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campaign againstの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 80


On October 7, 1487, he went on an expedition against Takayori ROKKAKU (the hugo of Omi Province who had invaded the territory of Kuge), court nobles and the Hokushu, the guard force (the shogun's directly controlled army), in a campaign called the ROKKAKU subjugation. 例文帳に追加

長享元年(1487年)9月12日には自ら親征して、公家・神社・奉公衆(将軍直轄軍)領を侵略した近江国守護の六角高頼を討伐しようとした(六角征伐)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the successor to FUJIWARA no Narito, he became both the governor of Mutsu Province and the Chinju-fu Shogun (Commander-in-chief of the Northern Defense Forces), and took up arms against the Abe clan (of Mutsu Province) starting in 1051 (in what is known as the Zen Kunen no Eki (Former Nine Years' Campaign)). 例文帳に追加

藤原登任の後任として陸奥国守・鎮守府将軍となり、永承6年(1051年)から安倍氏(奥州)と戦う(前九年の役)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1600, after Hideyoshi's death, when Ieyasu Tokugawa, a member of the Gotairo (Council of Five Elders), rose in arms against another member of the Gotairo, Kagekatsu UESUGI, in Aizu, he took part in the campaign. 例文帳に追加

秀吉死後の慶長5年(1600年)に、五大老の徳川家康が同じく五大老の一人だった会津の上杉景勝討伐の兵を起こすと従軍した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the ensuing campaign, the Heiji War, he joined the forces of Yoshitomo as his vassal and fought against TAIRA no Shigemori as one of the 17 Bando samurai as retainers of MINAMOTO no Yoshihira, heir and son of Yoshitomo, according to "Heiji Monogatari" (The Tale of the Heiji War). 例文帳に追加

続く平治の乱でも義朝の郎党として行動し、義朝の嫡子源義平に従う坂東武士17騎の一人として平重盛と戦ったことなどが『平治物語』にみえている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While the project of moving Denken to Atago-cho was proceeding, the residents launched a campaign against Denken; to prove that Denken was safe, Yukichi built a new house for his second son Sutejiro next to the site for Denken. 例文帳に追加

移転の際に住民から反対運動が起こったので、福澤は次男福澤捨次郎の新居を伝研の隣りに作って、伝研が危険でないことを示した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He had to fight against the strong Mori forces with outnumbered troops for the campaign for the restoration of the Amago clan, which was carried out when Korenori KAMEI was a boy, and he merely made temporary achievements. 例文帳に追加

亀井茲矩の少年期に展開された尼子再興運動は、常に強大な毛利軍と寡兵で戦わねばならず、一時的な成果しかあげられなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He joined the campaign of MINAMOTO no Noriyori and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune to search out and destroy MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka, perishing the army of Kiso clan at the Battle of Uji-gawa River in 1184; then he participated in the exterminating war against the Taira clan and continued fighting until the decisive Battle of Dannoura on April, 1185. 例文帳に追加

元暦元年(1184年)、源義仲を追討するための源範頼・源義経軍に参加、宇治川の戦いで木曽軍を討滅した後、平氏追討軍に参加、文治元年(1185年)3月の壇ノ浦の戦いまで戦う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1189, when his master FUJIWARA no Yasuhira was routed in the Oshu-seibatsu (Kamakura bakufu's military campaign against the Fujiwara of northern Japan) by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, Kawada no Jiro, who was a feudal lord of Nienosaki, Hinai-gun (present-day Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture), betrayed his master and killed Yasuhira in the predawn hours of October 21. 例文帳に追加

文治5年(1189年)、源頼朝の奥州征伐によって主人藤原泰衡が敗走すると、比内郡贄柵(現秋田県鹿角市)の領主であった河田次郎は裏切って9月3日(旧暦)未明に泰衡を討った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a protest campaign by the descendants of the Watanabe clan against that the roots of the Watanabe clan to be disappeared, and eventually, the name of Watanabe remained in the address replacing the block number. 例文帳に追加

渡辺の名のルーツが消えるのに反対する運動が渡辺氏の末裔の間で起こり、結局丁目の後ろの番地の変わりに渡辺の名が残ることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The ninth shogun, Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA, at the head of a force of provincial military governors turned daimyo and shogunal guards, led a campaign against the Rokkaku in Omi Province, but died there in 1489 of an illness. 例文帳に追加

9代将軍足利義尚は守護大名や奉公衆を率い、六角討伐のため近江国へ親征するが、1489年(延徳元年)に近江で病死する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yoshiki followed the policies of the former shogun Yoshihisa and tried to increase his military strength, by taking over the campaign against the Rokkaku house in 1491 to deal with uprisings like in Tanba and Yamashiro provinces in the Kinai region. 例文帳に追加

義材は前将軍義尚の政策を踏襲し、丹波国、山城国など、畿内における国一揆に対応するため、1491年(延徳3年)、六角討伐を継承するなど軍事的強化を図った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to MURAOKA, Motoyasu began a campaign against Owari District and fought with Nobunaga ODA in December 30, 1560, but was assassinated by Masatoyo ABE (Yashichiro) in Owari Moriyama. 例文帳に追加

村岡の主張では、元康は永禄3年(1560年)12月4日、織田信長と戦うべく尾張に向けて侵攻を開始したが、その途上である尾張守山において12月5日、元康が阿部正豊(弥七郎)に暗殺されたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For instance, "Ryukyu Shinpo" dated April 11, launched a fierce campaign against it, claiming it was like 'seeing us equal to the Seiban tribe (Taiwan's indigenous people who were incorporated into the Han people) or the Ainu tribe." 例文帳に追加

たとえば当時の『琉球新報』(4月11日)では「我を生蕃アイヌ視したるものなり」という理由から、激しい抗議キャンペーンが展開されたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Against these activity, the government promulgated hoan jorei (regulations for the preservation of law and order) in December 1887 and arrested Kataoka, as well as exiled and arrested many other activists, and thus this campaign had no choice but to be collapsed. 例文帳に追加

これに対して政府は同年12月に保安条例を発布して片岡を逮捕したほか多数の運動家を追放・逮捕してこの運動は挫折を余儀なくされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was one of a series of military campaign called Jisho-Juei War aimed for subjugation of Daishu (monks residing in the zendo) belonged to these forces of temples and shrines (Bhuddism) which have kept taking defiant attitude against the Taira clan government. 例文帳に追加

平氏政権に反抗的な態度を取り続けるこれらの寺社勢力に属する大衆_(仏教)の討伐を目的としており、治承・寿永の乱と呼ばれる一連の戦役の1つである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a countermeasure against the worsening business conditions for SMEs, we will first conduct a campaign to promote the use of a special hotline for consultations on how to ensure smooth financing, so that we can better canvass the opinions of SME managers and understand their problems. 例文帳に追加

対応策としては、まず、中小企業の方々の声や問題事案を把握するために、金融円滑化ホットラインに情報を寄せていただくためのキャンペーンを実施いたします。 - 金融庁

The Consumer Affairs Agency has also been conducting the “Stop Credit Card Cashingcampaign since last December as a reminder of risk for consumers and a warning against the use of the cashing. 例文帳に追加

消費者庁も「ストップ!クレジットカード現金化」というキャンペーンを、去年の12月から実施するなど、消費者に対する注意喚起と利用防止の呼びかけを行うなどの対応が進められております。 - 金融庁

While, this decision states the following: "The discrimination and prejudice generated by the policy on Hansen's disease, such as the Campaign for Leprosy-Free Prefectures, is clearly different in nature as compared to those that had existed earlier. It is no exaggeration to say that the discrimination and prejudice against Hansen's disease patients, which still continues today, originated there," nevertheless many points of this campaign were left to be analyzed later.例文帳に追加

同判決は「・・無らい県運動等のハンセン病政策によって生み出された差別・偏見は、それ以前にあったものとは明らかに性格を異にするもので、ここに、今日まで続くハンセン病患者に対する差別・偏見の原点があると言っても過言ではない。」などと指摘しているが、同運動の分析は、その多くが以後に委ねられたといえよう。 - 厚生労働省

However, some Kokugaku (study of ancient Japanese literature and culture) theories that rose to prominence in the late Edo period asserted that any spiritual phenomenon including shinrei no hyoi (spirit possession) should be considered as inshi jakyo (evil heresies), which led to a negative campaign against shrine maidens themselves, who tended to be linked with such folkways. 例文帳に追加

ところが、江戸時代後期に勃興した国学の中には、神霊の憑依などの霊的現象を淫祠邪教として否定的に捉える学説が現れるようになり、そのような民間習俗と結びつきやすい巫女そのものに対しても否定的な動きが出始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since there was no concept of copyright at that time, and Mokkatsuji-ban was unfit for the traditional publication practice that a manufacturer and holder of a printing block was regarded as a rightful person, some bookstores as publishers in the three major cities launched a campaign against it. 例文帳に追加

これに対して当時は著作権の概念がなく、整版版木の製作・所持者が権利者であると考えられてきた当時の出版慣行と適合しないことから、版元である三都の書林(本屋)などを中心にこれを排斥する動きもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Judging from other description in the letter that he would keep staying at Unagi Hot Spring so as not to make his young Lord impetuous, the words 'I will decide to raise the army' might have meant defense and campaign against Russia, which was his biggest concern in those days, instead of starting a civil war. 例文帳に追加

ただ、書簡中では若殿輩(わかとのばら)が逸(はや)らないようにこの鰻温泉を動かないとも記しているので、この「立つと決する」は内乱よりは当時西郷が最も心配していた対ロシアのための防御・外征を意味していた可能性が高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Katsura implemented new policies in earnest, a series of blunders in his politics, such as the failure in his Imperial Edict Tactics and countermeasures against the Campaign for the Defense of the Constitution, fierce conflict with the Seiyukai, failure in political maneuvering of the House of Peers, and a growing distrust of him among the people of the Japanese Army including Aritomo YAMAGATA and Masatake TERAUCHI, drove him into a corner. 例文帳に追加

桂の新政策とその意欲の一方で、優詔政策の失敗など護憲運動への対応の迷走、政友会との決定的な対立、貴族院工作の失敗、山縣・寺内正毅ら陸軍内部からの不信が桂を追いつめていくことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Urakami yoban kuzure," which means the fourth suppression campaign against crypto-Christians in Urakami area, refers to a large-scale crackdown on Christians which took place in Nagasaki Prefecture from the end of Edo period to the early Meiji period. 例文帳に追加

浦上四番崩れ(うらかみよばんくずれ)は、長崎県で江戸時代末期から明治時代初期にかけて起きた大規模なキリスト教信徒への弾圧事件のことであり、浦上地区で起こった隠れキリシタンへの四度目の弾圧という意味である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Toyo Jiyuto (Oriental Liberal Party), the Domei Club (Alliance Club), the Rikken Kaishinto (Constitutional Progressive Party), the Kokumin Kyokai, and the Policy Affairs Research Council of the five parties of the Meiji period, promised to bond together to fight in response to the Dai Nihon Kyokai's campaign, chanting slogans such as "protesting the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation" and "wage a early war against Qing." 例文帳に追加

大日本協会の動きに対して東洋自由党・同盟倶楽部・立憲改進党・国民協会・政務調査会_(明治時代の政党)の5党派がこれに呼応して、「日英通商航海条約締結の反対」・「清国への早期開戦」を掲げて共闘を約した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the so-called 'old capital tax issue' in which Kyoto City Government severely fought against Kyoto Prefecture Buddhist Organization and Kyoto City Buddhist Organization from 1982 to 1988 leading to suspension of viewing in may temples and submission of an administrative lawsuit, he spearheaded the protest campaign as a president or a chairman of the Buddhist Organizations. 例文帳に追加

1982年(昭和57年)から1988年(昭和63年)まで京都市と京都府仏教会・京都市仏教会とが深刻な対立抗争を繰り広げ、ついには多くの寺院の拝観停止や行政訴訟の提起にまでいたった、いわゆる「古都税問題」では、仏教会の理事長あるいは会長として反対運動の先頭に立った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshihiro said that he remained grateful for the deep favor the shogunal family had bestowed on him, but also listed his own accomplishments in the battles in Kyushu joining forces with Ryoshun IMAGAWA, in the Meitoku rebellion, in unifying the Southern and Northern Courts, and in the annihilation of the Shoni family before pointing out his dissatisfaction that despite these deeds, the Ashikaga family was trying to remove Izumi and Kii Provinces from his governance, and the fact that his nephew, the son of his younger brother Mitsuhiro - who had died in battle during the recent campaign against the Shoni family - had received no reward for his father's service. 例文帳に追加

義弘は将軍家からの御恩の深さを感謝しながらも、今川了俊に従軍しての九州での戦い、明徳の乱、南北朝合一、少弐氏退治での自らの功績を述べ、それにも関わらず将軍家は和泉国と紀伊国を取り上げようとし、また先年の少弐氏との戦いで討ち死にした弟の満弘の子への恩賞がない不満を述べる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a carton for tissue paper in which an effective product appeal against a consumer can be carried out without damaging its convenience in use or design characteristic and an application seal for a campaign for a consumer or the like can be easily cut off without completely using the tissue paper.例文帳に追加

使用勝手やデザイン性を損なうことなく、効果的な消費者への製品訴求を行うことを可能としたティシュペーパーのカートンおよび消費者キャンペーン用の申し込みシール等を、ティシュペーパーを使い終わらなくても簡単に切り取れるようにしたティシュペーパーのカートンを提供する。 - 特許庁

It used to be understood that the purpose of the policy was to repossess, without compensation, the lands sold due to drying up and the lands lent to musoku gokenin (vassal without territory) who got impoverished due to the military campaign at the time of Mongol invasion attempts against Japan and the burden of guarding against the invasion by foreign countries, but it is now understood that the main purpose was rather to prohibit pawnage and trading of shoryo by Gokenin, which means the depression of right to dispose of shoryo as specified in 2-a among the three Articles, and 2-b was a secondary measure to have the lost shoryo returned to Gokenin as the premise of implementing 2-a, all of which seem to put weight on maintaining the Gokenin system which was the foundation of bakufu. 例文帳に追加

元寇での戦役や異国警護の負担から没落した無足御家人の借入地や沽却地を無償で取り戻すことが目的と理解されてきたが、現在ではむしろ御家人所領の質入れ、売買の禁止、つまり3ヶ条の(2-a)所領処分権の抑圧が主であり、(2-b)はその前提として失った所領を回復させておくといった二次的な措置であり、それによる幕府の基盤御家人体制の維持に力点があったと理解されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The SME Financing Facilitation Act was put into force on the watch of former Minister for Financial Services Kamei following the severe impact of the Lehman Shock. As I have repeatedly mentioned, the Democratic Party of Japan, the Social Democratic Party, and the People's New Party proposed six common policy initiatives in the campaign for the elections to the House of Representatives that resulted in the change of government.The campaign pledges we made before the change of government included the enactment of an act to prevent the excessive tightening of credit against SMEs.I have always believed that financing focusing on SMEs is very important. 例文帳に追加

中小企業金融円滑化法については、極めて厳しいリーマンショックの後、亀井(前)大臣のときに制定させていただいた(法律で)、それから私が何回も言いますように、政権交代のときの衆議院選挙で、6つの共通政策というものを民主党と社民党と国民新党で出させていただきましたが、その政権交代した選挙の前の公約にも、この中小企業に対する「貸し渋り・貸しはがし防止法」を成立させるということが入っておったわけでございまして、やはり私も、中小企業を視点に置いた金融のあり方というのは非常に大事だと常々思っておりました。 - 金融庁


It is said that the plan had advanced to the point of getting the license for extending the line to Misu, but brewers in Fushimi revolted against it, saying "Subway extension will stop the flow of the clear groundwater (Fushimi), indispensable for brewing Japanese sake" (when Nara Electric Railway was planning to construct the existing Kintetsu-Kyoto Line in the immediate area of Fushimi as a subway line, they waged similar opposition campaign and had it changed to an elevated railway). 例文帳に追加

実は昔、三栖までの事業免許を取得する直前まで計画は進んでいたのだが、そのときに伏見の酒造家たちが「地下鉄延長によって酒造に欠かせない地下水(伏水)が出なくなる恐れがある」と計画に猛反発した(なお奈良電気鉄道(奈良電)が1928年に、現在の近鉄京都線を伏見付近において地下線で建設する予定であったときも、同様の反対運動を起こして高架線に変更させたことがあった)ためといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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