public rice field), and farmers. 例文帳に追加

受領は、自らの判断で国内支配することが許されたため、郡司・田堵・負名・百姓層から苛烈な収奪をすることが可能となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although private lands were also objects for imposition of kanmotsu (tribute goods paid as taxes or tithes), the national land tax, feudal lords obtained the recognition of kokuga to the right to collect profit personally and the term of jishi referred to this personal profit. 例文帳に追加

私領も国家租税である官物の賦課対象であったが、領主は、私領から私的な得分を収取することについて国衙の承認を受けており、地子の語はこの私的得分を指すようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the 12th century, as a result of the reduction in tax revenue caused by the expansion of the shoen, the Imperial Court was no longer able to pay salaries to high-ranked aristocrats, so it gave these nobles provinces as chigyo-koku (provincial fiefdom), as well as the right to appoint kokushi (provincial governors) and collect taxes. 例文帳に追加

12世紀に入ると、荘園の増大で税収が減り、上級貴族に俸給を払えなくなった朝廷は、彼らに知行国として国を与え、その国に関する国司の任命権と税収を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the same time, they made the descendents of a Jito (military land steward) called Kokujin ryoshu (local samurai) their subordinates, acquired the authority to collect taxes from shoen owned by Ingu oshinke, temples and shrines, and strengthened their power base. 例文帳に追加

同時に、任国の旧地頭層の系譜をひく国人領主を被官として従属させ、院宮王臣家や寺社の荘園にも守護請など一定の収税権を獲得するなど、強い勢力基盤を形成するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In terms of tax collection as well, taxes could not be collected from Shoen after they obtained the right of Shugoshi funyu (a right to reject the entrance of a Shugo) and they had no way to collect money without embezzling illegally. 例文帳に追加

荘園に対する収税についても守護使不入を勝ち得た荘園には介入の余地がなく、非合法で横領する他はこれらを支配下に組み入れることは困難であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, with the enlargement of Shoen (private estates) in the Heian period, it became harder for the Kokushi (officers of local government) to collect taxes and there were cases where kokushi would report such property as koden. 例文帳に追加

だが、平安時代に入ると、荘園の拡大によって租税の徴収が困難になった国司がそうした土地を荒田として届け出る例があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Kokushi (officers of local government) struggled to collect Fukomotsu and Shozeimotsu and had to set Benbojo (places that were designated for convenience) within their province and used the crops collected in these fields to pay the taxes. 例文帳に追加

国司は封戸物・正税物の調達に苦しみ、やむを得ず国内の土地に便補所(べんぽしょ、便宜上それに当てる場所)を設定して、そこから上がる官物で肩代わりさせるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the revenues from shoen had gradually decreased because of the nonpayment of tribute, shitaji chubun (physical division of the land), and the introduction of hanzei (the system in the Muromachi period where the Muromachi bakufu [Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun] allowed military governors, or Shugo, to collect half of the taxes from manors and demesnes as military fund). 例文帳に追加

だが、次第に年貢の未進・下地中分や半済の進行によって荘園からの収入が途絶える事態が生じるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, because kebiishi sometimes worked to collect taxes, a movement to keep kebiishi from entering shoen also arose and this led to the elimination of their policing rights, which was the actual task of kebiishi. 例文帳に追加

更に検非違使が徴税に関する業務を行うことがあったことから、検非違使の不入を求める動きも現れ、結果的には検非違使本来の業務である警察権の排除にも発展するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kanden had two systems: a direct administration system that contracted farm work out to 正長 and gave eiryo to collect a certain amount of crop, and the system of jishi or chinso (land taxes under Ritsuryo system). 例文帳に追加

この官田は正長に請け負わせ、営料を与えて所定の穫稲を収取する直営的経営の方式と、地子制または賃租制による方式とがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a multilayered structure of rights claimed for a land including 'saku-shiki' which meant the right of cultivation, 'myoshu' which referred to the right to collect land taxes, and 'jito-shiki' which was responsible for paying out land taxes to the lord of the manor; besides, as the provincial government office and the military governor possessed influence on each province, master-servant relationships among samurai were not necessarily a simple one-to-one relationship. 例文帳に追加

土地には耕作権を意味する「作職」、年貢徴収請負権の「名主」、荘園領主への年貢納入を請け負う「地頭職」などが重層に存在し、さらに国衙や守護職が令制国単位で影響力を及ぼしていたため、武士の主従関係も一対一の単純なものであるとは限られていなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is even possible to see samurai who were under the direct control of the bakufu as being hereditary retainers who served the Kamakura family and, at the same time, territorial governors who served imperial government officials and manorial lords by performing their duties to collect taxes, supervise police activities and preside over trials. 例文帳に追加

むしろ、幕府に直属する武士は御家人と地頭の両方の側面を持ち、御家人としての立場は鎌倉殿への奉仕であり、地頭職は、徴税、警察、裁判の責任者として国衙と荘園領主に奉仕する立場であったとする解釈もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, their authority to collect taxes depended largely on their own political power, so when the power of the Kuge (court noble) Government decreased and samurai families made advances into ryoke-shiki (proprietorships), their influence weakened and with the exception of a few cases of maintaining all of their rights, the nobles were unable to control their land and stop it from falling into fuchigyo (losing land property). 例文帳に追加

ただし、その権限は自らの政治力に依存するところが大きく、中世に入り公家政権の政治力が低下し、領家職に武家が進出するようになると、直務支配が貫徹された一部を除いては次第に「不知行」化していく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the hanzeirei (an order allowing military governors, or shugo, to collect half of the taxes from manors and demesnes as military fund) was enacted by the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) during internal disturbances between the Northern and Southern Courts, and besides, the shitaji chubun (the territorial division of a shoen between competing central and local claimants) was performed with shugo daimyo (shugo, which were Japanese provincial military governors that became daimyo) with an exception of the case of watari ryo (the land which the Fujiwara family hereditarily succeeded) including the territories of the imperial household and the sekkan-ke families, due to the Jisha honjoryo no koto Act (an act issued by the third shogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, which was a collection of basic policies of the Muromachi bakufu regarding territorial lawsuits). 例文帳に追加

だが、南北朝の内乱の中で室町幕府による半済令が行われ、更に寺社本所領事によって、皇室領・摂関家の渡領などを例外として実質上の守護大名との下地中分が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As Osaka, an economic city called the 'kitchen of Japan,' was in good health, Edo succeeded in attracting many wealthy people by Sankinkotai system (a daimyo's alternate-year residence in Edo) and became a major consumer area in Edo period, and after changing its name to Tokyo, established a centralized administrative framework, and came to collect more wealth by taxes and foreign trade. 例文帳に追加

「天下の台所」と呼ばれた経済都市の大阪は健在であったが、江戸期以来参勤交代で富裕層の集住に成功して大消費地となった江戸が、東京となって中央集権体制を確立し、税と外貿で富を更に集めるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To deal with tax delinquencies designated to the main temples and shrines, and the high-ranked aristocracy including Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents), it became customary for Zuryo to give away to those tax recipients the rights to collect taxes from parts of koryo, as an attempt to avoid poor evaluation with Zuryo koka sadame, their job performance reviews. 例文帳に追加

受領は租税納入先の大寺社や摂関家のような上級貴族へ滞納が生じると、勤務評定である受領功過定(ずりょうこうかさだめ)を切り抜けるために、公領の一部の租税収納権を納入先の大寺社や摂関家に与えることが慣例になっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

No matter what evaluations are given to these conflicts, it is clear that the mechanism of Kokuga (provincial government offices) headed by Zuryo helped such a wealthy farmer class grow to control the region and collect taxes more efficiently and gave them opportunities of acquiring huge vested interests. 例文帳に追加

こうした闘争をどう評価するにせよ、地域統治と収税の効率化のためにこうした富豪百姓層の成長を助け、彼らが莫大な利権を獲得する契機を与えたのはまぎれもなく受領を筆頭とする国衙機構であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even though it is called a private estate, it did not mean that one was exempt from tax, but Kokuga were treated differently from former districts as a separate tax unit, lowered tax under a special order, permitted cultivating land owners to have their own private estates, and the kaihatsu-ryoshu gained the responsibility to collect other taxes simultaneously. 例文帳に追加

私領といってもその地の課税が免除される訳ではないが、国衙は旧来の郡とは別の、新しい徴税単位として、特別な命令書により税を軽減し、開発領主の私領領有を認め、同時に開発領主がその地の納税義務を負うことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the collapse of the Shiba clan, Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA immediately deprived it of shugoshiki (post of provincial constable) of the provinces of Wakasa, Echizen, Ecchu and Settsu, made these provinces bakufu's territory, dispatched bugyonin (group of magistrates), returned Jisha Honjo Ryo (lands formerly owned by temples/shrines) and suspended hanzei (shugo's right to collect half of the taxes). 例文帳に追加

斯波氏没落後、足利義詮はすぐにその領国である若狭国・越前・越中国・摂津などの守護職を没収し、幕府の御料所となし、奉行人を派遣して、寺社本所領の返付や半済の停止を執行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a view that the Hoken system in its true sense did not exist in Japan, because the Hoken system of feudal lords was just 'the right to collect taxes' (see Shiki system), and there was no private ownership of land and rights of control over the people as serfs in the domain, which were commonly seen in the West. 例文帳に追加

日本の領主の封建制は「税の徴収権」に過ぎず(参照→職の体系)、つまり西欧に見られるような領地の私有と領民への農奴としての隷属的支配権は存在しなかったので、本当の意味の封建制は存在しなかったとする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), small and medium samurai warrior band in provinces asked not only the new head of the government, the Genji-descent Ashikaga clan, but also the territorial lord as provincial constable, which had increased its influence after the order allowing military governors or Shugo to collect half of the taxes from manors and demesnes as military fund was issued, and influential samurai families on the side of the Southern Court or the Northern Court for recognition and gurantee of the ownership of their lands. 例文帳に追加

南北朝時代(日本)になると、各国の中小武士団は新たな源氏の棟梁、足利氏のほか、半済令以後勢力を蓄えた守護大名、南朝、北朝方の有力武家らに所領安堵を求めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to setting up bansho in important spots inside the territory such as shukuba-machi (post stations), some domains installed kuchidome-bansho and sakaime-bansho on the borders with other domains or tenryo (a shogunal demesne) to inspect travelers and baggage, to avoid the outflow of people of the domain and goods to other domains as well as to collect taxes. 例文帳に追加

また、諸藩の中でも宿場町などの領内の重要地点や他領や天領との境界に番所(口留番所・境目番所)設置して通行人や荷物の取り締まりを行い、領民や物資の領外への流出を阻止したり徴税を行ったりした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In no case shall the provisions of paragraph 1 be construed so as to impose upon either of the Contracting States endeavoring to collect the taxes the obligation to carry out administrative measures at variance with the laws and administrative practice of that Contracting State or which would be contrary to the public policy (ordre public) of that Contracting State. 例文帳に追加

1の規定は、いかなる場合にも、1の租税を徴収するよう努めるいずれの締約国に対しても、当該締約国の法令及び行政上の慣行に抵触し又は公の秩序に反することになる行政上の措置をとる義務を課するものと解してはならない。 - 財務省

1. Each of the Contracting States shall endeavour to collect such taxes imposed by the other Contracting State as will ensure that any exemption or reduced rate of tax granted under this Convention by that other Contracting State shall not be enjoyed by persons not entitled to such benefits.例文帳に追加

1各締約国は、この条約に基づいて他方の締約国の認める租税の免除又は税率の軽減が、このような特典を受ける権利を有しない者によって享受されることのないようにするため、当該他方の締約国が課する租税を徴収するよう努める。 - 財務省

2. In no case shall the provisions of paragraph 1 be construed so as to impose upon either of the Contracting States endeavouring to collect the taxes the obligation to carry out administrative measures at variance with the laws and administrative practice of that Contracting State or which would be contrary to the public policy (ordre public) of that Contracting State.例文帳に追加

2 1の規定は、いかなる場合にも、1に規定する租税を徴収するよう努めるいずれの締約国に対しても、当該締約国の法令及び行政上の慣行に抵触し、又は公の秩序に反することになる行政上の措置をとる義務を課するものと解してはならない。 - 財務省

According to recent studies, in addition to the abolition of Kento-shi (Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China) in 894, register of population, restriction of the private land, and deployment of Takiguchi no Bushi (the guards of the Imperial Palace who were in charge near the palace waterfall) in 896, he seems to have continuously carried out reforms to strengthen the power of kokushi (provincial governors), such as kokushi ukeoi to make kokushi collect all local taxes in their provinces, and making each province pay the salary directly from iden (fields given based on ikai, the court rank) without going through the minbusho (Ministry of Popular Affairs). 例文帳に追加

近年の研究では、従来から言われていた894年(寛平6年)の遣唐使廃止や896年(寛平8年)の造籍、私営田抑制、滝口の武士の設置等に加え、国司に一国内の租税納入を請け負わせる国司請負や、位田等からの俸給給付等を民部省を通さずに各国で行う等、国司の権限を強化する改革を次々と行ったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the financial conditions of the Imperial Court and the bakufu greatly worsened, to present the reisen was required for those who asked for various kinds of privileged rights such as: tax exemption including the tansen (a kind of provisional tax in medieval Japan) and the hanzei (tax system in which the Muromachi bakufu allowed Shugo, or military governors, to collect half of the taxes from manors and demesnes as military fund); issuance of the kinsei seisatsu (notice of banning orders on a street bulletin board); ban on the construction or abolition of a sekisho (checking station); granting of commercial privileges such as the za (privileged guild); or support for a lawsuit. 例文帳に追加

朝廷や幕府財政の悪化が深刻になると、段銭・半済などの課役免除や禁制制札の発給、関所の新設廃止、座などの商業上の特権付与、訴訟に対する支持など様々な権利を求める人々に対して礼銭を求めるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Each of the Contracting States shall endeavor to collect such taxes imposed by the other Contracting States will ensure that any exemption or reduced rate of tax granted under this Convention by that other Contracting State shall not be enjoyed by persons not entitled to such benefits The Contracting State making such collections shall be responsible to the other Contracting State for the sums thus collected. 例文帳に追加

各締約国は、この条約に基づいて他方の締約国の認める租税の免除又は税率の軽減が、このような特典を受ける権利を有しない者によって享受されることのないようにするため、当該他方の締約国が課する租税を徴収するよう努める。その徴収を行う締約国は、このようにして徴収された金額につき当該他方の締約国に対して責任を負う。 - 財務省

(3) If (i) any Interested Partner fails to pay its taxes and other public duties in connection with the business of the Partnership without any justifiable reason, or (ii) the General Partner reasonably determines that the General Partner or the Partnership is required by applicable laws to withhold taxes with respect to any Interested Partner or pay any taxes and other public duties (including tax payments required by an amendment notice, determination notice, tax payment notice and any other tax assessment issued by a Japanese tax authority) on behalf of or with respect to any Interested Partner, the General Partner may, in making a distribution pursuant to Article 29, in its discretion, (x) deduct cash or property that is to be distributed to such Interested Partner by an amount equal to such unpaid amount or amount paid from the Partnership Assets to be distributed to such Interested Partner and (y) sell such property in such a manner as the General Partner in its discretion deems appropriate, and pay such taxes and other public duties. In such case, the General Partner may make such withholding or payment of taxes or other public duties and collect cash or property in the same manner. Upon request of the General Partner, the Interested Partner shall immediately pay to the General Partner (a) the amount necessary for payment of such taxes or other public duties or (b) if the General Partner has already made such payment, the amount paid by the General Partner, together with interest at [__]% per annum for the period from the date of payment by the General Partner until the date of actual payment by the Interested Partner prorated on the basis of a 365-day year. These payments shall not be treated as part of any contribution to the Partnership. The General Partner shall not be liable for its determinations under this paragraph (including the determination, manner or results of any sale). 例文帳に追加

3. 組合員等が正当な事由なく本組合の事業に関し各自が負担すべき公租公課を滞納した場合、又は無限責任組合員若しくは本組合が適用法令上組合員等に関連して源泉徴収を行い若しくは組合員等に代わり若しくは組合員等に関連して公租公課の納付(更正通知、決定通知、納税告知その他日本の税務当局によりなされた課税査定により必要とされる納税を含む。)を行うことが必要とされるものと無限責任組合員が合理的に判断する場合、無限責任組合員は、その裁量により、第29 条に基づく分配を行うに際し、当該組合員等に分配すべき組合財産の中から当該滞納額又は納付額に相当する現金又は現物を控除し、現物についてはその裁量により適切と認める方法によりこれを売却した上、当該公租公課を支払うことができるものとする。この場合、無限責任組合員は、かかる源泉徴収又は公租公課の納付を行った上で、かかる方法により現金又は現物を収受することもできる。組合員等は、かかる支払いに必要な金額又は支払った金額につき、無限責任組合員から請求があれば、無限責任組合員において既にかかる支払いを行った後であればかかる支払いの日から組合員等による現実の支払いがなされた日までの期間につき年[ ]%(年365 日の日割り計算とする。)の利息を付して、無限責任組合員に対し直ちにこれを支払うものとする。かかる支払いは本組合への出資とはみなされない。なお、無限責任組合員は、本項の判断(売却の決定、方法及び結果を含む。)につき、いかなる責任も負わないものとする。 - 経済産業省


Article 72 (1) The right of the State to collect a national tax (hereinafter referred to as the "right of collection of a national tax" in this Section) shall be extinguished by prescription if it is not exercised within five years from the statutory due date for payment of the national tax (in the case of a national tax to be paid based on a reassessment or determination, etc. set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) of the preceding Article, from the day on which the decision, etc. or the reassessment prescribed in said item was made; in the case of a national tax to be paid by reason of an overstatement of the tax amount equivalent to the amount of a refund based on a return form for a refund claim, as well as the expenses for the delinquent tax collection procedure, from the day on which the right of collection may be exercised for these taxes; and in the case of delinquent tax due to default on a stamp tax, from the day on which the tax liability was established; the same shall apply in paragraph (3) of the following Article). 例文帳に追加

第七十二条 国税の徴収を目的とする国の権利(以下この節において「国税の徴収権」という。)は、その国税の法定納期限(前条第一項第一号に掲げる更正決定等により納付すべきものについては、同号に規定する裁決等又は更正があつた日とし、還付請求申告書に係る還付金の額に相当する税額が過大であることにより納付すべきもの及び国税の滞納処分費については、これらにつき徴収権を行使することができる日とし、過怠税については、その納税義務の成立の日とする。次条第三項において同じ。)から五年間行使しないことによつて、時効により消滅する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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