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該当件数 : 245



When Choshi underwent Judai, her father Kaneie was still the Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain), and this was the first case where the daughter of the non-Kugyo (court noble) person received the Senge (imperial proclamation) of Nyogo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To simultaneously heat and cook kinds of food which are different in cooking time by providing one packaging bag with a housing having a metallic film for shielding microwaves and with a housing made of a plastic film where the microwaves are easily transmittable and by controlling microwave transmittance of the two housings. - 特許庁


In the lip sliding surface 65 of the other race ring, an adjusting surface 66 and non-adjusting surface 67 which are different in frictional coefficient are alternately formed in the circumferential direction. - 特許庁


Air conditioners, cameras or other instruments are composed of microcomputers  - コンピューター用語辞典



Many bubble spaces 50 are formed in the sponge rubber by the expansion of the microcapsules. - 特許庁



In most up-to-date microcomputers or personal computers, there is only one VLSI chip, called a ‘microprocessor'  - コンピューター用語辞典


At this time, variable length encoding is executed after confirming the finish of variable length encoding to a former macro-block. - 特許庁


The minute glass fiber mat is provided with expanding microcapsules as binder so that the microcapsules are expanded in the mat and the outer shell of the expanded microcapsules may be water-permeable. - 特許庁


The bag body 1 injected with a resin 18 is expanded to form bag body deformation sections 27, and it is closely adhered along the recess sections 15 to fit. - 特許庁



Further, the fine particles or the microcapsule contains at least either of the heat radical generator or the polymethine dye. - 特許庁



He managed to successfully carry out missionary tasks even in the middle of the strong yaso suppression movement and opened a church in Mitsuke, Kakegawa, and Fukuroi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


You can set an option so that when you click on a class, function, variable,or macro, all occurrences of that class, function, variable, or macro in the current file are highlighted. - NetBeans


In double-face cooking, it is heated by a magnetron (S261-S265), and then it is heated by the grill heater (S266-S268). - 特許庁


To provide a terminal layer-setting method that can avoid an increase in delay time of cells or macros mounted on a substrate and set a wiring layer (terminal layer) as an extension destination of a cell or macro. - 特許庁


The radiation part 81 of the rotary antenna 8 is bent in nearly L-shape toward the end part to radiate microwave and the length passing the center in width direction from the jointing part 82 to the end part is made longer than a half wavelength of the microwave, and the rotation diameter to the jointing part 82 is made the wavelength or less of the microwave. - 特許庁


Accordingly, in a comparator 13, when the high level duty of the end clock signal 3 is increased, duty adjustment is conducted to decrease the high level duty, and when the high level duty of the end clock signal 3 is decreased, duty adjustment is conducted to increase the high level duty. - 特許庁


A first method of adjusting the frequency of the dot clock first obtains image data by a dot clock that is generated with a provisional factor and calculates a length of an effective signal area on one line of the image data. - 特許庁


In the first method of adjusting the frequency of a dot clock, first, image data are acquired, by using a dot clock that is generated with a provisional multiplicative factor, and the length of the effective signal area on one line of the image data is found. - 特許庁


In a first method for adjusting a frequency of the dot clock, the image data are first acquired by using a dot clock which is generated by a temporary multiplication number, and the length of an effective signal region on one line of the image data is obtained. - 特許庁


A microwave signal generator 16 is connected via a microwave amplifier 18 to one end of a microstrip line 14 on a magnetic garnet single crystal 12 of the optical modulator 10. - 特許庁


In the case that superimposing information is stored in the storage medium, the microcomputer 1 takes out the superimposing information from the data RAM 4 while performing the operation of editing the data. - 特許庁


Depositing conditions of the diamond film by the microwave chemical vapor depositing method are 3 to 10 kJ/mm^2 per a unit area of silicon wafer front surface in microwave inputting power density, and 50 MJ or more in total input. - 特許庁


Thermal expansion microcapsules are contained, at least in a separator 9 or an interface between a positive electrode plate 5 or a negative electrode plate 7 and the separator 9 for an electrode group 4 constituting a nonaqueous secondary battery. - 特許庁


A shadow mask 6 comprises a mask main face 13, a skirt part 14, a mask body 15 with long and short axes, and a mask frame 16 located outside the skirt part. - 特許庁


To miniaturize a capacitance type ultrasonic vibrator device by providing a direct-current high voltage generation means on or inside a silicone substrate which is the same as an ultrasonic vibrator manufactured using a micromachine process. - 特許庁


A macro switching mechanism in the macro switching unit has constitution where the focus adjustment folder is integrated and assembled with the macro switching folder when performing macro switching. - 特許庁


In this displacement fluid machine 1, the expander 2 provided with an expansion part 30 for forming an operation chamber 31 by meshing a fixed scroll 6 and a turning scroll 7 mutually, a crank shaft 4 fitting into the turning scroll 7, and a frame 8 is provided in a sealed vessel 5. - 特許庁


In particular, the presence/absence is first determined for the adjustment command for micro-step control controlling the drive signals so that an electrical angle changes by a set angle Δθ smaller than an interval between stabilizing points θs. - 特許庁


The method for plasma-chemically depositing a layer by using microwave gas discharge is the one in which microwave discharge is supported by the emmision of electrons by single or plural separated electron sources. - 特許庁


The image forming position adjustment means 7 calculates how much the image forming position becomes apart in the macro photographing than that of the normal photographing and is provided with a transparent plate 8 with a thickness proper to regulate the difference by moving back and forth to the optical axis. - 特許庁


(iv)Notwithstanding unprecedented intervention by major central banks, financial markets remain under considerable strain, now compounded by a more worrisome macroeconomic environment, weakly capitalized institutions, and broad-based deleveraging. - 経済産業省


The end face 1402 of the optical fiber 14, so heated and melted, is finished into a perfect mirror face free of micro-scratches, etc., on account of the surface tension of the glass constituting the optical fiber 14. - 特許庁

本発明の窓枠用内填材は、セメント、無機マイクロバルーン及び有機マイクロバルーンの混合物からなる超微粒中空発泡体、セメント分散剤及び水を含んでなり、フロー値(JASS 15 M-103法に従って測定)120〜280 mmを有する。例文帳に追加

The internal filler for window frame is a superfine particulate hollow foamed body comprising a mixture of cement, inorganic microballoon, organic microballoon, a cement dispersant and water and has 120-280 mm flow value (measured in accordance with JASS 15 M-103). - 特許庁


The optically effective structure 9 in at least one surface part is a diffraction structure (S;S*;S**) formed by additive superimposition of a macroscopic superimposition function (M) with a microscopically fine relief profile (R). - 特許庁


When a selected number of these characteristics arise in a selected period, the pressure sent from the pressure source is adjusted by the microprocessor. - 特許庁


The micro flow rate distribution controller is provided with: a flow sensor provided in the micro flow passage, measuring a flow rate; a valve provided in the micro flow passage on the upstream side or the downstream side of the flow sensor; and an adjustment means adjusting the valve by a measurement result of the flow sensor. - 特許庁


This cavity resonator 10 of X-band rectangular parallelepiped TE_102 mode is closed at one end with a copper plate 12 and has a flange part 20 at the other end to connect a guide plate 16 having a connecting hole 14, to a waveguide 18, wherein a cavity length L is equal to the intra-tube wavelength of microwave. - 特許庁


This cavity resonator of X-band rectangular parallelepiped TE_102 mode is blocked at one end with a copper plate 12 and has, at the other end, a flange part 20 for connecting a guide plate 16 having a connecting hole 14 to a waveguide 18, wherein the cavity length L is set equal to the intra-tube wavelength of microwave. - 特許庁


To provide a simple and miniaturized field emission cathode, capable of generating an electron beam modulated by an optional frequency in a millimeter wave or a microwave band with high output and high efficiency, and an electromagnetic wave generating device using it. - 特許庁


A focal detection unit 12 is provided with the microlens array 52, and the light-receiving element array 53, and is arranged so that an apex of each microlens is located at a location separated from the scheduled focal plane 12a described in the foregoing section by a predetermined interval. - 特許庁


In one of the attachment members 446 and the adjustment members 447, an engagement projection portion 4472B projecting to the other is provided and in the other of the attachment members 446 and the adjustment members 447, an engagement receiving portion 4466 into which the engagement projection portion 4472B is loosely inserted is provided. - 特許庁


One of the attaching member 446 and the adjusting member 447 has an engaging protrusion 4472B projecting to the other, and the other of the attaching member 446 and the adjusting member 447 has an engaging receiving part 4466 in which the engaging protrusion part 4472B is inserted in a movably fit state. - 特許庁


The electrophotographic toner comprises at least a release agent, a resin and a colorant, wherein the release agent comprises two or more kinds of compounds and at least one compound is encapsulated into microcapsules. - 特許庁


The apparatus 100 for ablating tissue comprises a source of microwave radiation 1, a probe 5 for directing the microwave radiation into tissue, one or more detectors 30 for detecting the power and phase of the microwave radiation, and an impedance adjuster 50 for adjusting impedance so as to minimize the amount of microwave radiation which is reflected back through the probe. - 特許庁


The new theory has been strongly supported generally for its clear logic; however, in terms of art history, they are taking a drawing style which is seen in the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period, that could not be a drawing in the period of Northern and Southern Courts, and it is repeatedly claimed that there is no positive evidence to consider that these three portraits were done in the period of Northern and Southern Courts; there has been a significant gap between these theories and the controversy has not yet been concluded.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Further in another embodiment, even when the pressure of the fluid arranged on the surface is relatively large, by using a characteristic part pattern of the closed-cell structure, permeation to the surface of the nanostructure or the microstructure is prevented. - 特許庁


In the method of temporal pressure bonding of an anisotropic conductive adhesive film, an anisotropic conductive adhesive film 1 is temporally pressure bonded to a circuit member 2 while being applied with ultrasonic waves or microwaves. - 特許庁


A 2nd version of this method comprises making an interim pressure bonding of the anisotropically electrically conductive adhesive film 1 to a circuit member 2 while applying ultrasonic waves or microwaves to the film. - 特許庁


As a feature of this invention, a pulse compression unit for adjusting a half-value width of pulse time waveform of an optical pulse signal 19, which is entered in the multi-rate clock signal extractor 112, is provided. - 特許庁



This enterprise was established so that the 16people, including investors from Kurokabe, Inc., who support Nagahama City's "museum-city concept" to make the entire cityscape into a museum city, could harmoniously achieve store accumulation. - 経済産業省


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