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該当件数 : 229



a stone marker showing a bench mark  - EDR日英対訳辞書

(f) 技術水準と比較した発明の利の提示例文帳に追加

f) presentation of the advantages of the invention in comparison with the state of the art; - 特許庁


A level of the ambient temperature Ta is deflected at two points or more, and a level of a predetermined power Power to be applied is deflected at least two points or more. - 特許庁


To provide a staff supporting tool for leveling allowing leveling using a station even when it is difficult to stand a staff directly on the station. - 特許庁



A traverse survey is conducted from a bench mark LP to the points A, B and C and the points VS, and heights above sea level of the respective points are actually measured. - 特許庁


そもそも1995 年4 月時の円高水準が名目為替レートに比べればそれほど高くなく、さらに2012 年1 月時水準は円高といえども、当時よりまだ約30.2%も低い水準にある。例文帳に追加

When using the real effective exchange rate for comparison, however, it reveals a totally different picture. In the first place, the real effective exchange rate of the yen as of April 1995 is not at a high level compared with the nominal exchange rate. Furthermore, while the real effective exchange rate of the yen as of January 2012 is at a higher level, it is still about 30.2% lower than that as of April 1995. - 経済産業省


From this viewpoint, we will pay proper attention to this issue, with heightened vigilance  - 金融庁

私の心配は、教団は 王宮と同じ水準で証拠を重んじないです例文帳に追加

My concern is that the faith does not adhere to the same standards of proof as the crown. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


When the point subtraction cause occurs in a state of the player's score being higher than the lowest level required to continue the game, where the continuation of the game is inhibited by subtracting points from the player's score according to the point subtraction cause, the point subtracting means subtracts points from the remaining points of the player's score to the lowest level. - 特許庁



If a cause of subtraction is generated when the player's score is higher than the lowest level necessary to continue the game, and if the continuance of the game is impossible when points are subtracted from the player's score according to the cause of subtraction, the point subtraction means subtracts points from the remaining points of the player's score to the lowest level of the score. - 特許庁



Weight is assigned to the respective map and image points according to the confidence levels of their respective map and image coordinates. - 特許庁


As recovery of affected production bases has restored supply chains, production level at unaffected plants has also recovered quickly.  - 経済産業省


The euro area's unemployment rate reached 10.8% as of February 2012, the worst ever since the launch of the euro - 経済産業省


A total evaluation point of the next model commodity is calculated based on an evaluation point of each level of an already investigated attribute of each purchaser, the level of the already investigated attribute of the next model commodity, and the evaluation point about an uninvestigated attribute of the present commodity. - 特許庁


The leveling instrument is provided with contact points (points equivalent to the point of arranged magnets 11) for setting the leveling instrument parallel to the measurement surface or to the contact surfaces. - 特許庁


To eliminate a fault of a technical level, and to improve bonding of a silicone rubber onto various substrates, and particularly onto a metal. - 特許庁


At issue now are the specific levels of the factors that should be applied to developed and developing countries, respectively. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, as for shuppinshu the purpose is to show the high technique level of the sakagura (sake brewer).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The rise was attributed to sharply increased worldwide demand, mainly in China, decreased surplus production capacity in OPEC, and structural factors, including a shortage of refining capacity in the United States and elsewhere - plus the effects of market speculation.  - 経済産業省


The solder paste contains fluxes which are used as resin components an acrylic resin and two kinds of rosin resins which are at low levels and high levels in both of acid values and softening points, and in which a coincident point is not present in each of the both. - 特許庁


In the NIEs, where rising living standards have pushed up wages, the proportion citing this problem is relatively higher.  - 経済産業省


To provide a level device for a light reception part of a headlight tester to solve a problem in work execution, and, at the same time, to easily secure the same level with respect to a vehicle under test. - 特許庁


The survey shows that less Japanese companies polled said technological levels of their overseas subsidiaries are inferior to their own levels. On the other hand, an increasing number of Japanese companies polled answered technological levels are equal between themselves and their overseas subsidiaries. (Figure 2.2.26) - 経済産業省


In 2004, seven East Asian countries and regions held a total of US$1.1291 trillion worth of U.S. Treasury bonds, more than double what they held in 2000. - 経済産業省


Also worth noting is that the number of women preparing for startup has recently exceeded the level during the bubble (Fig. 1-2-12).  - 経済産業省


Asia’s importance as a product market as well as a production base has increased in line with a rise in income levels in the region. - 経済産業省


The spot is required for starting survey, and when seeing-through by a level in the first place, the spot is used for erecting a staff (box scale) thereon and reading a gage rod on the staff for a start. - 特許庁


While the savings rate in Japan was the highest among major developed countries in 1990, it declined sharply to 3.1 % as of 2006, which was below those of the United Kingdom and Germany. - 経済産業省


In the laser level, an object is irradiated with laser light to form a horizontal reference line and a vertical reference line, a reference position is displayed by their point of intersection, and the horizontal reference line and the vertical reference line are blinked. - 特許庁


Since fiscal 2009, the output of manufacturing industries has been recovering, although it still remains lower than the previous economic troughs, being up to the level equivalent to 85% of the peak period in 2007 (the peak of the economic boom). (Chart 1-1)  - 経済産業省


To provide a ceramic material avoiding one or more defects of a technological level, and especially suitable for dental use and a dental procedure. - 特許庁


To provide a lighting system capable of improving an arousal level without the necessity of excessive energy for lighting or occurrence of visual fatigue. - 特許庁


In addition, it has been frequently pointed out that the Japanese financial industry is vulnerable in terms of profitability and the level of capital  - 金融庁


As stated in Chapter 1, in terms of the number of entrepreneurs, Japans level of entrepreneurial activity remains relatively low in the world.  - 経済産業省

生産水準は、沿岸部の回復の遅れ3があるものの、2012 年2 月時では、大震災前の95%程度となっている(第2-1-4 図)。例文帳に追加

While the recovery in coastal areas has lagged,3) production was back to around 95% of pre-earthquake levels as of February 2012 (Fig. 2-1-4).  - 経済産業省


In order to analyze the reason for this, a look will be taken at the factors which have an effect on SME wage levels. - 経済産業省


A production plant, the production quantity and an equipment investment level specified by the distribution pattern of the minimum total sum among the total sums are adopted. - 特許庁


Reference patterns at a plurality of levels are formed on an image carrier, basic image forming conditions to be applied to attain levels of density of output images at all points on a gradation curve are corrected on the basis of detected density of the reference patterns formed by the image forming conditions at the plurality of levels. - 特許庁

しかし、語学力に関して、我が国はTOEFL の平均スコア(70 )で、同じ非英語圏の韓国(81 )に大きくリードされているばかりか、東アジア諸国の中で低い水準にある。例文帳に追加

However, in terms of linguistic ability, Japan (TOEFL average score 70 pts.) lags far behind South Korea (81 pts.), which is also a non-English-speaking country, and even more, Japan is at a lower level than most East Asian countries. - 経済産業省


To allow for data acquisition excellent in operability, while maintaining high level of security performance in every aspect including confidentiality/availability/authenticity. - 特許庁


A detailed and full description of the invention, emphasizing its advantages over the known state of the art, understandable by a person skilled in the art.  - 特許庁


The number of inspections is set up based on Soybean and Buckwheat acreages in the former municipalities concerned. As a guide, they become equivalent to the inspections on all farmers. - 厚生労働省


Japanese-style manufacturing, which has cultivated genbaryoku, contributes to raising the level of manufacture when transferred to overseas production bases (Chart 2-9).  - 経済産業省


To decide the main production plant, the production quantity of a new product and the equipment investment level, thereby minimizing a cost increase generated by introducing new production. - 特許庁


To provide a water level enabling secure gripping and operation and capable of using a stable base surface from an ergonomic point of view. - 特許庁


To appropriately decide an attribute emphasizing an important point as a development target and a attribute standard by grasping a product competing with a new product. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing guanine having high purity at a high yield per space and time. - 特許庁


Donors, on the other hand, should also spare no effort to support such activity of recipient countries. For its part, Japan will continue to support the program for the Improvement of Surveys and Measurement of Living Conditions in Latin America and the Caribbean.  - 財務省


However, economic standards have continued to rise and converge over the years for those states which have participated in the globalization process. - 経済産業省



The actual number of regional reference sites needed is a function of regional variability and size, the desired level of detectable change, resources, and study objectives. - 英語論文検索例文集

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