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該当件数 : 46



money demanded for the return of a captured person  - 日本語WordNet

彼はあんなに勉強家だが, それに引き替え弟はいつも怠けている.例文帳に追加

His younger brother is always idle, while he himself is such a hardworking man.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


even if one's would sacrifice his or her life  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Decreasing processor speed is a trade off between performance loss and energy saving. - Gentoo Linux


それらの抄録については,特許庁は請求により,かつ,第5条 (1)にいう手数料表に従う手数料の納付と引き替えに,これを提供する。例文帳に追加

The Patent Office shall provide extracts therefrom on request and against payment of a fee according to the tariff referred to in Art, 5 (1).  - 特許庁



a man ranking above an ordinary freeman and below a noble in Anglo-Saxon England (especially one who gave military service in exchange for land)  - 日本語WordNet


Further, the system is constituted so that a successful bidder can receive the notification that the automobile is to be transported from a garage in return for paying a sum for the contract. - 特許庁


Thus, the people living in a mountain village processed the trees of their Satoyama to firewood and sold it as an article of commerce in exchange for silver.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The respective stores carry the reserved merchandise to the consolidating point, and the purchaser carries an exchange slip with the reception key written thereon with himself/herself and goes to the consolidating point. - 特許庁



The person who is lawfully in control of undisclosed information, or his successor, may assign such information to third parties, against or without compensation.  - 特許庁



In 1871, when bills were exchanged for the new currency, a five monme bill was exchanged for one sen three ri, a one monme bill for three ri, and a two bu bill for two ri.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the Meiji Restoration, bills were exchanged for the new currency; a five monme bill was exchanged for four sen two ri, a one monme bill for eight ri, and a two bu bill for two ri.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The customer pays cash equal to or more than the purchase scheduled amount of store merchandise at the entrance of the store and receives a private terminal in exchange of it. - 特許庁


In 1818, han bills could be exchanged by Rihe IZUMIYA, Zyuroemon HINOKUCHIYA and the Amagasaki Exchange Office.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1871, when bills were exchanged for new currency, 1 monme and 100 mon bills were exchanged for 8 ri, and 3 bu and 2 bu bills for 2 ri.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The server 5 sends information showing the won privilege products to an inquiry equipment 4. - 特許庁


A user can define a list of reception fees to be charged in exchange for receiving messages from other users. - 特許庁


To provide a structure of power cable to be pulled into a POF cable pipe, which enables replacement of an exsisting resin-insulated power cable without having to take into can sideration measures for water and oil and can reduce the outside diameter through significant rationalizing cable structure, when pulling a resin-insulated cable into a newly provied or existing metal pipe for POF cable or replacement thereof. - 特許庁


To provide a token dispenser capable of dispensing game tokens in exchange for cash as before and also feeding the dispensed game tokens or the game tokens fed to a slot machine by a player automatically to a token feeding port of a slot machine. - 特許庁


Such economic development was resulted from production of gold, silver and copper in large amount due to mine development such as Innai Silver Mine, and a lot of foreign goods were imported to Japan in exchange for gold and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Therefore, they moved their camps to the southern areas around Busan by May in exchange of two princes (Prince Imhaegun and Prince Sunhwagun) of Yi Dynasty Korea who had been captured by Kiyomasa KATO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A mechanism which increases redundancy of data in the storage network system by duplicately storing the same data in a plurality of devices has the defect that the convenience is spoiled in exchange for reliability improvement. - 特許庁


To provider a controller which receives an approved voter in exchange for a voting postcard, selects one electronic voting device among a plurality of electronic voting devices and can receive the voting of the voter. - 特許庁


To realize provision of services effective for attracting the interest of a wide range of customers at a low cost on a communication network and to collect points held by the customers at an issuing origin in exchange for the service. - 特許庁


During a period from April 1872 to December 1873, during which Akashi Domain became Akashi Prefecture and then a part of Shikama Prefecture as a result of Haihan-chiken after the Meiji Restoration, han bills were exchanged to the new currency.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1871, when bills were exchanged for the new currency, 10 monme of ginsatsu was exchanged for 1 sen, 10 monme of zenisatsu for 9 ri, and both 1 monme of ginsatsu and 1 monme of zenisatsu for 1 ri.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This system provides a cash reward or article reward or the possibility that a reward like them is provided by being exchanged with a research coupon which is all or partially filled. - 特許庁


OKUMA, who became the vice governor of accounting, forced to circulate Dajokan-satsu with his edict to promise the Dajokan-satsu could be exchanged for the new currencies to be prepared, whereas he prohibited exchanging Dajokan-satsu for specie money.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A transaction card processor (automatic transaction terminal for price advance payment) 140 issues a transaction card 30 as a prepaid card where a peculiar identification code is written in exchange for advance payment. - 特許庁


In a broad sense, gunyaku meant conscription which included the labor service that was imposed on the people; but in a narrow sense, gunyaku referred to a retainer's offering of military service to the lord in exchange for recognition and guarantee of ownership of the fief (debt) in the relationship of 'debts and service' in the feudal system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Based on the bill sent, the UT4 delivers the delivered trade documents to the terminal UT5 of an importer in exchange for the settlement or reception of import fees from the importer, and the UT5 delivers to the UT6 the electronic documents needed for the reception of cargo. - 特許庁


Then a user brings the key information attached memory card 51 to a data processing station 53 or a terminal 54 connected to a network to execute decryption for the encrypted image data, on the basis of the tag information in exchange for a charge and can reproduce photographed image data. - 特許庁


A player plays a part of a game in an information providing device by paying for the price and plays the continuation of the game in a portable telephone 200 by receiving the distribution of game information from a game information distributing device 100 to the portable telephone 200. - 特許庁


A game providing part 22 of a game providing server 2 transmits a game selecting picture in response to a game participation request, transmits a point specification picture in response to specification of the game and provides the game on the communication network 3 in exchange for the specified used point. - 特許庁


User's attribute information is acquired in exchange for the acquisition of a program for editing a printing layout, and additional information matching the user's attribute information is acquired from a server device and inserted into a print image and printed during execution of the program. - 特許庁


The printed article 10 comprises the hidden picture domain 1 where the hidden pictures S such as letters and patterns on the printed base material 5 such as a prize exchange card and a ticket become naked eye visible byscratching off with the metal piece such as a coin, and the explicit domain 2 naked eye visibly colored on the domain. - 特許庁


When an ID and a PW used in the case of issuance of the digital cash are transmitted to the web server 20 after the digital cash is obtained, they are transferred to the digital cash server 31, the digital cash for the price of the item is withdrawn after confirmation of outstanding balance by the digital cash server 31 and the item is transferred in exchange for it. - 特許庁


As mentioned earlier, if the appreciation of the yen and the earthquake trigger a decline in domestic production in an exchange for increase in overseas procurement, it would raise a concern that Japan’s small and medium enterprises might be excluded from major manufacturersprocurement networks for materials/components and/or face a decrease in business with such manufacturers. - 経済産業省


The pipe type rubber or plastic insulation power cable 15, replacing an existing pipe type cable at the inside of a steel pipe 1, is formed by covering a conduction body 4 by a rubber or plastic insulation layer 17, and covering the above insulation layer 17 by a reinforcing layer 19 directly or interposing an outer semiconductive layer 18, and spirally winding a skid wire 20 on the reinforcing layer 19. - 特許庁

出願書類であって,第155条の規定に方式上合致していないが,出願人,標章及びその類に関する十分な資料を含んでいるものは,日付入りの受領証と引き替えに,INPIに引き渡すことができる。 INPIは,出願人が満たすべき要件を5日以内に定めるものとし,満たされないときは,出願はなかったとみなす。例文帳に追加

Applications that do not formally comply with the provisions of Article 155, but which contains sufficient data related to the applicant, the mark sign and its class, may be delivered, against dated receipt, to the INPI, which shall stipulate the requirements to be satisfied by the applicant within 5 (five) days, under penalty of being deemed non-existent.  - 特許庁


When a retrieval server 21 receives a request for image data from a client 50, the server 21 requests of the client use information showing a use style expected for the image that the requested image data represents in exchange for providing the image data and then provides the image data on condition that the requested use information is obtained from the client 50. - 特許庁

出願書類が,第19条の方式要件の規定を満たしていないが,対象,出願人及び発明者に関する事項を含んでいる場合は,日付入りの受領証と引き替えに,それをINPIに提出することができる。 INPIは,30日以内に満たすべき要件を定めるものとし,要件が満たされなかったときは,書類を返却し又は出願を却下する。例文帳に追加

An application that does not formally satisfy the provisions of Article 19, but that contains data relating to the object, to the applicant and to the inventor, may be submitted, against dated receipt, to the INPI, which shall stipulate the requirements to be satisfied, within a period of 30 (thirty) days, under penalty of having the documentation returned or the application dismissed.  - 特許庁


In more details, regions are roughly classified into the following three categories:- Regions which were directly controlled by an emperor of China, who received the will of heaven (Administrative districts called "sho (Province)" were set up.)- Indirectly controlled area (Influential persons in outlands were appointed to doshi/dokan (local governor) and a certain level of autonomous control was allowed in exchange of tributes.)- Outside of the territory (regions in which "iteki" lived; land which was not covered by influence of the virtue of the emperor; so-called "kegainochi (land out of states reign)").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Trade Registry Department may, when public interest so requires, and subject to the approval of a ministerial committee established by a decision of the Prime Minister upon submission of the competent minister, issue a motivated decision to grant a third party non-voluntary and non-exclusive license for the exploitation of the protected industrial design, against fair compensation.  - 特許庁


On the other hand, if domestic procurement declines in exchange for an increase in overseas procurement triggered by the impact of the earthquake and the higher yen, special attention should be paid to possible adverse impacts on domestic industries, for example, a possibility that domestic small and medium manufacturers of parts might are pushed out of procurement networks of major manufacturers. - 経済産業省



In this settlement method to be used between a shopping site on the Internet selling merchandise or providing service in exchange for virtual money guaranteed by cash and a portal site on the Internet mediating the shopping site and customers, the shopping site encashes the virtual money obtained by selling the merchandise or providing the service into cash after accumulating it until a certain condition such as a predetermined period or a predetermined amount is achieved. - 特許庁


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