





該当件数 : 68



At the same time, the subjective and objective aspects of the rights infringement should also be considered to comprehensively determine whether the "abuse of right" principle should be applied.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


To detect and prevent a fraud performed with the relation between a winning mode and the number of paid-out tokens retained in a normal state. - 特許庁


Therefore, none of the models discussed herein will constitute unfair competition against technological protection measures.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


The copyright holder may be, depending on the contents and the mode of use of their copyrighted works, deemed as implicitly permitting such use of copyrighted works.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


If the contractual provisions executed between the right holder and the person offering the programs, etc. referred to in the models discussed herein expressly prohibit the acts of offering programs, etc. specifically referred to in each model, such person offering them shall bear liability for non-performance of contractual obligations and be subject to paying compensation for damages (Article 415 of the Civil Code).発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


In all the models discussed herein, the acts referred to in each model may be held illegal and constitute a tort, because such acts cause damages to the right holder's business activities.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


The alarm notice, for instance, concretely is such performance that the screen of the LCD display is made completely dark or something and the unfair act is suggested in a performance mode different from a normal performance mode. - 特許庁


To fulfill such a player's demand that he/she wants to view a performance mode, and to automatically and appropriately reflect a viewing action in a generation frequency and the degree of the expectation of the performance mode in an actual game. - 特許庁


to make, offer, put on the market or use a product which is the subject-matter of the patent, or to import or stock the product for this purpose, or to dispose with it by another manner;発音を聞く  - 特許庁

第百四条の二 特許権又は専用実施権の侵害に係る訴訟において、特許権者又は専用実施権者が侵害の行為を組成したものとして主張する物又は方法の具体的態様を否認するときは、相手方は、自己の行為の具体的態様を明らかにしなければならない。ただし、相手方において明らかにすることができない相当の理由があるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 104-2 In litigation concerning the infringement of a patent right or an exclusive license, in order to deny the specific conditions of an article or process that a patentee or an exclusive licensee claims as one that composed an act of infringement, the adverse party shall clarify the specific conditions of his/her act; provided, however, that this shall not apply where there exist reasonable grounds preventing the adverse party from so doing.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Although many copyright holders implicitly permit the use of the copyrighted works in a manner normally acceptable for them, the users of such information should be careful not to infringe their copyrights, with discrete consideration of the type and nature of copyrighted works and the purpose and mode of use.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


In one embodiment, the method for interleaving a part of a stream 102 of media frames for transmission over a communication network includes acts of defining a plurality of packets and interleaving the stream of media frames among the plurality of packets. - 特許庁


A game player participates in the game by shooting the game ball and increases expectations for a stopping mode of a special pattern according to the participation performance mode, thereby effectively prompting the game player to shoot the game ball even when the number of stored start memories has reached the upper limit. - 特許庁


To provide a game machine notifying the opening of a front door according to a mode based on a state of a game machine when opening the front door and recognizing whether the opening state of the front door is caused by a fraud or not by the mode of the notification. - 特許庁


As explained in 1. (1) above, in order to conduct an assessment and analysis of the legitimacy and maliciousness of claims by patent holders such as an injunction claim, both (i) subjective; and (ii) objective aspects of the patent holder's claim should be considered, as well as whether and to what extent such claim is legitimate or malicious.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


The pseudo-information generation program is, unlike other models, commonly provided in a highly versatile program universally workable with any software. For this reason, in this model, generally, those wishing to obtain such information need not analyze specific software.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

四 受託者が当該行為をすることが信託の目的の達成のために合理的に必要と認められる場合であって、受益者の利益を害しないことが明らかであるとき、又は当該行為の信託財産に与える影響、当該行為の目的及び態様、受託者の受益者との実質的な利害関係の状況その他の事情に照らして正当な理由があるとき。例文帳に追加

(iv) where, in order to achieve the purpose of the trust, it is considered reasonably necessary for the trustee to carry out said acts, and it is clear that said acts conducted by the trustee will not harm the interests of the beneficiary, or where there are justifiable grounds for the trustee to carry out said acts in light of the impact of said acts on the trust property, the purpose and manner of the acts, the status of a substantial relationship between the trustee and the beneficiary which makes the trustee an interested party, and other relevant circumstances.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(a) 登録標章又は登録標章に類似した標章を,公衆を誤解させ又は標章所有者に損害を生じさせる可能性のある態様で使用し又は製品等に付す行為例文帳に追加

(a) use or affixing of the mark or a sign resembling it in a manner liable to mislead the public or create situations capable of prejudicing the owner of the mark; - 特許庁

電子形式による永久又は一時的な著作物の蓄積を含む、いかなる態様又は形式によるかを問わず、著作物又は録音の1 又は複数の複製物を作成する行為をいう。例文帳に追加

Making one or more exact copies of a work or a sound recording, in any manner or form, including permanent or temporary storage of the work or sound recording in an electronic form発音を聞く  - 特許庁


To provide a highly convenient IC card that ensures high level protection against illegal actions such as counterfeiting, falsification and unauthorized use, and keeps the convenience intact in various modes of use. - 特許庁


To enable a game machine body to vary informing modes by discriminating between the case in which fraudulence is likely performed and the case in which fraudulence is less likely performed and to inform accordingly. - 特許庁


To provide a game machine, enabling a game machine body to give information by discriminating between strong likelihood of fraudulentness and small likelihood thereof to vary informing modes. - 特許庁


This monitoring system S has an RW 66 which monitors fraudulence by utilizing a glass frame tag 40 and an antenna 41 for a glass frame, and an antenna 206 for authentication for switching the configuration of the monitoring to an "authentication mode". - 特許庁


It is not unclear and in question whose and what mode of use shall be considered as use by the licensee (=user) itself.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Therefore, we may reasonably conclude that the act of setting up a link in itself, whether it is in the form of 'Surface Link', 'Deep Link', 'Image Link', 'Frame Link' or 'Inline Link', does not result in the infringement of copyrights.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

第百十四条の二 著作者人格権、著作権、出版権、実演家人格権又は著作隣接権の侵害に係る訴訟において、著作者、著作権者、出版権者、実演家又は著作隣接権者が侵害の行為を組成したもの又は侵害の行為によつて作成されたものとして主張する物の具体的態様を否認するときは、相手方は、自己の行為の具体的態様を明らかにしなければならない。ただし、相手方において明らかにすることができない相当の理由があるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 114-2 In a lawsuit pertaining to an infringement on the moral rights of author, copyright, right of publication, moral rights of performer or neighboring right, when the other party denies the specific conditions of the object which the author, the copyright holder, the holder of the right of publication, the performer or the holder of the neighboring rights, as the case may be, asserts as either constituting such act of infringement or being made by such act of infringement, the other party shall clarify the specific conditions of his acts; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where there are reasonable grounds why the other party cannot make such clarification.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It should be determined on a case-by-case basis under what circumstances the copyright holder is deemed as implicitly permitting such use, taking comprehensively into consideration the type and nature of the work, the purpose and manner of the provision of the information on the internet on the copyright holder's side, and of the act of transmission and duplication on the user's side, and what mode of use would be expected by the copyright holder, and the like.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

第六条 不正競争による営業上の利益の侵害に係る訴訟において、不正競争によって営業上の利益を侵害され、又は侵害されるおそれがあると主張する者が侵害の行為を組成したものとして主張する物又は方法の具体的態様を否認するときは、相手方は、自己の行為の具体的態様を明らかにしなければならない。ただし、相手方において明らかにすることができない相当の理由があるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 6 In a lawsuit for the infringement of business interests by unfair competition, where a person alleging that his/her business interests have been infringed or are likely to be infringed by unfair competition asserts that the act of infringement was constituted by specific conditions of article or process, the adverse party must, in order to deny this allegation, clarify the specific conditions of his/her own act. However, this does not apply when the adverse party has reasonable grounds for not being able to disclose such information.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十六条 育成者権又は専用利用権の侵害に係る訴訟において、育成者権者又は専用利用権者が侵害の行為を組成したものとして主張する種苗、収穫物又は加工品の具体的態様を否認するときは、相手方は、自己の行為の具体的態様を明らかにしなければならない。ただし、相手方において明らかにすることができない相当の理由があるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 36 In litigation pertaining to the infringement of a breeder's right or an exclusive exploitation right, in order to deny the specific conditions of the propagating material, the harvested material or the processed products which the holder of a breeder's right or of an exclusive exploitation right claims as the component of the act of infringement, the opponent shall clarify the specific conditions of his/her act. However, this shall not apply where the opponent has reasonable grounds for being unable to do so.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 この法律において「競争」とは、二以上の事業者がその通常の事業活動の範囲内において、かつ、当該事業活動の施設又は態様に重要な変更を加えることなく次に掲げる行為をし、又はすることができる状態をいう。例文帳に追加

(4) The term "competition" as used in this Act means a state in which two or more entrepreneurs, within the normal scope of their business activities and without making any material change to the facilities for, or kinds of, such business activities, engage in, or are able to engage in, any act listed in the following items.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 権利管理情報を故意に除去し、又は改変する行為(記録又は送信の方式の変換に伴う技術的な制約による場合その他の著作物又は実演等の利用の目的及び態様に照らしやむを得ないと認められる場合を除く。)例文帳に追加

(ii) the act of intentionally removing or modifying rights management information, excluding, however, cases where deemed unavoidable in light of the purpose and the manner of exploiting the work or performance, etc., including cases involving technological constraints accompanying the conversion of recording or transmission systems;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

意匠権の譲渡は,次に掲げる態様により部分的に行うことができる。(a) 登録所有者が実施し又は授権する排他権を有する行為の全部でなく1若しくは複数について,又は(b) 意匠権の存続期間全体に渡らない一部期間について例文帳に追加

An assignment may be partial so as to apply to-- (a) one or more but not all of the acts the registered proprietor has the exclusive right to undertake or authorize, or (b) part but not the whole of the period for which the design right is to subsist. - 特許庁

ライセンスは,次に掲げる態様により部分的に行うことができる。(a) 登録所有者が実施し又は授権する排他権を有する行為の全部ではなく1若しくは複数について,又は(b) 意匠権の存続期間全体に渡らない一部期間について例文帳に追加

A licence may be partial so as to apply to-- (a) one or more but not all of the acts that the registered proprietor has the exclusive right to undertake or authorize, or (b) part but not the whole of the period for which the design right is to subsist. - 特許庁


To diversify a game so as not to spoil the fun of the game and to prevent a fraudulent action to a variable start winning device in such a form that a player does not suffer disadvantages, in a game machine for performing variable display using two variable display means. - 特許庁


To diversify a game so as not to spoil the fun of the game and to prevent a fraudulent action to a variable start winning device in such a form that a player does not suffer disadvantages, in a game machine for performing variable display using two variable display means. - 特許庁


To prevent degradation of the taste of a game by diversifying the game and prevent a fraud to a variable operation-start winning device in a mode as non-inflicting a disadvantage on a player in a game machine executing a variable display by two variable display means. - 特許庁


To prevent degradation of the taste of a game by diversifying the game and prevent a fraud to a special variable winning device in a mode as non-inflicting a disadvantage on a player in a game machine executing a variable display by two variable display means. - 特許庁


If an Auction Operator endorses a particular seller or promotes the sales of a particular seller, or endorses the exhibition of particular goods, the Auction Operator may be held liable in regard to transaction-related problems between users, depending on the form of such endorsement and/or promotion.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


In any model discussed herein, the act of utilizing the software by exploiting the illegally acquired serial data, etc. will not constitute an "act of unauthorized access" under Article 3, Paragraph 2 of the Unauthorized Access Prohibition Act (Law. No. 128 of 1999, "fusei access koui no kinshi nado ni kansuru houritsu" in Japanese), because such act is not conducted "through an electric telecommunication line".発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


However, even where such an ordinary method is employed, for example, if the linked company's trademark is used for the link button without permission of the trademark right holder, the fact of using the trademark, not the act of setting up the link itself, may be regarded as an infringement of the trademark right, depending on the mode of use.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

第七十七条 食品衛生管理者が第四十八条第三項に規定する職務を怠つたときは、当該施設においてその管理に係る食品又は添加物に関し第七十一条から第七十三条までの違反に該当する行為があつた場合において、その行為態様に応じ各本条の罰金刑を科する。ただし、その食品衛生管理者がその行為を行つた者であるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 77 When a food sanitation supervisor has neglected his/her duties under Article 48, paragraph (3), and when there have been acts falling under violations set forth in Articles 71 to 73 with regard to food or additives pertaining to his/her supervision at said facility, he/she shall be punished by a fine as prescribed in the respective Articles in light of the manner of such acts; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the food sanitation supervisor is the person who has committed such acts.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) 当該出願人は,次の場合に限り,何れかの行為に関して本条による手続を提起することができる。 (a) 当該特許が付与された後で,かつ (b) 当該特許が当該出願の公開日に付与されたとしたときに,当該行為が,当該特許のみでなく,登録局がその公開の準備を終える直前に当該出願に含まれていた態様のクレーム(説明及び説明又はクレームにおいて言及された図面に基づいて解釈されたとおりのもの)もまた侵害したことになる場合例文帳に追加

(3) The applicant shall be entitled to bring proceedings by virtue of this section in respect of any act only -- (a) after the patent has been granted; and (b) if the act would, if the patent had been granted on the date of the publication of the application, have infringed not only the patent, but also the claims (as interpreted by the description and any drawings referred to in the description or claims) in the form in which they were contained in the application immediately before the preparations for its publication were completed by the Registry. - 特許庁


The aforementioned cases provide a trend in judicial precedents, they suggest that it is an infringement of portrait rights to photograph (or videotape) another person's image or figure without his/her consent or to utilize the photograph or image (regardless of whether or not it is a static or moving image, hereinafter the same). However, they also provide that such acts may be permitted if the infringement of the portrait rights of the person appearing therein is within the scope he/she should reasonably tolerate. Whether these acts are permitted shall be determined after comprehensive consideration of the circumstances such as the necessity of such photographing, the extent of such infringement in light of the purpose and method for which the photograph is utilized, the relationship between the object matter and the user of the photograph or image in question.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


第十五条 使用者が労働者を懲戒することができる場合において、当該懲戒が、当該懲戒に係る労働者の行為の性質及び態様その他の事情に照らして、客観的に合理的な理由を欠き、社会通念上相当であると認められない場合は、その権利を濫用したものとして、当該懲戒は、無効とする。例文帳に追加

Article 15 In cases where an employer may take disciplinary action against a worker, if such disciplinary action lacks objectively reasonable grounds and is not found to be appropriate in general societal terms in light of the characteristics and mode of the act committed by the worker pertaining to such disciplinary action and any other circumstances, such disciplinary order shall be treated as an abuse of right and be invalid.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム







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