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He was a scholar.の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 124


He was a representative scholar of eastern history, together with Kurakichi SHIRATORI, before the war; their dispute on Yamatai-Koku kingdom and periodization theory about Chinese history divided the academic society into two. 例文帳に追加

白鳥庫吉と共に戦前を代表する東洋史学者であり、邪馬台国論争、中国に於ける時代区分論争などで戦前の学会を二分した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also well known that he taught Confucianism to Norinaga MOTOORI (a famous scholar of the Japanese classics), who was staying in Kyoto to study, and Keichu's "Hyakunin isshu kaikan-sho" (Rectified Commentary on the One Hundred Waka Poems by One Hundred Poets) published by Keizan and Higuchi still remains today as one of the books collected by Suzuya (Norinaga's book collection). 例文帳に追加

京都に遊学していた本居宣長に儒学を教えた事でも知られており、景山と樋口が刊行した契沖の『百人一首改観抄』刊本の鈴屋蔵書(宣長の蔵書)が今日まで伝えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Soseki received private tuition by William Craig, a Shakespeare scholar, whom Soseki described in "Eijitsu Shohin," and developed his theory of literature to be published as "Bungakuron"; however, he was obsessed by the odd feeling about the Japanese studying English literature again and relapsed into nervous breakdown. 例文帳に追加

『永日小品』にも出てくるシェイクスピア研究家のウィリアム・クレイグの個人教授を受けたり、『文学論』の研究にいそしんだりするが、英文学研究への違和感がぶりかえし神経衰弱に陥り始める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was impressed particularly by the enthusiasm for learning by a young noble named KAYA no Toyotoshi and reportedly imparted all of his knowledge to the young man (who, in later years, won recognition as an outstanding poet and scholar). 例文帳に追加

その中でも一人の青年貴族賀陽豊年の勉強熱心さには宅嗣も感心して、宅嗣自らがその全知識を豊年に伝授したという話が伝わっている(後年、豊年は優れた詩人・学者として名を残している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In autumn of the same year, he had patrolled Kyoto almost every day in a small group, and on September 30, when he encountered Kosaburo AKAMATSU, who was a scholar of military sciences supporting the idea of uniting the court and the shogunate, and engaged in military training for the army in the Satsuma clan, he assassinated him in the daytime as a spy of the shogunate. 例文帳に追加

同年秋、ほぼ毎日のように数人で京都見回りをしていたが、9月3日、薩摩藩で陸軍教練をしていた公武合体派の軍学者赤松小三郎と京都市中で遭遇し、幕府の密偵として白昼暗殺した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, his father was punished for negligence of duty by being removed from the position of superintendent officer of the district and placed under house arrest which forced the family into poverty and meant that Shinpei could proceed to tertiary education, so instead he studied at the private school of Shinyo EDAYOSHI, a scholar of Confucianism and ancient Japanese literature and culture, where he was influenced by Shinto and the principle of reverence for the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

しかし、父が職務怠慢の咎により郡目付役を解職永蟄居の処分となったため生活は困窮し外生課程に進学せずに弘道館教授で儒学・国学者であった枝吉神陽の私塾に学び、神道や尊皇思想に影響される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After he became Shosoige (the lowest court rank) around 759, he was admitted to be a talented scholar and promoted to Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) until 783, during which period he held positions such as Tanba no inge no sakan (supernumerary official of Tanba Province), Dainaiki (Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs), Tanba no suke (assistant governor of Tanba Province), Tanba no kami (the governor of Tanba Province), Zusho no kami (Director of the Bureau of Drawings and Books), Daigaku no kami (Director of the Bureau of Education), Togu gakushi (Teacher of the Classics of the Crown Prince), and Onmyo no kami (Director of Onmyoryo, or Bureau of Divination). 例文帳に追加

天平宝字3年ころに少初位下になり、学才を認められ、延暦2年までに正五位下に昇進、その間、丹波員外目・大内記・丹波介・丹波守・図書頭・大学頭・東宮学士・陰陽頭などを歴任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was in high demand by ministers and shogun to people of the local district for his lectures on Japanese classics and presented the Kakaisho, which was the annotation of 'Genji Monogatari' (Tale of Genji) under the pen name of 'Shorokuinojo Monogatari Hakushi MINAMOTO no Iryo' (MINAMOTO no Iryo, who was a scholar of stories holding the rank of Shorokuinojo (Senior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade)) during Shoji (1362-1368) years. 例文帳に追加

大臣や将軍をはじめ、地方国人にも古典を講じて人望があり、「正六位上物語博士源惟良」の筆名で、貞治年間、「源氏物語」の注釈書である河海抄を将軍足利義詮に献じている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He started to practice calligraphy at terakoya (a private elementary school in the Edo period) at the age of six and then started to learn Chinese characters from Kyuko YAMAMURO, a Confucian scholar in the Bingo-Fukuyama Domain in Bingo Province, but skipped grades to enter the Seishikan, a Fukuyama domain school as a special case by recommendation of Yamamuro because he was doing very well at school. 例文帳に追加

6歳から寺子屋で手習いをはじめ、8歳から備後備後福山藩の儒学者山室汲古に漢字を習い始めるが学業優秀だったため山室の推薦により飛び級で福山藩校誠之館に特例入学。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was invited to take a post as translator of Western academic books on the astronomical observatory by the Edo Bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), which was considering a revision of the calendar, and then, as a Dutch book translator, worked on the translation of an encyclopedia originally compiled by Noel Chomel, French scholar. 例文帳に追加

のちに改暦に悩む江戸幕府からの要請で天文台の蘭書(西洋の学術書)翻訳員として招聘され和蘭書籍和解御用方としてフランスのノエル・ショメールが編纂した百科事典の翻訳に携わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After that, a scholar of Japanese classical literature, Norinaga MOTOORI, taking the viewpoint that 'it is unlikely that the Japanese Imperial family took tributes to China,' in 'Gyoju Gaigen,' he claimed that Yamatai was a small state in Chikushi (Kyushu), distinct from Yamato Province, and that Himiko was a female chief of Kumaso (a tribe living in the ancient Kyushu district) who assumed the false name of Empress Jingu. 例文帳に追加

その後、国学者の本居宣長は「日本の皇室が中国に朝貢するなどありえない」という立場から、「馭戎概言」において大和国とは別の筑紫(九州)にあった小国であり、卑弥呼は神功皇后の名を騙った熊襲の女酋長であると説いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Taking over from his father who was banished to Izu Province and then moved to a temple in Hida Province, he became a monk scholar familiar with the various arts of Onmyo referring to himself using the Buddhist name of 'Ryukan' receiving a reduction of punishment for predicting an auspicious sign on the occasion that kokushi (provincial bureaucrat) of Hida Province presented shinme (horses presented to shrines or horses used for ceremonies held at shrines in Japan) in 702 and was allowed to go to the capital city (Shoku nihongi). 例文帳に追加

伊豆国へ流罪となり飛騨国の寺に移された父から引継ぎ陰陽諸道に通じた学僧となり法名「隆観」を名乗っていたが、大宝2年の飛騨国司の神馬献上にあたり、その祥瑞を得たとの理由で罪を減免され入京を許された(続日本紀)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the same time, he directed the research project for the law system of the Qing Dynasty by setting up another group led by Yorozu ODA, who was also a jurist and professor of Kyoto Imperial University, Naoki KANO, who was still a research student at that time but later became the scholar of Chinese philosophy, and Shigeru KATO, a historian of Chinese history. 例文帳に追加

また同じく京都大学教授で法学者の織田萬をリーダーとして当時まだ研究生であった中国哲学研究者の狩野直喜、中国史家の加藤繁などを加えて、清朝の法制度の研究をさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Haku ITO (scholar of Manyo) had a similar anecdote that a woman asked him to withdraw the remarks he had made in his lecture, which was also that there was no proof regarding the generally accepted impression of Nukata no Okimi ("Manyo no Kajin to Sakuhin" (Poets and their Works in Manyoshu)). 例文帳に追加

これに類する逸話としては、伊藤博(万葉学者)も、やはり額田王について一般的にもたれているイメージは確証のあることではないという趣旨の講演をおこなったところ、ひとりの婦人に内容の撤回を求められた、というものがある(『萬葉の歌人と作品』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When he became acquainted with Nakasu MISHIMA, who's dissertated theory of the union of morality and economy and was a disciple of Hokoku YAMADA, who was a scholar of Yomeigaku neo-Confucianism and reformed domain duties in Bicchu-matsuyama Domain in the same visions as Eichi at the end of the Edo period, they identified each other and Eichi started to be closely related with MISHIMA. 例文帳に追加

また、幕末に栄一と同じ観点から備中松山藩の藩政改革にあたった陽明学者山田方谷の門人で「義利合一論」(義=倫理・利=利益)を論じた三島中洲と知り合うと、両者は意気投合して栄一は三島と深く交わるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On January 15,1824 (according to the old lunar calendar), Atsuma (Kanetane) was adopted by Atsutane HIRATA, a famous scholar of ancient Japanese literature and culture, got married to Atsutane's daughter Oteu (later she called herself Orise), and changed his name to Atsusane, calling himself Kuranosuke (later he called himself Daigaku), then, he practically became the successor to Atsutane. 例文帳に追加

文政7年1月15日、兄である篤眞(鐡胤)は縁により国学者平田篤胤翁の養子となり、篤胤の娘おてう(後に織瀬と改名した)と結婚し、名を篤実(あつさね)、通称内蔵助(くらのすけ)のちに大角(だいがく)と改め、篤胤の後継者となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the kaireki (changing of calendar) in 1684, though he once asserted to adopt the Daito calendar, later he admitted that the Jokyo reki (Jokyo calendar) of Harumi SHIBUKAWA who was a scholar belonging to the same school as Yasutomi of Ansai YAMAZAKI was superior and reported the fact to the emperor to perform, and in 1689, he put pressure upon the Kotokui family and had them promised to be respectful to the Tsuchimikado family as the originator of Onmyodo and controlled the Kotokui family. 例文帳に追加

貞享元年(1684年)の改暦に際しては大統暦の実施を主張するも、後には山崎闇斎のもとで同門であった渋川晴海の貞享暦が優れていることを認めてこれを実施するように上奏し、元禄2年(1699年)には幸徳井家に圧力をかけて土御門家を陰陽道宗家として仰ぐ事を約束させ、同家を支配下に置いたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the essay "Law and People" (Shunjusha Publishing Company educational library, 1943) written by Yorozu ODA, a scholar of administrative law, who was from the same province as Okuma and favored by him, he was satisfied with the speech Ito gave at the opening ceremony of Waseda University in which he said, 'although I have been in conflict with Okuma over various matters, the fact that he built this educational institute by himself is beyond reproach.' 例文帳に追加

大隈と同郷で、かれに目をかけられた行政法学者織田萬のエッセイ集『法と人』(1943年、春秋社教養叢書)によると、早稲田大学開学式典で伊藤が「大隈君とはいろいろ競ってきたが、教育機関を自ら作ったという点ではかなわない」と述べたことに満悦したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kaneyoshi was praised by people at that time as an 'unprecedented person of wisdom' and Kaneyoshi bragged about himself as 'a greater scholar than Michizane SUGAWARA'; he knew a wide range of academic subjects in detail from Yusoku kojitsu (ancient practices and usages), Waka (Japanese poetry), Renka (linked poetry), and Noh gaku (Japanese Noh play). 例文帳に追加

兼良は、当時の人々からは、「日本無双の才人」と評され、兼良自身、「菅原道真以上の学者である」と豪語しただけあって、その学問の対象は幅広く、有職故実の研究から、和歌、連歌、能楽などにも詳しかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Despite his image as a scholar of Western sciences for his involvement in the revision of "Seiyo Iji Shusei Hokan" (Treasure Chest of Collected Western Medical Facts), he was originally an expert of traditional medicine and ranked far higher than Sokichi HASHIMOTO in the list of good doctors published every year at that time. 例文帳に追加

『西洋医事集成宝凾』に校閲者として関わっていることから、蘭学者としての印象が強いが、もともと伝統的な本道医学にも通暁しており、当時毎年発表されていた名医の番付では、橋本宗吉よりもはるかに上位に位置づけられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As shown in a paper distributed to you, Mr. Keimei Kaizuka, honorary professor at the University of Tokyo and member of the Japan Academy, was appointed as a counselor. He is a former dean of the University of Toyko's Faculty of Economics, as you know, and he is also a nephew of Dr. Hideki Yukawa (a Nobel Laureate). His father is Shigeki Kaizuka, a Chinese literature scholar and professor at Kyoto University who received the Order of Culture. 例文帳に追加

皆さんにお配りしたのとおり、顧問には東京大学名誉教授で日本学士院会員の貝塚啓明さん。ご存じのように元東京大学の経済学部長でございまして、湯川秀樹さんの甥御さんでございます。お父様は文化勲章をもらった漢学者で京都大学の教授をしておりました貝塚(茂樹)さんのご長男でございます。 - 金融庁

As their family name is the same and they enlisted at the same time, it is thought that they were from the same place, and that they were one year apart in age (Ennosuke was 26 years old when he joined Shinsengumi); both names are considered to be of brothers or some type of close relation, in consideration of the fact that Yuzou, who became a master of literature, probably had work as a scholar, and Yoshisuke KONDO said that Ennosuke was a Buddhist monk so both they were educated. 例文帳に追加

苗字が同じで入隊が同期、出身が同地と思われ、年齢が1歳差(縁之助は入隊時26歳)であること、縁之助は元僧侶とする声(近藤芳助)があり師範となった雄蔵同様学識があったと思われることなどから、両名は兄弟ないしは何らかの縁者ではないかとする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Ito was frustrated because he had not heard a word from the new government, and once he caught a news that the lord of the domains (Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa, Hizen) submitted the memorial to the emperor that they would return their lands and people to the emperor, Ito planned to submit the petition with his subordinates, Nakajima (Assistant Judicial Officer), Tanaka (Assistant Judicial Officer), Ga (Scholar of English, served for prefecture as an advisor), and also Mutsu who happened to get to know Ito joined them, and they all submitted in their five joint names "kokuzekomoku" which was composed of the six points. 例文帳に追加

だが、一向に新政府からの音沙汰がないのに不満を抱いた伊藤は、薩長土肥の藩主が版籍奉還の上表を行ったという報を聞きつけ、部下である県判事の中島、権判事の田中、同じく英学者で県出仕(顧問に相当する)の何と相談して建白書の提出を図り、これに偶々伊藤と面識を持った陸奥も加わって5人連名で提出したのが6ヶ条からなる『国是綱目』であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Sado hankan (Doyo SASAKI) was defeated, he invited the general to his palace as something of norm, within a kaisho as big as six rooms, a tatami with the enormous family crest was lined up together, and even honzon (the principle image such as Mandala), wakie (scroll), flower vase, incense burner, tea pot, and tray were lined together, and the study room had sanskrit written by Ogishi (Chinese calligrapher), literature written by Kanyu (Confucianism scholar in Korea), sleeping quarter with a pillow smelling of Winter daphne, took the sleeping gear and placed it on donsu (Chinese blanket), and the twelve rooms of the samurai serving far from the lord had hanging birds, rabbits, pheasant, and swan piled up high, and big cylinder that could contain as much as three seki (541 liters) contained sake (Japanese rice wine) and stopped two Buddhist followes, and said, 'try to serve a shot of wine to anyone who visits this lodging.' 例文帳に追加

爰ニ佐渡判官入道々誉都ヲ落ケル時、我宿所ヘハ定テサモトアル大将ヲ入替、尋常ニ取シタヽメテ、六間ノ会所ニハ大文ノ畳ヲ敷双ベ、本尊・脇絵・花瓶・香炉・鑵子・盆ニ至マデ、一様ニ皆置調ヘテ、書院ニハ羲之ガ草書ノ偈・韓愈ガ文集、眠蔵ニハ、沈ノ枕ニ鈍子ノ宿直物ヲ取副テ置ク、十二間ノ遠待ニハ、鳥・兎・雉・白鳥、三竿ニ懸双ベ、三石入許ナル大筒ニ酒ヲ湛ヘ、遁世者二人留置テ、誰ニテモ此宿所ヘ来ラン人ニ一献ヲ進メヨト、巨細ヲ申置ニケリ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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