





該当件数 : 37



The international competitiveness index is defined as a numeric value which shows trade balance (exports - imports) as a proportion of trade amount (exports + imports). - 経済産業省


In 2010, China’s trade was characterized by the increase in trade amount with Asian countries and the emerging economies. Amount of trade with Japan, United States and Europe increased more or less 30% over the previous years. Contrarily, total amount of trade with ASEAN, Taiwan, India, Australia and Brazil increased 40 to 50% over the previous years. - 経済産業省


Figure 3-1-1-5 Change in ratio by trade partner/region to total import and export of Japan - 経済産業省

6 極における通商関係の変化を俯瞰するため、各国・地域間における貿易(輸出+輸入)をチャートで示し(第2-1-1-1 図、第2-1-1-2 図、第2-1-1-3 図)、それら6 極間貿易に占める各2 国・地域間貿易のシェアを確認する(第2-1-1-4 表)。例文帳に追加

In order to overview the changes in trade relationships in the six poles, the amount of trade (export plus import) between the countries/ regions is shown in the Figures (Figures 2-1-1-1, 2-1-1-2 and 2-1-1-3). Shares of the amount of trade between each bilateral/ bi-regional trade which account for the total amount of trade between the six poles are confirmed (Table 2-1-1-4). - 経済産業省

EUはアジア太平洋地域以外の最大の貿易相手であり、日EU 間の貿易は、約13 兆円(2010 年)で、日本にとり世界第3 位、EU にとり世界第6 位の貿易相手である。例文帳に追加

The EU is Japan‟s largest trading partner outside the Asia-Pacific region. The total trade value between Japan and the EU is about 13 trillion yen (2010). The EU is Japan‟s third largest trading partner in the world, while Japan is the EU‟s sixth largest trading partner. - 経済産業省


Thus, China’s processing trade value enlarged. The ratio of processing trade to the total China’s import and export reached about 60% for export and about 50% for import. - 経済産業省


Japans low birthrate and aging society. Regardless of its trade balance situation, it is thought that there is a sufficient possibility of growth in the total trade value, and there is plenty of room for Japan to increase its trade even more, and pursue the benefits of higher efficiency through trade. - 経済産業省

経済連携ついては、我が国の FTA 比率(FTA 相手国(発効国及び署名国)との貿易貿易に占める割合)は依然として低い水準にある。例文帳に追加

With regard to economic partnerships, the FTA ratio (percentage of trade value with FTA partners (countries which ratified or signed the FTA) to total trade value) of Japan is still at a low level. - 経済産業省


Looking at the trends in intermediate goods trade (total amount of export and import) between the four major euro area countries and seven major euro area countries in Central and East Europe, while Germany's value of trade has swiftly expanded from the early 2000s, though those of France and Italy have also been on an increasing trend, they trail Germany by a wide margin in total value. - 経済産業省


Although the percentage of trade in Japan's total trade amount is presently not so high compared with other major trade partners, it may be important to further strengthen the trade and investment relation with MERCOSUR, which has great market potentials. - 経済産業省

EUはアジア太平洋地域以外の最大の貿易相手であり、日EU 間の貿易は、約 14 兆円(2011 年)で、日本にとり世界第 3位、EU にとり世界第 7 位の貿易相手であり、日本の対 EU 投資残高は約 17 兆円(2011 年)、EU の対日投資残高は約 7 兆円(2011 年)となっている。例文帳に追加

Except for the Asia-Pacific region, the EU is the largest trade partner of Japan: the total trade value between the EU and Japan is about 14 trillion yen (2011); the EU is the world’s third largest trade partner of Japan, and Japan is the world’s seventh largest trade partner of the EU; Japan’s investment balance to the EU is about 17 trillion yen (2011) and the EU’s investment balance to Japan is about 7 trillion yen (2011). - 経済産業省

2000年代を通して、新興国の貿易は輸出入ともに先進国の伸びをおおむね上回っており、世界の貿易(輸出 + 輸入)に占める新興国の割合は、2000年第1四半期の22.9% から2010年第4四半期には37.5% にまで上昇した。例文帳に追加

Throughout the 2000s, the growth rates in the volume of trade achieved by the emerging economies exceeded those of the advanced economies both in arena of exports and imports, and the trade volume of the emerging economies increased from 22.9% of the total world trade (amount of export plus import) in the first quarter of 2000 to 37.5% in the last quarter of 2010. - 経済産業省


Moreover, looking at the relationship between Japan and China, since August 2003, China (including Hong Kong) has accounted for almost the same share of Japan’s overall trade as the US, and is becoming Japan’s biggest trading partner (Fig. 1.4.33). - 経済産業省


Throughout the 1990s, the volume of China’s foreign trade increased fourfold (total value of exports and imports: US$115.4 billion (1990) ‡ US$509.7 billion (2001)) and its share of world trade is also increasing (exports: 1.9 percent (1990) ‡ 4.3 percent (2001), imports: 1.5 percent (1990) ‡ 3.8 percent (2001)) (Fig. 1.2.7). - 経済産業省

1990 年時点で、6 極間貿易の半分以上(61.5%)を占めていた先進国貿易(NAFTA-EU、NAFTA-日本、EU-日本)は、新興国の経済力が増大するに伴い大幅にその存在感を下げている(2000 年は48.9%、2008 年は32.6%)。例文帳に追加

At one point in 1990, trade among advanced countries (NAFTA - EU, NAFTA - Japan and EU - Japan), which dominated the trade with an amount of (61.5%), over one half of the total of that of the six poles, decreased its presence according to the increased economic power in the emerging economies (48.9% in 2000 and 32.6% in 2008). - 経済産業省


For this purpose, we discuss competitiveness for intermediary and final goods. We use a trade specialization coefficient as an indicator, assuming competitiveness is reflected to the ratio of trade surplus to total imports and exports. - 経済産業省

しかし、貿易に占める署名・発効済み EPA/FTA の割合(FTA 比率)は、米国が 39.0%、韓国が33.9%、EU が 28.6%(域内貿易含まず)であるのに対して、我が国は 18.6%に過ぎず、その取組は遅れている例文帳に追加

The ratio of already signed or effective EPAs/FTAs to the total trade value (FTA ratio) is 39.0% in the U.S., 33.9% in South Korea and 28.6% in EU (excluding interregional trade); however, the FTA ratio in Japan is only 18.6%, indicating that Japanese initiatives fall behind other nations. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, observing the situation before the global economic crisis, the EPA parties that came into effect have generally increased. - 経済産業省

世界のGDPは年間約55 兆ドル(2007 年)だが、外国為替取引量は年間1460 兆ドル(2007 年)であり、これは貿易量の約86 倍、GDPの約27 倍である。例文帳に追加

On the other hand, foreign exchange transactions total $1,460 trillion (as of 2007): some 86 times as much as trade and about 27 times as much as world GDP. - 経済産業省


In the trade side, The total amount of the trade was only approximately US$20 billion in 1978, but it expanded to approximately US$3,000 billion in 2010 or approximately 150 times larger than the amount in 1978 and the export was the world largest and the import was the world second largest. China has been rapidly gaining importance with its presence in the world economy. - 経済産業省

昨年2011 年の我が国の貿易は、輸出が約65兆5,500 億円、輸入が約68 兆1,100 億円となり、収支はマイナス2 兆5,600 億円と暦年ベースで1980年以来31 年ぶりの赤字となった(第2-4-1-1 図参照)。例文帳に追加

As to Japan’s trade amount in 2011, total exports stood at about 65.55 trillion yen and total imports amounted to about 68.11 trillion yen, thus posting a deficit of 2.56 trillion yen, the first since 1980 (See Figure 2-4-1-1). - 経済産業省


The managers of kangosen (trading vessels between Japan and the Ming in the Muromachi period), such as the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), Shugo daimyo (Japanese territorial lord as provincial constable), namely the Hosokawa clan or Ouchi clan, etc. and temples, collected about a tenth of the total amount of selling prices (the amount converted into Japanese domestic prices) of the imported goods from the traders who had been on board the vessels.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Trade between Japan and Africa increased at an annual rate of 18.8% between 2002 and 2007. However, it lags behind the annual growth rate of 40% between China and Africa, with the export value accounting for approximately 50% of the U.S. and about one-third of China and the import value accounting for approximately one-sixth of the U.S. and about 50% of China. - 経済産業省


Asian countries may face some needs for short-term capital in the course of making progress in their economic reform. To be prepared to meet these needs such as facilitation of trade finance, Japan will set aside US$15 billion in short-term funds which will take the form of swap arrangements.発音を聞く  - 財務省

貿易に占めるFTA 対象国の比率は、従来15.1%と低水準だったが、2011 年7 月に発効されたEU とのFTA により24.6%まで上昇し、更に2012 年3 月に発効された米国とのFTA により33.9%まで上昇した(第3-2-3-10 図)。例文帳に追加

FTA target countries/regions-to-total trade value ratio was as low as 15.1%, but rose to 24.6%because an FTA with the EU entered into force in July 2011, and then rose to 33.9% following an FTA with the U.S. that entered into force in March 2012 (Figure 3-2-3-10). - 経済産業省

まず、輸送機械の中間財貿易については、ではタイの輸入超であり、電気機械と比べると規模は大きくないが、やはりASEAN 各国とのつながりが強いという特徴がみられる。例文帳に追加

As for the trade of intermediate goods of transportation machinery, Thailand has excess of imports over exports in gross figures. Although the scale is smaller than electric machinery, Thailand has characteristically strong ties with ASEAN members. - 経済産業省

中国への進出が多い背景としては、まず、中国が経済的に先行しており、GDP、一人当たりGDP、総貿易額等でインドを引き離していることが挙げられる(コラム第4-1 表)。例文帳に追加

The reasons for major expansion into China are that China is an economical precedent and that China is superior to India in GDP, per capita GDP and the total trade amount (see Column Table 4-1). - 経済産業省


The total amount of sales of services exported from the United States and services sold in overseas markets by foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies amounts to approximately US$1 trillion every year, which indicates that the service trade assumes an important share of the economy of the United States. - 経済産業省


The Bohai Sea Rim Economic Circle refers to the two municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin and the three provinces of Heibei, Liaoning, and Shandong in North China and surrounding Bohai in the northeastern region. It is one major economic zone accounting for 17.5% of China's total population, 23.3% of GDP, 23.6% of the number of foreign affiliates, and 20.9% of total foreign trade (Table 2.2.6). - 経済産業省


The GCC region accounts for over 75% (2005) of Japan's raw petroleum  imports, and the aggregate export amount from Japan thereto is over 1.4 trillion yen. It is important to form and maintain a friendly relationship (including an economic relationship) between the countries from the viewpoint of Japan's energy security and expansion of trade. - 経済産業省


The economic trade industrial park to be developed plans to accommodate downstream industriesmainly mining and metallurgical companies under the umbrella of the state-run firmas well as food and pharmaceutical companies and a hospital. It plans to bring approximately 60 Chinese firms into the fold, representing a total investment of US$800 million. - 経済産業省

さらに、最終財の組立加工・輸出拠点となっている中国に関しては、域内からの中間財の輸入が大きく伸びている一方で輸出も増加しており、中間財の貿易収支は引き続き赤字であるものの、東アジア域内における中間財輸出に占める中国の割合は拡大傾向にある(第2-2-8 図、第2-2-9 図)。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, China, which has become a base for the assembly and export of finished goods, is importing a substantially larger amount of intermediate goods from within the region, while its export volume, too, is increasing, which means that although China continues to show a deficit in the balance of trade in intermediate goods, the proportion of total exports of intermediate goods within the East Asia region accounted for by China is heading upward (Figure 2-2-8 and Figure 2-2-9). - 経済産業省


In this environment, to promote even more efficient economic activities, to raise productivity, to bring benefits to consumers, and to ensure the surplus for as long as possible, the following efforts become essential: (a) Increase total foreign trade and pursue the benefits of bilateral trade, both imports and exports, not only for the purpose of acquiring foreign currency, (b) Raise productivity by acquiring new technologies and business know-how through greater inward FDI and outward FDI, (c) Make improvements in the international business environment towards liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, thereby making Japan both a “foreign trade country” and aninvestment country.” - 経済産業省

10 第一項第二十三号及び第二十四号に掲げる者に係る届出者の直近日における有価証券の残高並びに同項第二十五号に掲げる者に係る届出者の資本金若しくは出資の又は基金のを本邦通貨に換算する場合には、同項第二十三号から第二十五号までに規定する届出の時における外国為替相場(外国為替及び外国貿易法第七条第一項に規定する基準外国為替相場又は裁定外国為替相場をいう。)によるものとする。例文帳に追加

(10) The conversion of the balance of Securities held by the Notifier for persons as listed in items (xxiii) and (xxiv) of paragraph (1) at the Latest Date, and the conversion of the amount of the stated capital or the contribution, or the total amount of the funds of the Notifier for a person as listed in item (xxv) of that paragraph, into Japanese currency shall be made by using the exchange rate (meaning the Basic Exchange Rate or the Arbitrated Exchange Rate as prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act) at the time of a notification under any of items (xxiii) to (xxv) inclusive of that paragraph.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Mr. Kuroda, the president of ADB, said at the 42nd ADB annual general meeting, that, “For the purpose of reducing the impacts of the financial crisis, it is important to emphasize increasing demand in Asia. It is necessary to support infrastructure for production networks and supply chains in Asia.” Mr. Kuroda also pointed out thatit is necessary to establish seamless infrastructure investment across Asia, and to promote intra-Asian trade.” ADB has prepared an investigation report remarking the necessity for investment of $8 trillion for the improvement of international infrastructures in Asia and $2.9 trillion for improvement of regional infrastructures during the period from 2010 to 2020, averaging $750 billion per annum. - 経済産業省







Total trade value








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