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Preparations of Implements for Currency Counterfeited  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


reserve assets in the International Monetary Fund  - 日本語WordNet


the quantity of gold that currency authorities keep in preparation for an issue of currency or settlement of accounts against foreign countries  - EDR日英対訳辞書


A key currency should fulfill a global role as a means of storing value (reserve currency for the public sector / asset currency for the private sector), a means of payment (intervention currency/settlement currency), and a unit of account (currency used in defining parity/currency used in invoicing merchandise trade).  - 財務省



Since foreign reserves are built up on payments from exports, the component ratio of currency depends on the structure of the settlement money of exports. - 経済産業省



Those who support the idea of the multiple key currency system argue that such a system should be more stable than the existing one because a mechanism for enforcing discipline in macroeconomic policy in reserve issuing countries would be incorporated into the system through the competition between multiple reserve currencies.  - 財務省


total amount of foreign reserve of the government and the net capital of foreign exchange banks  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Advanced economies, including those with reserve currencies,will be vigilant against excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchangerates.  - 財務省


Advanced economies, including those with reserve currencies, will be vigilant against excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates.  - 財務省



Advanced economies, including those with reserve currencies, will be vigilant against excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates.  - 財務省



In fact, if currency authorities were to use SDR for intervention, they have to exchange SDRs for hard currencies such as dollar and yen provided from other countries.  - 財務省


Foreign exchange reserves refer tocapital to be used by monetary authorities for exchange intervention as well as reserve assets to be used when the repayment of foreign currency-denominated debt to other countries is difficult due to currency crises, etc., (Bank of Japan website).” - 経済産業省


The Bank of Japan (BOJ), acting as the agent for the Minister of Finance of Japan, and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) concluded a Bilateral Swap Arrangement (BSA) between Japan and India. - 財務省

中国は世界最大の外貨準備保有国でもあり 2、この論文によって、国際通貨システムを巡る様々な議論が一層喚起されることとなった。例文帳に追加

As China holds the world's largest foreign currency reserves, the article further galvanized debates on the international monetary system.  - 財務省


A broader SDR basket will be an important determinant of its attractiveness, and in turn influence its role as a global reserve asset.  - 財務省


Advanced economies, including those with reserve currencies, will be vigilant against excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates.  - 財務省

アジア新興国においては、1997 年の通貨危機の反省もあり、こうした経常収支黒字を背景に、外貨準備が積み上がっている。例文帳に追加

After emerging countries in Asia reflected on the current crisis of 1997, they have been piling up currency reserves on the back of these current account surpluses. - 経済産業省


b) In order to prevent the home currency from increasing in value, the government intervenes in the currency markets by buying dollars and the piling currency reserves are put into U.S. Treasuries. - 経済産業省


In other words, to a certain degree accumulation of foreign exchange reserves is believed to be necessary for currency stabilization in that country. - 経済産業省


The basic flow of capital from emerging countries and resource-rich countries has seen their public sectors (monetary authorities) export capital through huge foreign investment preparations. - 経済産業省


The expansion of the Euro as the settlement currency can be seen from the currency structural proportion of foreign reserves. - 経済産業省


In addition, there is a trend to raise the ratio of the Euro in the currency portfolio in order to avoid erosion in the value of foreign reserves due to the weak dollar. - 経済産業省

預金準備率引下げに踏み切った2011 年12 月に通貨供給量伸び率は反転の兆しを見せ、2012 年に入って、通貨供給量、貸出残高の伸び率、新規貸出額は上昇に向かった。例文帳に追加

The growth rate of money supply showed signs of a rebound in December 2011 when reduction of the deposit reserve ratio was launched, and money supply and the growth rate of outstanding bank lending as well as new bank lending have been increasing in 2012. - 経済産業省


In total, it would be difficult to conceive of currencies such as the euro, the yen (which I'll discuss next) and the renminbi, becoming global reserve currencies and means of payment -key currencies, in other words -- on par with the dollar in the foreseeable future, even though their usage might expand in neighboring countries and regions.  - 財務省


To efficiently operate currencies saved in a money changer as reserve for change or an amount of sale and to relieve a replenishing work of the reserve for change and a recovery work of the amount of sale. - 特許庁

中国人民銀行の周小川総裁が昨年3月に発表した論文は広く取り上げられるところとなったが、この論文1では、「外貨準備資産が特定国(米国)通貨へ集中することは好ましくなく、国際通貨制度の多角化を進めるために SDRの地位向上が必要」との見方が示されている。例文帳に追加

An article 1 published last March by People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan has caught wide attention. The article presented the view that it is undesirable for foreign currency reserves to be concentrated in the currency of a specific country (the U.S.). Instead, the role of the SDR should be enhanced.  - 財務省


While China did not go so far as to raise their interest rate15 , they did raise the reserve requirement ratio, and other financial tightening can be observed in India by the raising of its reserve requirement ratio and statutory liquidity ratio and Singapore raising its own currency level. - 経済産業省


Such issuance was supposed to be based on a sufficient amount of standard coins retained by the domain, but actually, in most cases, domains tried to collect as many circulating coins as possible in exchange for issued han bills for the purpose of improving their financial situation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While the international monetary system has proved resilient, tensions and vulnerabilities remain as a result of widening global imbalances, continued volatile capital flows, exchange rate movements, and issues related to the supply and accumulation of official reserves. - 財務省

ドルは、世界の外貨準備のうち約6割(通貨未判明分を除く 3)を占めており、また、石油などグローバルに取引される一次産品の多くはドル建で表示されている。例文帳に追加

The dollar accounts for about 60 percent of global foreign currency reserves (not including reserves of the unknown portion). 3 Oil and many other globally traded commodities are denominated in the dollar.  - 財務省


We welcome the interim progress report and look forward to the joint annual progress report to support the development of local currency bond markets to be prepared by the World Bank, Regional Development Banks, IMF, OECD and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).  - 財務省


We welcome the initiative of Carlo Ciampi to hold a specialpreparatory meeting at the deputies level for the next Interim Committee of April to help advance reforms of the international monetary system.  - 財務省

また、SRF(Supplemental Reserve Facility:補完的準備融資制度)は、通貨危機に陥った国に対して、緊急に大規模な支援を行うという重要な機能を引き続き果たしていくことが求められます。例文帳に追加

The Supplemental Reserve Facility (SRF) should continue to perform its important function of providing large-scale emergency support to countries hit by a currency crisis.  - 財務省

韓国の9 月の外貨準備は、外国資本流出と為替介入によって大幅に減少し、韓国は、日本、中国との間の通貨スワップ協定の金額枠拡大を行った。例文帳に追加

The foreign capital outflow and foreign exchange intervention resulted in a substantial decrease in South Korea’s foreign currency reserves in September, and South Korea raised the swap line of the currency swap agreement with Japan and China. - 経済産業省


The dollar-buying intervention has helped increase China’s foreign-currency reserves and also resulted in an increase in money supply as the yuan that was unleashed into the banking system via dollar-buying interventions cannot be completely absorbed by Chinese currency authorities under thesterilizingoperation. - 経済産業省


East Asian countries and regions in particular have a history of advancing foreign exchange reserve accumulation to insure against a currency crisis, having experienced a large shock, namely the Asian crisis. - 経済産業省


In this situation, the emerging economies had to expand their foreign currency reserves again in 2010, which had once been reduced by the financial crisis. It showed that they undertook measures to counter the upward pressures on their currency exchange rates by active intervention in the currency exchange markets. - 経済産業省

財務省国際局は、G7やG20などの国際会議、国際通貨基金や世界銀行等との関係、外貨準備の運用、アジアにおける当局間の金融協力、米国、中国、ユーロ圏などとの二国間の財務・金融関係などを担当しているが、国際通貨システムのあり方はもちろん重要な課題の 1つである。例文帳に追加

The International Bureau of the Ministry of Finance deals with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, international conferences such as the G7 and the G20, management of foreign currency reserves, monetary cooperation with authorities in Asia, and bilateral relations with economies such as the U.S., China, and the euro zone. Considering the reform of the international monetary system is, of course, one of the most important tasks for us.  - 財務省


For this reason, it is important to learn from the experience of the Asian financial crisis which caused serious economic stagnation in the region in order to prevent the reoccurrence of currency and financial crises in East Asia, and to construct stable financial systems the following measures are being taken throughout the region: (1) development of a liquidity support system forties of emergency, and (2) strategic utilization of domestic savings and foreign exchange reserves and the development of a capital procurement environment for companies. - 経済産業省


International monetary system (IMS) has showed its toughness, but weakness remains. In order to ensure the systemic stability, promote orderly coordination, avoid the unruly movements of exchange rates including fluctuation of funds transfer with negative impact and checking excessive fluctuation by the advanced economies having the reserve currency and avoid continued imbalance in exchange rates, necessity to improve the IMS is increasing. - 経済産業省


As a result, they went as far as preparing for the first proclamation of their new policy such as 'decision to issue new currency, using the kinsatsu (Dajokan-satsu) as the same as a specie (in equal value), and the abolition of the market price of kinsatsu' on March 30, once permission from the Daijokan (Grand Council of State) was received.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, at the end of the Edo period, in 1862, the Satsuma Domain petitioned the bakufu for the issuance of Ryukyu Tsuho Hyaku (hundred) Mon coins with an issue limit of 3 years in order to save Ryukyu and this petition was granted, but this petition was carefully prepared by the Satsuma Domain to secretly cover up minting of Tenpo Tsuho secretly to recover the Domain's weak finance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I visited the United States from August 27 for a two-night stay and held meetings with officials, such as FRB (Federal Reserve Board) Chairman Bernanke, SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) Chairman Cox, Federal Reserve Bank of New York President Geithner and IMF Managing Director Strauss-Kahn.  - 金融庁

実際、IMF当局によれば、人民元は交換可能性(convertibility)がないため、自由利用通貨(freely usable currency)ではないと解釈されていることから、中国国債への投資は現時点では外貨準備として計上されず、外国為替特別会計が保有する「その他外貨資産」の扱いになる。例文帳に追加

In fact, according to the IMF authorities, the renminbi lacks convertibility and thus is not considered as afreely usable currency”, so that Japan’s investment in Chinese government bonds is not currently counted as foreign reserves, but as “other foreign currency assetsheld in the balance sheet of the foreign exchange fund special account.  - 財務省


In this regard, the U.S. Federal reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke himself said, there is no "immediate risk" that the dollar's position as the world's major reserve currency will be shaken. He also mentioned that "the most critical element there is long-term fiscal stability."  - 財務省


In addition to the ASEAN+3 processes, the ExecutivesMeeting of East Asia and Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) process has launched the “Asian Bond Fund 2”, which aims at investing a part of foreign reserves in sovereign and quasi-sovereign local currency-dominated bonds.  - 財務省


To pursue these objectives, we adopted an action plan to support the development and deepening of local currency bond markets, scaling up technical assistance from different international institutions, improving the data base and preparing joint annual progress reports to the G20.  - 財務省


Asian countries have learnt their lessons well from the previous Asian currency crisis, and have taken several measures to help protect themselves against rapid outflows of private capital. They have altered their economic structures to record current account surplus, accumulated abundant foreign reserves, and strengthened regional financial cooperation frameworks, such as the Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI).  - 財務省


Based on the experience of the Asian financial crisis, discussion has taken place in the IMF and other fore on how to strengthen the international financial system. Within the IMF, progress includes the quota increase under the Eleventh General Review of Quotas in 1998, the establishment of the New Agreements to Borrow (NAB), and reform of lending facilities including the introduction of the Supplemental Reserve Facility (SRF).  - 財務省


ASEANにおいては総じて、97 年のアジア通貨危機の教訓から、経常収支を赤字にさせないよう外貨準備を積み上げるなど各国が健全なマクロ経済政策に努めてきたこともあり(第1-2-4-36 図)、世界経済危機による金融面での影響は、先進国等と比べて小さかった。例文帳に追加

The impact from the world economic crisis on the financial sector in ASEAN was relatively limited compared to that in developed countries reflecting each member country’s effort to implement healthy micro-economic policies, for example by accumulating foreign currency reserves to avoid falling into the current account deficit (see Figure 1-2-4-36) after learning lessons from the Asian currency crisis in 1997. - 経済産業省


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