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Konohana Sakuyabime made a vow saying, 'If this is a child of a Kunitsukami, then it will not be a safe birth. If the child is Amatsukami's, then the birth will be safe' (the "Kojiki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Her father was Tamenosuke (Noriyoshi) HIGUCHI and her mother was Ayame, the fifth daughter of the Furuya family; Ichiyo was their second daughter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The book has an epilogue written by Kigin KITAMURA on August 18, 1674 which begins 'Sei Shonagon, the author of Makura no Soshi, was a genius of Heian literature and the Japanese language. She was greatly admired by Murasaki Shikibu, author of Genji Monogatari.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One of his two children was otherwise known as Susanoo no mikoto, in other words, Tsukuyomi (Tsukuyomi no mikoto in "Kojiki" and Tsukuyumi no mikoto in "Nihonshoki") and it is said to be another name of Susanoo (Susanoo no mikoto, written as 盞嗚 or 素戔嗚尊 in "Nihonshoki" and 須佐之男命 or 須佐 in "Kojiki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Kitayama-kofun Tumulus (in Mino) in 83 meters long, Higashinomiya-kofun Tumulus (in Owari) in approximately 80 meters long, Sakurai Futago-kofun Tumulus (in Mikawa) in 81 meters long, and Mukaiyama-kofun Tumulus (in Ise) in 71 meters long are relatively larger.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In "Nihonshoki" there is a following record of 620, ' 皇太子,大臣共議 天皇國記 國造 百八公民' (the prince referred to Prince Umayado (Prince Shotoku) and Shima-daijin referred to SOGA no Umako).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A well-known emperor was sorry about Kyuji (a record of stories currently at court) that were incorrect, and attempted to correct pre-existing documents. On September 18, 711, the emperor ordered his subject, Yasumaro to present the Kyuji that was selected and recorded immediately after the emperor settled in Omiya, Kiyohara in Asuka, to the extent that HIEDA no Are could recite, and Yasumaro happily followed the emperor's words, thoroughly picking up Kyuji. However, during the ancient period, the words and meanings were so unsophisticated that it was difficult to describe the content when organizing characters and forming a phrase by using characters from abroad.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Ninigi heard this, he said, 'There is no way you can get pregnant overnight. The child must be a Kunitsukami's' (the "Kojiki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Honzo, disguised as a komuso (begging Zen priest), appears saying, "I will give you the head of Honzo KAKOGAWA," makes derogatory comments on Yuranosuke and his son, and he squabbles with Oishi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is generally accepted that the Momohara grave, where Umako was buried, is the Ishibutai Tomb, an ancient stone tomb found in Shimasho, Asuka-mura, Nara Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


現存中最もい作品は、「天正二年春 寵命 長次良造」という彫の入った二彩獅像(樂美術館蔵)である。例文帳に追加

His oldest work that still exists is Nisai shishizo (an image of a lion in two colors, owned by The Raku Museum) inscribed with 'Spring in 1574 by order of the emperor, created by Chojiro'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


She was a daughter of Emperor Yomei and it is believed that her mother was a daughter of Tagimanokura no Obito Hiro, Ihimenoko (according to "Kojiki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1687, the Tokugawa shogunate directed Tadayuki MATSUDAIRA (the feudal lord of the Koga Domain of Simousa Province and the heir of Nobuyuki MATSUDAIRA) to take Banzan (then aged 69) into custody and to shut him up in a room of Yorimasa RYUZAKI within Koga-jo Castle, and considering Banzan's old age, this punishment might show how impatient the shogunate had become with his criticism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Amenooshihohomi replied, 'Because my child Ninigi was born as I was preparing to descend to earth, this child should be send to earth' (the "Kojiki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During this period, works that can be said to be representative of Japanese classical literature were written, starting with the "Tosa Nikki" (The Tosa Diary) written by KI no Tsurayuki, then the miscellaneous compositions of "Makura no soshi" (the Pillow Book) by Sei Shonagon, as well as "Genji Monogatari" (The Tale of Genji) by Murasaki Shikibu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Amaterasu and Takamimusubi said to Amaterasu's child, Amenooshihohomi, 'Now that pacification of Ashihara no Nakatsukuni is done, descend to earth and rule Ashihara no Nakatsukuni as you agreed to do' (the "Kojiki" [The Records of Ancient Matters]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is believed that these five songs are present-day Ichi-uta (literally, "the first song"), Ni-uta (literally, "the second song"), Suruga-uta (literally, "the Suruga song"), Motomego-uta (literally, "the seek-a-child song"), and Kataoroshi (also called Ohire-uta), but according to an old Azuma-asobi music book compiled in the Tenji era, the songs included in Azuma-asobi were selected on December 27, 920, by Imperial command.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The genealogy of Okuninushi in Kojiki (The Records of Ancient Matters) described that 'Okuninushi married Ashinadaga no kami (the God of Ashinadaga), or Yagawaehime no mikoto, and had a child named Hayamikanotakesahayajinumi no kami (the God of Hayamikanotakesahayajinumi).'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His names include Oke no sumeramikoto written as "弘天皇" in Japanese (the term sumeramikoto refers to emperor), Kume no wakugo, Oke no miko written as "袁祁" in Japanese, and Oke no iwasu wake no mikoto (the "Kojiki"), and also Oke no sumeramikoto written as "袁天皇" in Japanese (the "Harimanokuni Fudoki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the "Kojiki," before enthronement, Oe no izahowake no mikoto (the future Emperor Richu) escaped from Naniwa Kozu-gu Palace to Isonokami-jingu Shrine upon rebellion of Suminoe no nakatsu miko who, in the disguise of Oe, had deceived Oe's fiancee, Kurohime, and had intercourse with her.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Okinaga married Tadaoki HOSOKAWA's daughter Koho, and adopted Tadaoki's sixth son as his adopted heir (Yoriyuki MATSUI); he was bestowed the new surname "Nagaoka" which was another family name of the Hosokawa clan, and called himself "Nagaoka Sado-no-kami."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Oyamatsumi said, 'The reason why I offered my two daughters together was that I made a vow that by making Iwanagahime your wife, the son of Amatsukami (Ninigi)'s life would be as eternal as a rock, and by making Konohana sakuyabime your wife, you would prosper as a tree flowers. Because you married only Konohana sakuyabime, the son of Amatsukami's life will be short just as flowers on a tree' (the "Kojiki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Prince Ichinobe no Oshiha was also know as: Iwasaka no Miko, Iwasaka no Ichinobe no Oshiha Oji, and Ameyorozukuni Yorozuoshiha no Mikoto (all of above were written in "Nihonshoki"); and Ichinohe no Oshiha O and Ichinohe no Oshihawake no Miko (all of above were written In the "Kojiki"); Ichinohe no Sumera Mikoto was written in the "Harimanokuni Fudoki" (records of the culture and geography of the Harima Province).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He started to practice calligraphy at terakoya (a private elementary school in the Edo period) at the age of six and then started to learn Chinese characters from Kyuko YAMAMURO, a Confucian scholar in the Bingo-Fukuyama Domain in Bingo Province, but skipped grades to enter the Seishikan, a Fukuyama domain school as a special case by recommendation of Yamamuro because he was doing very well at school.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moreover, the area is a historical site with the Izumo-Daijingu Shrine, the Moto-Atago-jinja Shrine (Kyoto City) whose first shrine was established in 507, and the Yosen-ji Temple, which possesses the sculpture 'Kuguri Hotei' created by the famous sculptor Masayuki NAGARE, a son of Kojuro NAKAGAWA who founded Ritsumeikan University.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They had a relationship with Kamimusubi in both 'Kojiki" and "Izumo no kuni fudoki," and it was written in the former that they were dispatched by Kamimusuhi no mikoto to engage in treating Okuninushi (chief god of Izumo in southern Honshu Island, Japan, and the central character in the important cycle of myths set in that region), and it was written in the latter that they were mikogami (the child god in a shrine where parent-child gods are enshrined) of Kamumusubi no mikoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although it is said that he was born as the third son of a king called Koshi in Nantenjiku (South India) and became the 28th Bodhi Dharma of Buddhism after acquiring the teachings of Hannyatara, the oldest reference to Bodai Daruma is found in the "Rakuyo Garanki", which was compiled by Yogenshi in 547 and whose title was Togi Bugunfu Shima (Bungunfu Shima in Eastern Wei), and the record is regarded as the source of all the legends concerning Daruma.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Volume 1 deals with the history of Confucianism in Japan from the ancient times to the prosperity stage of Gozan Bunka (culture of the Five Official Temples between the end of the Kamakura Period and the Muromachi Period) such as the age of Empress Jingu which was thought in the author's day to be the time when Confucianism was introduced to Japan, then Jofuku, Wani (Wang In), Prince Shotoku, AWATA no Mahito, KIBI no Makibi, SUGAWARA no Michizane and Shushin Gido, Volume 2 deals with the period from Gozan Bunka to the appearance of Genju KEIAN who brought prosperity to the culture of Confucianism in Satsuma domain, Volume 3 deals with the activity of Tadayoshi SHIMAZU and Bunshi NANPO who tried to develop Satsunangaku school (school of Neo-Confucianism in Satsuma) and Confucianism in early Edo period, and Volume 4 deals with the history of Shoryu-ji Temple (in current Ibusuki City) which was the center of Satsunangaku school and the history of Confucianism in Satsuma domain after the Genroku and the Kyoho Era, but this volume is unfinished.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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