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in recent daysの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 27


I have sore throat in recent days.例文帳に追加

最近、喉が痛いです。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文

This is one of the most delightful events of [things that have happened in] recent days [times]. 例文帳に追加

これは近来の快事である. - 研究社 新和英中辞典

The New York market declined under profit-taking pressure in recent days.例文帳に追加

ニューヨーク市場は利食い押しの状況下で落ち込んだ。 - Weblio英語基本例文集

However, kelp consumption has been decreasing in recent years because more young Japanese are moving away from traditional food these days. 例文帳に追加

しかし近年は若者の伝統食離れで消費が減少している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In those days, those schools that were popular within the specific feudal clan structure disappeared (but they have revived like mushrooms after a rain in recent years). 例文帳に追加

この時、家元制度をとらずに特定の藩組織の中でのみ普及していた流派は消滅した(近年、雨後の筍のように復興している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The above traditional process was used in the old days at Mt. Koya, but the process was altered in recent years, and a unique process has been established. 例文帳に追加

高野山でも古くは上記の伝統製法で作っていたが、時代が下るに従い製法に工夫が施され独自の製法が確立されていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In light of the continued stock price drop in recent days, what is your assessment of the condition of the Japanese economy? 例文帳に追加

このところ株安、株の値下がりが続いていますけれども、日本経済の現状についてどのように見ていますでしょうか。 - 金融庁

As I have been saying in recent days, the authorities of Japan and the United States have been keeping in very close touch with each other with regard to the financial market turmoil. 例文帳に追加

先日来申し上げておりますように、今の金融市場の混乱に関連しまして、当局同士、非常に緊密な連絡をとっております。 - 金融庁

In the "Gokeshidai" (the Ritual Protocol of the Oe House), there is a description that 'according to recent customs, Kita no mishoji (also called Kenjo no shoji) is removed except on the days of public matters.' 例文帳に追加

『江家次第』によると、「北御障子(賢聖の障子)は、近頃の慣行では、公事の日を除いて取り外している」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Some bleachers of bicycle racing track facility remained in the park until recent days, but they were dismantled because they became too old. 例文帳に追加

園内には最近まで競輪所時代の場内スタンドの一部が残されていたが、老朽化のため取り壊された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There are also moves to reinforce the financial basis in recent days, with some financial institutions announcing capital increases. 例文帳に追加

また最近では、一部の金融機関において増資が表明されるなど、財務基盤の強化の動きが見られる。 - 金融庁

In past days, vehicles for taxis were based on commercially available two-wheel drive cars of 1500 - 2000 cc displacement with a little change in design; however, because the same commercially available cars have been switched from FR to FF in recent years, as well as because the pursuit of vehicle comfort, vehicles exclusively for FR drive taxis have been being developed in recent years. 例文帳に追加

以前は1.5~2リッター級二輪駆動方式の市販車をベースに若干の設計変更を施した車両を使っていたが、現在ではそのクラスの市販車がFRからFFに切り替えられ、またタクシーとしての快適性の追求と合わせて、FR駆動のタクシー専用車が開発されるに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In recent years, hardware stores have taken it up as a side job, but in the days when Japanese (as opposed to Western) knives were commonly used, they were often seen in every town in busy shopping areas. 例文帳に追加

近年では金物屋が兼業で営むぐらいだが、和物(洋物の反対語)の刃物が世間一般で広く使われていた時代には、どの町でも人通りの多い商店街などでよく見られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, the sects are exclusive and secretive, so the whole picture of the localized rituals is still covered in a veil, but Hiroyuki ITSUKI says that some of the secretive rituals and others have begun to be made public little by little in recent days. 例文帳に追加

さらに排他的秘密主義のために、その儀式は土俗化しており全貌はいまだに明らかではないが、五木寛之によると、最近では少しずつその秘密儀式の一部などを公開する動きも出ているという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was planned to expand employment measures in a revised budget in FY 2009 to support life of retired employees and a job search in correspondence with the severe employment unemployment situation in recent days and put together and build a "new safety net" and decides to enforce vocational training, re-employment, life, general house support.例文帳に追加

昨今の厳しい雇用失業情勢に対応し、離職者の生活及び求職活動を支援するため、平成21年度補正予算において、雇用施策の拡充を図るとともに、あわせて、「新たなセーフティネット」を構築し、職業訓練、再就職、生活、住宅への総合的な支援に取り組むこととした。 - 厚生労働省

There was a regulation in terms of Imperial succession in those days such as the succession between brothers, the succession of eldest brothers, being nominated by aides, following the will of a former Emperor, etc, (there was a theory developed from a recent study that there was an age limit, up to thirty years old, for succeeding to the throne), it is presumed after fulfilling such complicated requirements, Imperial succession was decided. 例文帳に追加

この頃の皇位継承のルールには、兄弟承継、大兄承継、群臣推挙、先帝遺詔(更に近年では即位要件に年齢制限(30歳以上)があったとする説もある)などがあり、これらが複雑にからんで皇位継承が行われていたと推定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In recent years, however, as NHK aggressively carries out 24-hour broadcasting, "Kimigayo" is performed everyday only at the end of broadcasting of the second radio broadcasting (24:00 on Sunday, Monday and any day in which intensive maintenance is carried out; 25:35 on Tuesday (1:35 before dawn of Wednesday); and 25:40 on other days (1:40 before dawn). 例文帳に追加

しかし近年になりNHKが24時間放送を積極的に行うようになったため、現在は毎日演奏しているのはラジオ第2放送の終了時(日・月曜、並びに集中メンテナンスの実施日は24時、火曜日は25時35分(水曜未明135)、他は25時40分(未明140))のみである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The glue that is made from petroleum oil is mainly used in recent days, but gelatin from the deer skin called nibenikawa has been used from long past and makes the pulling movement soft, bow to last long, and is skilled although it is harder to obtain compared to those that used the petroleum oil. 例文帳に追加

現在の主流は石油合成接着剤であるが、伝統的には弓独自に使われる鰾膠(ニベニカワ)と呼ばれる鹿皮原料のゼラチンが使われており、合成接着剤を使用した弓よりも手入れは難しいが引き味が柔らかい・寿命が長い、冴えが良い等とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a view that he was the 'existence that cannot be seen often' between geniuses Zeami and Onami, but it was known that he inherited "Fushikaden" (The Flowering Spirit) written by Zeami and in recent days it is believed that he served as an assistant who supported the older brother as waki no shite (beside-the-doer role) of Kanze-za (Kanze guild) similar to a standard of a dayu (master). 例文帳に追加

世阿弥・音阿弥という天才の間に埋もれた「殆ど見るべきものの無い存在」と見る向きもあったが、世阿弥から著書『風姿花伝』を相伝されたことが分かっており、最近では観世座の脇之仕手として兄を支えて大夫にも匹敵する活躍をしていた人物と考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide seismic strengthening bracing which can be easily installed, so as to solve a problem such that a construction cost and a construction period make many people hesitate to execute large-scale repair work as earthquake- resistant measures for an existing building, though they plan to take the earthquake-resistant measures against earthquakes which frequently occur in recent days.例文帳に追加

最近多発する地震に対して耐震対策を考えているが、既存建物の耐震対策は大規模な改修工事となるので、経済面、工期面で躊躇する人が多いそこで安易に出来る耐震補強筋交いを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide an information processor and information processing method capable of keeping a score on each topic of each channel and comparing between the channels wherein the topic, which is newer and occurs more heavily in recent days, scores a higher value, and processing at a high speed when a message is sequentially added.例文帳に追加

各チャネルの各話題に対して目新しく最近密に発生しているものほど高い値となるチャネル間で比較可能なスコア付けを行うことが可能であり、更には逐次メッセージが追加される場合においても高速にそれら処理を行う情報処理装置および情報処理方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

In the old days it was believed that Emperor Uda came to power due to his strict Buddhist belief; however, one recent theory says the reason was that dominant political control had been taken away from the Fujiwara clan, or that it was done to stop the complaints from the royal families after Emperor Uda came into power by coming back to the Imperial Family, although he had become an allegiant (as indicated by the retired Emperor Yozei in his remark in "Okagami (The Great Mirror)," which is described below). 例文帳に追加

天皇の譲位については古くは仏道専心説が有力であったが、近年では藤原氏からの政治的自由を確保するためとする説、一旦臣下から皇族に復帰して即位したためにこれに不満を抱く他の皇族の皇位要求の動きに先んじた説などがある(後述の『大鏡』の陽成上皇の発言はその暗示ともされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most of the views that 'he could not go back to Kyoto so quickly without any preparation' are mentioned by recent researchers, and there is no records to doubt 'Chugoku Ogaeshi' by warlords who had relations to Hideyoshi or TOYOTOMI clan at that time (if it was too quick from the viewpoint of warlords in those days, it is unnatural that warlords such as Nobukatsu and Nobutaka ODA, Katsuie SHIBATA and Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, who was against Hideyoshi later, did not insist it. 例文帳に追加

『事前に用意していなければ出来ない』とする説はほとんどが近年の学者が述べている発言であり、当時秀吉や豊臣家と関係があった武士からは敵味方を問わず中国大返しを疑問視した発言や記録は出ていない(当時の武士から見ても速すぎるのであれば後に秀吉と敵対した織田信雄・信孝・柴田勝家・徳川家康らがそれを主張しないのは不自然である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I had been refraining from following up on this question due to the recent Cabinet reshuffling: you responded to our question the other day that there are no minutes relating to the license of the Incubator Bank of Japan in the days of the Program for Further Financial Reform. May I confirm that the meetings back then were not held pursuant to laws, given that the minutes do not exist? 例文帳に追加

この間ちょっと組閣があったので継続してお聞きすることを控えていたのですけれども、先だってお聞きした日本振興銀行の免許(に関する)金融改革プログラムの当時の議事録はないというお話なのですが、確認なのですが、議事録がないということは、そのときの会議は法律に基づいた会議ではなかったということですよね。 - 金融庁

In a monthly report (Monthly Report of Recent Economic and Financial Developments) announced by the BOJ (Bank of Japan) a few days ago, the BOJ lowered its assessment of economic conditions, describing them as "sluggish," compared with "slowing further" in the previous report. Could you tell me how the FSA assesses current economic conditions and how they will affect the management of financial institutions? 例文帳に追加

次に、少し前ですが、日本銀行が発表しました月報(金融経済月報)でも、景気の現状について、「さらに減速」から「停滞」ということばを使いまして、判断を下方修正しているわけですけれども、金融庁として、今の景気の現状についてどのように認識しているのか改めてお答えいただきたいのと、また、金融機関の経営等に与える影響みたいなものも、併せてどのようにお考えなのかお聞かせください。 - 金融庁

I have been constantly bringing up this point since the days of former Minister Yosano when the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was in power and, considering that Minister Jimi did point out distortions caused by the Koizumi reform after the recent change of administration and I am sure that Senior Vice Minister Otsuka, being a financial expert, must naturally be so versed in this matter that I should not have to give any detailed account, why has there been no inspection that covers people involved all the way from the day the license of the Incubator Bank was issued? I just cannot stop wondering about this question and would like to have it answered by the Senior Vice Minister as well. 例文帳に追加

これは、自民党政権時代の与謝野大臣からそう言っているのですけれども、実際、今回政権交代して、自見大臣も小泉改革のゆがみについて指摘されていましたし、大塚副大臣も金融のエキスパートで、もちろんここで細かく言う必要はないほどご存じだと思うのです。この間も言いましたけれども、なぜこの振興銀行の免許をおろしたところからのずっと関係者を含めた検証をしないのかというのは不思議でしようがないのですが、その点について副大臣も含めてお答えいただきたいのですけれども。 - 金融庁


The documents specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 168, paragraph 2 of the Act shall be as follows (in the case of a certification issued by a public agency, limited to documents prepared within three months prior to the date of filing the application): (i) a certificate of the registered matters of the company; (ii) the accounting documents, etc. for the most recent business year and related detailed certifications; (iii) a document stating the estimated income for the three years after the commencement of the business; (iv) a document stating the name or trade name of the major shareholder (which means a shareholder holding 10 percent or more of the voting rights [which means a voting right prescribed in Article 86, paragraph 1 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item] of total shareholders; hereinafter the same shall apply), the address or location and the number of voting rights that the major shareholder holds;(v) a document giving a description of a parent juridical person, etc. (which means a juridical person or other organization that holds the majority of voting rights [which is a voting right as prescribed in the preceding item] of the total shareholders of a Commodity Clearing Organization) and subsidiary juridical person(s), etc. (which means a juridical person or other organization that holds the majority of the voting rights [which means the voting rights prescribed in Article 7, paragraph 1, item 3 of the Ordinance] of the total shareholders, etc. [which means the total shareholders, etc. prescribed in Article 7, paragraph 1, item 3 of the Ordinance] of a Commodity Clearing Organization); (vi) a sworn, written document stating that the Commodity Clearing Organization is not subject to any of the provisions of (c) through (e) or (i) of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1 of the Act;(vii) a document specified as follows corresponding to each case: (a) in the case where an officer is a foreign national: a copy of the residence certificate, etc., and the curriculum vitae of said officer, and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to any of the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1, (a) through (k) of the Act;(b) in the case where an officer is a juridical person: a certificate of the registered matters of said officer, a document stating the corporate development, and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1, (l) of the Act;(c) in the case where an officer is neither a foreign national nor a juridical person: a copy of the residence certificate, etc., and the curriculum vitae of said officer; a certification issued by a public agency that such person is not subject to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1, (a) and (b); and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to any of the provisions of (c) through (k) of the same item; (viii) a document stating the status of securing employees who have the knowledge and experience pertaining to the Business of Assuming Commodity Transaction Debts and the status of the assignment of such employees; (ix) in the case where an organizational general meeting is held, the minutes of the organizational general meeting; (x) a document stating the names or trade names of Clearing Participants, and the addresses of the principal offices or head offices; (xi) records prepared by Clearing Participants according to Form No. 1 within 30 days prior to the filing of the application and pertaining to such personsnet assets; (xii) in the case where an electronic data processing system is used for the Business of Assuming Commodity Transaction Debts, a document giving a description, installation location, capacity, and maintenance system of said electronic data processing system, and the process for responding in the event of the failure of said electronic data processing system; (xiii) other documents stating the matters to be referenced for approval as to whether the organization conforms to the standards set forth in Article 169, paragraph 1 of the Act. 例文帳に追加

法第百六十八条第二項の主務省令で定める書類は、次に掲げるもの(官公署が証明す る書類の場合には、許可の申請の日前三月以内に作成されたものに限る。)とする。一登記事項証明書 二直前事業年度の計算書類等及びその附属証明書 三業務開始後三年間における収支の見込みを記載した書面 四主要株主(総株主の議決権(法第八十六条第一項に規定する議決権をいう。以下 この号において同じ。)の百分の十以上の議決権を保有している株主をいう。以下同 じ。)の氏名又は商号若しくは名称、住所又は所在地及びその保有する議決権の数を 記載した書面 五 親法人等(商品取引清算機関の総株主の議決権(前号に規定する議決権をいう。) の過半数を保有している法人その他の団体をいう。)及び子法人等(商品取引清算機 - 139 - 関が総株主等(令第七条第一項第三号 に規定する総株主等をいう。)の議決権(令 第七条第一項第三号 に規定する議決権をいう。)の過半数を保有している法人その 他の団体をいう。)の概要を記載した書面 六法第十五条第二項第一号ハからホまで又はリのいずれにも該当しないことを誓約 する書面 七次に掲げる場合に応じ、それぞれ次に定める書面 イ役員が外国人である場合当該役員の住民票の写し等、履歴書及びその者が法第 十五条第二項第一号イからルまでのいずれにも該当しないことを誓約する書面 ロ役員が法人である場合当該役員の登記事項証明書、沿革を記載した書面及び法 第十五条第二項第一号ヲに該当しないことを誓約する書面 ハ役員が外国人又は法人でない場合当該役員の住民票の写し等、履歴書、その者 が法第十五条第二項第一号イ及びロに該当しない旨の官公署の証明書並びにその 者が同号ハからルまでのいずれにも該当しないことを誓約する書面 九創立総会を開催した場合には、創立総会の議事録 十清算参加者の氏名又は商号若しくは名称及び主たる事務所又は本店の所在地を記載 した書面 十一清算参加者が許可の申請の日前三十日以内に様式第一号により作成したその者の 純資産額に関する調書 十二商品取引債務引受業において電子情報処理組織を使用する場合には、当該電子情 報処理組織の概要、設置場所、容量及び保守の方法並びに当該電子情報処理組織に 異常が発生した場合の対処方法を記載した書類 十三その他法第百六十九条第一項に掲げる基準に適合しているかどうかについての 認定の参考となるべき事項を記載した書面 - 経済産業省


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