意味 | 例文 (20件) |

英訳・英語 Give to the next person
該当件数 : 20件
One theory says that he had an conflict with Kamo SERIZAWA who ordered Aijiro to hand over his lover, Aguri, as Kamo's mistress.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A notice or any other document that is required or authorized by this Act to be served on or given to a person may be served or given by delivering it to the person or the person's agent; or leaving it at the person's or the person's agent's usual or last known residence or business; or posting it in a letter addressed to the person or the person's agent by name at that residence or business address. - 特許庁
At a manned agency, a load is handed to the recipient if the information of the receipt recognition certificate shown by the recipient coincides with information sent from the computer, by collation. - 特許庁
意匠創作者は, 何れが出願人又は意匠所有者であるかに拘らず, 次のものについて, 譲渡することができない人格権を有する。例文帳に追加
Designers, irrespective of the fact who is the applicant or the owner of a design, shall have inalienable moral rights to the following: - 特許庁
The distributor checks information on the reception recognizing certificate indicated by the receiver with information sent from the computer, and delivers a cargo to the receiver when these information coincide with each other. - 特許庁
The Court may, on an application by any person, make an order that a notice accepted under section 139 be discharged; or goods detained under section 149 be released. - 特許庁
Where a person has in his possession, custody or control in the course of a business--発音を聞く - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
Weblio例文辞書での「次の人に渡す」に類似した例文 |
to transfer things to another
to evacuate and hand over (one's house)
passed on from one person to another
a person who communicates with others
to circulate something from person to person
to follow someone from behind
give over to another for care or safekeeping
to charge another with one's future affairs
a person who is a vice admiral
該当件数 : 20件
To provide a transaction form satisfying both an alienator and an alienee without transferring money even when an alienation transaction of an article is executed on a membership computer network; and to equally provide the chance of transfer to all members by sequentially repeating transfer of an object having exhausted its object to another member. - 特許庁
In the case of the assignment of copyright, simply. assigning the entire copyright. allegedly means that the rights stipulated in Article 27 (the right for translation, adaptation) and Article 28 (The original copyright holder's right for the use of secondhand copyrighted works) of the Copyright Law remain retained by the assigner. Therefore, in order to assign the entire copyright including them, the terms must provide as such expressly.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
次の何れかの場合,すなわち, (a) 出願人が,特許が付与されたときにそれを他の者又は共同出願人に対し譲渡することを書面により同意し,かつ,出願手続の継続を拒否した場合,又は (b) 共同出願人の間に出願手続の継続について紛争が生じた場合において, 長官は,当該同意について長官の認める証拠があるとき,又は当該共同出願人のうちの1以上に手続の続行を許可すべきであると認めるときは,当該他の者又は共同出願人に対して出願手続を遂行することを許可することができ,かつ,その者に対し特許を付与することができる。ただし,すべての利害関係人は,長官が必要かつ十分とみなす通知の後,長官の聴聞を受ける権利を有する。例文帳に追加
In any case where (a) an applicant has agreed in writing to assign a patent, when granted, to another person or to a joint applicant and refuses to proceed with the application, or (b) disputes arise between joint applicants with respect to proceeding with an application, the Commissioner, on proof of the agreement to his satisfaction, or if satisfied that one or more of the joint applicants ought to be allowed to proceed alone, may allow that other person or joint applicant to proceed with the application, and may grant a patent to him in such manner that all persons interested are entitled to be heard before the Commissioner after such notice as he may deem requisite and sufficient.発音を聞く - 特許庁
登録特許代理人又は登録商標代理人は,次に掲げるものを作成したという理由のみにより,1954年事務弁護士法第58条(法的資格を有さない者が報酬を得て一定の証書を作成することを禁じる規定)の違反で有罪となることはない。(a) 意匠登録出願又は意匠についての権利を譲渡する捺印証書,又は(b) 長官又は適合裁判所における本法下の手続で使用する書類(捺印証書ではない。)例文帳に追加
A registered patent agent or a registered trade mark agent shall not be guilty of an offence under section 58 of the Solicitors Act, 1954 (which prohibits the preparation for reward of certain instruments by persons not legally qualified), by reason only of the preparation by the agent of-- (a) a deed assigning the property in a design application or design; or (b) any document (not being a deed) for use in proceedings under this Act before the Controller or the appropriate court. - 特許庁
第四条 法務大臣は、外務大臣から前条の規定による引渡しの請求に関する書面の送付を受けたときは、次の各号の一に該当する場合を除き、東京高等検察庁検事長に対し関係書類を送付して、逃亡犯罪人を引き渡すことができる場合に該当するかどうかについて東京高等裁判所に審査の請求をなすべき旨を命じなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 4 (1) When the Minister of Justice receives the documents of an extradition request from the Minister of Foreign Affairs as set forth in the preceding Article, he/she shall, except where any of the following items applies, forward the related documents to the Superintending Prosecutor of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office and order an application to be made to the Tokyo High Court for examination as to whether the case is one in which the fugitive can be extradited.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
2 自動車の所有者は、当該自動車が前項に規定する最初の自動車登録ファイルへの登録又は最初の自動車検査証の交付若しくは最初の車両番号の指定を受けた後に、当該自動車に次の各号に掲げる物品を搭載した場合には、当該自動車を使用済自動車として引取業者に引き渡すときまでに、それぞれ当該各号に掲げる料金に相当する額の金銭を当該自動車に係る再資源化等預託金として資金管理法人に対し追加して預託しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) After the owner of a Vehicle has had the Vehicle registered in the Vehicle Registration File as prescribed in the preceding paragraph or has received the initial vehicle inspection certificate or had the initial vehicle number registered and had the parts indicated in each of the following items installed in the Vehicle, the owner of the Vehicle shall make an additional deposit with the deposit Management Entity as a Recycling, etc. deposit in an amount equivalent to the fee indicated in the respective items by the time the Vehicle is delivered to the Collection Operator as an End-of-Life Vehicle.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(1) 商標登録の出願は,次に掲げる各号の場合,出願人が当該商標を使用しない若しくは使用する意図を有していないにもかかわらず受理することができ,また当該商標を登録することができる。 (a) 登録官は,法人が設立中であって,出願人は登録を求めている商品に関して当該法人に当該商標を使用させる目的で,当該法人にその商標を譲渡する意図を有するとの心証を得た場合,又は (b) 出願が当該商標の登録使用者の登録をするために行われており,登録官が次に掲げる心証を得た場合, (i) 登録所有者が当該商標がそれらの商品と関連させてその者により使用されることを意図していること,かつ (ii) その者は当該商標の登録後直ちに当該商標の登録使用者として登録されること例文帳に追加
(1) An application for the registration of a trade mark may be accepted, and the trade mark may be registered, notwithstanding that the applicant does not use or propose to use the trade mark - (a) where the Registrar is satisfied that a corporation is about to be constituted and that the applicant intends to assign the trade mark to the corporation with a view to the use by the corporation of the trade mark in relation to the goods in respect of which registration is sought; or (b) where an application has been made for the registration of a person as a registered user of the trade mark and the Registrar is satisfied that - (i) the proprietor intends the trade mark to be used by that person in relation to those goods; and (ii) that person will be registered as a registered user of the trade mark immediately after registration of the trade mark. - 特許庁
(a) 裁判所は,その特許発明が他の特許に係わる発明(「他の発明」)に対し,顕著な経済的意義を有する重要な技術的進歩を含んでいることを更に認めたときに限り,命令を出すものとし,また (b) 裁判所は更に,他の発明の特許権者が, (i) 申請人に対し,その特許発明を実施するのに必要な範囲において他の発明を実施するライセンスを付与しなければならない旨,及び (ii) 特許権者が要求するときは,合理的条件に基づき特許発明を実施するクロスライセンスを受けることができる旨,の命令を出さなければならず,また (c) 裁判所は,他の発明の特許権者によって付与されたライセンスについては,申請人が次の条件で譲渡することができる旨を指示しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(a) the court is to make the order only if the court is further satisfied that the patented invention involves an important technical advance of considerable economic significance on the invention (other invention) to which the other patent relates; and (b) the court must further order that the patentee of the other invention:発音を聞く - 特許庁
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