
「sorrow」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(10ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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In the chapter of 'Tsunemasa Miyakoochi' (the rustication of Taira no Tsunemasa) in "Heike monogatari" (The Tale of the Heike) and "Genpei Josui ki" (the history of flux and reflux of Genji and Heishi), there is a story that TAIRA no Tsunemasa dropped in at Ninna-ji Temple when he rusticated Kyoto and returned the biwa (Japanese lute) "Aoyama" given by the precedent chief priest, priest Imperial Prince Kakusho, Tsunemasa and monk-Imperial Prince Shukaku exchanged waka poems feeling the sorrow of parting. 例文帳に追加

『平家物語』『源平盛衰記』の「経正都落」条に、平経正が都落ちの際仁和寺に立ち寄り、先代覚性法親王より拝領の琵琶『青山』を返上した折、別れを惜しみ歌を交わした記事が残る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I'm prepared to believe my husband's death"; she then talked about the last time she saw her husband at Fukuhara, saying and asking that "Though I think I must have my baby and raise it to keep in memory of him, my sorrow only grows stronger and I'm prepared to sink deep in the sea instead of suffering from the sadness I feel for my dead husband. 例文帳に追加

もう、夫は亡きものと覚悟しました」と言うと福原での夫との最後の対面のことを語り、「子を産んで形見として育てねばならないと思うが、悲しみは増すばかりで、亡き人の恋しさに苦しむよりは海の底へ入ろうと思い定めました。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As wind chopped about, they moved up and down like a fish jumps and heaved because of very hot flame and jumped up and voice of sorrow sounded to the sky going up with smoke and it was like jailer's torture. They lost their guts and nobody observed for two days. Misery could not be expressed sufficiently.' 例文帳に追加

「風のまはるに随って、魚のこぞる様に上を下へとなみより、焦熱、大焦熱のほのほにむせび、おどり上り飛び上り、悲しみの声煙につれて空に響き、獄卒の呵責の攻めも是なるべし。肝魂を失ひ、二日共更に見る人なし。哀れなる次第中々申し足らず。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, although it has been a few months since the group returned home, we have not yet seen anything done about setting up such a place, and people and government are having doubts about each other these days; if anything happens, society shall collapse like mud, it means that the people's opinions are neglected and we feel much sorrow over this. 例文帳に追加

然ルニ最早大使御帰朝以来既ニ数月ヲ閲シ候得共、何等ノ御施設モ拝承不仕、昨今民心洶々上下相疑、動スレバ土崩瓦解ノ兆無之トモ難申勢ニ立至候義、畢竟天下輿論公議ノ壅塞スル故卜実以残念ノ至ニ奉存候。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After selecting the feelings in a Step S404, branching corresponding to the feelings is performed in Step S406 to S410, and is performed in Step S412 to S416 in pleasure, in Step S418 to S422 in anger, in Step S424 to S428 in sorrow, and in Step S430 to S434 in enjoyment.例文帳に追加

ステップS404にて感情を選択したら、ステップS406〜S410にて感情に対応した分岐を行い、喜びであればステップS412〜S416、怒りであればステップS418〜S422、悲しみであればステップS424〜S428、楽しさであればステップS430〜S434で実施する。 - 特許庁


When the speed of the game ball just before entering the prize-winning port 14 is high, shortening of a falling period can be expected even when a falling route is hindered by a rocking member 80 in a falling state changing role object 76, and the player can enjoy the game also visually while constantly swinging from joy to sorrow about the movement of the game ball.例文帳に追加

また、入賞口14への入賞直前の遊技球の速度が速ければ、落下状態変更役物76内で揺動部材80に落下経路を邪魔されても落下時間の短縮が期待でき、遊技者は、遊技球の動きに常に一喜一憂しながら、視覚的にも楽しむことができる。 - 特許庁

Now the Greeks, in pity and sorrow, held their hands, and did not pursue the Trojans who had fled, nor did they strip the armour from Penthesilea and her twelve maidens, but laid the bodies on biers, and sent them back in peace to Priam. 例文帳に追加

さて、ギリシア軍は、哀れみと悲しみにつつまれて、攻撃を差し控え、逃げるトロイア軍を追跡しなかったし、またペンテシレイアとその部下の十二人の乙女から武具をはぎ取ることもせず、死骸を棺台に乗せ、平穏のうちにプリアモスのもとへ送り届けた。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

For me it sings, unseals my sorrow, thaws compassion, floods with love the sunless world, nor, ceasing, abates its tenderness but deftly, subtly, weaves in and out until in this pattern, this consummation, the cleft ones unify; 例文帳に追加

私のためにそれは歌い、私の悲しみをあばきだし、慈しみをとかしだし、太陽なき世界に愛をあふれかえらせ、絶えることもなく、そのやさしさを失うも、巧妙に精妙に、このパターンへ、この消耗へ、かの裂け散った統一体へと織りあげていく。 - Virginia Woolf『弦楽四重奏』

As it is said 'Soeki's secrets are kohita, taketa, wabita (subtle taste), ureta (sorrow), toketa, hanayakani (floridly), monoshiri (knowledgeable), sakusha (author), hanagurumani (flower car), and tsuyoku (powerful); and those who mastered in these ten secrets are taken as qualified, but five of them are not for the beginners,' 'wabita' was only one of the numerous key words used in tea ceremony; it is not a stage at which a beginner should aim, rather, it was assumed a stage that was able to be aimed at for the first time with the tea worn to the learning body in general. 例文帳に追加

「宗易愚拙ニ密伝‥、コヒタ、タケタ、侘タ、愁タ、トウケタ、花ヤカニ、物知、作者、花車ニ、ツヨク、右十ヶ条ノ内、能意得タル仁ヲ上手ト云、但口五ヶ条ハ悪シ業初心ト如何」とあるから「侘タ」は、数ある茶の湯のキーワードの一つに過ぎなかったし、初心者が目指すべき境地ではなく一通り茶を習い身に着けて初めて目指しうる境地とされていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, "Akikaze no kyoku" (a song for the autumn wind), composed by researching the poem 'The Song of Everlasting Sorrow' by Bai Juyi, was a work for koto and song by the compositional style of koto kumiuta (koto suites of songs) and danmono (most important type in shirabemono (the koto solo instrumental music)) during the early Edo period and for this he invented a new method of tuning koto called 'Akikaze-joshi tuning' where he incorporated the mode of Ming and Xing-era Chinese music (as popularized in Japan before the First Sino-Japanese war) that had been popular in those days. 例文帳に追加

一方『秋風の曲』は、白居易の詩「長恨歌」に取材、やはり江戸初期の楽曲形式である箏組歌と段物のスタイルによって作られた箏と歌のための曲で、そのために新たな箏の調弦法「秋風調子」を考案したが、当時流行していた明清楽の旋法が取り入れられているという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In May, 1273 when Masamura HOJO, who served as a regent and a rensho (assistant to regents), died, he sent a letter to Sanetoki HOJO, a nephew of Masamura, and his daughter's husband, stating that 'I would like to express my sincere sorrow, however, regrettably I couldn't offer prayers because a migyosho (a document for informing people of the decision of Third Rank or upper people) prohibited jitos (managers and lords of manor) and gokenins (immediate vassals of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods) in Chinzei (nickname of Kyushu) from calling on you due to a foreign affair.' 例文帳に追加

文永10年(1273年)5月に執権と連署を務めた北条政村が死去した際に、政村の甥で娘婿である北条実時に宛てて「お悔やみを申し上げたいが、異国の事により鎮西の地頭御家人は参向してはならないとの御教書ですので、参拝する事できず残念です。」との書状を送っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, these traditions have been told in relation to the tale that 'Murasaki Shikibu began writing to comfort her sorrow over the death of MINAMOTO no Takaakira,' which is not true to the historical fact, or in a mysterious medieval folktale that Murasaki Shikibu was an incarnation of Bodhisattva; thus there have been many statements that deny them since old times, and they haven't been taken as clues to consider the formation and structure of "The Tale of Genji" in the study of "The Tale of Genji" since modern times. 例文帳に追加

但しこれらの伝承は「紫式部が源高明の死を悼んで『源氏物語』を書き始めた」とするどう考えても歴史的事実に合わない説話や、紫式部が菩薩の化身であるといった中世的な神秘的伝承と関連づけて伝えられることも多かったため、古くからこれを否定する言説も多く、近世以降の『源氏物語』研究においては『源氏物語』の成立や構成を考えるための手がかりとされることはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also wrote, however, that "If I gave up Kamigata in its present state, I would not have any excuse not only to the ancestors of the Kataoka family but also to my predecessors who had built up shibai (drama) in Kamigata up until now. By all means, I had to protect Kamigata Kabuki shibai." ("Yakusha nanajunen (literally, seventy years as an actor)" by Nizaemon KATAOKA; published by The Asahi Shimbun Company), and his heart-felt sorrow for kabuki and his thoughts for his ancestors instilled in him the tragic but brave thought that "If failed, I will die with kabuki."(ibid.). 例文帳に追加

だが「現在この有様上方を捨てては、片岡家の先祖は言うに及ばず、何代かかって上方の芝居をここまで築き上げてきた先輩たちにこれほど申し訳ないことはないではないか。何としても上方の灯は守らなければ。」(片岡仁左衛門著「役者七十年」1976年朝日新聞社)とあるように、切実な関西歌舞伎の愛惜と先祖への思いとが「それでも駄目なら歌舞伎と心中しよう。」(同上)という悲壮な決心に向かったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Birds are on the wing, Over the Asuka River, Whose upper rapids Were spanned with a stone bridge, Whose lower rapids Were spanned with a wooden bridge; Towards the stone bridge, Fine and green water-weeds grow, And then withering, Soon prosper exuberantly; Toward the wooden bridge River-weeds grow up waving, And then withering, Soon prosper exuberantly; Like those water-weeds As soon as the Prince arose, The Princess rose, too, Waving like the water-weeds; When the Prince lay, The Princess after him lay, Toward him waving; Why could she forget the Prince By whose side she stood, In the Palace where he passed His mornings and evenings? Why did she leave it vacant? When she was alive, when she was well and happy, In the springtide She decked her hair with flowers, And in the autumn Adorned it with yellow leaves; She intermingled Her sleeves with the Prince's sleeves, And she watched the moon Full and clear as a mirror With admiration, With love and deep affection, Standing by his side; On another occasion She went out with him To the Palace of Kinoe, Where delicacies Were graciously offered to them; This part of Kinoe As her everlasting place, The Princess departed; And we can't see nor speak with her; Be that as it may (or Yet, nevertheless,) Swollen with the deep sorrow, Like the fairy bird, Longing for the departed, Line the morning bird, The Prince did come and go, Like the summer grass Pining and withering away, Like the evening star Going and sinking in grief; Like a swaying ship, The Prince's heart kept wavering; As this I know not How to comfort his sorrow; So I know no way And simply wish to retain The tone of her voice, Only to remember her name For ever and ever, As long as heaven and earth, Her beloved name Committing to memory, And love on her name By the Asuka River For generations As the precious memento Of the dear, deceased Princess (Manyoshu, Volume 2 -196). 例文帳に追加

飛ぶ鳥の 明日香の河の 上つ瀬に 石橋渡し 下つ瀬に 打橋渡す 石橋に 生ひ靡ける 玉藻もぞ 絶ゆれば生ふる 打橋に 生ひをれる 川藻もぞ 枯るれば生ゆる 何しかも わが王の 立たせば 玉藻のもころ 臥せば 川藻のごとく 靡かひし 宜しき君の 朝宮を 忘れたまふや 夕宮を 背きたまふや うつそみと 念ひし時 春べは 花折りかざし 秋立てば 黄葉かざし しきたへの 袖たづさはり 鏡なす 見れども飽かず 三五月の いやめづらしみ 念ほしし 君と時時 幸して 遊びたまひし 御食向ふ きのえの宮を 常宮と 定めたまひて あぢさはふ 目言も絶えぬ しかれかも あやにかなしみ ぬえ鳥の 片恋嬬 朝鳥の 往来はす君が 夏草の 念ひ萎えて 夕星の か往きかく去き 大船の たゆたふ見れば なぐさむる 情もあらず そこゆゑに せむすべ知れや 音のみも 名もみも絶えず 天地の いや遠長く 偲び行かむ み名に懸かせる 明日香河 万世までに はしきやし わが王の 形見かここを巻2-196 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”The String Quartet”

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Copyright (C) Virginia Woolf 1920, expired. Copyright (C) Kareha 2002, waived.
原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”

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