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Mountain Cityの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 228


It is hirayamajiro (castles built on a hill or low mountain surrounded by a plain) and was built on Mt. Hikone in present Konki-cho, Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture in the Edo Period, which is early modern time in Japan, as the castle for foothold of Ii clan that served as a defense in Chinzei (nickname of Kyushu). 例文帳に追加

近世にあたる江戸時代に滋賀県彦根市金亀町にある彦根山に、鎮西を担う井伊氏の拠点として置かれた平山城である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on written records, excavation and research, and presumption that it was founded after Yamanakagoe (a local road) from Omi and Fukasakagoe (a mountain path separating Fukui Prefecture and Shiga Prefecture) were united, recent study shows that Hikida, Tsuruga City is the most likely location. 例文帳に追加

文書の記録や発掘調査、および近江からの山中越と深坂越が一つになった後に設置されたとの推定から、近年の研究では敦賀市疋田が有力とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The castles in the Korean peninsula are classified into two types: mountain castle in a form specific to Korea and upuson with city walls, which are greatly influenced by China, but dominated later in the period. 例文帳に追加

朝鮮半島の城は、朝鮮固有の形式である山城の他に中国の影響を強く受けた都市城壁を持つ邑城(ウプソン)の2形式があるが時代が下るとともに邑城へと移行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was in the Jomon period that Seto Inland Sea became like the present shape, but initially the shore line was extended as far as to present Higashi-Osaka City at the foot of Ikoma-yama Mountain. 例文帳に追加

瀬戸内海が現在のような形になったのは縄文時代のことであるが、当初の海岸線は生駒山の麓、現在の東大阪市まで入り込んでいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an intake method and an intake device capable of taking in surface water at rainfall flowing in a river in a city area and a mountain stream, storing it and supplying it as water for living.例文帳に追加

都市域内の河川や渓流を流れる降雨時の表流水を取水して貯留し生活用水として供給できる取水方法及び取水装置を提供すること。 - 特許庁


The Tango-Amanohashidate-Oeyama Quasi-National Park consists of the three areas of 'the seashore area of the Tango peninsula,' which covers the area from Kyotango City of Kyoto Prefecture to the right-side shore of the estuary of Yura-gawa River in Maizuru City, of 'the Seya highland area,' an inland area of the Tango peninsula, and of 'the Oe-yama mountain range area' centered on the former Oe-cho area of Fukuchiyama City. 例文帳に追加

丹後天橋立大江山国定公園(たんごあまのはしだておおえやまこくていこうえん)は、京都府京丹後市から京都府舞鶴市の由良川河口右岸に至る「丹後半島海岸地区」及び、丹後半島内陸部の「世屋高原地区」、福知山市の旧大江町地域を中心とした「大江山連峰地区」の3地区で構成された国定公園。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, upland settlements in the Kinki region in the latter half of the end period (Kannonjiyama site at Izumi City, Osaka Prefecture and Kosobe site at Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture are mountain castle with moat) are considered to hold some relationship to the Wakoku War, as its prospered period in both northern Kyushu and Kinai matches to the period of Wakoku War described in history books, after the correction of the period described earlier. 例文帳に追加

一方、後期後半期の近畿の高地性集落(大阪府和泉市観音寺山遺跡、同高槻市古曾部遺跡などは環濠を巡らす山城)については、その盛行期が、上述の理由から北部九州・畿内ともおおよそ史書に記載された倭国大乱の年代とほぼ一致することから、これらを倭国大乱と関連させる理解が主流を占めているようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the documents remaining in the temple, Zenjo-ji Temple in the medieval period often disputed with its neighbors over village borders, especially, a dispute about the mountain border with Sotsuka-no-sho Manor (present Oishisotsuka-cho, Otsu City) of the estate of the Kujo family (Saisho kongo in ryo), was well known for disputing endlessly from the medieval period to the end of the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

寺に残る文書によると、中世の禅定寺は近隣との境争論をたびたび起こしており、中でも九条家領(最勝金剛院領)の曽束荘(そつかのしょう、現大津市大石曽束町)との山堺争論は中世から近世末期まで延々と争われたことで著名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Hokongo-in Temple which currently exist at Hanazono Ogino-cho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City, was originally Udaijin (Minister of the right), KIYOHARA no Natsuno's mountain villa in early Heian period, and it was changed to Narabigaoka-dera Temple after he died, when the Tenan-ji Temple was build by the Emperor Montoku's order in 858, the temple was ruined after that, Taikenmonin then restored it in 1130. 例文帳に追加

京都市右京区花園扇野町に現存する法金剛院は、平安前期、右大臣清原夏野の山荘だったものを死後双丘寺とし、天安2年(858年)文徳天皇の勅願によって天安寺が建立されたが、その後荒廃し、大治5年(1130年)になって待賢門院が復興したものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Kohakusaiki" (a diary and record on the history of the Sengoku period supposedly written by Masatake Komai), in 1521 when Shingen was born, Lady Oi retreated to Yogai-yama Mountain, while 15000 soldiers led by Masashige KUSHIMA under the order of Ujichika IMAGAWA of Suruga Province closed on Kofu, but were subsequently beat off by the Takeda army at Arakawahata (Kofu City). 例文帳に追加

『高白斎記』によれば信玄が誕生した大永元年(1521年)には駿河国今川氏親の命を受けた福島正成率いる1万5000人の軍勢が甲府に迫おり、大井夫人は要害山へ退いていたといわれ、武田方は荒川幡(甲府市)において今川方を撃退する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The name derived from Matsunoo-dera Temple (Maizuru City), which is the 29th of the 33 temples that are visited during the Kansai Kannon Pilgrimage; however, since the walk to the temple takes about 40 minutes, being located in the middle of the mountain, most visitors reach the temple by car, or they may take a route bus or a taxi from JR Maizuru Station. 例文帳に追加

西国三十三箇所第29番札所の松尾寺(舞鶴市)にちなんだ駅名であるが、寺が山の中腹にあるため約徒歩40分ほどかかるため、参拝客のほとんどは、車か、またはJR東舞鶴駅から路線バス・タクシーで寺へ向かう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the area around Karasuma Junior High School was excavated during the construction work of the Karasuma Line of the Kyoto City Subway, bedrock was found, making the construction more difficult; when the underground bedrock was studied through geophysical prospection, it turned out, however, that an underground mountain slopes down southeastward. 例文帳に追加

地下鉄京都市営地下鉄烏丸線の工事のときに烏丸中学校付近を掘削したところ、岩盤が発見されて難工事となったが、この地下の岩盤を物理探査法を用いて調査したところ、地下山脈が南東方向に存在することが判明。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ikuno, which appears in the beginning of one of the Hyakunin Isshu (one hundred waka poems by one hundred poets) was composed by Koshikibu no Naishi saying 'The road going over the Oe-yama mountain range and via Ikuno is so far that I have not set foot on Ama no Hashidate or seen a letter from my mother yet,' and is a place name in Fukuchiyama City; this poem illustrates the long relationship between Fukuchiyama and transportation. 例文帳に追加

百人一首の中の小式部内侍が歌った「おほえ山 いくの(生野)の道の遠ければ まだふみも見ず 天橋立」の歌枕として登場する生野は福知山市内の地名であるが、このことからその福知山と交通の歴史の深さを知ることが出来る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since most of Fukuchiyama City features mountain areas, as well as being part of a basin, a broad area is interspersed with many small-scale colonies, making it hard to provide bus and railroad service to all areas. 例文帳に追加

福知山市は盆地という地形上、福知山市のほとんどを占める山間部では非常に入り組んだ地形をしているだけでなく、広い土地に多数の小規模の集落がいたるところに点在しているため、バスや鉄道がそれぞれの地域を周ることは難しい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To visit Manshuin-michi Road, another alternative to the actual Kirara-zaka Slope, walk to the east (in the direction of the mountain) from Ichijoji Station on the Eizan Line of Eizan Electric Railway or from the Ichijoji-Sagari-Matsucho bus stop of Kyoto City Bus and turn left in front of Ichijoji-Sagari-Matsu. 例文帳に追加

上記異説の坂のある曼殊院道を辿るのであれば叡山電鉄叡山本線一乗寺駅または京都市バス・京都バス一条寺下り松町バス停より東(山側)に向かい一条寺下り松の前を左に折れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kiji-shi were craftsmen who collected woods in mountains and made wooden products, such as bowls and trays, and it is said that in the mountain range from Okukoya to Yoshino there had been such craftsmen called 'Koshuwatari Kiji-shi' who had their base mainly in Ogura Village, Omi Province (Eigenji-cho, Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture) until the Taisho era. 例文帳に追加

木地師とは、山で木を採り椀や盆などの木製品に仕上げる職人で、奥高野から吉野にかけての山域には近江国小椋村(滋賀県東近江市永源寺町)を本拠地とした江州渡(こうしゅうわたり)木地師と呼ばれた人々が大正の頃までいたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, according to the record of the observations in Mt. Kojin-dake near Nosegawa Village, it was -1.9 in January (4.6 in Kashihara City in the same month), 21.3 in August (27.7 in Kashihara), 9.7 on yearly average (1.56 in Kashihara); in Totsukawa which is warmer than the mountain, the maximum temperature in summer was about 25 and the minimum temperature in winter was below 10 , therefore it is regarded as a cold or cool climate. 例文帳に追加

例えば野迫川村の荒神岳での観測記録によれば、1月には摂氏マイナス1.9度(同月の橿原市4.6度)、8月で21.3度(同27.7度)、年平均9.7度(同15.6度)で、より温暖な十津川でも、夏季の最高気温は25度前後、冬季の最低気温は10度を下回り、寒冷ないし冷涼な気候である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The plan was build Fukuhara-kyo in an area extending from Chuo Ward, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture to northern Hyogo Ward, and it would stand at the foot of a mountain looking down over an expanded Owada no Tomari (present-day Hyogo Port/western Kobe Port), a trading port and one of the bases of the Taira clan, where an artificial island named Kyogashima Island was to be built. 例文帳に追加

場所は現在の兵庫県神戸市中央区(神戸市)から兵庫区北部にあたり、平氏の拠点のひとつである貿易港の大輪田泊(現在の兵庫港・神戸港西部)に人工島の経が島(経ヶ島)を築き整備拡張した港を見下ろす山麓に都を置くことが計画された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshisada NITTA descended the mountain with two imperial princes of the Emperor Godaigo: the Imperial Prince Tsuneyoshi and the Imperial Prince Takayoshi, and successfully escaped to the Hokuriku region where they were welcomed by Ujiharu KEHI who was Guji (chief of those who serves shrine, controls festivals and general affairs) of Kehi-jingu Shrine, then entered Kanegasaki-jo Castle in Echizen Province (Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture) on November 24. 例文帳に追加

新田義貞は、後醍醐天皇の二人の皇子恒良親王と尊良親王とを伴って下山し、北陸へ落ち延び、氣比神宮の宮司である気比氏治に迎えられ、10月13日_(旧暦)に越前国金ヶ崎城(福井県敦賀市)に入城した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the excavation and research of the "Mt. Otsubo" kogo-ishi in Takeo City in Saga Prefecture in 1963, the dorui (earthwork) built using the "hanchiku" construction method behind the arranged stones, and the traces of posts aligned at three-meter intervals in front of the arranged stones were discovered, and as a result it was widely accepted that kogo-ishi were mountain castles. 例文帳に追加

昭和38年(1963年)の佐賀県武雄市「おつぼ山」神籠石の発掘調査で、列石の背後にある版築によって築かれた土塁と、列石の前面に3m間隔で並ぶ堀立柱の痕跡が発見され、山城であることが確定的となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide an inexpensive and safe raising set of an insect or the like by inserting the various insects or the like collectable in farming village or mountain village into the raising case made of a used PET bottle because a child growing in a city has little chance of contacting with the insects in the present state.例文帳に追加

都会に育つ児童が昆虫等に接触する機会が少なくなりつつある現状に鑑み、農山村で採集できる種々の昆虫等を使用済みペットボトルで作った飼育ケースに入れ、安価で安全な昆虫等の飼育セットを提供しようとする。 - 特許庁

The temple had not had an honorific mountain prefix since the time of its founding by Nichiryu and was presided over by a single chief abbot along with Honko-ji Temple (Amagasaki City), but as successive chief abbots later went on to disseminate their teachings, branch temples were founded around the Kinki region, in the Hokuriku district, on the coast of the Inland Sea and even as far as Tanegashima, and Hommon-ryu became established with Honno-ji Temple at its top. 例文帳に追加

日隆の開山以来、尼崎市の本興寺(尼崎市)とともに山号はなく両山一貫主制をしいていたが、その後、歴代貫主が地方に布教し、日承の時代には末寺が畿内、北陸地方、瀬戸内海沿岸諸国さらに種子島まで広布し、本能寺を頂点とする本門流教団が成立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A lore is handed down at a mountain path called 'Tadagoe-toge Pass' in present-day Konda-cho, Sasayama City, Hyogo Prefecture, a boundary region between former Tanba Province and Harima Province, that all the armies of Minamoto no Yoshitsune, that advanced to Tanbaji (Tanba road) as karamete (backdoor) on the Battle of Ichinotani, could get over the pass safely, thanks to Yukitsuna, who was familiar with the area and met the armies at this place to lead them. 例文帳に追加

旧丹波国・播磨国の国境にあたる現在の兵庫県篠山市今田町には、一ノ谷の戦いの際に搦手として丹波路を進軍した源義経の軍勢を土地勘のある行綱がこの場所で出迎えて案内したことにより全員無事越境することができたとの地元伝承が存在する「タダ越峠」と呼ばれる山道がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the counsel, Kyoto City suggested an idea of passing the area to the north of the existing route with a mountain tunnel from Yamashina and connecting the line directly to downtown Kyoto; however, Keihan Electric Railway disagreed with the idea, insisting that the passenger transportation volume wasn't sufficient for the two lines to compete with each other, so eventually both sides agreed to discontinue the section between Keihan-yamashina and Sanjo on the Keishin Line of Keihan Electric Railway and allow Keihan Electric Railway to use the Tozai Line, Kyoto Municipal Subway. 例文帳に追加

その協議の場において京都市側は、山科から現ルートよりも北側を山岳トンネルで貫いて京都市都心部へ直行する案を提示したが、京阪電気鉄道側が両線が競合するほどの輸送量は無いとこれに反対し、京阪電気鉄道が京津線の京阪山科~三条間を廃止し、京都市営地下鉄東西線へ乗り入れることで決着した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Seeing Kohechi vertically, even the lowest point is about 200 meters above sea level except Hongu-cho (Tanabe City) near Kumano-gawa River, and the highest points are Obako Pass (1,220 meters) and Mt. Obako-dake (1,344 meters), therefore, 'distribution of plants by altitude' (Table 1) by the Nara Prefecture history editorial board positions the plants in Kohechi as the plant of hilly terrain, of highland, and of mountain. 例文帳に追加

小辺路の垂直断面を見ると、熊野川河畔に降りる田辺市本宮町内を除けば最低地点でも標高約200メートル前後、最高地点が伯母子峠(1220メートル)および伯母子岳山頂(1344メートル)周辺であることから、小辺路の植物分布は奈良県史編集委員会による高度別植物分布(表1)では丘陵帯、低山帯、山地帯に属している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Japan, the Keihan Keishin Line is the only one that serves as three different types of tracks: a subway, a mountain railway and a tram; a vehicle consisting of four cars enters a subway (Tozai Line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway) in the central part of Kyoto City (not a mutual entry but a single entry of the Keihan Keishin Line), runs through a steep curve and slope like a mountain railway near Osakayama, which used to be the hilliest part of the Kyu-Tokaido (the former Tokaido) on the boundary of Kyoto Prefecture and Shiga Prefecture, and runs like a tram along National Route 161 in the central part of Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture (between Misasagi Station shared with the Tozai Line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway, and Kyu-Misasagi-fudo Fumikiri (Railroad Crossing at the former Kyoto Prefecture Route of Misasagi) (Sanjo-dori Street) runs a subway). 例文帳に追加

京阪京津線は、4両編成の車両が京都市中心部地域では地下鉄(京都市営地下鉄京都市営地下鉄東西線)に乗り入れ(相互乗り入れではなく、片乗り入れ)、京都府と滋賀県との府県境にあり、旧東海道の難所でもあった逢坂山付近では、登山電車並みの急曲線・急勾配を走り抜け、滋賀県大津市中心部地域では、路面電車のように国道161号線上の併用軌道を走るという日本で唯一、地下鉄・登山鉄道・路面電車という3つの顔(京都市営地下鉄東西線との共同駅である御陵駅と旧御陵府道踏切(三条通)との間は、地下線)を持つ路線である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The seventh Jihei OGAWA, who revived the field of gardening, was called Gennosuke and left behind sakutei of Heian-jingu Shrine, Maruyama Park, Murinan (official residence of Aritomo YAMAGATA), Seifu so (the official residence of Kinmochi SAIONJI), Tairyusanso (residence of Yaichiro ICHIDA), and gardens designated as the National Site of Scenic Beauty, as well as many famous gardens such as the Furukawa Teien Garden, Heian-jingu Shrine, the front yard of Kyoto National Museum, the residence of Nomura Hekiunso, Sumitomo family (Yuhoen, the residence of Chausu-yama Mountain, the residence of Unagidani, Sumiyoshi, the residence of Hyomachi in Tokyo City), Mitsui family, Iwasaki family, and the Hosokawa family. 例文帳に追加

中興の七代目小川治兵衞は源之助といい、平安神宮・円山公園・無鄰庵(山県有朋公邸)・清風荘(西園寺公望公邸)・對龍山荘(市田弥一郎邸)・等国指定名勝指定庭園の作庭、さらに古河庭園、平安神宮、京都博物館前庭、野村碧雲荘などや住友家(有芳園・茶臼山邸・鰻谷邸・住吉・東京市兵町邸)・三井家・岩崎家・細川家等数多くの名庭を残す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Eight types of the surrounding scenery and vistaed views include: in particular, the 'temple views' such as Kamo Wakeikazuchi-jinja Shrine, Kamo Mioya-jinja Shrine, To-ji Temple and Kiyomizu-dera Temple; the 'street views' such as the Oike-dori Street and the Shijo-dori Street; the 'waterfront views' such as the view from Lake Biwa Canal; the 'background garden view' such as Entsu-ji Temple (Kyoto City); the 'mountain views' such as the Higashi-yama mountains and the Kita-yama mountains; the 'symbol views' such as the Daimonji (huge kanji character "dai" formed by bonfire in the Daimonji Festival); the 'lookout views' such as the view from the bridge over the Kamo-gawa River; and the 'bird's-eye views' such as the view from Mt. Daimonji-yama. 例文帳に追加

眺望景観とは、具体的には賀茂別雷神社、賀茂御祖神社、東寺、清水寺などからの「境内の眺め」や、御池通、四条通などからの「通りの眺め」、琵琶湖疏水などからの「水辺の眺め」、円通寺(京都市)などからの「庭園の眺め」、東山・北山などに対する「山並みへの眺め」、大文字などに対する「しるしへの眺め」、鴨川にかかる橋からの「見晴らしの眺め」、大文字からの「見下ろしの眺め」の8種である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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