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ローソン先生は 社会的に重要な人でした そして 多くの若者の発想の源例文帳に追加
Dr. lawson was an important member of our community, and, uh, an inspiration to a lot of young people. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Moreover, a considerably important issue is to try to actually evaluate the link between intellectual assets and specific demand rather than the development of evaluation scales alone. - 経済産業省
The ability to think laterally and to come up with a range of ideas that comes from acquiring a broad liberal arts education is the foundation of a professional education, and the significance of the liberal arts in education has been reemphasized in recent years. - 経済産業省
The idea to use crests to identify a specific clan originated from the samurai class and the status of the clan, or Myoji, originally communicated it's power and history. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Also, some critics point out that the idea that an unarmed person counterattacks weapons such as guns and swords is unrealistic in the first place, and that it is unlikely that the warrior class in the Ryukyu Kingdom practiced karate based on such an unrealistic reason. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Kazan had originally started painting partly for the purpose of supporting his family, but his talent brought great success, and the frame of reference and personal connections he obtained as he mastered painting were indispensable for enhancing his very original manner of thinking. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As for large-scale retailers and shopping areas, they ought to take a positive attitude to take part in the discussions at local communities such as meetings on local public transportation on the basis of the concept of local collaboration for attracting customers. - 経済産業省
In fact, if it is structural, it will be meaningful to devise a new way to supplement the income of the household sector with something other than wage income (investment income such as interests and dividends) for the expansion of domestic demand. - 経済産業省
This independent game machine apparatus which is invented based on a novel idea while focusing attention in various problems of the conventional arts, can flexibly and easily respond to the island shape to be installed in a game parlor. - 特許庁
To provide a technique which is usable for a search for a solution, great inspiration to a solvent, creation, and further relative problem arrangement, prediction, evaluation, learning, etc., as to problem finding and problem solution by description and analysis of an object problem. - 特許庁
In the first place, Arai's plan was developed based on the intention to implement trade controls originating from Confusion commerce suppression policy, so limiting the amount of trade simply followed the system developed in the Tsunayoshi era and his plan intentionally ignored the truth that the outflow of gold and silver had already stopped by Tsunayoshi's reform. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It should be kept in mind that, under Article 306(6) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance, a foreign corporation registered as a credit rating agency may receive individual exemption from part of its obligation to develop operational control systems, by obtaining the approval of the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency in cases where certain requirements are met. - 金融庁
In such a situation, Japan adopted a unique system in the world, based on Japanese traditional magical philosophy rather than Confucian philosophy, under which impure works such as the use of military and police force were not regarded as official system of the nation. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, Italian companies reshaped their corporate philosophies to embrace a market orientation, choosing to garner market approval by creating products that stood apart from those of other companies. They introduced innovation, which, coupled with the superior production technology of their craftspeople, enabled them to sustained their competitiveness. - 経済産業省
Regarding a comprehensive exchange, if the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries remains so reluctant, aren’t you ready to consider creating a new exchange instead of integrating existing ones? Promoting competition between exchanges is a plausible idea in the capital market. - 金融庁
From the official bakufu documents it is confirmed that the "Atake Maru", the largest Ataka bune in history, which Hidetada TOKUGAWA ordered Tadakatsu MUKAI, the chief of the bakufu navy to build, had all oars and the whole hull covered with copper plates for the prevention of fire and erosion, which proves a definite fact that an idea of covering the surface of a warship existed in 1635. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It should be said that the idea that the application of said remaining gas in oil refineries made of the composition provided in the claimed invention is an idea totally different from that in the cited invention, which person skilled in the art is not able to easily apply. The claimed invention apparently provides that the application of the remaining gas as an exhaust gas in oil refineries actually brings the economic effect, in which raw materials are supplied extremely cheaply and wastes are effectively used, and the effect is considered to be prominent. Accordingly, it is not admitted that the claimed invention is the invention that a person skilled in the art could have easily invented. - 特許庁
To improve the reliability of a seal, which may be gradually lost, by a system having an original idea, to recover the needs of seals, to securely protect seal impression data to be important personal information which is not cared at all by managing the seal information under a strict system, and to prevent a seal of the same or similar seal impression from being manufactured. - 特許庁
It is regrettable that, before this Annual Meetings, we could not agree on a concrete package for the second round quota reform, but it is important to overcome our existing differences to advance the discussions in a constructive manner. Based on last year’s Resolution of the Board of Governors, Japan continues to participate pro-actively in the ongoing discussions to complete the quota and voice reform by the Spring Meetings of 2008, and no later than the next Annual Meetings.New ways of thinking give rise to the redefinition of core competencies and priorities.The income of the IMF, which relies on interest generated by lending, is decreasing against the background of the stabilization of the global financial markets and the reduction in the number of countries borrowing from the IMF.As a consequence, the IMF has been in the red since FY 2007, and its deficits are forecast to expand rapidly.In this critical situation, the Fund’s measures to increase income are currently being examined, based on the recommendations by the Crockett committee. - 財務省
In order to provide advanced, high-quality components, SMMs in Japan sit down and work together at the shop floor level to combine and integrate the component technologies required in manufacturing. Business collaboration of this kind is not designed simply to mutually complement one another's resources in order to cut costs, and a shift is now underway toward "new business collaboration" that fuses technologies and know-how in different fields-upstream and downstreamto escape the conventional mindset of individual enterprises and researchers. What this means more specifically, as Case 2-1-6 demonstrates, is that enterprises engage in business collaboration with other manufacturers, each with their strengths, to come up with new products. - 経済産業省
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