
「from what day to what day」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > from what day to what dayの意味・解説 > from what day to what dayに関連した英語例文





from what day to what dayの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 20


What if one decided to start philanthropy from the day one?例文帳に追加

もし初日から慈善事業をすると決めたらどうでしょう - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

A computer at a center specify by what automatic vending machine, on what day and from what time to what time the specified advertisement was broadcasted by an automatic vending machine specification part 507a and an output time band specification part 507c.例文帳に追加

そしてセンタのコンピュータは、指定された広告がどの自動販売機で、何年何月何日の何時から何時まで放映されていたかを自動販売機特定部507aおよび出力時間帯特定部507bにより特定する。 - 特許庁

What was at first obedience to authority became a second nature, and the Parsees to this day abstain both from beef and pork. 例文帳に追加

最初は権力にたいする服従であったものが習性となり、パルシー族は今日でも牛肉も豚肉も口にしません。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

He visited when imoutoama and others were surprised to know Ukifune's background since they had received in the early morning the letter from sozu informing what happened the day before. 例文帳に追加

朝早くに僧都から前日の事情を知らせる文が届いており、妹尼たちが浮舟の素性に驚いていたところだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a perpetual calendar which can be broadly utilized by from the young to the aged, can be easily handled and by which recognition can be instantly given: what the date it is today and what day of the week it is today.例文帳に追加

若年層から高齢者まで幅広く利用することができ、取扱いが簡単で、一瞬にして今日が何日の何曜日であるかを認識することができる万年カレンダーを提供する。 - 特許庁


But I was thinking of a way To feed oneself on batter, And so go on from day to day Getting a little fatter. I shook him well from side to side, Until his face was blue: "Come, tell me how you live," I cried, "And what it is you do!" 例文帳に追加

でもそのときぼくが考えてたのは練り粉を食事にして毎日毎日そうやってちょっとずつ太ること。ぼくはおじいさんが青くなるまで左右にゆすりまわし『ねえ、どういう暮らしをしているの?どんなお仕事か教えてよ!』と叫ぶ。 - LEWIS CARROLL『鏡の国のアリス』

(4) From the day following the expiration of a period of five years from the date of promulgation of the present Law, all patent applications, no matter to what technical sector they belong, shall be dealt with under the general procedure for granting patents provided for in the present Law.例文帳に追加

(4) 本法の施行の日から5年の期間が満了した日以降,全ての特許出願は帰属する技術分野の如何を問わず,本法で定める一般手続に従って処理されるものとする。 - 特許庁

The next day, the young man told what had happened to his group and as they went to the thicket, mino (straw raincoat), taiko, and warigo which have been washed ashore from the sea were scattered about, and among them, there was a geta without a strap. 例文帳に追加

翌日、その若者が仲間たちに事情を話してその薮へ行ってみると、海から打ち上げられた蓑、太鼓、割籠などが散らばっており、その中に鼻の欠けた下駄があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Having therefore obtained the help that is from God, I stand to this day testifying both to small and great, saying nothing but what the prophets and Moses said would happen, 例文帳に追加

こうして,わたしは神からの助けを得て,今日に至るまで変わらずに,小さな者にも大きな者にも証言し,預言者たちとモーセとが必ず起こると語ったことだけを述べてきました。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 26:22』


What? Has the ship come from Delos, on the arrival of which I am to die? No, the ship has not actually arrived, but she will probably be here to-day, as persons who have come from Sunium tell me that they have left her there; and therefore to-morrow, Socrates, will be the last day of your life. 例文帳に追加

話ってなんだい。あの船がデロス島から戻ってきたのかい。それが戻ってきてから僕が死ぬことになっていたんだが。いや、まだ船は着いていないよ。だけど、今日中にここに着くことになるだろう。スニオン岬で船を降りたという人にそう聞いたんだ。だからソクラテス、明日には君の命はなくなってしまうだろう。 - Plato『クリトン』


Article 803 (1) Each of the Stock Companies listed in the following items (hereinafter referred to as a "Consolidated Stock Company, etc." in this Division) shall, from the day on which the Consolidation-type Merger Agreement, etc. began to be kept until the day on which six months have elapsed from the day of formation of the Company Incorporated through Consolidation-type Merger, the Company Incorporated through Incorporation-type Company Split, or the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated through Share Transfer (hereinafter referred to as an "Incorporated Company" in this Division) (or, for a Stock Company(ies) Consolidated through Consolidation-type Merger, the day of formation of the Company Incorporated through Consolidation-type Merger), keep documents or Electromagnetic Records that state or record the contents of what are specified respectively in those items (hereinafter referred to as the "Consolidation-type Merger Agreement, etc." in this Section) and other matters prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice at its head office: 例文帳に追加

第八百三条 次の各号に掲げる株式会社(以下この目において「消滅株式会社等」という。)は、新設合併契約等備置開始日から新設合併設立会社、新設分割設立会又は株式移転設立完全親会社(以下この目において「設立会社」という。)の成立の日後六箇月を経過する日(新設合併消滅株式会社にあっては、新設合併設立会社の成立の日)までの間、当該各号に定めるもの(以下この節において「新設合併契約等」という。)の内容その他法務省令で定める事項を記載し、又は記録した書面又は電磁的記録をその本店に備え置かなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) A Foreign Company referred to in the preceding paragraph may, without delay after the conclusion of the procedure set forth in paragraph (1), pursuant to the provisions of the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice, take measures to make the information contained in what is equivalent to the balance sheet provided for in that paragraph available to the general public continually by the Electromagnetic Method until the day on which five years have elapsed from the day of the conclusion of such procedure. In such cases, the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall not apply. 例文帳に追加

3 前項の外国会社は、法務省令で定めるところにより、第一項の手続の終結後遅滞なく、同項に規定する貸借対照表に相当するものの内容である情報を、当該手続の終結の日後五年を経過する日までの間、継続して電磁的方法により日本において不特定多数の者が提供を受けることができる状態に置く措置をとることができる。この場合においては、前二項の規定は、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

As I said the other day in response to a similar question, a conclusion was reached on the securities investment-related tax system at the end of last year. It is important that we consider what to do with the tax system as a whole while maintaining consistency with that conclusion. As for the specifics of our request and details of the relationship between it and last year's tax revision, I would like to refrain from making a comment for now. 例文帳に追加

これは先般もお尋ねにお答えした点ですが、昨年末にその時点における証券税制の一定の結論が得られたわけで、できるだけその結論との整合性を維持しながら制度全体を考えていくことは大事な論点であり、今回の具体的な要求内容との詳細な関係については、今日この時点ではご勘弁をいただきたいと思います。 - 金融庁

What we found from our inquiry into factual matters from that standpoint revealed this development: this Mr. Kimura served as an advisor to the FSA from October 3, 2002 to August 20, 2003 and, on the very day he resigned from the advisor's post, he applied for a preliminary examination for the founding of the bank, and the examination took place formally in the same fashion as any other regular examination associated with banking licensing, followed by the official application for license on March 15, 2004 and the acquisition of the license on April 13, 2004. 例文帳に追加

そういう観点から、事実関係を改めて調べてみましたところ、この木村氏は平成14年10月3日から平成15年8月20日まで金融庁の顧問を務め、そして顧問退任のその日に、この銀行設立の予備審査申請を行い、その後は通常の銀行審査と同様に粛々と審査が行われて、翌平成16年3月15日に免許を正式に申請し、平成16年4月13日に免許を取得したという経緯であります。 - 金融庁

If memory serves me correctly, a provisional calculation of what corresponds to the repayment rate for failed Kizu Credit Union—which had been subject to the protection of deposits in full—was ultimately 23 percent, whereas the provisional payback percentage is 25 percent for the Incubator Bank of Japan. Of course, this is subject to change given that the payments are based on a rough estimate, but I have heard that it is an extremely low figure. A comment was made to the effect that the management’s responsibility is heavy to such an extent. Also, two Ministers stressed that this problem stems from the application for a provisional license filed by the Incubator Bank of Japan on the day on which former Minister for Financial Services Heizo Takenaka and former FSA consultant Takeshi Kimura resigned from their respective positions. 例文帳に追加

確か(全額保護下に経営破綻した)木津信用組合が、結果的には(弁済率に当たるものを仮定計算すると)23%だったのですが、これ(振興銀行の概算払率)は25%でした。当然、概算払いですから色々変わってきますけれども、非常に低い数字だったと聞いております。それほど経営者の責任は重たいという意見が出ましたし、また、別の閣僚からは後から、この問題は竹中平蔵(元)金融担当大臣、そして木村剛(元)金融庁顧問が、この振興銀行の仮免許の申請を、辞めたその日にしたということでございます。 - 金融庁

The other day, a U.S. businessman said to me, "Mr. Jimi, we now have a law established but federal and departmental regulations are still forthcoming." As the U.S. is also a country with a democratic society, quite intense dynamics will likely be at work there and what will be at issue in that process is how to harmonize various factors with the law, including user protection or, put another way, making sure that people should be able to use financial services with peace of mind so that financial activities should flourish, bringing about a vibrant economy as a result. After all, the basic goal required of an economy is to achieve a better life for people. However, as you know, the Lehman crisis two years ago prevented investment banks from assuming risks, which made the existing framework and system a near failure. As a consequence, the U.S. government was forced to go ahead and take on risks itself. For instance, it had no choice but to interfere to bail out AIG, the largest private life insurer in the U.S. 例文帳に追加

ですから、私が今さっき言いましたように、そこら辺を法律、この前アメリカのこういった企業の方に聞いたら、「自見さんは、法律は作ったけど政令と省令は今からだ」という話もありましたし、それはすさまじい力学が、アメリカも民主主義社会ですから働くでしょうが、やっぱりその中で利用者保護というか、市民が安心してきちっと金融を利用できるし、またそこでいろいろ金融ですから、結局金融が盛んになる、そして結果、経済が盛んになる。 - 金融庁

(2) The provision of Article 5, paragraph (1) shall not apply to a person who had made a notification as prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1) or Article 6, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of the Former Act and who newly establishes what comes to fall under the category of a large-scale retail store by commencing a business or increasing the store floor area pertaining to said notification at a building pertaining to a public notice under the provision of Article 3, paragraph (2) or paragraph (3) of the Former Act by the day on which eight months have elapsed from the date of the enforcement of this Act. 例文帳に追加

2 旧法第三条第二項又は第三項の規定による公示に係る建物であって、この法律の施行前に旧法第五条第一項又は第六条第一項若しくは第二項の規定による届出をした者がこの法律の施行の日から八月を経過する日までの間に、当該届出に係る営業の開始又は店舗面積の増加をすることにより大規模小売店舗に該当することとなるものの新設をする者については、第五条第一項の規定は、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iv) Revised provision in Article 27-23 of the Securities and Exchange Act in Article 2 (excluding the segment which adds "and Article 27-26" under "Article 27-25, paragraph (1)"); revised provision in Article 27-24 of the same Act; revised provision in Article 27-25 of the same Act; revised provision in Article 27-26 of the same Act (excluding the segment which revises "control business activities of a company, an issuer of share certificate etc." to "perform what is specified for in a Cabinet Order as acts that make a significant change in and have a significant impact on business activities of an issuer of share certificates etc.(referred to as an "Conduct of Important Proposal, etc." in paragraphs (4) and (5)) and the segment which adds paragraph (3) in the same Article"; revised provision in Article 27-27 of the same Act and revised provision in Article 27-30, item (ii) of the same Act (excluding the segment which revises "Article 27-10, paragraph (2)" to "Article 27-10, paragraphs (8) and (12)" and the segment that adds "or (xi)" under "Article 27-10, paragraph (1)"); and provisions from Article 9 to Article 11 and 13 of the Supplementary Provisions: the day specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding one year from the day of promulgation. 例文帳に追加

四 第二条中証券取引法第二十七条の二十三の改正規定(「第二十七条の二十五第一項」の下に「及び第二十七条の二十六」を加える部分を除く。)、同法第二十七条の二十四の改正規定、同法第二十七条の二十五の改正規定、同法第二十七条の二十六の改正規定(「株券等の発行者である会社の事業活動を支配する」を「株券等の発行者の事業活動に重大な変更を加え、又は重大な影響を及ぼす行為として政令で定めるもの(第四項及び第五項において「重要提案行為等」という。)を行う」に改める部分及び同条に三項を加える部分を除く。)、同法第二十七条の二十七の改正規定及び同法第二十七条の三十の二の改正規定(「第二十七条の十第二項」を「第二十七条の十第八項及び第十二項」に改める部分及び「第二十七条の十第一項」の下に「若しくは第十一項」を加える部分を除く。)並びに附則第九条から第十一条まで及び第十三条の規定 公布の日から起算して一年を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Furthermore, in the inspection and supervision of financial institutions, we take action in a stringent manner as necessary based on the confirmed facts pursuant to laws and regulations if violations of laws and regulations or problems in user protection are found as a result of on-site inspections, day-to-day supervision and other such activities. Likewise, we have endeavored to inspect and supervise the Incubator Bank of Japan in a stringent manner. The FSA had to properly conduct the first inspection and, in particular, the second inspection, according to law as an executive branch of government. Unless there is an obvious violation of law, an executive branch of government cannot take any arbitrary action. The third inspection, however, clearly revealed a violation of law as you know—what I am trying to tell you is that our action must be based on laws and facts. That is how an executive branch of government works. In that sense, although I can see at the emotional level why we are being criticized for not taking action earlier from the start, I believe as the head of an executive branch of government that regulation and supervision involves giving guidance based on objective facts in accordance with law, and should have as little room as possible for demands based on likelihood and arbitrariness. I believe this is an important quality for a person in charge of regulation and supervision based on laws and facts. Nevertheless, given that the Bank consequently failed, the FSA shall learn a lesson from this and continue to endeavor to stabilize the financial system. 例文帳に追加

また、金融機関の検査・監督に当たっては、立ち入り検査や日常の監督等により、法令違反や利用者保護上の問題が判明した場合に確認された事実と法令に基づいて、必要に応じて厳正な対処を行っておりまして、日本振興銀行についても同様な厳正な検査・監督の実施に努めてきたわけでございますが、当庁としては1回目、特に2回目の検査、これは非常に行政でございますから、やっぱり法律に基づいてきちっと適正にやっていかなければならないと。明確な法律違反のことがない限り、行政というのは恣意的なことはできないわけですよ。しかし、3回目の時はもうご存じのように、明確な法律違反のことがございますから、法律に基づいて、それからやっぱり法律と事実に基づいてやっていかなければいけないというのは、行政というのはそういうものですから、そういった意味で、何で最初から早くやらなかったのかというおしかりをいただくというのも、気持ちとしてはよく分かりますけれども、私は行政というものは、きちっと法に基づいて、客観的な事実に基づいて、きちっと指導をしていくもので、見込みだとか、恣意的な要請というのはできるだけあってはならないというふうに、私は行政(機関)の長としては思っております。それが法によって、法と事実によってきちっと行政をあずかる者の一つの大事な点だと、こう思っておりますが、そういった意味で、しかし結果としては破綻をしたわけでございますから、当庁としては、今回の教訓を生かして、引き続き金融システムの安定化に努めていきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


(iii) Provision of Article 2 (excluding revised provision in Article 27-23 of the Securities and Exchange Act (excluding the segment that adds "and Article 27-26" under "Article 27-25, paragraph (1)"); revised provision in Article 27-24 of the same Act; revised provision in Article 27-25 of the same Act; revised provision in Article 27-26 of the same Act (excluding the segment which revises "control business activities of a company, an issuer of share certificates etc." to "perform what is specified by a Cabinet Order as acts that make a significant change in and have a significant impact on business activities of an issuer of share certificate, etc., (referred to as an "Important Proposed Act, etc." in paragraphs (4) and (5)) and the segment which adds paragraph (3) in the same Article"; revised provision in Article 27-27 of the same Act and revised provision in Article 27-30, item (ii) of the same Act (excluding the segment which revises "Article 27-10, paragraph (2)" to "Article 27-10, paragraphs (8) and (12)" and the segment that adds "or (11)" under "Article 27-10, paragraph (1)"); and provisions of Article 7, Article 8 and Article 12 of the Supplementary Provisions: the date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the day of promulgation. 例文帳に追加

三 第二条の規定(証券取引法第二十七条の二十三の改正規定(「第二十七条の二十五第一項」の下に「及び第二十七条の二十六」を加える部分を除く。)、同法第二十七条の二十四の改正規定、同法第二十七条の二十五の改正規定、同法第二十七条の二十六の改正規定(「株券等の発行者である会社の事業活動を支配する」を「株券等の発行者の事業活動に重大な変更を加え、又は重大な影響を及ぼす行為として政令で定めるもの(第四項及び第五項において「重要提案行為等」という。)を行う」に改める部分及び同条に三項を加える部分を除く。)、同法第二十七条の二十七の改正規定及び同法第二十七条の三十の二の改正規定(「第二十七条の十第二項」を「第二十七条の十第八項及び第十二項」に改める部分及び「第二十七条の十第一項」の下に「若しくは第十一項」を加える部分を除く。)を除く。)並びに附則第七条、第八条及び第十二条の規定 公布の日から起算して六月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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