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該当件数 : 787



A location information deciding part 10 calculates the location information of an information processor 1 from intensity of radio waves from three or more key stations received by a receiving part 2 and holds the location information in a location information holding part 11. - 特許庁


At this time, when the middle potential of the resonance amplitude of the resonance pulse power source-potential becomes larger than a prescribed reference potential, the driving device forcibly grounds the power source line in a period when the resonance pulse power source-potential is lowered. - 特許庁


A sample of an electric wire is collected from a use line and heat history comprising a plurality of temps. is applied to the sample to calculate the correlation X of the temp. of the electric wire, a heating time and the evaluation standard of residual strength. - 特許庁


The generation part 2 is tilted in an X-Y plane so that a reference light among the divergent luminous flux which is directed to the direction in which the radiant intensity is the largest advances along a line segment SH. - 特許庁



Next, a cable location measuring instrument 12 calculates the measuring point-based location of a cable based on intensity information of electromagnetic waves transmitted from the cable of a measuring object, and outputs the location to the PDA 11. - 特許庁



To provide a non-phosphate coating component inspection method for quickly and simply measuring a phosphor content on a lot-by-lot basis as to non-phosphate coating components such as high-strength bolts, and to provide reference values therefor. - 特許庁


Besides, a channel selecting part 18 of the transmitter 12 distributes the same data to the plural channels having the receiving strength of data equal to or lower than the predetermined fixed reference. - 特許庁


When the conditions of the pre-defrosting operation are satisfied, an enhanced operation for indoor heating is instructed by a pre-defrosting operation instructing means 23 so that the indoor temperature reaches a target set temperature higher than a reference set temperature. - 特許庁


When the signal strength of the received signal is below a reference value (Y of step S3), a sunlight direction determination part 15 estimates which direction of light receiving elements 6, 7, 8 and 9 the direction of the coming sunlight faces (step S4). - 特許庁



Accordingly, while the data reproduction apparatus detects a reference level value capable of maximizing the performance of a viterbi decoder, the apparatus becomes stronger to noise caused by a tilt and other effects that may occur by the shape of a disk or a pickup device. - 特許庁



Further, θm is the incident angle of the light having the maximum intensity among the light made incident on the second end face of the light pipe 4 based on the optical axis of the light source in the second end face. - 特許庁


An edge point extracting part 315 extracts a pixel as the edge point with the edge intensity being equal to or greater than the edge reference value, and also the pixel value of a pixel within a block being included in an edge block that is a block within a predetermined range. - 特許庁


To provide an automatic free-running frequency stabilizing circuit for a PLL circuit that can reduce a synchronizing time by forcibly shifting the phase of a reference signal or the phase of a compared signal even when the phase difference between the reference signal and the compared signal deviates from a free-running frequency in a VCO(voltage controlled oscillator) being a component of the PLL circuit. - 特許庁

制データ要素,すなわち,配列表すべてに含めなければならないデータ要素 (本基準(24):項目110,項目120,項目160,項目210,項目211,項目212,項目213及び項目400を参照)の識別番号,及び本基準に規定される状況に含まれなければならないデータ要素(本基準(25),(26),(27),(28),及び(29):項目130,項目140,項目141,項目150及び項目151,並びに項目220から項目223まで参照)の識別番号には記号「M」のマークが付される。例文帳に追加

Numeric identifiers of mandatory data elements, that is, data elements which must be included in all sequence listings (see paragraph 24 of this Standard: items 110, 120, 160, 210, 211, 212, 213 and 400) and numeric identifiers of data elements which must be included in circumstances specified in this Standard (see paragraphs 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 of this Standard: items 130, 140, 141, 150 and 151, and 220 to 223) are marked by the symbol "M".  - 特許庁


A plurality of depth dependency graphs by temperatures of photoluminescence intensity of a semiconductor wafer of good quality and a reference temperature dependence graph are generated, and a dominant wafer depth region of photoluminescence intensity is obtained for each of the depth dependency graphs by the temperatures to generate a measured temperature dependence graph. - 特許庁


At the printing of the identifying image, the correcting content is not as it is applied but a profile stressing correction is executed at first and the resultant image is printed as a reference image and the identifying image is printed by correcting the image, the outline of which has stressed, according to the stored correcting content. - 特許庁


Resin 1 for molding on the side of a surface grounded on the magnetic recording and reproducing device as the reference surface of a magnetic head has, preferably, 60 to 75 Shore D hardness after hardening and resin 2 for molding on the side of the opposite surface from the grounded surface has ≥80 Shore D hardness after hardening and ≥40 Mpa tensile rupture strength after hardening. - 特許庁


With regards to clinical trials, prompt and reliable efforts are required to maintain and reinforce the international competitiveness of Japan as a place to implement clinical trials by clarifying the minimum necessary procedures that are in line with the Good Clinical Practice for pharmaceuticals and for medical devices(GCP) and organizing items that are not necessarily required. - 厚生労働省


Therefore, the practice standards now clearly state that, "Auditors should implement internal control audits considering the content and intent of Standards and Practice Standards of Internal Control, etc., and appropriately understand and respect the methods of assessing internal control which the management selected in consideration of the company's situation. There are differences between the management's methods and the audit procedures and techniques determined by each auditor, but auditors should keep in mind that they should avoid automatically forcing those approaches onto the management."  - 金融庁


The CPU 12 calculates a scatter peak intensity ratio using the scatter peak intensity data of Raman spectrum (step S14), compares with the reference data recorded in a RAM 13 or the like (step S15), and then calculates a stretch ratio of the polyurethane elastic thread to be measured (step S16). - 特許庁


Secondly, regarding the strengthening of financial functions, the Prime Minister gave me instructions concerning a partial introduction of flexibility into the capital adequacy ratio regulation. “Partialintroduction means that flexibility will be applied to banks subject to domestic capital adequacy standards, as opposed to those subject to international standards.  - 金融庁


Also, the heating cooker is provided with a temperature comparison means 25 for comparing the temperature detected by the temperature detection means 22 with a reference temperature and a temperature excessive rise prevention means 21 for forcibly inactivating the heating means 15 regardless of a command from the control means 24 when the temperature comparison means 25 detects that the temperature detected by the temperature detection means 22 exceeds the reference temperature. - 特許庁


Thus, in the encoder 1, even when the irradiation position of the detected light to the scale plate 11 shifts from the reference, the correction amount based on the difference α° between a reference angle range and the angle range corresponding to the half value width W of a light intensity waveform P during angle detection, and the absolute angle of a measuring object can be detected accurately. - 特許庁


In the game machine, a reception part receives input from a player, and a display part displays such that guide images 202a passes through a reference image 201a with which guide images 202a are respectively associated, and a guide picture 202e which is at the shortest distance from the reference image 201a is emphasized and displayed to quicken the player to input. - 特許庁


Cases of companies that were delisted because they turned out, once listed, to have failed to satisfy listing standards should be recognized as demonstrating a shift to an ex post facto supervision system. Anyway, cases of failure to meet listing criteria should not be a reason for the hasty introduction of stronger and stricter listing examinations before contemplating other measures.  - 経済産業省


When the operation instructions are set to the radio transmission/reception part 2 and the radio wave level measurement part 3 by the operation control part 1, the radio transmission/reception part 2 and the radio wave level measurement part 3 autonomously perform the operation of receiving a radio signal and the operation of measuring a reception signal intensity of the received radio signal, respectively. - 特許庁


The control part determines whether the surface to which the foreign matter is adhered is the first or second surface of the inspection target on the basis of whether the ratio of the intensities of the first and second scattered lights detected by the detector is larger or smaller than a standard value. - 特許庁


A technology disclosed herein improves a level sensing margin in a weak data transmission cycle following after adjusting a substantial reference level for input sensing by a constant level toward a strong data direction in a strong data transmission cycle (in case of repeating data with the same polarity) by tracing a pattern of transmission data. - 特許庁


When a switching amplifier 10 transitions into a power-off state, power control means 16 now having a switch SW turned off forcibly discharges a capacitor C102 to forcibly lower a reference potential V3 relative to a second supply voltage V2. - 特許庁


The GDT is used to form a probability reference for evaluating the imperfectness/ambiguity of data and the strength of the found rule, and the rough set theory is used to extract the rule or narrow a minimum rule set covering all actual examples from strong rules. - 特許庁


When it is determined that the electric field strength is smaller than the electric field strength reference value TH, a communication speed detection section 19 communicates with a communication speed test server TS through a radio communication section 14 and the wireless LAN base station W to detect a communication speed. - 特許庁


To provide a formulation to suppress the falling of the strength (especially initial strength) of mortar without exceeding soil environmental standards on hexavalent chromium and the like when a filling material using for civil engineering works such as lightweight embankment and the like and a hardening liquid for soil cement used in "an underground continuous wall construction method" are manufactured. - 特許庁


Since the fixing plate 132 is fixed by the reinforcing layer by embedding a liner side plate 134 being its projection source in the reinforcing layer 122, the high pressure gas tank 100 defines a position of the fixing plate 132 to a tank position reference such as a tank external shape or its axis. - 特許庁


When reference potential c is assumed to be zero during computing action, the ferroelectric capacitor Cs will not undergo polarization inversion even if second computed data x=1 are imparted to the ferroelectric capacitor Cs in the residual polarized state s (first computed data) =0. - 特許庁


A combustion forced prohibition control means 63 distinguishes detection values thereby, compares it with a corresponding decision reference frequency for a combustion forced stop and prohibition of re-firing operation of the burner, and when at least one of the detected values reaches the corresponding decision reference frequency, forcibly stops combustion by the every burner, and thereafter forcibly prohibits firing operation for the pilot burner by a firing means during a predetermined setting prohibition period. - 特許庁


We call on relevant international and regional institutions to strengthen the coordination of their initiatives fostering the application of existing international standards and best practices in the fiscal area, and agree to continue dialogue on further measures required to strengthen good governance in public finance.  - 財務省


If the luminous intensity detected by the sensor 3 is higher than the first reference value of a predetermined luminous intensity, it is judged the laser beam 2 is deviated from the abutting faces 4 and 4, and the aiming position of the welding with the laser beam 2 is controlled. - 特許庁


The evaluation circuits 76 and 78 compare the intensity value of the measurement signal output from the light receivers 72 and 74 with a predetermined reference value, and calculate the lowering rate of the intensity, thereby deciding whether the laser beam transmitting window glass necessitates maintenance. - 特許庁


As a printing operation starts, the pixel amount P_i of an electrostatic latent image part to be formed on a photoreceptor drum 1 is stored by a pixel quantity counter 22, and the forcible consumption Pc of the toner to be forcibly consumed is calculated based on the stored pixel quantity P_i and the prescribed reference pixel quantity P_0. - 特許庁


The reception intensity data corresponding to the recorded portion is compared with the reception intensity in the portion of current highest intensity, out of the reception intensities in the respective portions of the speaker detected during singing, and the sound output from the speaker by the sound signal input from the microphone is suppressed when the reception signal is a reference value or more. - 特許庁


As mentioned earlier, accounting standards are founded on actual practices in view of the prospect that IFRS, when implemented, will wield de facto normative power as "generally accepted accounting practice" in filing financial reports, it is important to ensure due process at, and improvements in governance of the IASCF, to be represented by enhanced accountability to regulators and market participants and enhanced feedback to stakeholders regarding standards setting.  - 金融庁


The area of standards and conformity assessment involves technical aspects of the regulatory system and special characteristics of the region. Thus, the appropriate and effective means to ensure the systematic transparency and international consistency of technical criteria and the like is to share concerns on systematic issues through multilateral consultations amongst experts (such as the WTO/TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) Committee and the APEC/SCSC (Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance)), while falling in line with other countries in respect of harmonization of standards and conformity assessments. - 経済産業省


The waveform storage section 35 stores a reference waveform as a time waveform of the light strength in executing normal light irradiation by the flash lamp, and a processing waveform as a time waveform of the light strength when a substrate to be treated is irradiated with light. - 特許庁


The waveform storage section 35 stores a reference waveform as a time waveform of the intensity of radiated light when light irradiation is normally executed and a treatment waveform as a time waveform as the intensity of radiated light when the substrate to be treated is radiated with light. - 特許庁


On the basis of the correspondence between the crank angle and the intensity index value of knocking, the control means finds a crank angle at which the intensity index value of knocking becomes a specified reference value, and finds further an ignition timing for satisfying the conditions for causing a knock at the found crank angle. - 特許庁


The intensity of the other piece of luminous flux of the light split by the beam splitter 113 is spectrally diffused and detected, the reflection factors of the wafer W to the respective wavelength lights are found from the intensity of the reflected lights, and further the ratio of the found reflection factors is found. - 特許庁


An end point detection processing section 34 measures the luminous intensity of Si or SiFx in plasma in the small-quantity supplying step, and determines it as an etching end point at the time when the measured luminous intensity is a preset reference value or less. - 特許庁


To provide a roof side reinforcing structure of an automobile capable of reducing cost of it by making common roof side rails of a standard roof type basic vehicle and a high roof type derivative vehicle and reinforcing respective roof sides of both types. - 特許庁


An end point detection processing section 34 measures light emitting intensity of Si or SiFx in the plasma in the small quantity supplying step, and when the measured light emitting intensity is at a previously set reference value or lower, the end point detection processing section judges it as an etching end point. - 特許庁



The call-connection processor 130 indicates the settlement of a bypass circuit with a base station device 200 to a connection control unit 150 when the call-connection processor 130 receives the information that the electric-field intensity of the radio waves from the mobile terminal 50 reaches a reference level or less from the electric-field intensity measuring section 120. - 特許庁


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