
「a mae」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









a maeの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 109


Nijojo-mae station, located in Nijojo-cho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City, is a stop on the Tozai Line, which is operated by Kyoto Municipal Subway. 例文帳に追加

二条城前駅(にじょうじょうまええき)は、京都市中京区二条城町にある、京都市営地下鉄京都市営地下鉄東西線の鉄道駅。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Keihan Main Line commenced operations, the Daibutsu-mae Station (refer to The Great Buddha of Kyoto regarding derivation of the station's name) was a short distance away. 例文帳に追加

京阪本線の開業当初は、少し離れたところに大仏前駅(駅名の由来は京の大仏を参照)が存在した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Momoyama Goryo-mae Station, located in Kannonji-cho of Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, is a stop on the Kintetsu Kyoto Line of the Kintetsu Corporation. 例文帳に追加

桃山御陵前駅(ももやまごりょうまええき)は、京都府京都市伏見区観音寺町にある、近畿日本鉄道近鉄京都線の鉄道駅。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The nearest bus stops are the Gokonomiya-mae bus stop (Kyoto City Bus) and the Momoyama bus stop (Kintetsu Bus) located on National Route 24, a three-minute walk from the station. 例文帳に追加

最寄バス停は、駅から徒歩3分の国道24号沿いにある御香宮前(京都市営バス)、桃山(近鉄バス)となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A short distance to the west are Momoyama Goryo-mae Station (Kintetsu Kyoto Line) and Fushimi-Momoyama Station (Keihan Main Line) and to the south is Kangetsukyo Station (Keihan Uji Line). 例文帳に追加

少し離れてはいるが、西に近鉄京都線の桃山御陵前駅、京阪本線の伏見桃山駅、南には京阪宇治線の観月橋駅がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The fact that Tenguto paid necessary expenses at post stations and observed rules was described in "Yoake-mae" (Before the Dawn), a representative work by Toson SHIMAZAKI. 例文帳に追加

天狗党が諸費用をきちんと宿場に支払うなど規律厳守に努めたことは、島崎藤村の代表作『夜明け前』にも記述されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From JR Higashi Maizuru Station, take a Mihama Route or Tai Nohara Route bus owned by Kyoto Kotsu, and get off at the 'Hikiage Kinen Koen Mae Bus Stop' (time required: approximately 15 minutes). 例文帳に追加

西日本旅客鉄道東舞鶴駅より、京都交通の路線バス三浜線もしくは田井・野原線で約15分、「引揚記念公園前バス停」下車。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Japanese government has decided to provide a total of 2,994,500 baht, about 9.3 million yen, in grant aid to rebuild the Mae Tao Clinic in Thailand.例文帳に追加

日本政府は,タイにあるメータオ・クリニックの再建費用として総額299万4500バーツ(約930万円)の無償支援を決めた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

The Imperial Family's doctor could not find the cause of his illness, but the sorcerer ABE no Yasunari (or ABE no Yasuchika or ABE no Seimei) found that Tamamo no Mae was causing his illness, and Tamamo no Mae, having her real self as a nine-tailed fox revealed by the sorcerer, ran from the Imperial Court in the form of the white-faced, golden-haired, and nine-tailed fox, and hid herself. 例文帳に追加

天皇家お抱えの医者が診断しても、その原因が何なのかが分からなかったが、陰陽師・安倍泰成(安倍泰親、安倍晴明とも)によって病の原因が玉藻前であることが分かり、その正体が九尾の狐であることを暴露された玉藻前は、白面金毛九尾の狐の姿で宮中を脱走し、行方を暗ましていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A traditional tsukubai provided beside a teahouse includes a "chozubachi (mizubachi) "at the center, three "yaku-ishis (a mae-ishi, a teshoku-ishi, and a yuoke-ishi)", and a "suimon (umi)". 例文帳に追加

茶室に添えられる本格的なつくばいは、「手水鉢(水鉢)」を中心に、「前石」「手燭石」「湯桶石」(この3つの石を“役石”という)、「水門(海)」で構成されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hime no Mae, who worked at MINAMOTO no Yoritomo's Palace as a court lady was famous for her beauty, and according to "Azumakagami" (a histrical book written in the Kamakura period), she was described as 'a daughter of Tomomune TONAI in HIki county and at the time a matchlessly powerful employee, a favorite of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, and a very beautiful woman.'例文帳に追加

源頼朝の御所に勤める女官であった姫の前は美人で有名で、『吾妻鏡』に「比企の籐内朝宗が息女、当時権威無双の女房なりて、殊に御意に相叶う、容顔太だ美麗なり」と記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hana-gatami,' painted in 1915, was based on the yokyoku (song used in Noh) of the same name, which tells the story of 'Teruhi no mae,' a woman loved by Emperor Keitai when he was a prince, who went to Kyoto, met the Emperor by chance at an autumn leaf viewing party and performed a dance holding a flower basket she had received from him as a gift. 例文帳に追加

1915年の「花がたみ」の題材、謡曲「花筐(はながたみ)」は、継体天皇の皇子時代に寵を受けた「照日の前」が形見の花筐を手に都に上り、紅葉狩りに行き逢った帝の前で舞うという内容である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When aiming at a distant target, not only a front sight and a rear sight (Saki meate, Mae meate) but also a small sight device laid between them were used. 例文帳に追加

また遠距離を狙う場合、単に照星、照門(先目当、前目当)での照準にとどまらず、二つの照準器の間に在る小型の照準器との兼ね合いで照準した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nevertheless, at a later date, when Yoshitoki found that Tomotoki HOJO, Yoshitoki's second son born to Hime no mae, had sent love letters to and had secret meetings with a daughter of Sadonokami Chikayasu, who served as a court lady, Yoshitoki disowned Tomotoki and placed him under house arrest in Suruga Province Fujigun. 例文帳に追加

後年姫の前が生んだ次男北条朝時が官女である佐渡守親康の娘に艶紙を送って密会していることを知った義時は朝時を義絶し、駿河国富士郡に蟄居させている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Note, however, some see Tamamo no Mae, or the nine-tailed fox, as a heroine of a tragedy who was afraid of being alone, addicted to love, and a puppet of fate, instead of an evil character who tried to destroy the nation or dynasty. 例文帳に追加

しかしごく一部ではあるが、玉藻前、九尾の狐を単なる国家や王朝を破壊しようとした悪役ではなく、孤独を恐れ、愛情に溺れ、運命に弄ばれた悲劇のヒロインとする見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a strange customer ('shite' or the leading role) who came to his pub every day and drank in a very cool manner, so one day Kofu asked him about his name, then the customer answered that he was Shojo living under water; and the customer left (the disappearance of the leading role from the stage is called 'naka-iri', and the leading role before the naka-iri is called 'mae-jite', after the naka-iri is called 'nochi-jite'). 例文帳に追加

その店に毎日やってきては酒を飲むが顔色の変わらない不思議な客(前シテ)がおり、その素性を高風がたずねたところ、自分は海中に住む猩々であると告げて立去った(中入り)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Edo period, only a half of the whole performance of "Shojo" had been often performed as tsuke-shugen (additional performance at the end of a day's performance), therefore, at present, some schools including the famous Kanze School perform only 'nochi-ba' (the scene after the naka-iri; the scene before the naka-iri is called 'mae-ba') as the complete performance of "Shojo." 例文帳に追加

江戸期に付祝言として半能形式で上演されることが多かったため、現在では観世流などいくつかの流儀において、半能形式の後場だけで一曲となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshitoki kept sending love letters to Hime no Mae for about a year without any response, and Yoritomo who could not stand watching this helped Yoshitoki to marry her by making him write a sworn oath, saying 'he would never divorce her.' 例文帳に追加

義時は一年あまりの間姫の前に恋文を送っていが、姫の前は一向になびかず、それを見かねた頼朝が義時に「絶対に離縁致しません」という起請文を書かせて二人の仲を取り持ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, boarding from, for example Demachiyanagi Station to Shugakuin Station, a distance of 2.9 km corresponds to one section, but when boarding from Hachiman-mae Station (Kyoto Prefecture) to Miyakehachiman Station, a distance of 1.5 km corresponds to two sections. 例文帳に追加

このため、たとえば出町柳駅から修学院駅まで乗車した場合は2.9キロメートル乗車しても1区で済むが、八幡前駅(京都府)から三宅八幡駅まで乗車した場合は、1.5キロの乗車で2区となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This caused a problem in connecting to the Karasuma Line of Kyoto Municipal Subway at Karasuma Oike Station, the next station to the west of Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae Station, and some passengers complained about being stuck by nothing more than a station. 例文帳に追加

その結果、京都市役所前の西隣の烏丸御池での京都市営地下鉄烏丸線との接続に問題が生じる結果を招き、『たった1駅の差で足止めされる』との烏丸線乗換客からの不平不満の声も散見されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The distinction between Shushin and Haishin originated in the Meiji period with the introduction of a system of ranks for official shrines, although the concept of 'a chief god and other gods' already existed, with the main deity known as 'Mae' and others as 'Aidonoshin.' 例文帳に追加

祭神を主神・配神に分けるのは、明治時代に官国幣社で行われるようになったのに始まるものであるが、「主神とそれ以外の神」という観念はそれ以前からあり、「前」、「相殿神」などと呼ばれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kinugasa-Utano-sen, Kyoto City Road 183 is a major local road that extends from Rokuon-ji mae Intersection (Kita Ward, Kyoto City) to Fukuoji Intersection (Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City). 例文帳に追加

京都市道183号衣笠宇多野線(きょうとしどう183ごうきぬがさうたのせん)は、京都府京都市北区(京都市)鹿苑寺前交差点より京都市右京区福王子交差点に至る主要地方道である京都市町村道。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Take a Nara Kotsu bus (bound for Tonomine, Tanzan-jinja Shrine) at 'Sakurai Station' (Nara Prefecture) on West Japan Railway Company Sakurai Line or Kintetsu Osaka Line, get off at 'Shorin-ji mae,' and walk for 5 minutes. 例文帳に追加

西日本旅客鉄道桜井線・近鉄大阪線「桜井駅(奈良県)」より奈良交通バス(多武峰、談山神社行)「聖林寺前」下車徒歩5分 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Take a Nara Kotsu bus or Sakurai Community bus of Asuka Line (available on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays in March-June and August-November) at Sakurai Station (Nara Prefecture) on West Japan Railway Company Sakurai Line and Kintetsu Osaka Line, and get off at 'Abemonjuin Mae' 例文帳に追加

西日本旅客鉄道桜井線・近鉄大阪線桜井駅(奈良県)より奈良交通バスまたは桜井市コミュニティバス飛鳥線(3〜6月および8〜11月の土日祝日のみ運行)で「安倍文殊院前」下車 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The origin of `Nochi (later) no Sanbo' came from the fact that the three of wise subordinate; FUJIWARA no Korefusa, OE no Masafusa, FUJIWARA no Tamefusa, who served Emperor Shirakawa during the Heian period had a kanji character of `fusa' () in their names, they were called `Mae (previous) no Sanbo.' 例文帳に追加

平安時代の白河天皇に仕えた名前に「房」の字が付く3人の賢臣(藤原伊房・大江匡房・藤原為房)が、「前の三房」と称された事に因んで命名された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoritomo held a banquet to comfort Shigehira. Suketsune KUDO used the hand drum and sang Imayo, and Senju no mae played the Biwa (Japanese lute), while Shigehira played the Yokobue (flute). 例文帳に追加

頼朝は重衡を慰めるために宴をもうけ、工藤祐経に鼓を打たせ今様を謡わせ、千手の前は琵琶を弾き、重衡が横笛を吹いて楽しませている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tamamo no Mae (may be written with a few different sets of Chinese characters) was an imaginary woman of great beauty which was the transformed figure of the Hakumenkinmokyubi no kitsune (white-faced, golden-haired, and nine-tailed fox) that served Emperor Toba at the end of the Heian period. 例文帳に追加

玉藻前(たまものまえ。玉藻の前・玉藻御前と紹介されることもある)は平安時代末期、鳥羽天皇に仕えた白面金毛九尾の狐が化けた架空の絶世の美女。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By being associated with the Chinese evil women, Dakki and Hoji, the monster Tamamo no Mae became a white-faced, gold-haired, and nine-tailed fox whose story originated in India and was transmitted to China and finally to Japan; therefore, the impression was established that she was an evil monster known around the world. 例文帳に追加

そして中国の悪女、妲己と褒ジを結びつけることで、妖怪玉藻前は三国伝来白面金毛九尾の狐として昇華され、世界的な大妖怪というイメージが定着した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Basically, this type of train is directly connected to the Nara Line or Kashiwara Line and is operated all day in the sections between Kyoto Station and Kintetsu Nara Station, Tenri Station or Kashiwarajingu-mae Station (a few trains of this type go to Yamato-Saidaiji Station, Kintetsu-Miyazu Station or Shin-Tanabe Station). 例文帳に追加

奈良線や橿原線に直通しての運転が基本で、終日、京都~近鉄奈良・天理駅・橿原神宮前(大和西大寺・近鉄宮津・新田辺行も本数はごくわずかだがある)間に運転されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Due to such complicated circumstances, Yodogawa-bashi (Railway) Bridge spanning the Uji-gawa River between Momoyama Goryo-mae Station and Mukaijima was constructed as the longest simple truss structured bridge in Japan, with a length of 164.6 meters. 例文帳に追加

桃山御陵前駅~向島駅間の宇治川に架かる澱川鉄橋が日本最長164.6mの単純トラス橋構造となったのは、このような複雑な事情による。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other bus stops around the station (about a five-minute walk) are Koka Joshi Gakuen-mae (Kyoto City Bus Route: 32, 73, 80; Kyoto Bus Co., Ltd. (for Kyoto Station - Gojo-dori Street - Arashiyama)) and Senshoji (Kyoto City Bus Route: Special 33; Keihan Kyoto Kotsu). 例文帳に追加

周辺部(徒歩5分程度)のバス停留所に光華女子学園前(京都市バス32系統、73系統、80系統、京都バス(京都駅~五条通~嵐山方面))、川勝寺(京都市バス特33系統、京阪京都交通)がある - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The nearest bus stops for JR and Kyoto Municipal Subway's Rokujizo Station is 'JR Rokujizo' and 'JR Rokujizo-kitaguchi' (also a 'JR Rokujizo-Itoyokado-mae' stop on Keihan Uji Bus route). 例文帳に追加

JRおよび京都市営地下鉄の六地蔵駅の最寄りのバス停は「JR六地蔵」および「JR六地蔵北口」である(京阪宇治バスには「JR六地蔵イトーヨーカドー前」も存在する)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Incidentally, a temporary intermediate station built in 1992 by the Keifuku Electric Railroad Co., Ltd., is Jinai Ground-mae Station on the Mikuni-awara Line, currently operated by the Echizen Railway. 例文帳に追加

なお臨時駅の中間駅としては、現えちぜん鉄道のえちぜん鉄道三国芦原線仁愛グランド前駅が、京福電鉄時代の1992年に開業した例がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kintetsu Kyoto Line: (the area of Kyoto Station - Kintetsu Tanbabashi Station) - Kizukawadai Station - Yamadagawa Station (located across a boundary with Seika-cho) - (the area of Takanohara Station - Yamato Saidaiji Station - Kintetsu Nara Station - Kashiwarajingu-mae Station) 例文帳に追加

近鉄京都線:(京都・近鉄丹波橋駅方面)-木津川台駅-山田川駅(精華町との境界上に存在)-(高の原駅・大和西大寺駅・近鉄奈良駅・橿原神宮前駅方面) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Uzume-jinja Shrine is reverentially referred to locally as "Okame-sama" and Kitahosono Station on the Oito Line, which is the closest train station to the shrine, was initially named "Okame-mae Station" back when it began operations as a station of the Shinano Railway Company (it was renamed "Kitahosono Station" when the rail line was nationalized). 例文帳に追加

鈿女神社は地元で「おかめ様」として崇められており、最寄駅の大糸線北細野駅は信濃鉄道の駅として開業した際「おかめ前駅」と呼ばれていた(国営化に当たって改称)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The U.S. government announced a package of rescue measures for Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) and Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.), including injections of public funds 例文帳に追加

米政府は、ファニーメイ(米連邦住宅抵当公社)、フレディマック(米連邦住宅貸付抵当公社)への公的資金注入も含む支援策を表明しました - 金融庁

The device (D) includes a management means (MAE) used to match the configuration of the network element (NE) in accordance with at least the management data stored in the management information base (MIB) and with chosen rules known as assurance rules.例文帳に追加

装置(D)は、少なくとも管理情報ベース(MIB)に保存された管理データと、選択されたいわゆる保証ルールとに応じて、設備(NE)のコンフィギュレーションをマッチングさせる役割をする管理手段(MAE)を含む。 - 特許庁

In the Meiji era, a news painter Shokoku YAMAMOTO (c.1869 - 1965) reported with a picture titled "Ginza Jizo-mae ennichi" (a fair in front of the Ginza-Jizo, guardian deity of children) in a magazine "Fuzoku Gaho" (Manners and Customs in Pictures) (c. 1901) that there were street stalls selling 'sazae no tsuboyaki,' and this shows that the shops had moved from seaside towns into urban areas. 例文帳に追加

明治時代にはいってからは、たとえば報道画家・山本松谷(1869年?-1965年)の『風俗画報』のうち『銀座地蔵前縁日』(1901年頃か?)にサザエの壺焼きを商う屋台が描かれており、サザエの壺焼きが海辺の町から都市部に進出してきていたことがわかる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nagasaki Takasuke, uchikanrei (head of Tokuso Family) recommended Kunitoki HOJO, Takatoki's eldest son born in December the previous year and whose mother was Troika no Mae, a sister of Muneshige GODAIIN, who was also a retainer of the Tokuso family as the next head of the Tokuso family, and he also recommended Sadaaki HOJO, head of the branch Hojo clan as a temporary 15th shikken (regent to the shogun) until Kunitoki became able to inherit the regency. 例文帳に追加

内管領長崎氏は、同じ得宗被官である五大院宗繁の妹常葉前を母として前年12月に産まれた高時の長子北条邦時を得宗家の後継者に推し、執権職を継承するまでの中継ぎとして北条氏庶流の北条貞顕を15代執権に推挙する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tamamo no Mae supposedly played an important role during the cloistered rule of the Retired Emperor Toba, which was from 1129 to 1156, and she was supposed to be a young woman of about 20 years old (or some say a young girl) with extensive knowledge and great beauty, and she was said to be the most beautiful and smartest woman in the country. 例文帳に追加

鳥羽上皇が院政を行った1129年から1156年の間に活躍したといわれ、20歳前後の若い女性(少女とも)でありながら、大変な博識と美貌の持ち主であり、天下一の美女とも、国一番の賢女とも謳われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although I said "some" financial institutions, I suppose that those institutions account for a significant portion. Based on information obtained so far, I understand that major banks and Norinchukin Bank held a total of around 10 trillion yen's worth of securities issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as of the end of June. 例文帳に追加

ただ、一部といいましても、それがかなりの部分を占めると思うのですが、今の段階で申し上げると、主要行及び農林中央金庫におけるファニーメイそしてフレディマックの発行する債券の保有残高は今年の6月末時点で約10兆円ということで承知をいたしております。 - 金融庁

As for your second question, additional market stabilization measures announced by the U.S. authorities include the establishment of a 200-billion-dollar lending facility for investors holding asset-backed securities, purchases of bonds issued by GSEs and residential mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae with the use of funds totaling up to 600 billion dollars. 例文帳に追加

それから2点目の、米国当局による追加的な市場安定化策でございますが、その柱は、一つは資産担保証券を保有している投資家向けの融資制度、2,000億ドル規模の創設、そして、GSEが発行する債券及びファニーメイ(米連邦住宅抵当公庫)、フレディマック(米連邦住宅金融抵当公庫)、ジニーメイ(米連邦政府抵当公庫)が保証する住宅ローン担保証券を買い取る、こちらのほうは6,000億ドル規模と言われていますが、こういった追加的な金融市場の支援策が公表されたということかと思います。 - 金融庁

Recently, due to problems of fish hauls and means of transport, one-of-a-kind Saba-zushi has been increasing such as 'Torosaba-bozushi (rod-shaped sushi topped with fatty mackerel) topped with 'Hachinohe mae okisaba' mackerel (mackerel caught in the offing of Hachinone) (commonly called Torosaba) containing at least twenty-on percent fat, which was not distributed across the country. 例文帳に追加

最近では、漁獲量や輸送手段の問題などから、全国に流通していなかった脂質が21%以上ある「八戸前沖鯖」(通称:とろ鯖)などを使用した「とろ鯖棒寿司」など、ユニークな鯖寿司も増えてきている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the past, Kyoto City Bus Daigo Eigyosho (Daigo business office) was located near to this station (the bus station was called Daigo Shako-mae (in front of the Daigo rail yard), but its operation was discontinued when the Tozai Line started its operation, and now a condominium stands there (concurrently, Kyoto City Bus stopped operating in the Yamashina and Daigo areas). 例文帳に追加

かつて当駅の付近に京都市営バス醍醐営業所(バス停名は醍醐車庫前)が存在したが、東西線の開業と同時に廃止され、跡地はマンションになっている(同時に山科・醍醐地区から京都市営バスが撤退)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Secondly, shifting of courses: On March 30, 1970, when Uji City's planning road (Wakamori Line) was partially completed, a course between Shiyakusho-mae (current Sogo-chosha) and Uji-bashi Nishizume of the Uji-Yodo Route via Ogura was shifted to the new road, and on July 10, 1976, when the said road was completed, all services on the same section including the Uji-Yodo Route via Okubo were moved to the newly constructed City road. 例文帳に追加

次に、市役所前(現・総合庁舎)~宇治橋西詰間の経路変更(1970年3月30日に宇治市の都市計画道路(若森線)の一部完成で小倉経由のみ同道路に、同道路の完全完成により1976年7月10日に大久保経由も含む全便が同都市計画道路に載替。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A.Regarding this matter, GSE (government-sponsored agency) bonds have been issued on a very large scale. As you know, GSE bonds include agency bonds and mortgage-backed securities. The necessary thing to do is to clarify their full scale. Holding such securities is not in itself inappropriate. I understand that if the stock prices (of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae) drop, the U.S. government may take measures to strengthen their capital bases depending on the circumstances, as Treasury Secretary Paulson has announced. 例文帳に追加

答)これについては、非常に巨大な規模でGSE(政府支援機関)債が発行されています。GSE債というのはご案内のようにエージェンシー債とモーゲージ債からなっています。こうしたことの全体像がより明確になることが必要であろうかと思います。 - 金融庁

Congress has passed a bill related to the support for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In Japan, there was an uproar in the Diet when the support for the "jusen" housing loan companies was under deliberation, and the way in which public funds were used drew severe public criticism. I hope that an appropriate support framework will be established in light of Japan's lesson. 例文帳に追加

日本では住専国会のときに、すったもんだして公的資金の使い方に対して大変深刻な国民の批判を浴びたわけですが、是非、そういった日本の歴史の教訓を参考にしながら、正しいサポートの体制を作っていただきたいと思います。 - 金融庁

A clock-synchronized memory is provided with an AL setting register 132 used for setting a value (front-loaded latency) specifying a supply cycle of a read or write command, and a delay control circuit 126 for delaying internal control signals MAE, WBE by the prescribed cycle time in accordance with a value set to the AL setting register 132.例文帳に追加

クロック同期型のメモリにおいて、読出しまたは書込みコマンドの投入サイクルを指定する値(前倒しレイテンシ)を設定可能なAL設定レジスタ132と、AL設定レジスタ132に設定された値に応じて所定のサイクル時間だけ内部制御信号MAE,WBEを遅延させるための遅延制御回路126とを備える。 - 特許庁

The toner for electrostatic charge image development contains a crystalline resin, having a melting point of 50°C higher and 80°C or lower and silica as an external additive, having a volume average particle diameter of 40 nm or larger and 200 nm or smaller with a toner coverage rate ranging from 60% to 100%, and the toner has a maximum ventilation flowability index MAE of not larger than 25 mJ.例文帳に追加

融点が50℃以上80℃以下の結晶性樹脂を含み、外添剤として体積平均粒径が40nm以上200nm以下のシリカをトナー被覆率60%以上100%以下の範囲で含み、トナーの最大通気流動性指標MAEが25mJ以下である静電荷像現像用トナーである。 - 特許庁


Kyoto City also opposed the construction of a railway in the vicinity of Momoyama Goryo-mae Station, objecting to the railroad crossing that might be produced on the approach to the Momoyama Goryo Tomb; therefore, the company made a plan to construct a subway line, but that also failed because of the protest of the sake brewers association of Fushimi Ward, which was worried about the depletion of underground water, and finally as the last expedient, the railway was constructed with an elevated structure. 例文帳に追加

また、桃山御陵前駅の前後は、京都市も桃山御陵への参拝道に踏切が生じることを理由に反対したため地下線での建設を計画したが、伏見区の酒造組合が地下水の枯渇を理由に地下線での建設計画は頓挫し、残る高架方式での建設となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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