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Meat dishesの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 77


To provide a noodle skin keeping a crisply palatability in daily dishes such as Chinese meat dumpling, spring roll, etc., cakes, etc. even when time passes after roasting or frying or the dishes, etc. are refrigerated or frozen and stored.例文帳に追加

餃子、春巻きなどの惣菜や焼き菓子等において焼成後あるいは油ちょう後に時間が経過したり冷蔵あるいは冷凍保存しても、皮のパリッとした食感が持続する麺皮を提供することを発明の課題とする。 - 特許庁

When Japan's railway system was managed by Japan National Railways (JNR), 'Ekiben' containing typical side dishes such as cooked rice, a broiled fish, meat dishes, deep-fried foods, a Japanese style omelet and kamaboko (steamed fish paste), namely a box lunch similar to Makunouchi-bento (box lunch including cooked rice and side dishes), was called "a normal box lunch," while other types of 'Ekiben' was called "a special box lunch." 例文帳に追加

日本国有鉄道(国鉄)時代には、白飯と焼き魚・肉料理・フライ・卵焼き・蒲鉾などの一般的な惣菜を使用した、いわゆる幕の内弁当の系列のものを普通弁当と称し、それ以外の弁当を特殊弁当と称している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the honzen ryori (a basic style of traditional Japanese cooking) serving style the ideal combination is thought to be 'one soup and three types of side dishes' consisting of a staple food, a soup like miso soup, solid side dishes called 'sai' or 'okazu' including rice, soup, pickles and three side dishes of namasu (a dish of raw fish and vegetables seasoned in vinegar), hirazara (a dish on a flat plate), yakimono (a dish of broiled fish or meat). 例文帳に追加

本膳料理の膳立ては、飯と汁・香の物のほかに膾(なます)・平皿・焼物の3菜を添えたものを「一汁三菜」と表現して、主食に味噌汁のような汁物と、「菜(さい)」、「おかず」と称される固形の副食を組み合わせるのが理想的とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Whale meat, as well as other goods, tends to be consumed around the area where it is produced, but traditional whale meat-based dishes, invented in this era, also exist in the nearby economic regions, such as Osaka, near to a production site. 例文帳に追加

流通の常(つね)で生産地の周辺地域に広く消費される傾向にあるが、大阪など近傍経済圏にもこの頃に生まれた伝統的な鯨肉料理が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In some mountain villages extremely far from sea, the whale meat preserved in salt was highly valued and the custom of using the meat for dishes on event occasions has been handed down. 例文帳に追加

海から著しく隔たった山村等の一部で、鯨肉の塩蔵品等が貴重視され、行事のときの料理に使う習慣が受け継がれてきた地域が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To obtain a bite-sized, nearly triangularly cut curled cuttlefish meat (frozen product thereof) joyful to see, easy to eat and handle, with voluminous feeling, and usable in various dishes, and to provide a method for producing such curled cuttlefish meat.例文帳に追加

見た目に楽しく、食べ易く、扱い易く、ボリューム感があり各種料理に使用できる一口サイズのほぼ三角形に切断されカールした烏賊肉、その冷凍品及びその製法を提供する。 - 特許庁

In Japan, well marbled beef is preferable for meat dishes, but in the case of hamburgers, lean meat with low fat is more suitable to taste the meat flavor itself and is also cheaper, thus being appropriate for home made cooking. 例文帳に追加

日本では牛肉料理に脂身の繊細にのった霜降りが好まれるが、ハンバーグの場合には脂身が少ないほうが肉の風味が濃く味わえるため適しており、加えて赤身肉は日本では安価な傾向が強いことも家庭料理に向いている理由となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the lack of the meat dish made the Americans have prejudice toward Japan as the country inhabited by uncivilized people; also in general, it seems that there were many raw food dishes and that there were great many dishes with light seasoning and that the volume for each dish was not enough for the Americans; according to Perry, "Japan should have something better and that Japanese people should have hidden that which something better." 例文帳に追加

しかし、肉料理が出ないのは未開だから、という偏見や、総じて生ものや薄味の料理が多かったのと、一品当たりの量がアメリカ人にとっては少なかったようで、ペリーは「日本はもっといいものを隠しているはずだ」と述懐している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yuan KITAMURA (1650 - 1719) was a wealthy farmer of Katata, Omi Province and was conversant in kaiseki-ryori (set of dishes served on an individual tray for entertaining guests) and landscape gardening, and he left a name in Yuan Yaki (Japanese grill, using meat or fish which are marinated, impaled on long skewers and broiled over hot coals), among other things. 例文帳に追加

北村祐庵(1650年~1719年)は近江国堅田の豪農で、会席料理と造庭に通じ、幽庵焼きなどにその名を残している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the People's Republic of China, passengers can buy a box lunch of rice topped with side dishes like meat dish, which are cooked in the kitchen of dining cars and served hot through the service of sales in the train. 例文帳に追加

中華人民共和国では食堂車の営業する列車の車内販売で、飯の上に肉料理など惣菜の載った弁当が食堂車で調製され、熱いままの状態で販売される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Soup stock is a liquid seasoning used to add certain tastes--sweetness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness, and particularly the good taste extracted from meat, vegetables, mushrooms, seaweed or others--to dishes. 例文帳に追加

出汁(だし)は、調味料の一つで、料理に甘味・酸味・苦味・塩味の味覚に加えて、肉や野菜、キノコや海藻に含まれるうま味を抽出して加えるための液体。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These two dishes, 'sugiyaki' or boiled fish and shellfish, and 'sukiyaki' or grilled birds and fish meat, are regarded as the origins of current day 'sukiyaki' in the form of nabemono (a dish served in a pot at the table) with beef. 例文帳に追加

この魚介類の味噌煮の「杉やき」と、鳥類・魚類の焼肉という「鋤やき」という二種類の料理が、牛肉の鍋物としての「すき焼き」の起源と言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to an essay written by Roppa FURUKAWA, Kansai is the birthplace of the custom of eating grilled meat and other ingredients after dipping them in beaten eggs, and reportedly, there was no restaurant in the Kanto region that offered beaten eggs for gyu-nabe based sukiyaki dishes at the time. 例文帳に追加

古川緑波のエッセイによると、焼けた肉は具材を溶き卵に潜らせて食べるのは関西発祥で、関東の牛鍋をベースとしたすき焼き店では、溶き卵を出す店は無かったらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meshi dishes cooked together with ingredients such as seafood, meat or vegetables and seasoned with soy sauce is called 'takikomi gohan,' 'kayaku gohan' or 'gomoku meshi (gomoku gohan)' (the ingredients are matsutake mushrooms, bream, peas and so on). 例文帳に追加

魚介類や肉、野菜などの具と一緒に醤油などで味付けて炊き込んだ飯を「炊き込みご飯」「加薬飯(加薬ご飯)」「五目飯(五目御飯)」(具は松茸、鯛、豆等がある)と言う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Japan, some small balls are called 'dango', for example, a ball made of earth (children often make it at sandboxes or beaches) is called 'tsuchi-dango' (literally, 'earth dango'); meatballs are called 'niku-dango' (literally, 'meat dango') and other foods for dishes such as dumplings and knaidlach are called 'dango' as well. 例文帳に追加

また派生して団子状の丸いもの、もしくは丸まったもののことを団子と呼ぶ場合もある(例えば土団子、ダンプリング、ミートボール(肉団子)、クネードルなど)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"MIYOSHI Chikuzen-no-kami Yoshinaga-tei e Onari-no-ki" includes the description that, in 1561, Yoshinaga MIYOSHI entertained Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA with whale meat-based dishes in his residence. 例文帳に追加

1561年(永禄4年)には「三好筑前守義長朝臣亭江御成之記」のなかで三好義長が自邸宅において鯨料理で足利義輝をもてなしたという記述が残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the book, cooking methods of approx. 70 parts of a whale are described, including a grilled meat-like dish called "Sukiyaki (鋤焼き)," nabemono (a dish served in a pot at the table) resembling sukiyaki (すき焼き) (thin slices of beef, cooked with various vegetables in a table-top cast-iron pan), and fried dishes. 例文帳に追加

鯨の約70もの部位についての料理方法として、「鋤焼き」という焼肉風の料理、すき焼きに似た鍋物、揚げ物などが紹介されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a home-cooking book titled "Nichiyo kenyaku ryori shikata sumo banzuke" published in the Tenpo era, a whale meat-based dish was ranked at the 16th of maegashira (sumo wrestlers in the makuuchi [senior-grade] division who rank below the komusubi) in a ranking of summer dishes. 例文帳に追加

天保年間には「日用倹約料理仕方角力番附」という家庭料理書の中で「夏場のおかず位付け(ランキング)」の前頭16番目に鯨料理が紹介されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Navy, various cares were taken for the food service by inventing and arranging the Western dishes for the taste of Japanese people; for example, curry dish was provided with Japanese rice; an eclectic dish such as the meat and potato pot dish in soy sauce taste was invented. 例文帳に追加

このため海軍などでは米飯とカレーを組み合わせる・肉じゃがのように醤油味の折衷料理を開発するなど工夫を凝らした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The herb flakes contain nutriments such as amino acid, nucleic acid, mineral and vitamin, have excellent flavor, taste and medicinal effect, can be used for meat, fish and shellfish, vegetables and other many dishes, and enable obtaining health maintenance and enjoyment of eating.例文帳に追加

該ふりかけはアミノ酸、核酸、ミネラル、ビタミン等の栄養分を含み、香味、風味、薬効に優れており、肉類、魚介類、野菜類、その他多くの料理に活用することができ、健康の維持、食の楽しみを得ることができる。 - 特許庁

To provide herbs-containing pepper that can be used as a spice for meat dishes without adverse effect on the intrinsic flavor and taste of the pepper and has the effect to decompose the body fat.例文帳に追加

胡椒本来の特有の香辛味を損ねることなく肉料理等のスパイスとして用いることができ、体内脂肪を分解する効果のあるハーブ入り胡椒を提供する。 - 特許庁

The method makes it possible to boil and bake vegetables, fish, meat or the like without causing contraction in the cells of the food material so as to serve dishes with the taste kept as it is.例文帳に追加

これにより野菜、魚、肉などの食材の細胞を収縮させることなく煮焼きすることができ、食材のうまみがそのまま残った料理を提供することができる。 - 特許庁

Maizuru City developed as a naval port town and this festival is an event that uses the Maizuru Aka-renga Soko-gun (red-brick warehouses of Maizuru) that the Imperial Japanese Navy was using: the gourmet corner displays Nikujaga (simmered meat and potatoes) and naval dishes; the local product exhibition introduces seafood taken from the Japan Sea and other local production. 例文帳に追加

軍港の街として発展した舞鶴市が、旧日本海軍が利用していた舞鶴赤レンガ倉庫群を活用したイベントで、舞鶴が発祥といわれる肉じゃがや海軍料理などのグルメコーナーや日本海でとれた魚介類などの物産展。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the "Nagasaki Meisho Zue" (Encyclopedia of Nagasaki scenic beauty) book of 1818 - 1829, there were some menus recorded which included meat dishes such as beef, pork and duck, ham, fish cooked in butter, Dutch sponge cake and coffee; but most guests of Japanese officials took them back home without eating them on the spot. 例文帳に追加

文政年間(1818年-1829年)の『長崎名勝図絵』では献立が記されており、牛肉・豚肉・アヒルなどの肉料理やハム、魚のバター煮、カステラ、コーヒーなどが饗されていたようだが、招かれた日本の役人はほとんど手をつけずに持ち帰ったともいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a method for cooking bamboo-shoot improving flavor of broiled dishes by integrating palate feeling of the bamboo-shoot with flavor of a meat together with enhancing food value and manifesting characteristics of the specialty products of Nagaokakyo.例文帳に追加

たけのこの「食感」に肉類の「風味」を合わせることにより焼物料理の「味」を向上させるとともに、たけのこ料理の栄養価を高め、土産物や特産物として長岡京の山村の風情を残したままたけのこ自体に独特な特色や趣を醸し出すことができるたけのこ料理の製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

To obtain a new protein-containing gelled material capable of imparting a firm or a smooth texture in processed foods such as meat, fishery products, daily dishes or desserts in relation to a method for continuously producing the new protein-containing gelled material abundantly having elasticity without fibrous or orienting properties at a low cost.例文帳に追加

繊維性又は配向性を有さず、弾力に富んだ新規な蛋白含有ゲル化物を安価で連続的に製造する方法に関するものであり、食肉・水産・惣菜・デザート等の加工食品において、しっかりとした、又は滑らかな食感を付与出来る蛋白含有ゲル化物を提供する。 - 特許庁


The most generally accepted theory is that the yakiniku culture that had revolved around establishments such as the Edo period restaurant Momonji-ya underwent changes due to the influence of Western European barbeque following the Meiji Restoration, and developed further as a result of exposure to grilled meat dishes from around the world (European steak, North American barbeque, etc.) to become modern Japanese yakiniku. 例文帳に追加

最も一般的な説では江戸時代のももんじ屋などでひっそり続いていた焼肉文化が明治維新後に西欧のバーベキューの影響を受けて変化し、更に世界各国に存在する肉を焼く料理(ヨーロッパのステーキ、北米のバーベキューなど)の影響をも受けて変化したのが現在の日本料理の焼肉であるとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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