blooperとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 大失敗、どじ、ポテンヒット、テキサスヒット
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blooperの学習レベル | レベル:19 |
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The pinch hitter dropped a blooper in front of the left fielder.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
代打者はレフト前にぽてんヒットを打った. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
No,i'm looking at the nightstand, and all I see are a few stray hairs and this sports blooper dvd you thought would cheer me up.例文帳に追加
ランプなら見てるわよ、でもココにあるのは 抜け毛数本と あなたが元気付けにくれた スポーツng集dvdだけ。 - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
No,i'm looking at the nightstand, and all I see are a few stray hairs and this sports blooper dvd you thought would cheer me up.例文帳に追加
ランプなら見てるわよ、でもココにあるのは 抜け毛数本と あなたが元気付けにくれた スポーツNG集DVDだけ。 - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
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Wiktionary英語版での「blooper」の意味 |
- (informal) A blunder, an error.
- 1996 November, Richard Lederer, “Introduction”, in Fractured English: A Pleasury of Bloopers and Blunders, Fluffs and Flubs, and Gaffes and Goofs, 1st trade paperback edition, New York, N.Y.: Pocket Books, →ISBN, page xv:
- Why do my readers and informants so delight in bloopers and boo-boos, fluffs and flubs, and goofs and gaffes? […] The humor in bloopers lies, in part, in the listener's awareness of the speaker's vulnerability. It is the very artlessness of linguistic lapses that makes them so endearing and makes us feel superior.
- 2000, Jeff Johnson, “Responsiveness Bloopers”, in Diane D. Cerra, editor, GUI Bloopers: Don’ts and Do’s for Software Developers and Web Designers, San Francisco, Calif.: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, →ISBN, page 368:
- This chapter describes the most common responsiveness bloopers and explains why developers commit them. It is organized differently from the other bloopers chapters of this book because responsiveness bloopers are all closely related to one another; they are all really variations on the same underlying blooper, with the same underlying reasons and solutions.
- (baseball, slang) A fly ball that is weakly hit just over the infielders. [19th c.]
- (film, informal) A filmed or videotaped outtake that has recorded an amusing accident and/or mistake.
- 1921 December 31, “WLK”, in David J. Bodenhamer and Robert G[raham] Barrows, with the assistance of David G[ordon] Vanderstel, editors, The Encyclopedia of Indianapolis, Bloominton, Indianapolis, Ind.: Indiana University Press, published 1994, →ISBN, page 1399, column 2:
- WLK. First radio station. On December 31, 1921, local engineer Francis F. Hamilton's radio station, 9ZJ, signed on with an address from Mayor Samuel (Lew) Shank. Broadcasting from Hamilton's garage at 2011 North Alabama Street, Shank made the city's first radio blooper: "Hamilton, do you mean to tell me that people can actually hear me over that damn' dingus?"
- 1963 August 24, “Some Goof: Success through Mistakes”, in Lee Zhito, editor, Billboard: The International Music-record Newsweekly, volume 75, number 34, Cincinnati, Oh.: The Billboard Publishing Company, →OCLC, page 7, columns 1 and 3:
- The 10th anniversary of the Kermit Schafer Blooper LP's on Jubilee will be marked by a brand-new blooper LP called "Washington Bloopers." Set is the 12th in the blooper series which started in 1953. […] Schafer's blooper packages have become so popular that he has formed a Blooper Snooper Club. Members of the club get prizes for blooper contributions, and it will soon have a monthly newsletter.
- (nautical) A gaff-rigged fore-and-aft sail set from and aft of the aftmost mast of a square-rigged ship; a spanker.
- (US, dated) A radio which interferes with other radios, causing them to bloop (squeal loudly). [from 1926]
- 1925 March, Zeh Bouck, “A Great Two-tube Receiver: Complete Instructions for Building a Compact and Efficient Radio Receiving Set which Gives Wonderfully Satisfactory Results”, in Boys’ Life: The Magazine for All Boys, volume XV, number 3, [Irving, Tx.]: Boy Scouts of America, →OCLC, page 51, column 2:
- Upon close tickler coupling, the detector tube will oscillate, in which condition the tuning of DX will be faciliated. At such times the amount of energy radiated from the antenna is negligible, and does not interfere with reception or neighboring devices. This Roberts set is, therefore, not a "blooper."
- (US, military, slang) The Vietnam-era M79 grenade launcher (due to its distinctive report).
- (filmed または videotaped outtake): gag reel (“compilation of outtakes”)
- ^ “blooper”, in Lexico,; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.
Further reading
- blooper on Wikipedia.
- blooper (disambiguation) on Wikipedia.
- spanker (sail) on Wikipedia.
- probole
Weblio例文辞書での「blooper」に類似した例文 |
a paste-pot
a plaything with which one trifles for pleasure
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