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However, after the army provisions storeroom was destroyed, they were pushed into a desperate situation where the castle would have fallen if reinforcements had not arrived within a few days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the new castellan, memebers of this family worked at Kari no ma (room for castle-owning fudai daimyo newly assigned after the establishment of the Edo bakufu) and often assumed the positions such as Oban gashira and sojaban.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

彼がリヴァランの門に辿り着いた時からです 全財産を小さなサックにめ込んできた少年でした例文帳に追加

From the moment he arrived at the gates of riverrun, a boy of eight carrying everything he owned in a little sack. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Dorothy picked them up and had the Winkies carry them back to the castle, where they were stuffed with nice, clean straw;  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』



In addition, the officers stayed in the sotetsu (cycad) room in the Edo castle as the Oshirozukai officers to grasp movements of the cabinet officials of the Shogunate, to obtain and interpret various laws and regulations presented by the bakufu and to compose documents to be submitted to the bakufu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Yoshinobu, along with Nariaki and the Chief of Fukui-han Clan, Yoshinaga MATSUDAIRA, made an unexpected visit to the [Edo-jo] castle and closely interrogated Naosuke, but in tern, he was questioned on his offense of making an unexpected visit to the castle; he was ordered to retire and was given a disciplinary confinement in the following year (1859) (Ansei Purge).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nobunaga tried to go to Akechi-jo Castle with his heir Nobutada ODA for rear guard (reinforcement), but he withdrew to Gifu because Katsuyori had already taken Akechi-jo Castle by storm.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Seventeen-year-old Tadamasa, staying at Edo-jo Castle on duty, did not let Yorinobu in the gate and told him "Security is tight due to an emergency, therefore I can not let you in. Please talk with the shogun's council of elders."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Located in the southern foothill of Yatsugatake, Henmiso had Henmi-no-maki, a livestock grazing land for ancient officials, spreading in the area, and Kiyomitsu settled in present Seikoji Temple area (Nagasaka-cho, Hokuto City) (alleged otherwise to be located at Wakamiko, Sudama-cho, Hokuto City) and built Yato Castle (Oizumi Village, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture) as tsume-no-shiro, a retreat and backup castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Motives for committing seppuku included oibara (following one's master into death), tsumebara (being forced to commit seppuku as a result of one's professional responsibility or duty) and munenbara (suicide in mortification), as well as being committed by commanders of defeated armies in order to avoid the disgrace of capture by one's enemies, and by commanders of besieged armies in order to have the lives of family members and castle garrison soldiers spared.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



For example, in the Daimyo-gyoretsu procession (feudal lord's costumed procession) in the Sankinkotai system (a system under which feudal lords in the Edo period were required to spend every other year in residence in Edo), he was allowed to pass sekisho (checking stations) with his long sword being held up or without getting off his palanquin, and he waited in the willow room (together with other daimyo ranked at Shii (the fourth rank) or lower).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The troops that stayed in the castle endured the fight, and the allied forces of Oda and Tokugawa that arrived won a landslide victory against Takeda's forces in the Atozume-kessen fight (a fight between invasion forces and the reinforcements to fight with the invasion forces) at Shitaragahara.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This, however, was unacceptable to Naosuke, who was "open country wing," and also the head of the Tamarinoma, one of the shikoseki (anteroom seats for feudal lords and direct retainers of the shogun at Edo-jo castle).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Conflict between the lords of the Tamarinoma (including Naosuke), Masahiro ABE, and Nariaki TOKUGAWA came to a head with a discussion in the Saiko no Ma (West Lake Room) of Edo-jo Castle regarding the conclusion of the treaty between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yoritomo noticed this and let Tomomitsu YUKI arrest Toma and examined him closely, so Toma said "Sanshu (Noriyori) is in deep lamentation because he didn't get an answer after he submitted a kishomon so I came here to survey the current situation."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On November 22, 1199, few month after MINAMOTO no Yoriie, the legitimate son of Yoritomo, succeeded after Yoritomo's death, Tomomitsu YUKI, a gokenin (an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods), talked memories of while Yoritomo was still alive in tsumesho (a station) of Samurai-dokoro (the Board of Retainers) and spoke as follows.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Just before the fourth Battle of Kawanakajima, Kenshin led a big allied force of Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) with more than 100,000 soldiers attacked Odawara-jo Castle in one stroke, and cornered the Hojo clan to the brink of collapse, Shingen TAKEDA took military actions in Shinano Province in an unguarded moment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Katamachi Station and Osakajokitazume Station are located within a short distance and the abolishment/establishment of these stations took place almost simultaneously, there is no relationship between the two stations; therefore, commuter tickets and/or coupon tickets arriving at or departing from Katamachi Station weren't succeeded by Osakajokitazume Station after Katamachi Station was abolished.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While ten years have passed since the station was abolished, there are still opinions based on the fondness of the 'Katamachi' place name, requesting that the name of Osakajokitazume Station be changed to 'Katamachi Station' or one that includes 'Katamachi.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Originally, Katamachi Station, the source of the Line's name, was the end of the line, but the station was abolished in place of Osakajokitazume Station at the same time when the JR Tozai Line opened and thus Kyobashi Station became the end of the line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A close alliance with the shogunate during the Edo period led to orders being placed and workers being alternately seconded to Edo where they carried out firearm maintenance at Edo-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He did his duty to the Tokugawa clan by leading his troops (as the rear guard) (although he at least should have made the Takeda force retreat before abandoning the battle after the first battle at Takatenjin-jo Castle).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1590, when Masamune DATE was suspected of treason, Kozosu, as Hideyoshi's representative, delivered the letter asking for an explanation and in 1597, she was in charge of managing Hideaki KOBAYAKAWA's transferal from Chikuzen Province to Echizen Province as punishment for his mistake during the Siege of Ulsan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the entry of November 22 described in a historical book entitled "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East), in the autumn, six months after the establishment of the council system, Tomomitsu YUKI recalled Yoritomo's glory in the office of the shogun's palace, saying, 'I should have entered into priesthood at that point of time as the proverb says that loyal subjects do not serve two masters. I feel as if we were walking on thin ice these days.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Goyo zakaya is said to have begun with the first Mataemon KAYANOMORI, who was of the Nara school of sake, which has the tradition of soboshu (sake brewed in major temples) that was known as a famous sake-brewing district before Itami became famous; Introduced by Munenori YAGYU, Masamune DATE ordered him to make the jonai-zume-onsake-goyo (making of sake especially for the feudal lord inside the castle) in Sendai Domain in 1608.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tadatsugu enjoyed great confidence of Ieyasu, and when he was inquired by Nobunaga ODA about Nobuyasu MATSUDAIRA, a legitimate child of Ieyasu, in 1579, Tadatsugu was designated as an envoy for defense and went to Azuchi Castle together with Tadayo OKUBO, but he was not able to defend Nobuyasu well enough and thus failed to prevent the order for Nobuyasu's seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) from being given (though there is a different view on the claim that the incident of Nobuyasu's seppuku was under the order of Nobunaga).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As for all kinds of Daimyo (Japanese feudal lord), Mito Tokugawa family (Mito Domain) who were obligated to live permanently in Edo by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA and lords of domains (mainly fudai daimyo [a daimyo in hereditary vassal to the Tokugawa family]) who held public posts of Edo bakufu including roju (member of shogun's council of elders), wakadoshiyori (a managerial position in Edo bakufu), and jisha-bugyo (magistrate of temples and shrines) and stationed at Edo-jo Castle were of course Jofu because they needed to live permanently in Edo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Meanwhile, the Mikawa Goho (the defense of Buddhism) Association of Otani sect of Shinshu was afraid of spreading those movements into the other domains, therefore, the association held a meeting of Buddhist monks of Shinshu sect in Yahagi Village, Aomi County by Hotaku HOSHIKAWA, a Senju-bo (specialized monk) and a general office director, from Takatori Village, Aomi County and Tairei ISHIKAWA, a manager, from Rensen-ji Temple in Ogawa Village, Aomi County on March 8, 1871 in order to examine Saiho-ji Temple and Korin-ji Temple closely which submitted the letter of acknowledgement with the violation of the religious regulations after a series of conferences.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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