





該当件数 : 46



My father built our house using the housing loan system of his company. - Weblio英語基本例文集

第2節 小企業等経営改善資金融資(マル経)制度例文帳に追加

Section 2 Loans for managerial improvement funds of small enterprises, etc. (Marukei) - 経済産業省

6 .小規模企業設備資金導入制度(設備資金貸付・設備貸与)【財政投融資例文帳に追加

6. Small-Scale Enterprise Equipment Implementation Fund Loan Program (Equipment Implementation Funds Loan and Equipment Loan) (fiscal investment and loan)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

5 .小規模企業設備資金導入制度(設備資金貸付・設備貸与)【財政投融資例文帳に追加

5. Small-Scale Enterprise Equipment Implementation Fund Loan Program (Equipment Implementation Funds Loan and Equipment Loan) (fiscal investment and loan)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

1 .政府系金融機関の情報化投資融資制度(IT 活用促進資金)【財政投融資】(継続)(p.225参照)例文帳に追加

1. Lending by government-affiliated financial institutions for investment in IT (IT Fund) (fiscal investment and loan program) (Continuation) (See p. 218.)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Such borrowed funds would be used exclusively for the existing SRF (Supplemental Reserve Facility), a precautionary facility currently under discussion, and the above-mentioned new facility. - 財務省


In this sense, the IMF is now confronted with a situation which is beyond the conventional design of its resources and lending facilities.発音を聞く  - 財務省


We agreed that these resources and facilities should enhance the capacity of the international financial institutions to address the crisis.発音を聞く  - 財務省


Since the outset of the global financial crisis, the IMF’s functions have been strengthened.Such reinforcement includes a massive expansion of the IMF’s financial resources and the creation of a new lending facility.発音を聞く  - 財務省


Also, in order to facilitate financing for SMEs, the development of loan programs that are not overly dependent on third-party guarantors or real estate will be targeted. - 経済産業省

平成23 年度は、12 月に貸付限度額の引上げ(1,000 万円→ 1,500 万円)のほか、貸付期間の延長(運転資金5 年→ 7 年、設備資金7 年→ 10 年)を講じた。平成23 年度は、8,434 件、298 億円の融資を実施し、平成13 年度制度創設から平成24 年3 月末までの融資実績は、92,105 件、3,079 億円となった。例文帳に追加

In fiscal 2011, the limit on lending was raised in December (from ¥10 million to ¥15 million), and the period of loans was extended (from five years to seven years for working capital, and from seven years to 10 years for capital expenditure).発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


With our agreements to increase their resources substantially and endorse new lending instruments, the IFIs mobilized critical financing, including more than $750 billion by the IMF and $235 billion by the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs).発音を聞く  - 財務省


In addition, based on an evaluation of the business plan, the National Life Finance Corporation will enhance the system of granting unsecured loans not backed by personal guarantees (New Startup Loan Program) by, for example, easing conditions for equity capital and raising the upper lending limit. - 経済産業省


In order to assist SMEs and other businesses that have suffered severe damage due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Fukushima Prefecture and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) established a system of long-term, interest-free, unsecured loans to provide necessary business funds (working capital and equipment funds) required to continue in or resume business. This program makes use of the Loan Scheme to Raise Standards operated by the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan (SMRJ).発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Through credit guarantee corporations, the regeneration guarantee scheme will be expanded and, together with responding to Early DIPs, a guarantee scheme will be established to loan relief funds through voluntary liquidation. - 経済産業省


The new project is different from the conventional investment and loan facility. The conventional loans system has financed specific environmentally-friendly programs such as installation of anti-pollution equipment. However, the new project supports companies' overall financing program for environmental measures to help promote environmentally-friendly corporate management. - 経済産業省


For the time being, there is a need for both countries and regions to expand system financing to ensure capital supply to growing sectors and in the long-term reduce asymmetrical information between enterprises and financial institutions/investors by enhancing the taxation and accounting systems, thereby broadening the scope of capital procurement. - 経済産業省


In a changing financial environment, various efforts are being made to facilitate financing by SMEs.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


We welcome in this respect the progress made by the IMF with its new Flexible Credit Line (FCL) and its reformed lending and conditionality framework which will enable the IMF to ensure that its facilities address effectively the underlying causes of countries' balance of payments financing needs, particularly the withdrawal of external capital flows to the banking and corporate sectors.発音を聞く  - 財務省


The degree of interest in actually using the various fundraising methods is lower among companies with smaller workforces, which tend to be interested in financing backed by guarantee of credit guarantee corporations, financing by government-affiliated SME financial institutions, and financing by local government institutions. However, more than 20% of SMEs show an interest in fundraising schemes such as commitment line finance, privately-placed bonds, and factoring. - 経済産業省


When supporting such countries, the World Bank should not resort to increased lending as a substitute for private capital.The World Bank should instead help attract private capital inflows on a continual basis by helping them build enabling policy and institutiona l environments to facilitate it.発音を聞く  - 財務省


The new pricing structure should establish more consistent incentives across facilities, encourage access to private capital, discourage prolonged use of, and deter inappropriate large scale access to IMF resources, thus contributing to their more efficient use. For all non-concessional facilities, the interest rate should increase on a graduated basis the longer countries have IMF resources outstanding. The possibility of adding a premium when the scale of financing goes beyond certain thresholds should be explored. In addition, for countries that continuously resort to IMF facilities, the IMF should make more intensive use of prior actions and limit access to its resources.発音を聞く  - 財務省


First, in order to provide liquidity to member countries hit by a crisis, the IMF could create a new facility that would be precautionary as well as quick in disbursement when needed. - 財務省


Since then, thanks to a coordinated effort by the international community, the Fund has been equipped with various toolkits, such as strengthened financial resources, improved surveillance functions, and renewed lending facilities.In this sense, options for the Fund’s reform have become much clearer than before.発音を聞く  - 財務省


the IMF should take steps to ensure that its surveillance and lending facilities address effectively the underlying causes of countries' balance of payments financing needs, particularly the withdrawal of external capital flows to the banking and corporate sectors;発音を聞く  - 財務省


In reforming the IMF’s lending role, the IMF needs to pursue crisis-prevention facilities that can provide large amounts of funding in a more flexible and prompt manner.発音を聞く  - 財務省

9 創業直後の資金繰りについては、第1部第2章を参照。また、創業支援に対する公的取組として、国民生活金融公庫の行う新創業融資制度がある。例文帳に追加

9) See Part I, Chapter 2 for details concerning funding immediately following the start of new business. - 経済産業省


Following the amendment of the Limited Partnership Law for Investment in April 2004, lending as well as investment can now be provided under the system, and it is expected to become increasingly widely used in the years ahead to provide smoother funding to SMEs. - 経済産業省


Also, the setting up in recent years of funds that focus on utilizing local and other resources through the fund projects of the SMRJ, and the capital financing and other financing facilities of public-sector SME financing institutions have also been important. - 経済産業省


Moreover, in order to respond to the issues that emerge when SME managers perform business succession, business succession support centers will be established at 100 locations nationwide and the lending scheme to respond to the capital needs of business succession will be expanded. - 経済産業省


But given the limited availability of the IMF's resources, we need to adopt appropriate lending rules to restrict lending beyond normal access limits to truly exceptional cases.発音を聞く  - 財務省


To this end, we have agreed to increase very substantially the resources available through the international financial institutions and to ensure that the institutions have the facilities needed to address the crisis in a coordinated and comprehensive manner.発音を聞く  - 財務省

(1) 建設業の資金調達の円滑化を図るため、建設企業が公共工事等発注者に対して有する工事請負代金債権について、未完成部分を含め流動化を促進すること等を内容とした地域建設業経営強化融資制度を実施した。例文帳に追加

(1) In order to facilitate the raising of funds by building contractors, use was made of the finance system to strengthen the business of local building contractors, which incorporates mechanisms to encourage securitization of construction fee receivables (including fees for unfinished portions of work) held by building contractors against orderers of public works.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


From the representatives of local financial institutions, I heard about the current status of their borrower companies; that they see a turn for the better in business prospects for 30% of the companies, a turn for the worse for 30% and no change for 40%. I also heard about the financial institutions' serious efforts to provide funds while making use of government-affiliated financial institutions' finance programs as necessary in light of the difficult circumstances of the disaster areas.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

(注) 日本は、IMFによる日頃のサーベイランスの結果が良好な国が、通貨危機の伝播や投機的資金のアタックなどの要因で危機に陥った場合、一度に大量の短期資金を貸し付けられるような新融資制度をIMF内に設けることを提案してきたが、CCLの創設はその趣旨と軌を一にするもの。例文帳に追加

(Note)Japan has been proposing that the IMF should create a new facility that could provide a great amount of short-term lending to be disbursed at one time for the case where a country with good track records certified thorough regular Fund surveillance encounters a crisis due to the contagion of a currency crisis or the attack of speculative capital. The establishment of the CCL is along with this proposal. - 財務省


Under the "second- time startup support financing system "operated by the NLFC and JASME, a method can be selected whereby, in order to lighten the fund burden for businesses immediately following startup, principal and interest repayments are held down in the two-year period after borrowing, and then in the third year interest rates are adjusted according to the degree of success achieved by the business, based on sales. - 経済産業省


The qualification criteria should be simple and transparent, using quantitative indicators as much as possible, so that potential users can reasonably guess their possible qualification to a Reserve Augmentation Line (RAL). It is often perceived that there is not much demand for a new instrument, but I believe that this low demand is partly due to the uncertainty surrounding the eligibility criteria.発音を聞く  - 財務省


Discussions on a wide range of issues are under way at the IMF Executive Board, including a review of IMF facilities, the strengthening of safeguards for the IMF's resources, the improvement of programs and surveillance, and increased transparency of procedures. We hope that these interrelated issues will be examined actively and dealt with in a coherent manner.発音を聞く  - 財務省


In consideration of these severe business conditions, the Japanese government has been adopting the following supportive measures to improve the cash position of manufacturing industries: 1. Expand the safety net loan programs towards small and medium enterprises, 2. Introduce low interest loan programs and the purchase of commercial papers (CPs), and 3. Strengthen support to overseas subsidiaries of Japanese companies by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI).発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


In order to further facilitate financing by building contractors, receivables for damage to construction work in progress and removal of waste caused by the disaster (disposal of debris, etc.) were included within the scope of the finance system to strengthen the business of local constructions, which incorporates mechanisms to encourage securitization of construction fee receivables (including fees for unfinished portions of work) held by building contractors against the orderers of public works.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


JFCs SME Unit and Micro Business and Individual Unit provided lending to SMEs that engage in initiatives such as startups, restructuring, and other business activities that contribute to maintaining and improving regional economic vitality. These took the form of subordinated loans, whose purpose is to make these enterprises financially more robust and facilitate their raising of funds from private financial institutions.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Because of the poor state of the economy, severe employment conditions and other factors, necessary funds (\\400 billion) will be provided for the National Life Finance Corporation to provide unsecured loans not backed by personal guarantees to small enterprises that have received business advice from business advisers at Societies and Chambers of Commerce and Industry, so as to facilitate financing by those small enterprises that lack collateral and credit. Special measures regarding lending limits and loan periods will also be continued. (continuation) - 経済産業省


Some Asian countries prohibit the direct trading of original shares in foreign markets. Allowing companies from such countries to trade their shares in the Japanese financial and capital markets to efficiently procure funds would add to the appeal of these domestic markets and create various benefits such as the opportunities for personal financial assets amounting to 1,500 trillion yen to be invested in growing companies in Asia and elsewhere through the domestic markets. - 経済産業省



The responsibility-sharing system regarding credit guarantee requires financial institutions to share part of the risk involved in guarantee. With the risk-sharing as a premise, financial institutions should carefully examine the business conditions of borrower companies and the purpose of the use of funds, and take appropriate risks by providing loans to eligible companies and conduct appropriate risk management, thereby exercising their financial intermediary function. This is the function that they are expected to exercise, so I strongly expect them to operate in that way.発音を聞く  - 金融庁






Fund financing system








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