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該当件数 : 38



revalue the German Mark  - 日本語WordNet


mark the individual pages  - 日本語WordNet


Please evaluate that. - Weblio Email例文集


Complete the course evaluation and Submit. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


キャリアの修復に成功した彼女を 評価してください例文帳に追加

You can measure her success in careers restored. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



Please evaluate them according to this check sheet.  - Weblio Email例文集


Please evaluate this material at your facility. - Weblio Email例文集


Notice that whileevaluating an assignment, the right-hand side is evaluated before the left-hand side.In the following lines, expressions will be evaluated in the arithmetic order of their suffixes: - Python

ぜひ評価に参加してください。 問題が発生した場合は http://www.netbeans.org/community/issues.html の課題追跡システムにアクセスしてご報告ください例文帳に追加

We encourage you to get involved and give us feedback by logging any issues you encounter in the Issue Tracking system at http://www.netbeans.org/community/issues.html.  - NetBeans



As an example, consider a study which calls for an evaluation of the effects of tertiary treatment of domestic wastewater on the quality of downstream receiving waters. - 英語論文検索例文集



At the end of last week, a second trial court ruling was issued regarding Daiwa Toshi Kanzai. Could you tell me how you view this ruling and how the FSA will respond to it?  - 金融庁

ダウンロードしたstage tarballの正当性を評価したいなら、md5sumを使って、その出力とミラーで配布されているMD5チェックサムを比較してください例文帳に追加

If you want to check the integrity of the downloaded stage tarball, use md5sum and compare the output with the MD5 checksum provided on the mirror. - Gentoo Linux


Could you tell me how you view the global trend toward tighter regulation and the strengthening of the framework for supervision?  - 金融庁


How do you view such moves and evaluate Japanese financial institutionscurrent financial conditions?  - 金融庁


Then, as you become older, you may have an established standing and gain respect in society or may receive due respect, but unfortunately at the same time, you may be requested to retire in terms of economy. - 厚生労働省

アプリケーションをプロファイルするときに、ヒープウォーカーを使用して Java ヒープの内容を評価し、メモリーリークを検索できます。 ヒープウォーカーの詳細については、ヒープウォーカーに関する Profiler 6.0 のドキュメントを参照してください例文帳に追加

When profiling your application you can now use the Heap Walker to help evaluate Java heap contents and search for memory leaks.For more information about Heap Walker, see the Profiler 6.0 documentation on Heap Walker.  - NetBeans

ダウンロードしたstage tarballの正当性を評価したいなら、md5sumを使って、その出力とミラーで配布されているMD5チェックサムを比較してください例文帳に追加

If you want to check the integrity of the downloaded stage tarball, use md5sum or sha1sum and compare the output with the MD5 checksum provided on the mirror. For instance, to check the validity of the mips4 stage tarball: - Gentoo Linux


Regarding financial supervision, the U.S. administration announced a reform plan that puts major financial institutions under the supervision of the Federal Reserve. What is your view on this  - 金融庁


I understand that the FSA has been assessing the results of the final reports submitted last year (by insurance companies). What are your views on this?  - 金融庁

名前づけや束縛については、4.1 節を参照してください。 名前があるオブジェクトに束縛されている場合、名前アトムを評価するとそのオブジェクトになります。例文帳に追加

Seesection4.1 for documentation of naming and binding.When the name is bound to an object, evaluation of the atom yields that object. - Python


The role of regional financial institutions is attracting growing attention amid the increasingly severe management conditions of SMEs. Could you tell me how you view the planned merger and what effects you expect it to have?  - 金融庁


In addition, how do you view the worldwide move toward tightening the supervision and regulation of financial institutions in order to prevent the recurrence of the current financial crisis, an issue which is expected to be the focus of the coming summit?  - 金融庁


The plan aims to overcome the financial crisis by purchasing mortgage loans and related securitization products over a two-year period. First, I would like you to tell me how you assess this plan.  - 金融庁


In discussion being held at the G-20 Summit (summit meeting of the 20 major countries and regions), the idea of forming a banking union has apparently been suggested by some members. What have you heard about the most recent discussion and what is your assessment?  - 金融庁


The bill includes a variety of provisions, such as a salary cap for executives of financial institutions from which the government purchases troubled assets and the establishment of an oversight committee. Could you tell me how you view this bill and what impact you expect it to have on Japan’s financial and capital markets, as well as the global markets?  - 金融庁

(and も not も、返す値を 0 や 1 に制限するのではなく、最後に評価した引数の値を返すので注意してください。 この仕様は、例えば s を文字列として、s が空文字列の場合にデフォルトの値に置き換えるような場合に、s or 'foo' と書くと期待通りの値になるために便利なことがあります。例文帳に追加

(Note that neither and nor or restrict the value and type they return to False and True, but rather return the last evaluated argument.This is sometimes useful, e.g., if s is a string that should be replaced by a default value if it is empty, the expressions or 'foo' yields the desired value. - Python


Although stock prices rose yesterday in a positive response to this, some people think that unless U.S. housing prices stop declining, no fundamental solution can be achieved. How do you assess the bailout measures?  - 金融庁


As the new program year starts next Tuesday, could you tell me about your assessment of the achievements of the current program year and the tasks that will be tackled in the new program year in relation to the FSA's activities, the reform of the national civil servant system and administrative reform, although you may have already partly answered this question?  - 金融庁

(末尾の三つのシンボルの構文については5.3 節を参照してください。 )代入文は式のリスト (これは単一の式でも、カンマで区切られた式リストでもよく、後者はタプルになることを思い出してください) を評価し、得られた単一の結果オブジェクトをターゲット (target) のリストに対して左から右へと代入してゆきます。例文帳に追加

(See section5.3 for the syntax definitions for the last three symbols.)An assignment statement evaluates the expression list (remember that this can be a single expression or a comma-separated list, the latteryielding a tuple) and assigns the single resulting object to each of the target lists, from left to right. - Python


Over the weekend, the leaders of Britain, Germany, France and Italy held a meeting to discuss the financial crisis. Some people have attributed today's stock price drop in Tokyo to the European leaders' failure to bring about results as concrete as expected through their cooperation. How do you assess Europe's response to the financial crisis and how do you view the condition of the European financial markets?  - 金融庁


Could you tell me what you think of the election of Mr. Aso as new president of the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party)? Mr. Aso’s economic policy features aggressive fiscal stimulus and preferential tax measures for securities investment. How do you assess his economic policy?  - 金融庁


In connection with the Greek financial crisis, central banks of the respective nations, with that of the EU (European Union) being the foremost example, are beginning to take actions to prevent a crisis recurrence. It is said that, though it is claimed as an exceptional step, the European Central Bank will start purchasing government bonds, among other actions. Please tell us how you view the series of such measures, as well as what you think their repercussions on Japan will be.  - 金融庁


I will ask you about the G-7 meeting. In response to the financial instability, measures for tightening supervision and regulation have been unveiled. Meanwhile, the issue of injection of public funds (into distressed financial institutions) has not come to the fore, leading some people to argue that those measures are not satisfactory. First, I would like you to tell us about how you assess the financial stabilization unveiled at the G-7 meeting.  - 金融庁


Yesterday, an agreement was signed on a 5.3 billion dollar project finance scheme, led by Japanese banks, including the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, for the Sakhalin II project for developing resource off Russia's Sakhalin Island. Could you tell me about your views on the role of Japan's financial sector in efforts to secure energy resources and strengthen relations with resource-rich Russia?  - 金融庁


My question concerns Shinginko Tokyo. A general shareholders' meeting yesterday approved a plan to strengthen the monitoring and supervision of the bank's management by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government through the appointment of former Lieutenant Tokyo Governor Otsuka for the new post of chairman, among other measures. Could you tell me how you view this move and how the FSA intends to deal with the bank?  - 金融庁


As you pass the baton to your successor, there remain serious problems relating to financial administration. In particular, it is a very important task to investigate insider trading cases. What are the problems and what should be clarified? Also, could you tell me about how you think he can exercise his capabilities to resolve this problem?  - 金融庁


Regarding the U.S. market, you said earlier that there is a cycle of the recognition of capital shortfalls by major banks followed by moves to strengthen their capital bases. However, when Lehman Brothers revealed a business turnaround plan together with huge losses yesterday, it did not announce a plan for strengthening its capital base, and there was some disappointment in the market. Could you tell me how you assess Lehman Brothers' turnaround plan and what you think of calls from the market for the injection of public funds into private U.S. financial institutions?  - 金融庁



Also, one major factor behind the banks' losses is the booking of appraisal losses on stocks and other securities holdings, which is significantly affecting banks' management. While the FSA is hedging risks, so to speak, by establishing a scheme for purchases of shares held by banks, do you have a plan to strengthen restrictions again on banks' shareholdings?  - 金融庁


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