



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > JMdict > 省あって国なしの英語・英訳 






英訳・英語 each ministry thinks only of its own good、but not of the good of the country; when there are ministries、there is no country




該当件数 : 15



Today, the Japanese Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Agency held financial and macroeconomic talks with the U.S. Department of the Treasury in Tokyo.発音を聞く  - 財務省


Hideyoshi also allowed a warrior called Korenori KAMEI who shared the view of overseas operation with, to identify himself as unique posts such as Ryukyu no kami (governor of Ryukyu Province, current Okinawa Pref,) or Taishu no kami (governor of Taishu Province, current Taishu, Zejiang Province in China) which didn't exist in the Ritsuryo system.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

一 特定重要港湾における水域施設、外郭施設若しくは係留施設(これらの施設のうち、際海上輸送網の拠点として機能するために必要な施設であっ土交通令で定めるものに限る。)又は臨港交通施設(第六号に掲げる施設を除く。) 三分の一例文帳に追加

(i) waterways and basins, protective facilities for harbor or mooring facilities (limited to those necessary for a port to function as a hub of an international maritime transport network and specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) or port transport facilities (excluding those listed in item (vi)) of a Special Major Port: one third (1/3) of the cost発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


We must prevent a situation in which Japan sinks and the people’s lives become miserable while we do the bidding of the Ministry of Finance in fiscal management. When I was a member of the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party), I was often involved in the compilation of budgets as a cabinet minister and as the chairman of the Policy Research Council (of the CDP). There is an emergency budget suited to times of emergency like this. If we are constrained by the idea that the expenditure should be limited by the revenue, just like the Ministry of Finance, which is behaving as if this is a budget compilation in normal times, the situation will become very serious.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


There is an anecdote in "Chikuhaku Manpitsu"(written by Nobutsuna SASAKI) published in June, 1928, that during the Meiji period, when the necessity to draw up the Japanese anthem arose and the Ministry of Navy was approached on that matter, Kondo, who happened to be serving the ministry, wrote the draft of the lyrics since he was well-versed in affairs and literature in the Western countries.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As I told you, of course, we strongly hope to submit a bill to extend the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.) to the next session of the Diet. This concerns credit guarantee associations, regarding which the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry has answered various questions in the Diet. Moreover, the FSA has maintained close communications with the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency. This is under the jurisdiction of the METI and pulling the economy out of deflation is an important objective. When SMEs are advancing into Asia and China in particular, the FSA, as well as the METI and the Ministry of Finance, will cooperate with JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) as I told you, and the government is willing to provide active assistance by establishing a support scheme.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



However, we have formed a consensus among the relevant cabinet ministers that as the global financial markets remain in a state of turmoil, it is necessary to enhance our vigilance, to maintain close cooperation and communications with relevant authorities regarding U.S. developments related to this matter, as well as the risk management status of financial institutions and various market developments, and to be prepared to take appropriate steps in response to any incident by ensuring cooperation between various government ministries and agencies.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 15



Of course, I intend to do so. This is a matter of political leadership. Trade in agricultural goods has existed since the Meiji period; the rice market was opened in the Edo period. It is said that the first futures trading was conducted in Osaka. Grain trading has a very long history and tradition and it has been promoted by the former Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as part of the agricultural policy. Trading in crude oil and other mineral resources has been promoted as part of the trade and commerce policy. For my part, I served as parliamentary secretary for international trade and industry 20 years ago. However, regarding financial products, which account for most of the trading, futures trading is under the jurisdiction of the FSA. I am well aware that ministerial sectionalism has existed until now. The reality is that individual ministries have been operating on the basis of sectionalism. In this respect, we must exercise political leadership. Under the current economic strategy, it is an important task to strengthen the Tokyo market’s international competitiveness and enhance its position from a broad perspective, so the three relevant ministers will discuss this matter and take necessary actions.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In relation to a comprehensive exchange which you mentioned now, opinion is divided over the timing of a conclusion on this matter between the FSA, which argues that a conclusion should be reached by the end of January, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, which thinks that a conclusion may be put off until June. Moreover, opinion is also divided over whether or not to submit a relevant bill. Am I correct in understanding that you intend by all means to have a conclusion reached by the end of January and submit the bill to the ordinary session of the Diet?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As concrete progress, the Executive Board of the Fund reviewed the Fund programs during the Asian currency crisis at the request of Japan and other Members in December 1998, and discussed lessens such as: (1) the failure in growth outlook led to more severe consequences, (2) fiscal policy was too much tightened at the outset, and (3) implementation of the structural policy measures needed more careful consideration. A paper was also published in January 1999. Besides, at the Manila Framework Meeting in Melbourne in March 1999, active discussion was made among participants from Asia-Pacific nations, IMF, etc. - 財務省


For example, little progress has been made in efforts to integrate kindergartens and nursery schools. Formerly, there were two umbrella organizations for nursery schools. One of them had Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto (a former Prime Minister) as a guardian, while I was supporting the Japan Private Nursery School Association. Nursery schools, governed by the Civil Welfare Act, were under the jurisdiction of the former Ministry of Health and Welfare, while kindergartens, governed by the School Education Act, were under the jurisdiction of the former Ministry of Education. It is easier said than done. In the era of LDP government, there was a proposal to create a new type of facilities for children, as the two organizations had their respective supporters among lawmakers. Although efforts to integrate kindergartens and nursery schools are now under way, it is not easy, as I know from my experience as a supporter of the Japan Private Nursery School Association.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Our top-down initiative to have the Amended Money Lending Business Act Follow-Up Team established in the face of a situation like that may sound like a minor thing, but it was nevertheless a decent and fair action brought about by the change of administration. The fact is that we live in a democratic nation, and our government is a publicly elected government. If a politician's eyes are always turned upwards like those of a flounderwell, I would not quite say that he would become oblivious to how the people are living, but he nevertheless could become increasingly insensitive to how each individual person is living or how each individual person is faring or suffering in life. Looking back at my 22 years with the Liberal Democratic Party, I myself admit with remorse that I also had such a tendency.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


All those things considered, the consultancy function of local small and medium-sized construction businesses, which in the Tohoku region make up 25 percent of the industry, looms significant. In the business of housing construction, a very high gross margin can be achieved from renovation or construction projects. It is roughly 25 percent to 30 percent. However, the gross margin from building a private condo, for example, is very small, because any business that orders a condo construction project is, of course, a professional entity. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) is also currently encouraging the industry to venture more aggressively into the housing renovation and construction business. Considering that the construction industry is something that remains necessary for all time, even in times of fewer public works projects, and the MLIT and the banking industry are also aware of their potential consultancy function in that area, I also feel that it will probably be necessary for businesses to, among other things, shift their management policy in that direction in an attempt to reform their business structure in the coming year. I think that it is necessary to try coming up with various ideas in that regard. To give them time to make such an attempt, we found it appropriate to allow one more year, which was one of the reasons behind the one-year period of extension.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

次のものは,登録することができない:, 第9条(1)の意味での標章ではない標識 , 識別性を欠く標章 , 登録出願される商品又はサービスに関し,ブルガリア共和における現行の言語又は確立された商慣行において慣習的となっている標識又は表示のみをもって構成される標章 , 標章であって,商品又はサービスに関する種類,品質,数量,用途,価額,原産地,商品生産の時期若しくは方法又はサービスの提供方法,又はその他の特徴を示す標識のみによって構成されるもの , 商品自体の性質に起因する形状 , 技術的効果を得るために必要な商品の形状 , 商品に対し実質的価値を与える形状 , 公の秩序及び承認された倫理基準に反する標章 , 商品又はサービスの内容,品質又は原産地について消費者に誤認させる虞がある標章 , 標章であって,パリ条約締約の紋章,旗章若しくは他の記章又はそれらの模倣,並びに際政府間機関の紋章,旗章その他の記章,完全な若しくは略式の公式名称によって構成されるか又はそれらを含むもの , 公的な管理及び保証のための標識及び証印から構成されるか又はそれらを含む標章であって,その標識及び証印が同一又は類似の商品を示すために使用されている場合 , 文化によって指定されている,ブルガリア共和の歴史的及び文化的記念物の名称又は表示によって構成されるか又はそれらを含む標章例文帳に追加

The following shall not be registered: signs which are not marks within the meaning of Article 9(1) , marks which are devoid of any distinctive character; marks which consist exclusively of signs or indications that have become customary in the current language or in the established practices of the trade in the Republic of Bulgaria with respect to the goods or services filed for registration; marks which consist exclusively of signs designating the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, time or process of production of the goods or the manner of rendering of the services, or other characteristics of the goods or services; the shape which results from the nature of the goods themselves; the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a technical result; the shape which gives substantial value to the goods; marks which are contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality; marks which may deceive the consumers as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services; marks which consist of or include escutcheons, flags or other emblems of States party to the Paris Convention, or imitations thereof, as well as escutcheons, flags or other emblems or the full or abbreviated official names of international intergovernmental organizations; marks which consist of or include official control and warranty signs and stamps where such signs and stamps are used to mark identical or similar goods; marks which consist of or include the name or a representation of historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Bulgaria, as specified by the Ministry of Culture;発音を聞く  - 特許庁


第四十二条 法律により直接に設立された法人又は特別の法律により特別の設立行為をもって設立された法人(総務設置法(平成十一年法律第九十一号)第四条第十五号の規定の適用を受けない法人を除く。)、独立行政法人通則法第二条第一項に規定する独立行政法人であって特定独立行政法人以外のものその他これらに準ずるものとして政令で定める法人のうち、その設立の根拠となる法律又は法人格を付与する法律において、役員、職員その他の当該法人の業務に従事する者を法令により公務に従事する者とみなすこととされ、かつ、政府の出資を受けているもの(以下「特殊法人等」という。)は、この法律の規定に基づく及び特定独立行政法人の施策に準じて、特殊法人等の職員の職務に係る倫理の保持のために必要な施策を講ずるようにしなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 42 (1) Among juridical persons which are directly established by laws and juridical persons which are established by a special establishing act pursuant to special laws (excluding those to which the provision of item 15 of Article 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Act No. 91 of 1999) is not applied), incorporated administrative agencies which are provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency and are not specified incorporated administrative agencies, and other juridical persons which are provided for by a Cabinet Order as equivalent to these, juridical persons in which directors, employees, and other persons being engaged in the business of the judicial persons shall be deemed to be engaged in public services by laws and regulations in an Act that gives ground for establishment of the juridical persons or an Act that grants a juridical personality and which are funded by the government (hereinafter referred to as "special corporations, etc.") shall take measures necessary to maintain ethics pertaining to the duties of employees of the special corporations, etc., equivalent to the measures taken by the State and the specified incorporated administrative agencies pursuant to this Act.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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